Latest Updates
Dated | Description | |
31.01.2025 | Regarding Higher Qualification Allowance Order No.Estt. (RJS)-20-2025 Dated 31.01.2025 | |
31.01.2025 | Regarding Higher Qualification Allowance Order No.Estt. (RJS)-19-2025 Dated 31.01.2025 | |
31.01.2025 | Regarding Higher Qualification Allowance Order No.Estt. (RJS)-18-2025 Dated 31.01.2025 | |
31.01.2025 | Regarding Higher Qualification Allowance Order No.Estt. (RJS)-17-2025 Dated 31.01.2025 | |
31.01.2025 | Regarding Higher Qualification Allowance Order No.Estt. (RJS)-16-2025 Dated 31.01.2025 | |
31.01.2025 | Regarding Higher Qualification Allowance Order No.Estt. (RJS)-15-2025 Dated 31.01.2025 | |
31.01.2025 | Regarding Higher Qualification Allowance Order No.Estt. (RJS)-14-2025 Dated 31.01.2025 | |
31.01.2025 | Notice regarding declaration of dates for Main and Written Examination of DJC 2024 | |
31.01.2025 | Notification dated 31.01.2025 regarding vacancies in Civil Judge Cadre for the year 2025 | |
30.01.2025 | Order No Estt-HC-2025-35 Dated 30-01-2025 Regarding Recruitment To The Post Of Junior Judicial Assistant | |
29.01.2025 | Supply of Office Furniture Items | |
27.01.2025 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt. (RJS)/12/2025 Dated 27.01.2025. | |
27.01.2025 | Name of Eligible Officer Provisionally Allowed For Limited Competitive Examination in the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
27.01.2025 | List of eligible candidates to appear in the Main Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2024 | |
27.01.2025 | List of candidates whose candidature has been rejected for the reasons indicated against their names for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2024 | |
24.01.2025 | Notice regarding swearing-in-ceremony to be held on 27.01.2025 | |
23.01.2025 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2025 | |
21.01.2025 | Abridged Advertisement | |
18.01.2025 | NOTICE No I/A(iii)(a)(1)72-2023 Dated 18-01-2025 - Regarding ten days extension for join duties on the post of Junior Personal Assistant Of Govind Narayan Meena | |
18.01.2025 | Advertisement for Joint Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District courts and DLSAs 2025 | |
17.01.2025 | Corrigendum cum Clarification Regarding Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Computer Peripherals and Electronic Devices for Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan, High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur under E-Court Project Phase-III Dated 17.01.2025 - NIT No. HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-77 Dated 21.12.2024 | |
17.01.2025 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt. (RJS)/09/2025 Dated 17.01.2025. | |
16.01.2025 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates of NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-77 Dated 21-12-2024 for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance Of Various Types of Computer Hardware and Software items at Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan, High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur under E-Court Project Phase-III | |
16.01.2025 | Notice for declaration of Final Result of 01 candidate for direct recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 in compliance of order of Honorable Court | |
15.01.2025 | ORDER No Estt-HC-2025-18 Dated 15-01-2025 Regarding Ms Richa Sharma for her appointment to the post of Library Restorer is hereby cancelled with immediate effect | |
15.01.2025 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
14.01.2025 | Notice regarding defect(s) found after scrutiny of documents related to Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2024 | |
14.01.2025 | Order No Estt-HC-2024-13 Dated 14-01-2025 Regarding Shri Dhanraj Jajoria declared successful in the recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Hindi | |
10.01.2025 | Order No Estt-(RJS)-08-2025 Dated 09-01-2025 REGARDING ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION | |
10.01.2025 | Order No Estt-(RJS)-07-2025 Dated 09-01-2025 REGARDING ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION | |
10.01.2025 | Order No Estt-(RJS)-06-2025 Dated 09-01-2025 REGARDING ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION | |
10.01.2025 | Regarding Mandatory e-Filing | |
09.01.2025 | Notice regarding Recruitment to the post of Class IV Employees for District Courts and DLSAs 2019 | |
09.01.2025 | Open Bid for the Supply of the Misc. Items at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
07.01.2025 | Notice regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule of Interviews for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
06.01.2025 | NIT NO HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25/79 dated 04-01-2025 for supply of Kyocer Printer Tonner Cartridge TK1158 at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur through Single Source Procurement System | |
06.01.2025 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-78 Dated 04-01-2025 for annual rate contract for stitching of liveries for chauffeur Ushar and Class IV employee of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
04.01.2025 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt. (RJS)/02/2025 Dated 04.01.2025. | |
03.01.2025 | Regarding - Government Order dated 02.01.2025 removing Shri Laxmikant Vaishnav from Rajasthan Judicial Service | |
03.01.2025 | Bids for private photostat machine for doing photostat work at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
21.12.2024 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-77 Dated 21-12-2024 for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance Of Various Types of Computer Hardware and Software items at Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan, High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur under E-Court Project Phase-III | |
21.12.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25/76 Dated 21-12-2024 for taking services of cook on Job basis at establishment of Rajasthan High Court | |
20.12.2024 | Regarding National Lok Adalat 21-12-2024 Postpone Information | |
20.12.2024 | Notice regarding declaration of Result of type writing test on computer for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
19.12.2024 | Gen/II/15/2024/1882 | |
17.12.2024 | Order dated 16.12.2024 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in the vacant court. | |
16.12.2024 | Format regarding representations for transfer/posting of Judicial Officers. | |
16.12.2024 | Order No. Estt(RJS)/164/2024 Dated 16.12.2024 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in the vacant court. | |
11.12.2024 | Procurement of Furniture Items through Open Bidding | |
10.12.2024 | Detailed Advertisement for the posts of Court Master (Shorthand) Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant in the Registry of Supreme Court of India | |
10.12.2024 | Gen/II/12/2024/1801 | |
10.12.2024 | Gen/II/12/2024/1800 | |
10.12.2024 | Gen/II/12/2024/1799 | |
10.12.2024 | Gen/II/12/2024/1798 | |
10.12.2024 | Gen/II/12/2024/1797 | |
09.12.2024 | All the presiding officers to strictly comply with the direction passed by Honble Supreme Court in Miscellaneous Application No. 2034/2022 in MA 1849/2021 in SLP Crl. No. 5191/2021. | |
09.12.2024 | Declaration of result of Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
09.12.2024 | Final Answer Key of question paper of all the four series relating to Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
07.12.2024 | Instructions for the selected candidates of Civil Judge Examination-2024 | |
05.12.2024 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-73 Dated 3-12-2024 for supply and installation of 35 number of Cisco WebEx license | |
04.12.2024 | Notice No I-A(iii)(a)(1)52-2024 Dated 04-12-2024 Regarding Richa Sharma To Join Duties Within Ten days From The Receipt Of Notice | |
04.12.2024 | Order No ESTT-HC-2024-550 Dated 04-12-2024 Regarding Shri Mukesh Dhaka For Appointment To The Post Of Reference Assistant And Library Restorer Is Hereby Canceled With Immediate Effect | |
04.12.2024 | Order No ESTT-HC-2024-551 Dated 04-12-2024 Regarding Extension Of Three Months To Shri Ajay Kumar For Joining His Duties On The Post Of Library Restorer | |
04.12.2024 | Order No ESTT-HC-2024-550 Dated 04-12-2024 Regarding Extension Of Three Months To Shri Adarsh Pastor For Joining His Duties On The Post Of Library Restorer | |
04.12.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt. (RJS)/156/2024 Dated 04.12.2024. | |
03.12.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Kisalaya Singh as Legal Researcher | |
03.12.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Neetu Singh as Legal Researcher | |
03.12.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Abijeet Vaishnav as Legal Researcher | |
03.12.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Jyotika Rajpurohit as Legal Researcher | |
29.11.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Departmental Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2024 | |
29.11.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2024 | |
28.11.2024 | NIB for binding/rebinding of law books and magazines | |
28.11.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Kaifi Abid as Legal Researcher | |
27.11.2024 | Result of Interview held on 27-11-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable the Chief Justice | |
27.11.2024 | Advertisement for Departmental Recruitment to the Post of Translator, 2024 | |
27.11.2024 | Tender for rate contract for the supply of the Photocopier and Judgement Paper Ream at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
27.11.2024 | Advertisement for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Translator, 2024 | |
26.11.2024 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks for Junior Personal Assistant (Hindi), 2024 | |
25.11.2024 | Notice regarding Model Answer Key of question paper of all the series of the Preliminary Examination for Recruitment to the District Judge Cadre, 2024 | |
25.11.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.11.2024 | Notification | |
22.11.2024 | Notification | |
22.11.2024 | Notification | |
21.11.2024 | 9-E.V. - 2024 -Notification of G.H and R.H for the year 2025 for Civil Courts | |
21.11.2024 | 8-E.V. - 2024 -Notification of G.H and R.H for the year 2025 for Rajasthan High Court | |
20.11.2024 | Vacancy Circular Of Selection For The Posts Of Presiding Officer In Central Government Industrial Tribunal-Cum-Labour-Court | |
20.11.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Tania Issar as Legal Researcher | |
20.11.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Kannagi Bhatnagar as Legal Researcher | |
19.11.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt. (RJS)/154/2024 Dated 19.11.2024. | |
18.11.2024 | Result of Interview held on 18-11-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Farjand Ali | |
18.11.2024 | NIT No. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/70 DATED 18-11-2024 regarding printing and supply of 1200 number of Rajasthan High Court Book (As per sample) at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
18.11.2024 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates, technical specification and other conditions of NIT NO. HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-66 Date 21-10-2024 for the supply, installation and maintenance of various type of hardware items at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
18.11.2024 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates, technical specification and other condition of NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-65 Date 21-10-2024 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 7886 NUMBER of LAN NODES at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
18.11.2024 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates, technical specification and other condition of NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25/64 Date 21-10-2024 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 44 number of 7.5 KVA DG Set at Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan | |
16.11.2024 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/69 DATED 14-11-2024 NIT for Printing of High Court and Civil Courts Calendar for year 2025 Wall Calendar, Table Calendar and Standing Table Calendar | |
13.11.2024 | Regarding Order No.06-Misc-2024 Dated-24-09-2024 | |
12.11.2024 | Limited tender for purchasing of Bata Shoes and Bata Nylon Socks. | |
12.11.2024 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates NIT NO. HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-66 Date 21-10-2024 for the supply, installation and maintenance of various type of hardware items at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
12.11.2024 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-65 Date 21-10-2024 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 7886 NUMBER of LAN NODES at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
12.11.2024 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates of NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25/64 Date 21-10-2024 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 44 number of 7.5 KVA DG Set at Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan | |
11.11.2024 | Listing Policy for Subordinate courts | |
11.11.2024 | Bid for Electric and Electronic Items | |
08.11.2024 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 14-12-2024 | |
08.11.2024 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
08.11.2024 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
08.11.2024 | Result of Interview held on 08-11-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Sudesh Bansal | |
07.11.2024 | Relieving order No. Estt.(RJS)/150/2024 Dated 07.11.2024 of Shri Mohan Lal Jat (RHJS). | |
07.11.2024 | Corrigendum to Final Result notice dated 27 Oct 2024 for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
05.11.2024 | Notice regarding availing Scribe facilities for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
05.11.2024 | Corrigendum to Abridge Advertisement No RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2024/957 dated 25.04.2024 | |
04.11.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Anjali as Legal Researcher | |
30.10.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-68 Dated-29-10-2024 for procurement of translation services for translation of judgments of Honble Supreme Court and Honble Rajasthan High Court | |
27.10.2024 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/RJS/CJC/2024/3249 dated 27-10-2024 Final Result of Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
25.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt. (RJS)/147/2024 Dated 25.10.2024. | |
25.10.2024 | Govt. Order dated 25.10.2024 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers as Principal Magistrates in the vacant Juvenile Justice Boards in addition to their own duties. | |
25.10.2024 | Order regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant Gram Nyayalayas in addition to their own duties. | |
24.10.2024 | Order regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant Family Courts in addition to their own duties. | |
23.10.2024 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/146/2024 Dated 23.10.2024 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts in addition to their own duties. | |
22.10.2024 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-67 DATED 22-10-2024 for Annual Rate Contract for work of Laundry Ironing Dry Cleaning Services for Curtains Pillow Covers Towels Napkin Sofa Set cusion cover etc at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
21.10.2024 | NIT No.HC/SK/Procurement/2024-25/66 Date 21.10.2024 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 50 Scanner, 100 Camera, 50 Printer, 50 Document Visualizer, 100 Speaker n MIC, 124 Projector, 124 Kiosk, 35 Hard Disk, 124 UPS 2 KVA, 182 MFD Printer, 182 Extra Monitor, 182 Display Monitor, 273 UPS 500VA, 91 Microphone cum Speaker, 91 PTZ Camera, 91 Display Unit at Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan | |
21.10.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-65 Date 21.10.2024 for the supply,installation and maintenance of 7886 NUMBER of LAN NODES at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
21.10.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-64 Date 21-10-2024 for the supply,installation and maintenance of 44 number of 7.5 KVA DG Set at Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan under E-Court Project Phase-III | |
21.10.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
20.10.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-62 for the supply installation and maintenance of 855 number of Cooler for use of Subordinate Court of Rajasthan | |
19.10.2024 | Corrigendum No 295 dated 19-10-2024 for NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2024-25-56 Dated 26-09-2024 Bids for the supply,installation and maintenance of 431 number of AIO Desktop Computers, 431 number of Printers, 431 Number of UPS and 103 number of Scanners at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench,Jaipur | |
18.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/143/2024 Dated 18.10.2024. | |
17.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/142/2024 Dated 17.10.2024. | |
17.10.2024 | Order No-Estt-HC-2024-471 Dated 17-10-2024 Regarding Declared Successful in the Recruitment to the Post of Reference Assistant and Library Restorer as probationer Trainee | |
17.10.2024 | Tender for the supply of Unomax Matiz Pens and Unomax Matiz Refill at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
17.10.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-61 DATED 15-10-2024 for Annual Rate Contract for supply of Office Stationery Items at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
16.10.2024 | Bid for private photostat machine for doing photostat work at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
16.10.2024 | The bid of private photostat machine for doing photostat work at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur has been cancelled due to indispensable reasons. | |
16.10.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Anushka Agarwal as Legal Researcher | |
15.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/141/2024 Dated 15.10.2024. | |
14.10.2024 | Notice Regarding Supplementary Causelist of Jodhpur Dated 15.10.2024 | |
14.10.2024 | Notice Regarding Supplementary Causelist Dated 15.10.2024 | |
12.10.2024 | Notice E-V/07/2024 Regarding Holiday on Monday 14th October 2024 On Account Of Sad Demise Of Honble Mr Justice Rajendra Prakash Soni Judge Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
12.10.2024 | Notice Regarding Condolence Reference on Tuesday 15th October 2024 At 3-45 PM In The Memory Of Late Honble Mr Justice Rajendra Prakash Soni Judge Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
12.10.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Ankita Jangid as Legal Researcher | |
11.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/140/2024 Dated 11.10.2024. | |
10.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/139/2024 Dated 10.10.2024. | |
10.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/138/2024 Dated 10.10.2024. | |
09.10.2024 | LIB-XXIV-I-B-2024-25-266 DATED 07-10-2024 TENDER REGARDING BOOKS BINDING WORK | |
09.10.2024 | Result of Interview held on 26-09-2024 and 27-09-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Sameer Jain | |
09.10.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
08.10.2024 | Bids for private photostat machine for doing Photostat work at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
08.10.2024 | Result of Interview held on 30-09-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Ms Justice Rekha Borana | |
08.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/136/2024 Dated 08.10.2024. | |
07.10.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Sukirti as Legal Researcher | |
07.10.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Pratibha Bhati as Legal Researcher | |
04.10.2024 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks of Main Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
04.10.2024 | Notice regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule of Interviews for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
04.10.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/135/2024 Dated 04.10.2024. | |
01.10.2024 | Regarding Rajasthan Electronic Processes,Issuance, Service and Execution rules, 2024. | |
01.10.2024 | Notice for declaration of result of Main Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
30.09.2024 | Result of Interview held on 30-09-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for e Law Reports works | |
30.09.2024 | Tender for the Supply of Unomax Matiz Pen Unomax Matiz Refill | |
27.09.2024 | Procurement of the Three Seater Bench at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
27.09.2024 | Revised Bench Detail of Third National Lok Adalat Date 28.09.2024 | |
27.09.2024 | Bench Detail of Third National Lok Adalat Date 28.09.2024 | |
27.09.2024 | HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-56 DATED 26-09-2024 Bids for the supply, installation and maintenance of 431 number of AIO Desktop Computers, 431 number of Printers, 431 Number of UPS and 103 number of Scanners at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur | |
26.09.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in the vacant Industrial Tribunal cum Labour Court, Bharatpur. | |
26.09.2024 | Result of Interview held on 26-09-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Manoj Kumar Garg | |
25.09.2024 | Order regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant Juvenile Justice Boards in addition to their own duties. | |
25.09.2024 | Result of Interview held on 18-09-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr Justice Pushpendra Singh Bhati | |
25.09.2024 | Orders regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts in addition to their own duties. | |
24.09.2024 | NIT HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-55 DATED 24-09-2024 for supply of 145 pairs of Bata Shoes Black No.831-6471 and 145 pairs of Bata Nylon Socks Quality No.911-1203 at Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur | |
24.09.2024 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/132/2024 Dated 24.09.2024 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts in addition to their own duties. | |
24.09.2024 | Appointment Order For The Post Of Juinor Personal Assistant | |
24.09.2024 | Procurement of Split A. C. through Limited Bidding | |
23.09.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/131/2024 Dated 23.09.2024. | |
21.09.2024 | Bids for private photostat machine for doing Photostat work at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
21.09.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Parul Sharma as Legal Researcher | |
18.09.2024 | Result of Interview held on 13-09-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Dinesh Mehta | |
17.09.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Charu Panwar as Legal Researcher | |
17.09.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Subodh Asthana as Legal Researcher | |
12.09.2024 | Result of Interview held on 31-08-2024 and 08-09-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Shree Chandrashekhar | |
09.09.2024 | Result of Interview held on 07-09-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Uma Shanker Vyas | |
02.09.2024 | NIT No. 53 Dated 02.09.2024 Regarding Car Accessories | |
02.09.2024 | Forwarding of Detailed Advertisement for the post of Junior Court Attendant (Cooking Knowing) | |
02.09.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
28.08.2024 | Rajasthan Electronic Processes (Issuance, Service and Execution) Rules, 2024. | |
27.08.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.08.2024 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 28-09-2024 | |
20.08.2024 | Notice regarding Declaration of date for holding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
20.08.2024 | Notice regarding submission of visible photo signature Identity proof for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
20.08.2024 | Notice regarding deletion of duplicate online application forms of Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
16.08.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/125/2024 Dated 16.08.2024. | |
16.08.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Riya Saxena as Legal Researcher | |
16.08.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Nikita Rajpurohit as Legal Researcher | |
16.08.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
14.08.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/121/2024 Dated 14.08.2024. | |
12.08.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/120/2024 Dated 12.08.2024. | |
12.08.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Aman Garg as Legal Researcher | |
12.08.2024 | Information letter regarding RSLSA and DLSA. | |
12.08.2024 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Main Examination for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
12.08.2024 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Main Examination for Direct recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
08.08.2024 | NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-52 DATED 08-08-2024 for repairting of SOFA and CHAIR available at C-04, PWD Colony, Jodhpur | |
07.08.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Prakhya Kachhawaha as Legal Researcher | |
07.08.2024 | Notice regarding cancellation of candidature along with result of 1 candidate for Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
07.08.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/119/2024 Dated 07.08.2024 | |
05.08.2024 | NIT HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-50 DATED 03-08-2024 for supply of Ornamental Plants Plant Pots with Tray at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
05.08.2024 | Result of Interview held on 03-08-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Anoop Kumar Dhand | |
05.08.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/118/2024 Dated 05.08.2024. | |
03.08.2024 | Result of Interview held on 03-08-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Rajendra Prakash Soni | |
03.08.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Arpit Saxena as Legal Researcher | |
02.08.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/117/2024 Dated 02.08.2024. | |
01.08.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/116/2024 Dated 01.08.2024. | |
31.07.2024 | Order No Estt-HC-2024-368 Dated 31-7-24 Regarding Following Candidate Declared Successful In The Recruitment To The Post Of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi | |
31.07.2024 | Standing Order No 22.SO.2024 Dated 30.07.2024 | |
31.07.2024 | Result of Interview held on 16-07-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr Justice Nupur Bhati | |
29.07.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Divya Modi as Legal Researcher | |
29.07.2024 | Vacancy circular for the post of Judicial Member in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) | |
27.07.2024 | Corrigendum to result notice dated 15 July 2024 regarding Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
26.07.2024 | Result of Interview held on 29-05-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Arun Monga | |
26.07.2024 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/112/2024 Dated 26.07.2024 regarding additional appointment of Shri Raman Kumar Sharma in ASCJ-cum-ACJM No. 2, Nagar (Bharatpur) in addition to his own duties. | |
23.07.2024 | Notice regarding availing Scribe facilities for Main Examination to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
23.07.2024 | NOTICE regarding Submission of proof of acquiring requisite Educational Qualification for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
23.07.2024 | Date and Time schedule for holding Main Examination to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
23.07.2024 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
23.07.2024 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
22.07.2024 | Corrigendum No 182 dated 02-03-2024 for NIT No. HC-SK-Procurement/-2024-25-30 Dated 16-07-2024 Bids for Printing and Supply of 1500 number of Souvenir Book at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
22.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/42 DATED 24-07-2024 NIT for setup of Waterproof Tent including dais and chairs along with Hi-Tea area (as per approved details) at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
22.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCURMENT-2024-25/41 DATED 22-07-2024 for Supply of 250 number of Solid wooden framed SAMMAN/AABHAR PATRA at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
22.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/40 DATED 22-07-2024 for supply of 09 number of Corelle Living Ware Series Lilac Blush Dinner Sets (30 PCs.) at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
22.07.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
20.07.2024 | NIT NO.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/39 DATED 20-07-2024 NIT for Establishment of Museum at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
20.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-37 DATED 19-07-2024 NIT for Supply of 250 number of Raymond Home Prakriti Showl 100 percent wool at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
20.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/36 DATED 19-07-2024 NIT for Supply of 3000 number of Wooden Like Frame with framing work at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
18.07.2024 | NIT NO.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-33 DATED 18-07-2024 NIT for annual rate contract for supply of Photocopier Paper ream and Judgement Paper ream at rajasthan high court, Jodhpur | |
18.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-32 DATED 18-07-2024 IT for purchase of 1178 Metre Maur Suiting Quality No.150299 850 Mtr. White Colour and 328 Mtr. Smoke Grey Colour for use of Ushar, Chauffeur and Class IV employee postated at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur | |
18.07.2024 | NIT NO.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/31 DATED 18-07-2024 NIT for supply of 145 pairs of Bata Shoes Black No.831-6471 and 145 pairs of Bata Nylon Socks Quality No.911-1203 at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
18.07.2024 | Result of Interview held on 03-07-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr. Justice Pushpendra Singh Bhati | |
18.07.2024 | Norification No Esst. RJS-109-2024 Dated 18-07-2024 | |
16.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-30 DATED 16-07-2024 NIT for Printing and Supply of 1500 number of Souvenir Book at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
16.07.2024 | NIT NO.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-29 dated 16-07-2024 Tender for Annual Rate Contract for the Supply of Unomax Matiz Pen and Unomax Matiz Refill at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
16.07.2024 | NIT NO.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25/28 DATED 16-07-2024 for purchase of one number of Quadient Franking Machine Model IS420 10KG WP from Xiphi Insights Private Limited Single Source Tender | |
16.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMNT-2024-25/27 DATED 16-07-2024 for purchase of 200 number of Monoblock chair (Plastic) for use of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
16.07.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-26 DATED 16-07-2024 for Annual Rate Contract for purchase of various Type of tube and Tyre/Tubeless tyre for use of office vehicle at Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur | |
16.07.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
15.07.2024 | Advertisement for Legal researcher - Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority | |
15.07.2024 | Declaration of result of Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
15.07.2024 | Final Answer Key of question paper of all the four series relating to Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
15.07.2024 | Final Result along with schedule for document verification of Joint recruitment to the post of Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
15.07.2024 | Final Answer Key of question paper of all the four series of Written Test for Joint Recruitment to the post of Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
11.07.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Aman Gunawat as Legal Researcher | |
11.07.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Tanisha Singh as Legal Researcher | |
10.07.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Shri Ashwani Vij in Industrial Tribunal, Jaipur Metropolitan-II in addition to his own duties.. | |
09.07.2024 | Corrigendum to Notification for Recruitment by promotion to the Cadre of District Judge through Limited Competitive Examination 2024 | |
09.07.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in the vacant Family Courts. | |
09.07.2024 | Notification for Direct Recruitment to the cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
09.07.2024 | Notification for Recruitment by promotion to the Cadre of District Judge through Limited Competitive Examination 2024 | |
09.07.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2024 | |
09.07.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge Through Limited Competitive Examination 2024 | |
09.07.2024 | List of eligible officers of senior Civil Judge cadre to appear in Limited Competitive Examination 2024 | |
08.07.2024 | Bench Detail of Second National Lok Adalat Date 13.07.2024 | |
08.07.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Ms. Alka Sharma, as Judge, Spl. Court, POCSO Act Cases No. 1, Merta in addition to her own duties. | |
08.07.2024 | Relieving order No. Estt.(RJS)/103/2024 Dated 08.07.2024 of Shri Anil Kaushik, Registrar (Writs), Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
06.07.2024 | Result of Interview held on 06-07-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Ganesh Ram Meena | |
05.07.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
03.07.2024 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2024-25-18 DATED 02-07-2024 Bids for hiring service of Mr.Ramchandra Rajpuohit Retired Assistant Registrar at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur on pay minus pension | |
02.07.2024 | NIT No HC-SK-AUCTION-2024-25-17 DATED 02-07-2024 Bid for the operation of Canteen Restaurant at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
02.07.2024 | Notification No.F.1(14)Nayay/2024 Dated 01.07.2024 | |
02.07.2024 | Standing Order No 19.SO.2024 Dated 01.07.2024 | |
02.07.2024 | Standing Order No 18.SO.2024 Dated 01.07.2024 | |
01.07.2024 | Regarding nomenclature of the courts and designations of Judicial Magistrate of Jodhpur Metropolitan, Jaipur Metropolitan-I and Jaipur Metropolitan-II | |
01.07.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/100/2024 Dated 01.07.2024 of Shri Bharat Bhushan Sharma. | |
29.06.2024 | Result of Interview held on 29-06-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Vinit Kumar Mathur | |
29.06.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/97/2024 Dated 29.06.2024. | |
25.06.2024 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 13-07-2024 | |
25.06.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
25.06.2024 | Notice regarding Model Answer Key of question paper of all the series of the Written Test of Recruitment to the post of Reference Assistant and Library Restorer, 2024 | |
25.06.2024 | Notice regarding Model Answer Key of question paper of all the series of the Preliminary Examination for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre, 2024 | |
18.06.2024 | Standing Order No 17.SO.2024 Dated 15.06.2024 | |
18.06.2024 | Standing Order No 16.SO.2024 Dated 15.06.2024 | |
11.06.2024 | Abridged Advertisement along with Scheme for Engagement of Research Scholars. | |
07.06.2024 | Revised SOP for participating in court proceedings through Cisco Webex | |
07.06.2024 | Regarding e-Filing , Notification no. PA/RG/Misc./2024 | |
07.06.2024 | Notice regarding availing Scribe facilities for Recruitment for Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
06.06.2024 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Recruitment for Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
06.06.2024 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Recruitment for Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
06.06.2024 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks Recruitment for Junior Accountant 2023 | |
05.06.2024 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks Recruitment for System Assistant, 2023 | |
05.06.2024 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Preliminary Examination for Direct recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
05.06.2024 | Notice regarding availing Scribe facilities for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
05.06.2024 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
04.06.2024 | Notice regarding deletion of duplicate online application forms of direct recruitment to the cadre of civil judge 2024 | |
04.06.2024 | Notice regarding rejection of application forms due to non submission of visible photo id proof for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
04.06.2024 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/82/2024 Dated 04.06.2024 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts in addition to their own duties. | |
03.06.2024 | Standing Order No 15.SO.2024 Dated 31.05.2024 | |
02.06.2024 | Corrigendum to Result of Written test for Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
02.06.2024 | Final Result along with schedule for document verification of the recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
02.06.2024 | Notice regarding declaration of Result of Efficiency Test for Promotion to the Post Senior Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer 2024 | |
30.05.2024 | Result of Interview held on 29-05-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Mahendar Kumar Goyal | |
28.05.2024 | Order No. 06-EV-2024 Dated 28-05-2024 | |
28.05.2024 | Order No. 05-EV-2024 dated 28-05-2024 | |
28.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/72/2024 Dated 28.05.2024. | |
25.05.2024 | Result of Interview held on 22-05-2024 and 25-05-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Ms. Justice Rekha Borana | |
25.05.2024 | Notice regarding deletion of duplicate online application forms of direct recruitment to the cadre of civil judge 2024 | |
25.05.2024 | Notice for submitting visible photo signature and or Identity proof for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
25.05.2024 | Notice regarding deletion of duplicate online application forms of recruitment to the post of RA LR 2024 | |
25.05.2024 | Notice for submitting visible photo signature and or Identity proof for joint Recruitment to the post of RA LR 2024 | |
23.05.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Shri Baljit Singh on the post of Registrar (Vigilance), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur in addition to his own duties. | |
23.05.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.05.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in vacant Juvenile Justice Boards in addition to their own duties. | |
22.05.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
21.05.2024 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 13-07-2024 | |
21.05.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in vacant Gram Nyayalayas in addition to their own duties. | |
21.05.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Ms. Deepa Gurjar in MACT, Merta in addition to her own duties. | |
21.05.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in Commercial Court, Sriganganagar in addition to his own duties. | |
21.05.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in vacant Family Courts in addition to their own duties. | |
20.05.2024 | ORDER NO CONF./HCJ/COMMITTEE/2024/22 DATED 18-05-2024 | |
20.05.2024 | Open Bid Notice for Furniture Items | |
18.05.2024 | Notification regarding mandatory e-filing of all types of civil matters w.e.f. 20.05.2024 | |
18.05.2024 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/70/2024 Dated 18.05.2024 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in addition to their own duties in the courts lying vacant in various Judgeships. | |
16.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/68/2024 Dated 16.05.2024. | |
15.05.2024 | Order No.13/S.O./2024 Dated 14-05-2024 Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
14.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/66/2024 Dated 14.05.2024. | |
14.05.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Karan Singh Rautela as Legal Researcher | |
10.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/63/2024 Dated 10.05.2024. | |
10.05.2024 | Instructions for candidates and procedure of Efficiency Test for promotion to the post of Senior Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer 2024 | |
10.05.2024 | Instructions for candidates and procedure of Efficiency Test for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer 2024 | |
09.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/60/2024 Dated 09.05.2024 | |
09.05.2024 | List of Eligible candidates for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer 2024 in Continuation notice of dated 01.05.2024 | |
09.05.2024 | Notice in Continuation of Corrigendum dated 08.05.2024 | |
09.05.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
08.05.2024 | Additional appointment of Shri Chandra Prakash Patidar, ACMM No.11, Jaipur Metropolitan-I as Principal Magistrate, Juvenile Justice Board-I, Jaipur Metropolitan-I in addition to his own duty. | |
08.05.2024 | Corrigendum to Advertisement for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
08.05.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Harshwardhan Singh Shaktawat as Legal Researcher | |
08.05.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Vishakha Purohit as Legal Researcher | |
07.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/59/2024 Dated 07.05.2024 | |
07.05.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Sachin Kumar as Legal Researcher | |
07.05.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr Shubham Gandhi as Legal Researcher | |
07.05.2024 | CORRIGENDUM NO ESTT (RJS)-57-2024 DATED 07-05-2024 | |
06.05.2024 | Result of Interview held on 16-04-2024 and 06-05-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Sudesh Bansal | |
06.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/56/2024 Dated 06.05.2024. | |
06.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/55/2024 Dated 06.05.2024. | |
06.05.2024 | Instructions for candidates and Procedure for type writing test on computer for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
06.05.2024 | Instructions for candidates and Procedure for shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant (Hindi), 2024 | |
06.05.2024 | Notice regarding Admission Card for Efficiency Test for Promotion to the Post Senior Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer 2024 | |
06.05.2024 | Notice regarding Admission Card for Efficiency Test for Promotion to the Post of Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer 2024 | |
03.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/52/2024 Dated 03.05.2024. | |
03.05.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
02.05.2024 | Notice regarding admission card of candidates for type writing test on computer for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
01.05.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/50/2024 Dated 01.05.2024. | |
01.05.2024 | Notice for declaration of date and name of city of efficiency test for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer | |
01.05.2024 | List of Eligible candidates for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer | |
01.05.2024 | Notice for declaration of date and name of city of efficiency test for promotion to the post of Senior Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer | |
01.05.2024 | List of Eligible candidates for promotion to the post of Senior Personal Assistant cum Judgement Writer | |
01.05.2024 | Result of Interview held from 30-04-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Farjand Ali | |
01.05.2024 | Notice Regarding declaration of schedule of typewriting test on computer for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
01.05.2024 | Notice regarding admission card of candidates of shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
01.05.2024 | Notice Regarding declaration of schedule of shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
01.05.2024 | List of Candidates who filled two application forms with their Last filled-in accepted / rejected Application ID Number of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
30.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/48/2024 Dated 30.04.2024. | |
30.04.2024 | Notice regarding partial modification of tentative date of preliminary examination to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
30.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/47/2024 Dated 30.04.2024. | |
29.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/46/2024 Dated 29.04.2024. | |
29.04.2024 | Result of Interview held from 22-04-2024 to 26.04.2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Praveer Bhatnagar | |
29.04.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the post of Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
27.04.2024 | Advertisement for Direct Recruitment to the post of Reference Assistant and Library Restorer 2024 | |
26.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/45/2024 Dated 26.04.2024. | |
26.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/44/2024 Dated 26.04.2024. | |
25.04.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
24.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/41/2024 Dated 24.04.2024. | |
24.04.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Anshika Singh as Legal Researcher | |
24.04.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
23.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/40/2024 Dated 23.04.2024. | |
23.04.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/39/2024 Dated 22.04.2024. | |
22.04.2024 | Result of Interview held on 12-04-2024 and 20-04-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Anoop Kumar Dhand | |
21.04.2024 | Notice regarding declaration of Final Result of the Recruitment to the post of Junior Accountant 2023 | |
20.04.2024 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/38/2024 Dated 20.04.2024 of Shri Chandra Prakash Shrimali, Registrar General, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur. | |
20.04.2024 | Notification No.02.MISC.2024 Dated 20.04.2024 Regarding Nomination of Vacation Judges | |
20.04.2024 | Supply of Split Air Conditioners through open bid | |
20.04.2024 | Letter of Offer Mr. Mayank Khatri as Legal Researche | |
18.04.2024 | Notification No. Estt.(RJS)/33/2024 Dated 16.04.2024 Regarding Pursuant to Rule 7 of the Rajathan Judicial Srevice Rules 2010 | |
17.04.2024 | Notification No 04/E.V./2024 Dated 16-04-2024 Regarding Declare Holiday On The Day Of Polling For Lok Sabha Election 2024 | |
17.04.2024 | Notification No 03/E.V./2024 Dated 16-04-2024 Regarding Declare Holiday On The Day Of Polling For Lok Sabha Election 2024 | |
16.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/35/2024 Dated 16.04.2024 | |
16.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/34/2024 Dated 16.04.2024 | |
16.04.2024 | Result of Interview held on 05-04-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Avneesh Jhingan | |
15.04.2024 | Rate Contract for maintenance of split/ window A.C. and other items/ works of A.C. through Open Bid. | |
09.04.2024 | Notice regarding rejection of candidature due to non submission of minimum requisite academic qualification for Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
09.04.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
09.04.2024 | Advertisement for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2024 | |
05.04.2024 | The bid of rate contract of AMC of split/window AC and other items/works of AC has been cancelled due to indispensable cause. | |
05.04.2024 | Notice regarding declaration of Result of Written Test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Accountant 2023 | |
04.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/31/2024 Dated 04.04.2024. | |
04.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/30/2024 Dated 04.04.2024. | |
03.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/29/2024 Dated 03.04.2024. | |
03.04.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/28/2024 Dated 03.04.2024. | |
02.04.2024 | Rate contract of A.M.C. of Split/Window A.C. and other items/ works of A.C. through Open Bid. | |
01.04.2024 | Declaration of date for holding Shorthand Speed Assessment Test for recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
01.04.2024 | Declaration of date for holding Type Writing Test on Computer for recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
01.04.2024 | NOTICE regarding Submission of proof of acquiring requisite Educational Qualification | |
27.03.2024 | Purchasing of Intercom (EPABX) instrument (with installation) through Limited Bid. | |
22.03.2024 | Notice regarding rejection of application forms due to non submission of visible signature photograph photo id proof for Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
22.03.2024 | Notice regarding postponement of Shorthand Speed Assessment Test for recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
21.03.2024 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Courts of Senior Civil Judge cum ACJM, Sikri Dist. Bharatpur and Jobner, Jaipur Dist. | |
21.03.2024 | SUVAS-Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software - High Court invites applications for preparation of Head-notes for the Judgements | |
19.03.2024 | Notice regarding declaration of Result of Written Test for Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
19.03.2024 | Notice regarding Final Answer Key of question papers of all the series regarding Written Test of Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
19.03.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
15.03.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms. Spandana as Legal Researche | |
14.03.2024 | Declaration of date for holding Shorthand Speed Assessment Test for recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
14.03.2024 | Notice for submitting visible photo signature and or Identity proof | |
12.03.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in vacant Family Courts in addition to their own duty. | |
12.03.2024 | Corrigendum regarding change in bid condition of development of new integrated Mobile App. | |
12.03.2024 | Result of Interview held on 11-03-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Ashok Kumar Jain | |
11.03.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-124 Dated 07-03-2024 for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Systems and Peripherals,Printers and Server installed at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur | |
07.03.2024 | Nomination for the Post of Chairperson and Members in the Lokayukta - Odisha | |
07.03.2024 | NIT No RHC/Lib/NL/2024/1/7 Dated 06-03-2024 regarding publication of News Letter for use of Rajasthan High Court | |
06.03.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms. Sakshi Sankhla as Legal Researche | |
06.03.2024 | Development of new integrated Mobile App (Android and IoS) for Rajasthan High Court through Single Source Procurement. | |
05.03.2024 | Bench Detail of First National Lok Adalat Date 09.03.2024 | |
05.03.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
04.03.2024 | Notice Regarding Model Answer Key of question papers of all the series for Written Test of Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
04.03.2024 | Notice regarding written test held on 03-03-2024 | |
04.03.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
02.03.2024 | Order No ESTT-HC-2024-129 Dated 02-03-2024 | |
02.03.2024 | Order No ESTT-HC-2024-128 Dated 02-03-2024 | |
02.03.2024 | Corrigendum No 836 dated 02-03-2024 for NIT No.HC/SK/Procurement/2023-24/113 Date 17.02.2024 Bids for the supply, installation and maintenance of 375 number of Handheld Device at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
02.03.2024 | Corrigendum to Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2024 508 dated 01-03-2024 | |
01.03.2024 | Result of Interview held on 29-02-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Munnuri Laxman | |
29.02.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms. Gargi Sharma as Legal Researcher | |
29.02.2024 | Notification Dated14.02.2024 regarding change of Nomenclature of Spl. JM N.I.Act court No.1, Hanumangarh to Spl. JM (N.I.Act Cases) court, Hanumangarh. | |
27.02.2024 | Rate Contract for washing of clothes for Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur through Limited Bid. | |
27.02.2024 | 02.EV.2024 Regarding Morning Hours in Summer 2024 | |
26.02.2024 | Instructions for candidates appearing in the written test for recruitment to the post of Junior Accountant 2023 | |
26.02.2024 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Card for written test to the post of Junior Accountant, 2023 | |
24.02.2024 | NIT No. HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2023-24/118 DATED 22-02-2024 for the supply of 100 number of Wooden peacock chairs full back with arm with fabric (as per office Sample) at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
22.02.2024 | Standard Operating Procedure to oversee the implementation of the recommendations of SNJPC | |
22.02.2024 | Vacancy Circular Regarding Selection for the post of Presiding Officer in Central Government Industrial Tribunal-Cum-Labour Court. | |
22.02.2024 | Result of Interview held on 17-02-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Sameer Jain | |
21.02.2024 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-116 DATED 21-02-2024 for supply of 100 number of HP 147Y(W1470YC) Black Original Laserjet Toner Cartridges at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
20.02.2024 | Order No.Estt-HC-2024-95 Date 20-02-2024 regarding Candidates declared successful in the recruitment to the post of JPA. | |
19.02.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms. Kritika as Legal Researcher | |
19.02.2024 | NOTIFICATION No. 04/S.R.O./2024 Dated 19-02-2024 | |
19.02.2024 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 09-03-2024 | |
17.02.2024 | NIT No.HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2023-24/112 Dated 17.02.2024 for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of 1377 number of Zoom Enterprise Licenses along with Webinar Licenses (Renewal / Procurement) for Subordinate Courts and High Court | |
17.02.2024 | NIT No.HC/SK/Procurement/2023-24/113 Date 17.02.2024 Bids for the supply, installation and maintenance of 375 number of Handheld Device at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
17.02.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24- 114 Date-17-02-2024 Bids for the supply, installation and maintenance of 80 number of LAN NODES at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
16.02.2024 | Order No.08/S.O./2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the incharge of Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench. Jaipur | |
16.02.2024 | Order No.07/S.O./2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the incharge of Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
16.02.2024 | Regarding Selection for the post of Judicial Member in Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) Mumbai | |
16.02.2024 | Order No.06/S.O/2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the Honorable Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee Jaipur Bench.Jaipur | |
16.02.2024 | Order No.05/S.O/2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the Honorable Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee Jodhpur | |
16.02.2024 | Instructions for candidates appearing in the written test for recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
16.02.2024 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Card for written test to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
16.02.2024 | Notice for availing Scribe facility for recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
15.02.2024 | National Lok Adalat dated 09.03.2024 | |
15.02.2024 | Notice regarding rejection of application forms due to non submission of visible signature photograph photo id proof for Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
14.02.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Shri Pankaj Naruka as Special Judge, POCSO Act Cases, Sawaimadhopur in addition to his own duty. | |
12.02.2024 | Order No. 1/E.V/2024 Dated 12-02-2023 Local Holiday of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur for the year 2024 | |
09.02.2024 | Notice for submitting visible photo signature and or Identity proof | |
09.02.2024 | List of eligible candidates to appear in the Written Examination for Recruitment to the Post of Junior Accountant, 2023 | |
09.02.2024 | Declaration of date for holding Written Test for recruitment to the post of Junior Accountant 2023 | |
09.02.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant (Hindi) 2024 | |
07.02.2024 | NIT Annual Rate Contract for House Keeping and Cleaning Work at Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench, Jaipur. | |
07.02.2024 | Notice regarding deletion of duplicate online application forms of recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
07.02.2024 | Declaration of date for holding Written Test for recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
06.02.2024 | Result of Interview held on 03-02-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Ms. Justice Rekha Borana | |
02.02.2024 | Order regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant Labour Courts in addition to their own duties. | |
01.02.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers as Principal Magistrates in the vacant Juvenile Justice Boards in addition to their own duties. | |
01.02.2024 | Additional appointment order of Shri Satya Narayan Vyas as Judge, Commercial Court, Sriganganagar in addition to his own duties. | |
31.01.2024 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/13/2024 Dated 31.01.2024 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
31.01.2024 | Standing Order No. 02/S.O./2024 Dated 31.01.2024 Regarding ensuring that the caste/religion of a litigant be not mentioned in the memo of parties in any petition/ suit/ proceeding filed before High Court or Subordinate Court. | |
30.01.2024 | Result of Interview held on 23-01-2024 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Madan Gopal Vyas | |
24.01.2024 | NIT No.HC-SK-2023-24-751 and 752 Dated 24-01-2024 for Auction of unserviceable items (Furniture, Photostate Fax machine, A.C., Iron, plastic and wooden items etc) at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
24.01.2024 | Notice regarding syllabus and scheme of examination for recruitment to the post of junior Accountant 2023 | |
24.01.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.01.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers as Principal Magistrates in the vacant Juvenile Justice Boards in addition to their own duties. | |
19.01.2024 | Order No Estt-HC-2024-30 Dated 19-01-2024 | |
19.01.2024 | Order No Estt-HC-2024-29 Dated 19-01-2024 | |
19.01.2024 | Order No I-A-(iii)(a)(1)06-2022 Dated 19-01-2024 Regarding document verification for appointment on the post of Junior Personal Assistant | |
19.01.2024 | Result of Interview held on 16-01-2024 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Mahendar Kumar Goyal | |
18.01.2024 | Order No Estt-HC-2024-26 Dated 17-01-2024 | |
18.01.2024 | Advertisement for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant Hindi 2024 | |
18.01.2024 | Standing Order No 01.SO.2024 Dated17.01.2024 | |
13.01.2024 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-104 DATED 12-01-2024 NIT for the supply installation and maintenance of 1 Laptop | |
12.01.2024 | Bids are invited for the AMC of Photo-Stat Machines for the RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT Bench Jaipur. | |
11.01.2024 | Order regarding additional appointment of Shri Sanjay Kumar Gupta in the vacant court Judge, Commercial Court, Bharatpur. | |
10.01.2024 | Order No.Estt (RJS)/09/2024 Dated 10.01.2024 Regarding SECOND ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION Scale of Pay in Senior Civil Judge Cadre i.e. Rs 51550-1230-58930-1380-63070 | |
10.01.2024 | Order No.Estt (RJS)/08/2024 Dated 10.01.2024 Regarding FIRST ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION Scale of Pay in Senior Civil Judge Cadre i.e. Rs 14200-350-15950-400-18350 (old) and Rs 43690-1080-49090-1230-56470 (new) | |
10.01.2024 | Order No.Estt (RJS)/07/2024 Dated 10.01.2024 Regarding FIRST ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION Scale of Pay in Senior Civil Judge Cadre i.e. Rs 122700-180200 (Pay Level J-4) | |
10.01.2024 | Order No.Estt (RJS)/06/2024 Dated 10.01.2024 Regarding FIRST ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION Scale of Pay in Civil Judge Cadre i.e. Rs 92960-136520 (Pay Level J-2) | |
10.01.2024 | Order No.Estt (RJS)/05/2024 Dated 10.01.2024 Regarding Following Officers of Civil Judge Cadre who are confirmed from the date of their joining the service | |
10.01.2024 | Seeking representations of Judicial Officers regarding transfer/posting in prescribed format latest by 15th January, 2024. | |
10.01.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/11/2024 Dated 10.01.2024. | |
10.01.2024 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/10/2024 Dated 10.01.2024 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
09.01.2024 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks for Joint recruitment to the post of Stenographer 2023 | |
09.01.2024 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
06.01.2024 | Notice for declaration of Result of 07 Candidates for the Joint Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
05.01.2024 | Bids are invited for the supply of Computer items for the RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT Bench Jaipur. | |
04.01.2024 | Bids are invited for the supply of office stationery items for the RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT Bench Jaipur. | |
03.01.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Akanksha Purohit as Legal Researcher | |
03.01.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Sapna Pandey as Legal Researcher | |
03.01.2024 | Letter of Offer Ms Ravisha Sodha as Legal Researcher | |
03.01.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment to the post of Junior Accountant 2023 | |
03.01.2024 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
03.01.2024 | Corrigendum to Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell SA 2023 2013 dated 18.12.2023 to the Post of System Assistant 2023 | |
02.01.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/03/2024 Dated 02.01.2024. | |
02.01.2024 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/01/2024 Dated 02.01.2024. | |
27.12.2023 | Corrigendum No 666 dated 27-12-2023 for NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-93 DATED 11-12-2023 issued for the supply, installation and maintenance of 08 number of High Speed Printers, 16 number of Desktop Computer and 08 Number of Scanner at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur | |
22.12.2023 | Regarding S.O.40-2023 Date 22-12-2023 | |
22.12.2023 | Regarding S.O.39-2023 Date 22-12-2023 | |
22.12.2023 | Result of Interview held on 22-12-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Kuldeep Mathur | |
22.12.2023 | Result of Interview held on 15-12-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr. Justice Nupur Bhati | |
22.12.2023 | Corrigendum for Technical Specification and other of NIT No. HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-94 Date 11.12.2023 regarding supply, installation and maintenance of 4960 number of Desktop Computer, 1240 number of Scanner, 80 number of LAN Nodes and 375 number of Hendheld Device at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
22.12.2023 | NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24/100 DATED 21-12-2023 Bids for Annual Rate Contract for the supply of 4960 Class-3 DSCs with signature and encryption and two years validity (with or without USB KEY) for use of Subordinate Court of Rajasthan | |
22.12.2023 | NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24/99 DATED 21-12-2023 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 32 number of Camera and Mike, 32 number of Display Unit, 32 number of Document Visualizer, 32 number of USB Web Camera and 32 number of Wireless Keyboard for use of subordinate court of Rajasthan | |
20.12.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/91/2023 Dated 20.12.2023. | |
20.12.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/90/2023 Dated 20.12.2023 | |
19.12.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/89/2023 Dated 19.12.2023. | |
19.12.2023 | NIT NO. HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2023-24/97 DATED 18.12.2023 Tender for Annual Rate Contract for Tonner Refilling (Canon 326,HP88A,HP12A,Brother Tn-2365 and TN-B021) at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
19.12.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
18.12.2023 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/88/2023 Dated 18.12.2023 of Shri Manish Kumar Agarwal, Officer on Special Duty at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur. | |
18.12.2023 | 16/P.I/2023 | |
18.12.2023 | Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of Junior Accountant 2023 | |
18.12.2023 | Advertisement for Direct Recruitment to the post of System Assistant 2023 | |
18.12.2023 | Notice regarding recruitment of Stenographer 2023 for declaration of 07 candidates provisionally qualified for interview | |
18.12.2023 | Notice for declaration of Final Result of Joint Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
14.12.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/87/2023 Dated 14.12.2023. | |
14.12.2023 | Result of Interview held on 14-12-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Arun Monga | |
12.12.2023 | NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT/2023-24/94 DATED 11-12-2023 Bids for the supply, installation and maintenance of 4960 number of Desktop Computer, 1240 number of Scanner, 80 number of LAN Nodes and 375 number of Handheld Devices at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court project | |
11.12.2023 | Gen./II/22/2023/1884 | |
11.12.2023 | Notice No Accts/Bldg./54/2023 Dated 11-12-2023 Regarding Cancellation of Allotment of Advocates Chambers | |
11.12.2023 | NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-93 DATED 11-12-2023 Bids For the supply, installation and maintenance of 08 number of High Speed Printers, 16 number of Desktop Computer and 08 Number of Scanner at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur | |
08.12.2023 | NIT No.HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-91 DATED 07-12-2023 for procurement of 15 number of Adobe Acrobat Pro Software Licenses and 1 number of Adobe Creative Cloud All App for Rajasthan High Court | |
08.12.2023 | Filling the post of Member (Legal) in Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) | |
07.12.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/85/2023 Dated 07.12.2023 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer. | |
05.12.2023 | Vacancy Circular Regarding Selection for the posts of Judicial Members in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal | |
05.12.2023 | Order No. Estt-HC-2023-521 Dated 05-12-2023 Regarding declared successful in the recruitment to the post of junior Personal Assistant | |
05.12.2023 | Notice for submission of Judgeship / DLSA wise preferences | |
05.12.2023 | Notice for submission of Valid proof of computer qualification / caste | |
05.12.2023 | Circular No. 14/P.I./2023 dated 01-12-2023 regarding headquarters leave | |
04.12.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of Bata Super Stride Shoes and Bata Smart Nylon Socks for the RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT Bench Jaipur. | |
02.12.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
01.12.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of misc. item for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
01.12.2023 | Corrigendum to the Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2023 2198 dated 23-11-2023 | |
30.11.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-90 DATED 30-11-2023 NIT for Procurement of 100 nos Kyocera Printer Cartridge TK1158 by the way of Single Source Procurement method from its manufacturer firm | |
29.11.2023 | Regarding S.O.38-2023 Date 29-11-2023 | |
24.11.2023 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 09-12-2023 | |
24.11.2023 | Regarding Case Clearance Rate for the year 2022 | |
24.11.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
23.11.2023 | NOTICE - Regarding to Three Month extension for join duties on the post of Junior Personal Assistant. | |
23.11.2023 | NOTICE - Regarding to One Month extension for join duties on the post of Junior Judicial Assistant. | |
23.11.2023 | NOTICE - Regarding to Join Duties within 10 Day for the Post of Junior Personal Assistant. | |
23.11.2023 | Order No 10-E.V. - 2023 Dated 23-11-2023 | |
23.11.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.11.2023 | Revised SOP for participating in the court proceedings through Cisco Webex | |
22.11.2023 | Order-regarding jurisdiction in respect of matters relating to International Commercial Arbitration | |
21.11.2023 | Tender RHCB/LIBRARY/BINDING/226 DATED- 21-11-2023 | |
21.11.2023 | Order No. R(J)/RHCB/2023/528 | |
21.11.2023 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 09-12-2023 | |
21.11.2023 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2023-24/87 DATED 21-11-2023 NIT for Printing of High Court and Civil Courts Calendar 2024 (Wall Calendar, Table Calendar and Standing Table Calendar) | |
18.11.2023 | Notice issued in continuation of notice dated 17.11.2023 regarding Interview of joint recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts and DLSAs 2023. | |
17.11.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
17.11.2023 | Notice for declaration of Venue Date and Time Schedule for Interview of joint recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts and DLSAs 2023. | |
17.11.2023 | 8-E.V. - 2023 -Notification of G.H and R.H for the year 2024 for Rajasthan High Court | |
16.11.2023 | 9-E.V. - 2023 -Notification of G.H and R.H for the year 2024 for Civil Courts | |
09.11.2023 | Notice for declaration of Result of Shorthand Test and Computer Test of Joint Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
06.11.2023 | Vacancy Regarding Selection for the Posts Member in National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission NCDRC | |
06.11.2023 | Vacancy Regarding Selection for the Posts of Presiding Officer in Central Government Industrial Tribunal-Cum-Labour Court | |
06.11.2023 | Vacancy Regarding Selection for the Posts of President of State Commission Odisha, Cuttack against the vacancy published in the newspaper | |
04.11.2023 | Order No Estt/HC/2023/478 Dated 04-11-2023 Regarding Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant | |
04.11.2023 | Order No Estt/HC/2023/479 Dated 04-11-2023 Regarding Joining Time Extended | |
04.11.2023 | Notice No I/A(iii)(a)(1)06/2022 Dated 04-11-2023 Regarding document verification for appointment on the post of Junior Personal Assistant | |
01.11.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Chirag Mathur as Legal Researcher | |
31.10.2023 | Result of Interview held on 31-10-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Vinit Kumar Mathur | |
30.10.2023 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/80/2023 Dated 30.10.2023 regarding Link Officer of the Registrar (Judicial), Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
27.10.2023 | Procurement of Photocopier and Judgment Paper Ream by annual Rate Contract at Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
27.10.2023 | Order No. Gen./II/23/2023/1686 Dated 26-10-2023 Regarding Link Court Of Commercial Court Bharatpur and Sriganganagar | |
22.10.2023 | Govt. Order dated 21.10.2023 regarding additional appointment of Shri Hari Om Sharma Attri in Industrial Tribunal, Jaipur Metropoiltan-II. | |
20.10.2023 | Advertisements of Chhattisgarh High Court | |
19.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Special JM (N.I Act.), Mavli District Udaipur and Nathdwara District Rajsamand | |
19.10.2023 | Regarding extension of time for documents verification | |
19.10.2023 | Appointment Order to the Post of Junior Personal Assistant | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of SCJ And ACJM Marwar Junction District Pali, Bagidora District Banswara, Sikri District Bharatpur and Jobner District Jaipur | |
18.10.2023 | Govt. Order dated 18.10.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the newly created Commercial Courts at Bharatpur and Sriganganagar. | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Special JM (N.I Act.), District Hanumangarh | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Additional District Judge , Kumher District Bharatpur | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Special JM (N.I Act.), Kishangarh District Ajmer | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Additional District Judge Khajuwala, District Anupgarh and Balesar, District Jodhpur | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Commercial Court, District Bharatpur | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Additional District Judge Rawatsar, District Hanumangarh | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Commercial Court, District Sriganganagar | |
18.10.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of CJ-Cum-JM, Shiv District Barmer and Khimsar District Nagaur | |
18.10.2023 | Procurement of Scanner and Book Scanner at Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
18.10.2023 | Order No Estt/HC/2023/453 Dated 16-10-2023 Regarding Cancellation of Appointment | |
18.10.2023 | Order No Estt/HC/2023/452 Dated 16-10-2023 Regarding Cancellation of Appointment | |
18.10.2023 | Order No Estt/HC/2023/451 Dated 16-10-2023 Regarding Extension of Appointment | |
18.10.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-85 Dated 17-10-2023 NIT for Annual Rate Contract for supply of Computer Consumable Items and Toner Cartridge for Photocopier Machine,Fax Machine and Printers at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
17.10.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/79/2023 Dated 17.10.2023 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
17.10.2023 | Procurement of Photocopier and Judgment Paper Ream by annual Rate Contract at Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1626 | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1625 | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1627 | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1630 | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1631 | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1629 | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1624 | |
13.10.2023 | notification Gen./23/23/1628 | |
13.10.2023 | Vacancy Regarding Selection for the Posts of Judicial Members in the Armed Forces Tribunal | |
13.10.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
12.10.2023 | Notification Gen./II/22/22/1615 | |
12.10.2023 | ORDER | |
12.10.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Ayushi Goyal as Legal Researcher | |
09.10.2023 | NIT NO HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-83 Dated 09-10-2023 for procurement of 15 number of Adobe Acrobat Pro Software Licenses and 1 number of Adobe Creative Cloud All App for Rajasthan High Court | |
07.10.2023 | Government Order dated 06.10.2023 discharging Shri Shubham Agarwal and Ms. Eliza Gupta from Rajasthan Judicial Service | |
07.10.2023 | Bids are invited for Digital Kiosk/Digital Signage Standee for the RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT Bench Jaipur. | |
07.10.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/76/2023 Dated 07.10.2023. | |
07.10.2023 | Confirmation of 186 officers of Civil Judge Cadre appointed vide Govt. Orders Dated 25.09.2020 and 06.07.2021. | |
06.10.2023 | Standing Order No.35/S.O./2023 dated 06.10.2023 | |
05.10.2023 | Notice Regarding Statement of Marks of shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2023 | |
05.10.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
30.09.2023 | NIT NO HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-41 Dated 29-09-2023 for supply of 250 number of Photo with Photo frame at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
30.09.2023 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24/40 DATED 29-09-2023 for Annual Rate contract for tonner refilling (Canon 326, HP 88A, HP 12A, Brother TN-2365 and TN-B021) | |
30.09.2023 | Result of Interview held on 14-09-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Madan Gopal Vyas | |
30.09.2023 | Circular Regarding Child Case Leave may be sanctioned on officer submitting requisite proof/medical reports | |
30.09.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Anjali Assat as Legal Researcher | |
29.09.2023 | Result of Interview held on 29-09-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Manoj Kumar Garg | |
29.09.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Jayesh Advani as Legal Researcher | |
29.09.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Additional District Judge, Kapasan District Chittorgarh. | |
26.09.2023 | Additional appointment order of Shri Prem Chand Sharma as Judge, MACT, Dausa | |
26.09.2023 | Promotion/Appointment order of Judicial Officers as regular ADJ in the District Judge cadre. | |
23.09.2023 | Notice Regarding admission card of candidates of Shorthand Test and Computer Test for Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
23.09.2023 | Instructions for candidates and Procedure for Shorthand Test and Computer Test of Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
23.09.2023 | Notice Regarding declaration of schedule of Shorthand Test and Computer Test for Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
22.09.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/70/2023 Dated 22.09.2023. | |
22.09.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of Computer System for the RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT Bench Jaipur. | |
22.09.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/69/2023 Dated 22.09.2023 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
22.09.2023 | List of Candidates who filled two or more application forms with their Last filled-in accepted / rejected Application ID Number of Stenographer 2023 | |
18.09.2023 | Regarding APO - Order No. Estt-RJS-68-2023 Date - 18.09.2023. | |
18.09.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of Bata Super Stride Shoes and Bata Smart Nylon Socks for the RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT Bench Jaipur. | |
18.09.2023 | Order No. Estt-HC-2023-397 Dated 18-09-2023 Regarding Requirement to post of JJA | |
18.09.2023 | Result of Interview held on 16-09-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Ashutosh Kumar | |
16.09.2023 | Corrigendum on Revised Standard of Work for the Presiding Officers of Subordinate Courts including the Judges of Industrial Tribunal and Labour Courts along with Corrigendum | |
16.09.2023 | Revised Standard of Work for the Presiding Officers of Subordinate Courts including the Judges of Industrial Tribunal and Labour Courts along with Corrigendum | |
16.09.2023 | Standing Order NO.32-S.O.-2023 DATE 15-09-2023 | |
16.09.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-33 DATED 16-09-2023 Procurement of Envelopes and Laces | |
16.09.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Mayank Labh as Legal Researcher | |
16.09.2023 | Regarding Suspension - Order No. Estt-RJS-67-2023 Date - 15.09.2023 | |
15.09.2023 | Final Result along with schedule for document verification of the recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2023 | |
14.09.2023 | Advocate Chambers at RHC Jodhpur - Extension of Date to Deposit Dues of License Fee and Other Charges | |
14.09.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-13-09-1438 Dated 14-09-2023 Regarding ADJ Kapasan | |
13.09.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/66/2023 Dated 13.09.2023. | |
13.09.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/65/2023 Dated 13.09.2023. | |
12.09.2023 | Order No I/A-iii-a-I10/2019/1671 Dated 12-09-2023 Regarding Time Granted for the new Recruitee Sh Pawan Saini | |
12.09.2023 | Order No I/A-iii-a-I10/2019/1670 Dated 12-09-2023 Regarding Time Granted for the new Recruitee Sh Harshit Kumar Sharma | |
12.09.2023 | Order No I/A-iii-a-I10/2019/1669 Dated 12-09-2023 Regarding Time Granted for the new Recruitee Sh Anil Sen | |
12.09.2023 | Order No Estt/HC/2023/389 Dated 12.09.2023 Regarding Time Extended for the new Recruitee of JJA | |
12.09.2023 | Order of Confirmation of Direct Recruits in DJ Cadre. | |
12.09.2023 | Grant of Selection Scale in DJ Cadre. | |
12.09.2023 | Grant of Super Time Scale in DJ Cadre. | |
06.09.2023 | Regarding Suspension - Order No. Estt-RJS-59-2023 Date - 05.09.2023 | |
06.09.2023 | Revised Bench Detail of Third National Lok Adalat Date 09-09-2023 in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur-As On 06-09-2023 | |
05.09.2023 | Notice regarding declaration of Dates and Name of City of Shorthand Test and Computer Test for Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
05.09.2023 | Notice for submitting visible photo and or signature for Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
05.09.2023 | NOTIFICATION - Regarding Holiday Declaration on Date 08-09-2023 at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench Jaipur | |
04.09.2023 | STANDING ORDER NO 30/S.O./2023 DATED 02-09-2023 | |
04.09.2023 | Bench Detail of Third National Lok Adalat Date 09-09-2023 in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
02.09.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-31 DATED 02-09-2023 Bids for Annual Comprehensive maintenance contract of Garden/Lawns Hedges Shrubs Plants and Potted Plants Etc in the office premises at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur High Court Guest House C-30 and 42 and Guest House C-4 | |
02.09.2023 | CORRIGENDUM TO BID NO. 145 DATED 18.08.2023 | |
01.09.2023 | Pre-Bid conference held on 29.08.2023 in respect of Bid no. /RHCB/STORE/2023-24 Dated 18.08.23. Queries received by mail/personally are clarified. | |
01.09.2023 | NIT No HC/SK/Procurement/2023-24/30 Dated 01-09-2023 For Supply of 08 number of Dinner crockery set Corelle Make as per NIT specification at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
01.09.2023 | NIT No Record/RHC/2023-24/12 Dated 01-09-2023 NIT for annual rate contract regarding auction of waste paper at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
01.09.2023 | Result of Interview held on 31-08-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Dinesh Mehta | |
01.09.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-22-2023-1378 Dated 31-08-2023 Regarding NDPS Power | |
01.09.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-22-2023-1376 and 1377 Dated 31-08-2023 Regarding Powers of MAC Petition and Family Matters | |
31.08.2023 | Orders regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
31.08.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
25.08.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Astha Gupta as Legal Researcher | |
25.08.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/57/2023 Dated 25.08.2023. | |
23.08.2023 | Appointment Order of Clerk Grade-II in Rajasthan State Judicial Academy | |
23.08.2023 | Appointment Order of Junior Judicial Assistant in Rajasthan High Court | |
21.08.2023 | Result of Interview held on 21-08-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Mahendar Kumar Goyal | |
21.08.2023 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates terms and technical specification of NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24/28 Date 11-08-2023 for Annual Rate Contract for the Supply of about 8 lakh file covers of 09 different colors with red horizontal strip coding and printed according to different Case Head and Case Type at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench Jaipur | |
21.08.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/55/2023 Dated 21.08.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
21.08.2023 | Order Dated 17.08.2023 | |
21.08.2023 | Notification Dated 17.08.2023 | |
18.08.2023 | E-Bid for procurement of translation services for translation of Judgment of Honble Supreme court and Honble Rajasthan High Court. | |
17.08.2023 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/54/2023 Dated 17.08.2023 of Shri Sharad Kumar Vyas, Additional Registrar (Examination), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur. | |
16.08.2023 | Notice regarding admission card of candidates of shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2023 | |
16.08.2023 | Instructions for candidates and Procedure for shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant, 2023 | |
16.08.2023 | Notice Regarding declaration of schedule of shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2023 | |
16.08.2023 | List of the candidates provisionally allowed to appear in the shorthand Speed Assessment Test for direct recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2023 | |
16.08.2023 | List of Candidates who filled two application forms with their Last filled-in accepted / rejected Application ID Number of Junior Personal Assistant English 2023 | |
16.08.2023 | List of Candidates whose candidature has been rejected due to reason briefly indicated against their name | |
14.08.2023 | Change Of Nomenclature Of ACJ And JM Sawai Madhopur | |
14.08.2023 | Notification regarding e-Filing version 3.0 | |
14.08.2023 | Notice Regarding Downtime of e-Filing Portal | |
14.08.2023 | Change Of Nomenclature Of Courts | |
14.08.2023 | Change Of Nomenclature Of ACJ And JM Sawai Madhopur | |
14.08.2023 | Change Of Nomenclature Of ADJ Courts | |
13.08.2023 | Tender for Annual Rate Contract for the Supply of about 8 lakh file covers of 09 different colors with red horizontal strip coding and printed according to different Case Head and Case Type at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench Jaipur - Nit No. HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2023-24/28 DATED 11.08.2023 | |
11.08.2023 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 09-09-2023 | |
11.08.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/52/2023 Dated 11.08.2023. | |
10.08.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/51/2023 Dated 10.08.2023. | |
10.08.2023 | Regarding advertisement of High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur for recruitment of the post of Translator | |
08.08.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/50/2023 Dated 08.08.2023 | |
07.08.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/48/2023 Dated 07.08.2023. | |
07.08.2023 | Order No Estt-RJS-47-2023 Dated 07-08-2023 Regarding Seniority of Shri Abhya Jain | |
05.08.2023 | Notice Regarding Statement of Marks of Typewriting Test on computer for Joint recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
04.08.2023 | Notice regarding declaration of Dates and city for shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2023 | |
04.08.2023 | Notice for submitting visible photo and or signature | |
03.08.2023 | Tender is canceled due to unavoidable reasons | |
02.08.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Vikash Kumar as Legal Researcher | |
02.08.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Tania Issar as Legal Researcher | |
02.08.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-1170 Dated 01-08-2023 | |
01.08.2023 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
31.07.2023 | Result of Interview held on 31-07-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Rajendra Prakash Soni | |
28.07.2023 | Advertisement for Joint Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District courts and DLSAs 2023 | |
28.07.2023 | Selection for the posts of Presiding Officer in National Industrial Tribunal | |
26.07.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of paper tumbler (Disposable) for the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
26.07.2023 | SOP for compensation in MACT matters | |
25.07.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of Micro Fiber Cloth (Towel) for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
25.07.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Avantika Shukla as Legal Researcher | |
25.07.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Shreyashi Srivastava as Legal Researcher | |
24.07.2023 | Standing Order NO.27-S.O.-2023 DATE 21-07-2023 | |
24.07.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-24 DATED 24-07-2023 NIT for the supply installation and maintenance of 11 number of Laptops | |
24.07.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
24.07.2023 | Standing Order NO.26-S.O.-2023 DATE 21-07-2023 | |
24.07.2023 | Standing Order NO.25-S.O.-2023 DATE 21-07-2023 | |
24.07.2023 | Standing Order NO.24-S.O.-2023 DATE 20-07-2023 | |
24.07.2023 | Result of Interview held on 15-07-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable The Chief Justice | |
20.07.2023 | Notification regarding mandatory e-filing of all fresh Division Bench Matters in Rajasthan High Court from 01.10.2023 | |
20.07.2023 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in the Labour Court-cum- Industrial Tribunal, Bharatpur. | |
20.07.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Vidhi Pratap Singh as Legal Researcher | |
18.07.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of Library Stack for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
17.07.2023 | Result of Interview held on 17-07-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Pankaj Bhandari | |
15.07.2023 | Standing Order NO.23-S.O.-2023 DATE 14-07-2023 | |
14.07.2023 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant 2023 | |
13.07.2023 | Appointment of Chairperson-Member of Haryana Human Rights Commission as per provision 21 and 24 of Protection of Human Right Act 1993 | |
13.07.2023 | Advertisement for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant 2023 | |
11.07.2023 | Tender no HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-23 Dated 11-07-2023 Procurement of 17 Nos Dragon Legal Individual 15 ESD with Splcons customized Indian Legal Solution with Andrea NC 125 Headphone and 17 Nos Philips DVT 4110 dicta phones under single source procurement | |
11.07.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Additional District Judge, Jayal District Nagaur. | |
11.07.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Senior Civil Judge cum ACJM, Kathumar District Alwar. | |
11.07.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Courts of Additional Senior/ Senior Civil Judge cum Additional Chief Judicial/Metropolitan Magistrate Weir, Sikar, Udaipur, Beawar, Mavli, Tonk, Bayana, Abu Road and No.9 Jodhpur Metropolitan. | |
11.07.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Courts of Special Judicial Magistrate (N.I. Act Cases) No.8 Udaipur, No.5 Bhilwara, Dausa and Special Metropolitan Magistrate (N.I. Act Cases) No.11 Jodhpur Metropolitan. | |
11.07.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Courts of Additional District Judge, Raisinghnagar, Phagi and Khetri. | |
11.07.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Special Court (NDPS Cases) No.2, Jodhpur. | |
10.07.2023 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Courts of Add. Civil Judge cum JM No. 3 Sikar, Jhalawar, No. 2 Sawai Madhopur, Balotra and Bandikui. | |
10.07.2023 | Tender No HC-SK-2023-24 Procurement 22 Dated 07-07-2023 Procurement of Safa and Saree for Employee Uniform by Open Source Procurement | |
10.07.2023 | Tender No HC-SK-2023-24 Procurement 21 Dated 07-07-2023 Procurement of Shoe and Shocks for Employee Uniform by Open Source Procurement | |
10.07.2023 | Tender No HC-SK-2023-24-Procurement-20 Dated 07-07-2023 Procurement of Cloth for Uniform by Single Source Procurement | |
07.07.2023 | Regarding Newly Allotted Advocate Chambers at RHC Jodhpur - Date Extension to Deposit Due License Fee and other charges for May 2023. | |
07.07.2023 | Regarding Advocate Chambers at RHC Jodhpur - Extension of Date to Deposit Dues of License Fee and Other Charges. | |
07.07.2023 | E-Bid for procurement for translation services for translation of judgment of Honble supreme court and Honble High Court. | |
06.07.2023 | Result of Interview held on 06-07-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Vinit Kumar Mathur | |
06.07.2023 | Orders regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
05.07.2023 | Corrigendum cum Clarification for changes in critical dates and technical specification of NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-14 Date-29-05-2023 for the supply installation and maintenance of 120 number Laptops for use of Judicial Officers of Rajasthan | |
04.07.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/45/2023 Dated 04.07.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
30.06.2023 | Selection for the posts of Judicial and Technical Members in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal | |
30.06.2023 | Filling up of 05 posts of Judicial Members and 05 Posts of Technical Members in the National Company Law Tribunal. | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-977 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-976 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-975 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-974 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-973 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-972 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-971 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-970 Dated27-06-2023 | |
28.06.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-11-2023-969 Dated27-06-2023 | |
21.06.2023 | Notice cum Corrigendum to Notice No 1255 dated 11.06.2023 of Joint Recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
19.06.2023 | Corrigendum for changes in critical dates of NIT No HC/SK/Procurement/2023-24/14 Date-29-05-2023 for the supply installation and maintenance of 120 number Laptops for use of Judicial Officers of Rajasthan | |
17.06.2023 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-17 DATED 16-06-2023 NIT for purchase of 12 number of Microsoft Office Professional 2021 perpetual license for use of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
15.06.2023 | Limited Tender | |
11.06.2023 | Final Result along with notice for submission of institution wise preferences and schedule of document verification of joint recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
07.06.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
07.06.2023 | Regarding Selection for the posts of presiding Officer in Central Government Industrial Tribunal-Cum-Labour Court | |
05.06.2023 | Notice Regarding roll numbers of 23 candidates belonging to person with benchmark disabilities for recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerks Grade II 2022 | |
05.06.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
02.06.2023 | Advertisement of High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur for recruitment to the post of Stenographer | |
02.06.2023 | NOTIFICATION NO 09-MISC-2023 DATED 01-06-2023 | |
01.06.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Moomal Rathore as Legal Researcher | |
01.06.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Hari Om Verma as Legal Researcher | |
31.05.2023 | Result of Interview held on 31-05-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr Justice Nupur Bhati | |
30.05.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Arjun Singh as Legal Researcher | |
29.05.2023 | NIT NO HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2023-24-14 DATED 29-05-2023 Bids for the supply installation and maintenance of 120 number Laptops for use of Judicial Officers of Rajasthan | |
26.05.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Somya Sobti as Legal Researcher | |
26.05.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Gaurav Meghwal as Legal Researcher | |
26.05.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Mohit Verma as Legal Researcher | |
24.05.2023 | No GEN-XlI-04-2023-SC-1-1234 Dated 24-05-2023 Notification of nomination of Vacation Judges | |
23.05.2023 | Order Accts-Bldg-New RHC Adv Chamber-23 Dated 23-05-23 Regarding Cancellation of Allotment of Advocate Chambers at RHC Jodhpur | |
19.05.2023 | Notice Regarding Statement of Marks of Written Test for Joint recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
19.05.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
19.05.2023 | Result of Interview held on 13-05-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Vinod Kumar Bharwani | |
16.05.2023 | Result of Interview held on 16-05-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Ganesh Ram Meena | |
11.05.2023 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of April 2023 at RHCB Jaipur | |
11.05.2023 | HC/SK/Procurement/2023-24/08 dated 11-05-2023 NIT for procurement of Photocopier and Judgment Paper Ream by annual Rate Contract | |
11.05.2023 | Instructions and Procedure for Speed and Efficiency Test for Direct Recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
11.05.2023 | List of the Candidates exempted from Type Writing Test on Computer | |
11.05.2023 | Admission card of candidates provisionally qualified to appear in Type Writing Test on Computer for Recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
11.05.2023 | Notice regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule for Type Writing Test on Computer for Recruitment to the post JJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
10.05.2023 | Bench Detail of Second National Lok Adalat Date 13.05.2023 | |
10.05.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-06 Dated 8-05-2023 UBN is RHC2324GSOB00005 NIT for Supply Installation and Maintenance of Wireless and Local area Network at High Court Guest House | |
10.05.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-05 Dated 8-05-2023 UBN is RHC2324GSOB00004 NIT for purchase of Physiotherapy equipments-Instruments Items for Govt Dispensary | |
10.05.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-04 Dated 8-05-2023 UBN is RHC2324GSOB00003 NIT for purchase of Furniture Items | |
10.05.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-03 Dated 8-05-2023 UBN is RHC2324GSOB00002 NIT for purchase of Electronics-Electrics and other Items | |
09.05.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
06.05.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-2023-24-02 Dated 06-05-2023 Bids for Annual Rate Contract for Cleaning Work at Rajasthan High Court Premises Advocate Chambers Police Barrack and Watch Tower at New Building High Court Guest House C-30 and C-42 and Bungalow No C-4 at Jodhpur | |
05.05.2023 | Selection for the posts of Presiding Officer in Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court-reg | |
05.05.2023 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in Family Court, Sirohi. | |
04.05.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/38/2023 Dated 04.05.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
01.05.2023 | Notice regarding declaration of Result of Written Test for Recruitment to the post of JrJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
01.05.2023 | Notice regarding Final Answer Key of question papers of all the series regarding Written Test of Recruitment to the post of JrJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
01.05.2023 | Bids are invited for the supply of Paper Tumbler (Disposable) from the manufactures/authorized for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
29.04.2023 | Regarding Advocate Chambers at RHC Jodhpur - Extension of Date to Deposit Dues of License Fee and Other Charges | |
28.04.2023 | Result of Interview held on 28-04-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Rajendra Prakash Soni | |
25.04.2023 | Notification No Gen-II-05-2022-675 Dated25-04-2023 | |
21.04.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Prakhar Marmat as Legal Researcher | |
21.04.2023 | Determination of Vacancy in Senior Civil Judge Cadre for the year 2023-24. | |
21.04.2023 | Determination of Vacancy in District Judge Cadre for the year 2023-24. | |
19.04.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Ayushi Shukhla as Legal Researcher | |
17.04.2023 | Result of Interview held on 15-04-2023 and 17-04-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Ms Justice Rekha Borana | |
17.04.2023 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 13-05-2023 | |
17.04.2023 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of March 2023 at RHCB Jaipur | |
17.04.2023 | Govt. order F.19(2) Nyay/2022 dated 17.04.23 regarding additional appointment of Shri Siya Raghunath Dan as Judge, MACT, Jhalawar. | |
17.04.2023 | Selection for the post of Judicial Member in Securities Appellate Tribunal SAT Mumbai-Reg | |
15.04.2023 | Order regarding allotment of Advocate Chambers of category-II in High Court Building at Jhalamand, Jodhpur | |
15.04.2023 | Govt. Order dated 13.04.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the Vacant Gram Nyayalayas. | |
15.04.2023 | Govt. Order dated 13.04.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the Vacant Juvenile Justice Boards. | |
15.04.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Kunika Champawat as Legal Researcher | |
15.04.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Anjali Sharma as Legal Researcher | |
15.04.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Sharad Dadhich as Legal Researcher | |
13.04.2023 | Office Order No. 16 dated 13.04.2023 - Regarding Dues of License Fee and Other Charges for Advocate Chambers at RHC Jodhpur. | |
13.04.2023 | NO. 19/S.O./2023 DATE 10.04.2023 | |
13.04.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/34/2023 Dated 13.04.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
13.04.2023 | Notice for declaration of Result of 04 Candidates for the Direct Recruitment in the Cadre of District Judge 2020 in compliance of order of Honorable Court | |
12.04.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
12.04.2023 | Result of Interview held on 26-02-2023 and 04-03-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Anoop Kumar Dhand | |
10.04.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/33/2023 Dated 10.04.2023. | |
10.04.2023 | No.06-EV-2023 Dated 10.04.2023 Regarding Holiday of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jayanti on 11.04.2023 | |
10.04.2023 | NO 05-EV-2023 DATED 05-04-2023 For Preparing Panel Of Advocates Appointment As Guardian-Ad-Litem For The Year 2023 | |
10.04.2023 | NO 04-EV-2023 DATED 05-04-2023 For Preparing Panel Of Advocates Appointment As Amicus- Curiae For The Year 2023 | |
05.04.2023 | Result of Interview held on 27-03-2023 28-03-2023 and 04-04-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Anil Kumar Upman | |
04.04.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Ayushi Detha as Legal Researcher | |
04.04.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Vanshika Jain as Legal Researcher | |
01.04.2023 | Applications invited for part time Consultant in Supreme Court on contractual basis. | |
01.04.2023 | Hiring of services of Smt Krishna Vaishnav MIS Assistant | |
01.04.2023 | Hiring of services of Sh Sonu Sharma MIS Assistant | |
01.04.2023 | Hiring of services of Smt Jyoti Sharma Senior Consultant | |
01.04.2023 | Hiring of services of Sh Rakesh Kumar Choudhary Senior Consultant | |
31.03.2023 | Recruitment For The Post Of District Judge Entry Level By Direct Recruitment In the Puducherry Judicial Service Vide Madras High Court | |
29.03.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/32/2023 Dated 29.03.2023. | |
29.03.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/31/2023 Dated 29.03.2023. | |
29.03.2023 | Order No.Accts-Bldg-13-2013 Dated 29-03-2023 - Extension of date for security deposit towards Allotment of Advocate Chambers of Category-II | |
29.03.2023 | NO. 17/S.O./2023 DATE 28.03.2023 | |
29.03.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
28.03.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/30/2023 Dated 28.03.2023. | |
28.03.2023 | Govt Order for the extension of contractual services of home guards working in Subordinate Courts against vacancies of class IV employees. | |
28.03.2023 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23-78 DATED 27-03-2023 FOR THE SUPPLY INSTALLATION And MAINTENANCE OF Studio Based VC -VC System-Display Unit-Video Recorder-1 KVA UPS As per tender specifications | |
27.03.2023 | Result of Interview held on 14-03-2023 16.03.2023 and 21.03.2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr Justice Ashok Kumar Jain | |
24.03.2023 | Joining Instructions for the newly appointed Civil Judges - Order No.Estt-RJS-29-2023 Dated 24-03-2023 | |
22.03.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Geetansh Agarwal as Legal Researcher | |
22.03.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Priyam Agarwal as Legal Researcher | |
21.03.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Prakhya Kachhawaha as Legal Researcher | |
21.03.2023 | Corrigendum to Notice No RHC Exam Cell JJA Clerks Grade II 2022 820 | |
20.03.2023 | Model Answer Key of question papers of all the series regarding Written Test of Recruitment to the post of JrJA JA Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
18.03.2023 | Result of Interview held on 17-03-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Dinesh Mehta | |
17.03.2023 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of February 2023 at RHCB Jaipur | |
16.03.2023 | No.15/S.O./2023 | |
16.03.2023 | No. 14/S.O./2023 | |
14.03.2023 | Result of Interview held on 28-02-2023 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mrs. Justice Shubha Mehta | |
14.03.2023 | Corrigendum to Abridged Advertisement No 783 dated 13.03.2023 | |
13.03.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/28/2023 Dated 13.03.2023. | |
13.03.2023 | CIRCULAR NO.04/P.I./2023 DATE 13.03.2023. | |
13.03.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
10.03.2023 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/71 DATED 09-03-2023 NIT for purchase of 12 Nos Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 Pro Single User 64 Bit With Word Excel Power Point Complete Office Tool and Life Time Validity for use of Rajasthan HIgh Court Jodhpur | |
10.03.2023 | Result of Interview held on 09-03-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr. Justice Nupur Bhati | |
08.03.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
03.03.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Kartik Dave as Legal Researcher | |
02.03.2023 | Corrigendum cum clarification regarding NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/68 DATED 24-02-2023 NIT NO Bids for the supply installation and maintenance of 8 number of laptops | |
02.03.2023 | No. 13/S.O./2023 | |
02.03.2023 | Regarding change the date of Holiday of Mahaveer Jayanti | |
01.03.2023 | Result of Interview held on 01-03-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr. Justice Pushpendra Singh Bhati | |
28.02.2023 | Result of Interview held on 28-02-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Vinit Kumar Mathur | |
27.02.2023 | Letter of Offer Ms Hricha Gandhi as Legal Researcher | |
27.02.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Geetansh Agarwal as Legal Researcher | |
27.02.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
24.02.2023 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/68 DATED 24-02-2023 NIT NO Bids for the supply installation and maintenance of 8 number of laptops | |
24.02.2023 | Notice regarding uploading admission card for Written Test to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2022 | |
24.02.2023 | Instructions for candidates appearing in the written test for recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2022 | |
22.02.2023 | 02/E.V./2023 | |
22.02.2023 | NIT NO HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/66 DATED 22-02-2023 Nit for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Systems and Peripherals Printers and Server installed at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur | |
22.02.2023 | Result of Interview held on 22-02-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Vijay Bishnoi | |
22.02.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/24/2023 Dated 22.02.2023. | |
20.02.2023 | No. 12/S.O./2023 Dated 20.02.2023 | |
17.02.2023 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/64 DATED 17-02-2023 NIT for Comprehensive Maintenance Contract of Garden/Lawns, hedges, shrubs, plants and potted plants etc in the Office Premises for the period of six month at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
17.02.2023 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/65 DATED 17-02-2023 Bids for Contract for Cleaning Work at Rajasthan High Court Premises, Advocate Chambers, Police Berrak and Watch Tower for the tenure of six month at New Building, Near Jhalamand Circle, Jodhpur | |
17.02.2023 | Corrigendum for technical speication and changes in critical dates of NIT No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/57 DATED 07-02-2023 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 06 number of Desktop Computer and Camera 03 number of Flatbed Scanner and 137 number of Laser Tank Multifunction BandW Printer for use of Subordinate court of Rajasthan and Rajasthan High Court | |
17.02.2023 | Tender No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/63 Dated 17-02-2023 Hiring of services of Sh Kundan Kumar Sahni for Electrician | |
17.02.2023 | Tender No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/62 Dated 17-02-2023 Hiring of services of Sh Virdha Ram for Carpenter | |
15.02.2023 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of January 2023 at RHCB Jaipur | |
15.02.2023 | Tender No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/60 dated 15.02.2023 Procurement of 12 Computer Tables | |
15.02.2023 | Notice regarding availing scribe facility for Direct Recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A J.A. Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
14.02.2023 | HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/59 DATED 13-02-2023 Bids For the supply Installation and Maintenance of 1345 number of Zoom Enterprises Licenses along with Webinar Licenses Renewal / New for Subordinate Courts and High Court | |
09.02.2023 | TENDER NOTICE NO. STORE/RHCB/2022-23/1116 DATED 08-02-2023 | |
08.02.2023 | Bench Detail of First National Lok Adalat Date 11.02.2023 | |
07.02.2023 | NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23/57 DATED 07-02-2023 Bids for the supply, installation and Maintenance of 06 number of Desktop Computer and Camera, 03 number of Flatbed Scanner and 137 number of Laser Tank Multifunction Black and White Printer for use of Subordinate court of Rajasthan and Rajasthan High Court | |
07.02.2023 | Orders regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in the vacant courts. | |
07.02.2023 | Letter of Offer Mr Madhav Mandhana as Legal Researcher | |
06.02.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
04.02.2023 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/21/2023 Dated 04.02.2023 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
04.02.2023 | NIT NO. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23/56 DATED 04-02-2023 For the supply of one number of heavy duty photocopier Machine B and W at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
04.02.2023 | NIT No. HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23/55 DATED 04-02-2023 For the supply installation and maintenance of 35 number of Colour Ink Tank Multi Function Printers MFP and 52 number of Document Visualizer for use of subordinate court and Rajasthan High Court | |
03.02.2023 | Notice regarding rejection of application forms due to non submission of visible signature photograph for Recruitment to the post of JJA JA Clerk 2022 | |
03.02.2023 | Notification No.Estt/RJS/20/2023 Date 03.02.2023 Regarding Determination of vacancy in Civil Judge Cadre for the year 2023 | |
03.02.2023 | Regarding Filling up the post of President Income Tax Appellate Tribunal ITAT | |
03.02.2023 | Order No 1.EV.2023 Dated 03.03.2023 Regarding Local Holiday for Rajasthan High Court , Jodhpur | |
02.02.2023 | No. 11/S.O./2023 Dated 02.02.2023 | |
01.02.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/19/2023 Dated 01.02.2023. | |
01.02.2023 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/18/2023 Dated 01.02.2023 of Shri Bhawani Shanker Pandiya, Registrar(Administration), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur. | |
31.01.2023 | Result of Interview held on 31-01-2023 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Arun Bhansali | |
27.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/17/2023 Dated 27.01.2023. | |
27.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/16/2023 Dated 27.01.2023 | |
25.01.2023 | RHCB/STORE/2022-23/1071 Dated 25-01-2023 Sealed Bids are invited for the supply of Electronic Items from the manufactures/authorized distributors/dealers for the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
25.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/15/2023 Dated 25.01.2023. | |
24.01.2023 | Declaration of dates for holding Written Test for recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2022 | |
24.01.2023 | CIRCULAR No 02-PI-2023 dated 24-01-2023 Regarding identification and marking of old pending POCSO cases | |
24.01.2023 | Notice regarding the Flag Hoisting Ceremony in the premises of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur on the occasion of Republic Day. | |
24.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/14/2023 Dated 24.01.2023. | |
23.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/13/2023 Dated 23.01.2023 | |
23.01.2023 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/12/2023 Dated 23.01.2023 of Shri Dinesh Tyagi, Registrar(Exam.), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur. | |
23.01.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/11/2023 Dated 22.01.2023. | |
21.01.2023 | Regarding Consumer Affairs-Consumer Protection Act 2019-Filling up of the post of President Telangana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Hyderabad in the State of Telangana | |
20.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/10/2023 Dated 20.01.2023. | |
20.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/09/2023 Dated 20.01.2023. | |
20.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/08/2023 Dated 20.01.2023. | |
19.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/07/2023 Dated 19.01.2023 | |
19.01.2023 | Lists of candidates whose applications have been rejected for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II 2022 | |
19.01.2023 | Standing Order No 09/SO/2023 Dated 18-01-2023 Guidelines-Norms for Internship with Rajasthan State Judicial Academy Jodhpur | |
19.01.2023 | Standing Order No 08/SO/2023 Dated 12-01-2023 Regarding Guideline to Provide Sticker LOGO for Identification of the Vehicles of in-service Officer/Officials | |
18.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/06/2023 Dated 18.01.2023 | |
18.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/05/2023 Dated 18.01.2023 | |
18.01.2023 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/51 Dated 17-01-2023 Tender for the Supply installation testing and commissioning of 125KV Silent Genset with AMF panel at High Court Guest House Banglow No C-42 Jodhpur | |
18.01.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
13.01.2023 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 12-01-2023 | |
12.01.2023 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of December 2022 at RHCB Jaipur | |
12.01.2023 | No. 07/S.O./2023 Dated 12.01.2023 | |
12.01.2023 | No. 06/S.O./2023 Dated 12.01.2023 regarding LITIGANTS WELFARE FUND SCHEME | |
12.01.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
11.01.2023 | No. 04/S.O./2023 Dated 11.01.2023 | |
11.01.2023 | Selection for the Posts of Judicial and Technical Members in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal NCLAT | |
11.01.2023 | Selection for the Posts of Judicial Members in Central Administrative Tribunal CAT | |
11.01.2023 | Selection for the posts of Presiding Officer in National Industrial Tribunal | |
10.01.2023 | Selection for the posts of Presiding Officer in Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court-reg | |
09.01.2023 | Clarification for Pre-Bid Meeting held on 04-01-2023 for NIT No. HC-SK-2022-23-50 DATED 22-12-2022 regarding supply installation and maintenance of 26 number of Flatbed Scanner and 53 number of High Speed Scanner for use of High Court and subordinate Court of Rajasthan | |
09.01.2023 | No.03/S.O./2023 Dated - 09.01.2023 | |
09.01.2023 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
07.01.2023 | Standing Order Regarding Nomination - Order No.02/S.O./2023 Date 07.01.2023 | |
07.01.2023 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/03/2023 Dated 07.01.2023 of Shri Bharat Bhushan Gupta, Registrar(Admn.), Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
04.01.2023 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/02/2023 Dated 04.01.2023 of Ms. Shilpa Sameer, Registrar(Writs), Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur. | |
03.01.2023 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/01/2023 Dated 03.01.2023 | |
24.12.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/148/2022 Dated 24.12.2022 | |
23.12.2022 | Order Regarding Nomination - No. 25/S.O.2022 Date 23.12.2022 | |
22.12.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/147/2022 Dated 22.12.2022. | |
22.12.2022 | BID No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/50 DATED 22-12-2022 Bids for the supply installation and maintenance of 26 number of Flatbed Scanner and 53 number of High Speed Scanner for use of High Court and subordinate Court of Rajasthan under e-Court ProjectPFA | |
22.12.2022 | Corrigendum for cancellation of NIT No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/32 DATED 01/09/2022 for supply installation and maintenance of 26 number of Flatbed Scanner and 53 number of High Speed Scanner for use of High Court and subordinate Court of Rajasthan under e-Court Project | |
22.12.2022 | Abridged Advertisement for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
21.12.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/146/2022 Dated 21.12.2022. | |
21.12.2022 | Result of Interview held on 25-11-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mrs. Justice Shubha Mehta | |
17.12.2022 | Notification regarding mandatory e-filing in Rajasthan High Court from 01.01.2023 | |
14.12.2022 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of November 2022 at RHCB Jaipur | |
13.12.2022 | No.24/S.O./2022 Dated - 13.12.2022 | |
13.12.2022 | Seeking representations of Judicial Officers regarding transfer/posting in prescribed format latest by 15th January, 2023. | |
12.12.2022 | 8-E.V. - 2022 - Notification Regarding Declare Holiday in 2023 at Sub-Ordinate Courts in Rajasthan | |
12.12.2022 | Sealed Bids are invited for the supply of Pen (Reynolds Trimax) and Refill (Reynolds Trimax) for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
07.12.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-AUCTION-2022-23-49 DATED 06-12-2022 Auction for Cabin and Canteen-Restaurant in New Building of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
03.12.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 2672 Dated 03-12-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
02.12.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/145/2022 Dated 02.12.2022. | |
02.12.2022 | Partial modification of the earlier Notification No. RJS/Estt./06/2022 dated 27.01.2022. | |
02.12.2022 | Confirmation of Shri Abhay Jain, an Officer in District Judge Cadre. | |
01.12.2022 | List of Newly Selected Panel Advocates for Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jaipur. | |
30.11.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/141/2022 Dated 30.11.2022. | |
29.11.2022 | New Panel for Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee | |
29.11.2022 | Technical Specification Corrigendum No HC-SK-2022-23-435 dated 29-11-2022 NIT No HC-SK- PROCUREMENT-2022-23-41 dated 21-10-2022 For the supply installation and Maintenenace of 42 Number of 24 Wacom Display DT2452 and 42 Number of Micro PC Dell-HPLenovo 70 number of 24 Touch Screen All In One PC With Recliner Stand Dell Optiplex 5400 and 01 number of NAS Storage 50 TB for use of Rajasthan High Court | |
25.11.2022 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks of Main Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
25.11.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Hanut Singh Shekhawat as Legal Researcher | |
24.11.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/140/2022 Dated 24.11.2022 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
24.11.2022 | 7-E.V -2022 - Notification Regarding Declare Holiday in 2023 at Rajasthan High Court | |
23.11.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/139/2022 Dated 23.11.2022 | |
23.11.2022 | No.23/S.O./2022 Dated 14.11.2022 Regarding Petition Under Section 482 of Code of Criminal Procedure | |
21.11.2022 | Bids are invited for the supply of Disposable water glass for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
21.11.2022 | Date Corrigendum No HC-SK-2022-23-420 dated 21-11-2022 NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23-41 dated 21-10-2022 For the supply installation and Maintenenace of 42 Number of 24 Wacom Display DT2452 and 42 Number of Micro PC Dell-HPLenovo 70 number of 24 Touch Screen All In One PC With Recliner Stand Dell Optiplex 5400 and 01 number of NAS Storage 50 TB for use of Rajasthan High Court | |
21.11.2022 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/46 DATED 19.11.2022 NIt for supply and Installation of 26 Nos Licenses of Cisco Webex as per approved specifications by office | |
19.11.2022 | Result of Interview held on 18-11-2022 at jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Sameer Jain | |
16.11.2022 | Partial modification of the order dated 21.12.2021 related to tax matters. | |
15.11.2022 | Selection for the post of Member ln ths National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission NCDRC New Delhi | |
15.11.2022 | NIT no HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/45 DATED 15-11-2022 NIT for purchase of Mayur Suiting Quality No 150299 cloth 940 Mtr White Colour and 375 Mtr Smoke Grey Colour cloth | |
14.11.2022 | Notice regarding Final Result of Direct Recruitment to the cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
14.11.2022 | ACR Proforma 2022 for Judicial Officers | |
14.11.2022 | Notice regarding Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2020 | |
10.11.2022 | Bench Detail of Fourth National Lok Adalat Date 12-11-2022 | |
07.11.2022 | Bids are invited for the high quality binding of law books and magazines for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
07.11.2022 | Bench Detail of Fourth National Lok Adalat Date 12-11-2022 | |
05.11.2022 | Bids are invited for the supply of Computer Items for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
04.11.2022 | Bids are invited for the supply of Furniture Item for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
04.11.2022 | Order No Gen-II-22-2019-1716 Dated 04-11-2022 | |
04.11.2022 | Order No Gen-II-22-2019-1715 Dated 04-11-2022 | |
03.11.2022 | Bids are invited for the supply of misc. item for the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur. | |
03.11.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Shilpa as Legal Researcher | |
01.11.2022 | Bids are invited for the supply of Stationery Items at Rajasthan High Court Bench jaipur. | |
01.11.2022 | NIT No. HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/43 DATED 01-11-2022 NIT for Printing of High Court and Civil Courts Calendar 2023 (Wall Calendar, Table Calendar and Standing Table Calendar) | |
01.11.2022 | Result of Interview held on 31-10-2022 at jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Manoj Kumar Garg | |
31.10.2022 | Youtube link regarding launch of campaigns, Empowerment of Citizens through Legal Awareness and Outreach and Haq-humara-bhi-to-hai-75, by Honourable Executive Chairman, NALSA and Chief Justice of India. | |
21.10.2022 | Notice regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule of Interviews for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
21.10.2022 | NIT No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/41 DATED 21-10-2022 For the supply installation and Maintenenace of 42 Number of 24 Wacom Display DT2452 and 42 Number of Micro PC Dell/HP/Lenovo 70 number of 24 Touch Screen All In One PC With Recliner Stand Dell Optiplex 5400 and 01 number of NAS Storage 50 TB for use of Rajasthan High Court | |
21.10.2022 | Notice for Amicus Curie | |
19.10.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 2540 Dated 19-10-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
19.10.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23-40 DATED 18-10-2022 Bids for the supply of Paper Shredder Machine Photocopy Machine B and W Heavy Duty Photocopy Machine B and W and Western Digital EX-4100 Network Attached Storage at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
17.10.2022 | Tender No 818 HC-Sk-Procurement-2022-23 dated 15-10-2022 for purchasing of 154 Pairs Bata Super Stride Shoes Black No 824-6158 and 154 Pairs Bata Smart Nylon Socks Quality No 931-1419. at RHCB Jaipur | |
15.10.2022 | HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23-39 DATED 14-10-2022 NIT for Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Reynolds Trimax Pen and Refill at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
15.10.2022 | Relieving order No. Estt. (RJS)/ 136/2022 Dated 15.10.2022 of Shri Yudhisthir Sharma, Registrar(Administration), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur. | |
14.10.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in the court of Judge, MACT, Karauli. | |
12.10.2022 | Tender No-HC-SK-2022-23-37 Dated 12-10-2022 Hiring of Services of Cook | |
12.10.2022 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat dated 12-11-2022 | |
12.10.2022 | Filling up the post of Chairperson in Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission- Application invited | |
11.10.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/135/2022 Dated 11.10.2022 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
07.10.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/134/2022 Dated 07.10.2022 | |
01.10.2022 | Result of the written examination for promotion to the District Judge Cadre, 2020 | |
01.10.2022 | Result of the main examination for direct recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2020 | |
30.09.2022 | HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23-36 DATED 30-09-2022 - NIT for purchase of Monoblock Chairs Plastic, Mattresses with Pillow Set, Aluminum Ladder Folding, Iron Almirah Big Size, Shoe Polish Machine. | |
30.09.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/133/2022 Dated 30.09.2022. | |
30.09.2022 | Result of Interview held on 22-09-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Ashok Kumar Gaur | |
29.09.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/132/2022 Dated 29.09.2022. | |
28.09.2022 | Corrigendum for Critical Dates and other specifications NIT No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/32 DATED 01/09/2022 for supply installation and maintenance of 26 number of Flatbed Scanner and 53 number of High Speed Scanner for use of High Court and subordinate Court of Rajasthan under e-Court Project | |
27.09.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/130/2022 Dated 27.09.2022. | |
25.09.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/129/2022 Dated 25.09.2022. | |
23.09.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Amulya Jemini as Legal Researcher | |
23.09.2022 | Result of Interview held on 17-09-2022 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Madan Gopal Vyas | |
23.09.2022 | Order Dated 16-10-2015 Regarding allowances to Former Hon. Chief Justice and Former Hon. Judges and their Spouse along with Utilization Certificate | |
22.09.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/127/2022 Dated 22.09.2022. | |
21.09.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 2420 Dated 21-09-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
21.09.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/125/2022 Dated 21.09.2022 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers. | |
20.09.2022 | Regarding Allotment of Advocate Chambers at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
20.09.2022 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract for Paper Reams | |
19.09.2022 | NIT No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/35 Dated 19-09-2022 NIT for Annual Rate Contract for work of Laundry Ironing Dry Cleaning Services for Curtains Pillow Covers Towels Napkin Sofa Set Chair Cushion etc at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
19.09.2022 | BID No HC/SK/Procurement/2022-23/34 Dated 19-09-2022 Bids for the supply installation and maintenance of 52 number of Camera and Mike 52 number of Display Unit and 52 number of Document Visualizer for use of subordinate court of Rajasthan under e-Court Project | |
19.09.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/122/2022 Dated 19.09.2022. | |
19.09.2022 | Result of Interview held on 17-09-2022 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Dinesh Mehta | |
17.09.2022 | Order No. 19/S.O./2022 dated 16.09.2022 | |
16.09.2022 | Notice Inviting Tender For Installation of New Audio System in Conference Hall, Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
16.09.2022 | RHCB/STORE/2022-23/762 Dated 16-09-2022 Sealed Bids are invited for the AMC of Photo-Stat Machines from the manufactures/authorized distributors/dealers, for the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
15.09.2022 | Instructions to the selected candidates of Civil Judge Examination - 2021. | |
15.09.2022 | Order No 16-Misc-2022 Dated 24-08-2022 Regarding Summer vacation order | |
13.09.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Gunjan Rathore as Legal Researcher | |
13.09.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Madhav Vyas as Legal Researcher | |
13.09.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 2398 Dated 13-09-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
07.09.2022 | Notice for declaration of Final Result of 05 candidates for the Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2021 in compliance of order of Honorable Court | |
07.09.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/116/2022 Dated 07.09.2022. | |
02.09.2022 | BID No HC/SK/PROCUREMENT/2022-23/32 DATED 01-09-2022 Bids for the supply installation and maintenance of 26 number of Flatbed Scanner and 53 number of High Speed Scanner for use of High Court and subordinate Court of Rajasthan under e-Court Project | |
01.09.2022 | Result of Interview held on 31-08-2022 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Kuldeep Mathur | |
31.08.2022 | Application for the post of President of Rajasthan State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Jaipur | |
31.08.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Shri Barkat Ali as Judge, Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court, Bikaner. | |
30.08.2022 | Order No Gen-II-23-2022-1361 Regarding Powers to ADJ Sanganer Choumu Bassi | |
30.08.2022 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/RJS/CJC/2021/2302 Dated: 30-08-2022 Final Result of Recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre 2021 | |
27.08.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/114/2022 Dated 27.08.2022 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
25.08.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Anmol Pareek as Legal Researcher | |
24.08.2022 | Tender No-HC-SK-2022-23-30 Dated 24-08-2022 Hiring of Services of Cook | |
24.08.2022 | Order No Gen-II-19-2022-1298 Notification of N I Act Courts Jurisdiction Dated 17.8.2022 | |
22.08.2022 | Order No Gen-II-19-2022-1289 Regarding Notifications of Jurisdiction Dated 17.8.2022 | |
22.08.2022 | Order No Gen-II-19-2022-1288 Regarding Notifications of Jurisdiction Dated 17.8.2022 | |
22.08.2022 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2022 | |
18.08.2022 | Notice for Advocate Chamber Allotment at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
18.08.2022 | Guardianship Order Number 17/S.O./2022 dated 18.08.2022 | |
18.08.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Pratibha Nath as Legal Researcher | |
18.08.2022 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Sr. Civil Judge cum ACJM, Relmagra Dist. Rajsamand | |
18.08.2022 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Courts of Civil Judge cum JM-Masuda, Sedwa, Sarmathura, Ahore and Dhod | |
18.08.2022 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Court of Special Judicial Magistrate (NI Act Cases), Sikar | |
17.08.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/112/2022 Dated 17.08.2022 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
17.08.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 2291 Dated 17-08-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
17.08.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23-29 DATED 16-08-2022 NIT for purchase of two number of Apple MacBook Air M2 Chip Laptop for use of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
08.08.2022 | Result of Interview held on 08-08-2022 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Manoj Kumar Garg | |
08.08.2022 | Result of Interview held on 06-08-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Uma Shanker Vyas | |
06.08.2022 | ADVERTISEMENT for recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2022 | |
06.08.2022 | Contractual Post and Budget Sanction for 5 Pilot Study Special Court (NI Act Cases) | |
04.08.2022 | Notice regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule of Interviews for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2021 | |
02.08.2022 | Order No General-27-2022 Dated 02-08-2022 Regarding Presiding Officers appointed in the newly created pilot study special metropolitan magistrate courts | |
02.08.2022 | Order No General-26-2022 date 02-08-2022 Regarding Officer Appointed in the newly created Pilot Study Special Judicial Magistrate Courts | |
02.08.2022 | Notification Regarding Pilot Study Special Metropolitan Magistrate Courts for the period of one year for hearing of N.I Act Cases | |
02.08.2022 | Notification Regarding Pilot Study Judicial Magistrate Courts for the period of one year for hearing of N.I Act Cases | |
02.08.2022 | Relieving order No. Estt (RJS)/ 109/2022 Dated 02.08.2022 of Shri Ganpat Lal Vishnoi, O.S.D., RHC, Jodhpur. | |
01.08.2022 | Order regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in Family Courts. | |
01.08.2022 | Order regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in MACTs. | |
01.08.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in Commercial Court No. 2, Jaipur Metropolitan-II. | |
01.08.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officer in Gram Nyayalaya, Pindwara(Sirohi). | |
29.07.2022 | Filling up of 08 posts of Judicial Member and 11 posts of Technical Members in the National Company Law Tribunal NCLT | |
29.07.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/107/2022 Dated 29.07.2022 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
28.07.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/106/2022 Dated 28.07.2022 regarding additional appointments of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
28.07.2022 | Notice Regarding declaration of Date of Interviews for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
28.07.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-PROCUREMENT-2022-23-28 DATED 27-07-2022 NIT for Annual Rate Contract for photocopier work at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
28.07.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/105/2022 Dated 28.07.2022. | |
28.07.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 1832 Dated 28-07-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
28.07.2022 | Relieving order No. Estt (RJS)/ 104/2022 Dated 28.07.2022 of Shri Rajesh Jain, Additional Registrar(Examination), RHC, Jodhpur. | |
27.07.2022 | 06-EV-2022 dated 26-07-2022 Regarding holiday declared on 10--08-2022 | |
26.07.2022 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat dated 13-08-2022 | |
26.07.2022 | Notice No Estt RJS-103-2022 Dated 26-07-2022 regarding application for the post of Special Judicial Magistrate Metropolitan Magistrate of Special Court for Negotiable Instruments Act Cases under Pilot Study Project | |
21.07.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/100/2022 Dated 21.07.2022. | |
21.07.2022 | Tender No HC-SK-Procurement-2022-23-27 dated 20-07-2022 for procurement of one Apple Macbook pro laptop | |
20.07.2022 | The Guidelines for Allotment of Auditorium at Rajasthan High Court 2022 | |
20.07.2022 | CIRCULAR regarding powers of virtual court for traffic challans | |
19.07.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Pravin Kumar as Legal Researcher | |
18.07.2022 | Inviting application for selection to the ex-cadre Post of Additional Registar (Security) | |
18.07.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/97/2022 Dated 18.07.2022. | |
16.07.2022 | Tender No HC-Sk-Procurement-2022-23-23 dated 15-07-2022 for procurement of Uniform Cloth for Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
16.07.2022 | Tender No HC-Sk-Procurement-2022-23-24 dated 15-07-2022 for purchasing of 140 Pairs Bata Super Stride Shoes Black No 824-6158 and 140 Pairs Bata Smart Nylon Socks Quality No 931-1419 | |
16.07.2022 | Tender No HC-Sk-Procurement-2022-23-25 dated 15.07.2022 for purchasing of 206 Nos Turban Red Color as per office sample and 16 Cotton Saree Set | |
15.07.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/96/2022 Dated 15.07.2022. | |
14.07.2022 | Tender No HC-SK-2022-23-22 dated 14-07-2022 for procurement of tubeless tyres by annual rate contract | |
14.07.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/95/2022 Dated 14.07.2022 | |
12.07.2022 | Relieving order No. Estt (RJS)/ 91/2022 Dated 12.07.2022 of Shri Parvez Ahmed, O.S.D, RHC, Jodhpur. | |
12.07.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 1767 Dated 12-07-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
11.07.2022 | Result of Interview held on 11-07-2022 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Dr. Justice Pushpendra Singh Bhati | |
11.07.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 1763 Dated 11-07-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
08.07.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/90/2022 Dated 08.07.2022. | |
08.07.2022 | Tender No HC-SK-Procurement 2022-23-21 dated 08-07-2022 Procurement of accessories for official vehicles for Rajasthan High Court under Rate Contract | |
07.07.2022 | Corrigendum of order No. 86/2022 dated 07.07.2022. | |
07.07.2022 | Tender No Lib-xxiv-i-b-2022-23-1 dated 04-07-2022 Rate Contract for binding work for Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
07.07.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/86/2022 Dated 07.07.2022. | |
07.07.2022 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Main Examination for recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
06.07.2022 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Main Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
04.07.2022 | ONLINE APPLICATION - Panel Lawyers For Raj. High Court Legal Services Committee, Jodhpur, 2022. | |
04.07.2022 | Advertisement Regarding Rajasthan Legal Service Authority | |
02.07.2022 | Order No Gen-II-19-2022-1056 Dated 02-07-2022 Regarding Notification of New Court Creation | |
02.07.2022 | Order No Gen-II-19-2022-1055 Dated 02-07-2022 Regarding Notification of New Court Creation | |
02.07.2022 | Order No Gen-II-19-2022-1054 Dated 02-07-2022 Regarding Notification of New Court Creation | |
02.07.2022 | Order No Gen-II-19-2022-1053 Dated 02-07-2022 Regarding Notification of New Court Creation | |
01.07.2022 | Selection for the posts of Presiding Officer in Central Government Industrial Tribunal-Cum-Labour Court-Reg | |
30.06.2022 | Inviting online application to fill up vacancies for the post of Junior Court Assistant in the Supreme Court of india | |
28.06.2022 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks of Main Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
27.06.2022 | Order No Gen-II-O3-1990-998 Dated 27-06-2022 | |
23.06.2022 | Additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Vacant Family Courts. | |
22.06.2022 | Link to apply online for the post of Junior Court Assistant in SCI | |
22.06.2022 | Notification for recruitment of Junior Court Assistant in SCI | |
22.06.2022 | Additional appointment order of Judicial Officers. | |
14.06.2022 | Notification of Newly created POCSO Court Nagaur | |
14.06.2022 | Notification for designate All ADJs for hearing of cases under the Rajasthan Public Examination Measures for prevention of unfair means in recruitment Act 2022 | |
12.06.2022 | Partial modification of notification regarding the Vacation Judge | |
10.06.2022 | Corrigendum Advertisement For Empanelment of Panel Lawyers of Rajasthan High Court Legal Services Committee, Jaipur 2022. | |
06.06.2022 | Corrigendum to Notice No. 1647 dated 03.06.22 | |
06.06.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 1655 Dated 06-06-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
05.06.2022 | Notice for declaring result of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2021 | |
04.06.2022 | Notice regarding declaration of dates for Written Examination of recruitment to the cadre of District Judge through LCE 2020 | |
04.06.2022 | Notice regarding declaration of dates for Main Examination of direct recruitment to the cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
04.06.2022 | List of candidates whose candidature has been rejected for the reasons indicated against their names | |
04.06.2022 | Name of Eligible Officer Provisionally Allowed For Limited Competitive Examination in District Judge Cadre, 2020 | |
04.06.2022 | List of eligible candidates to appear in the Main Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2020 | |
03.06.2022 | Notice regarding cancellation of entire selection process from the stage of issuance of advertisement | |
03.06.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Srishti Jain as Legal Researcher | |
01.06.2022 | Order No Gen-II-15-2019-885 Regarding Notification Dated 27-05-2022 NDPS powers to ADJs at Headquaters | |
31.05.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/80/2022 Dated 31.05.2022. | |
30.05.2022 | Tender No RHCB/STORE/2022-23/562 dated 30-05-2022 Open Bid notice for the supply of Paper Tumbler (Disposable) for Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
30.05.2022 | Notice regarding Fresh Filing of Civil and Writ Cases during Summer Vacation | |
27.05.2022 | Regarding declaration of Date and Place for Computer Test (Speed and Efficiency Test) for Recruitment to the Post of JrJA, JA and Clerk Grade-II 2020 | |
27.05.2022 | Order No Gen-II-02-2022-s--865 Dated 26-05-2022 | |
27.05.2022 | Order No Gen-II-02-2022-s--864 Dated 26-05-2022 | |
25.05.2022 | Advertisement for Panel Lawyers For Raj. High Court Legal Services Committee, Jaipur, 2022. | |
25.05.2022 | Advertisement for Panel Lawyers For DLSA /TLSC of Rajasthan, 2022. | |
24.05.2022 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/74/2022 Dated 24.05.2022. | |
20.05.2022 | Order No Gen-II-15-2019-812 Dated 20-05-2022 | |
20.05.2022 | Order No Gen-II-O9-2022-804 Dated 19-05-2022 | |
20.05.2022 | Order No Gen-II-O9-2022-803 Dated 19-05-2022 | |
20.05.2022 | Order No Gen-II-O9-2022-802 Dated 19-05-2022 | |
20.05.2022 | Notice for appointment to the post of Presiding Officer of the Food Safety Appellate Tribunal | |
18.05.2022 | Notice regarding Final Answer Key of question paper of all the series relating to Written Test for Recruitment to the Post of JrJA, JA and Clerk Grade-II 2020 | |
18.05.2022 | Result of Written Test for Recruitment to the Post of JrJA, JA and Clerk Grade-II 2020 | |
18.05.2022 | Selection of Judicial Member In Appellate Tribunal for Electricity Reg | |
17.05.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Saloni Goyal as Legal Researcher | |
16.05.2022 | Order regarding sitting of Hon. vacation judges | |
16.05.2022 | Transfer Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 72/2022 Dated 16.05.2022. | |
13.05.2022 | Bench Detail of Second National Lok Adalat Date 14.05.2022 | |
13.05.2022 | Tender No RHC-LB-NL-2021-22-1 dated 11-05-2022 Printing of Newsletter for Rajasthan High Court | |
13.05.2022 | Notification regarding Civil and MACT powers to new Family Courts | |
13.05.2022 | Orders regarding additional appointment of judicial officers in vacant NDPS and Family courts. | |
12.05.2022 | Corrigendum no. HC-SK-2022-23-69 dated 12.05.2022 for NIT No. HC-SK-Procurement-2022-23-08 Dated 07.05.2022 | |
12.05.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Swati Bundwal as Legal Researcher | |
12.05.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Ayushi Tyagi as Legal Researcher | |
12.05.2022 | Bench Detail of Second National Lok Adalat Date 14.05.2022 | |
12.05.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/70/2022 Dated 12.05.2022 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
12.05.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 69/2022 Dated 12.05.2022. | |
11.05.2022 | Inviting of online application for selection to the ex-cadre posts Court Assistant (Junior Translator) in vernacular languages | |
10.05.2022 | Result of Interview held on 07-05-2022 and 10-05-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Mahendar Kumar Goyal | |
10.05.2022 | Notice regarding selection of 01 candidate for the recruitment to the post of Chauffeur/Driver, 2020 | |
10.05.2022 | Appointment on the post of Driver - Order No Estt-HC-2022-199 Dated 10-05-2022 | |
10.05.2022 | Appointment on the post of Chauffeur - Order No Estt-HC-2022-198 Dated 10-05-2022 | |
10.05.2022 | Post and Budget Sanction for Newly Created Court of Additional District Judge, Kushalgarh, Banswara | |
09.05.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 68/2022 Dated 09.05.2022. | |
07.05.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-procurement-2022-23-08 dated 07-05-2022 Caption NIT regarding annual rate contract for purchase of Computer Consumable Items and Toner Cartridge for Photocopier Machine Fax machine and Printers at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
07.05.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-procurement-2022-23-07 dated 07-05-2022 Caption NIT regarding annual rate contract for purchase of stationery items at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
07.05.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 67/2022 Dated 07.05.2022 | |
06.05.2022 | Result of Interview held from 04-05-2022 to 06-05-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Birendra Kumar | |
05.05.2022 | Quiz Brochure of IBBI 3rd National Online Quiz on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. | |
27.04.2022 | Vacancy Circular regarding selection for the posts of Judicial Members in the Armed Forces Tribunal AFT | |
21.04.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-Procurement-03 Dated 20-04-2022 for Rate Contract for the Supply of Photocopier and Judgment Paper Ream at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
20.04.2022 | Notifications No Gen II 02-2022-646 Dated 19-04-22 | |
19.04.2022 | Notice Regarding National Lok Adalat dated 14.05.2022 | |
19.04.2022 | Notice Regarding Second National Lok Adalat | |
16.04.2022 | Category wise monthly Statement of cases for the month of March 2022 of RHCB at Jaipur | |
16.04.2022 | Selection for the posts of Chairman in Central Administrative Tribunal CAT | |
16.04.2022 | Selection for the posts of Judicial Members in Central Administrative Tribunal CAT | |
13.04.2022 | Regarding preferences for appointment for the post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
13.04.2022 | Order No Estt RJS- 63-2022 Dated 12-04-2022 | |
13.04.2022 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Main Examination for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
13.04.2022 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Main Examination for recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
12.04.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/63/2022 Dated 12.04.2022 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
11.04.2022 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)62/2022 dated 11.04.2022 relieving Shri Rajeev Choudhary and additional appointment order of Shri Manoj Kumar Soni. | |
08.04.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 1420 Dated 08-04-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
31.03.2022 | Govt. Order regarding extension of contractual services of homeguards working in Subordinate Courts against vacant post of class IV employees. | |
31.03.2022 | Notification regarding Determination of Vacancies in Senior Civil Judge Cadre for the year 2022-23. | |
31.03.2022 | Notification regarding Determination of Vacancies in District Judge Cadre for the year 2022-23. | |
28.03.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Jayant Tejwani as Legal Researcher | |
28.03.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Poorva Kaushik as Legal Researcher | |
24.03.2022 | Final Statement of Marks of Job Test and Personal Interview for recruitment to the post of Chauffeur for RHC and Driver for RSJA RALSA and District Courts 2020 | |
24.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt.(RJS)/51/2022 Dated 24.03.2022. | |
23.03.2022 | Notice for declaration of Final Result of 01 post of General Category for the Joint Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur for RHC and Driver for RSJA, RSLSA and District Courts 2020 | |
23.03.2022 | Written response on behalf of the State Government in D.B. Civil Reference No. 1/2022 (Priyanka Shrimali v/s State of Rajasthan) | |
23.03.2022 | Date and Time schedule for holding Main Examination to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
22.03.2022 | Post and Budget Sanction for Newly Created Special Court (POCSO Act) | |
16.03.2022 | Notification No.05/E.V/2022 Date 16.03.2022 Regarding Holiday of 19.03.2022 in Subordinate Court | |
16.03.2022 | Notification regarding creation of new Special Courts POCSO Act | |
16.03.2022 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/RJS/DJC/2021/1352 Dated 16-03-2022 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2021 are in defect(s) mentioned against their name) | |
16.03.2022 | Notification No.04/E.V/2022 Date 16.03.2022 Regarding Holiday of 19.03.2022 in Subordinate Court | |
15.03.2022 | Notification Regarding entry of law interns in the court premises. | |
15.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt.(RJS)/ 48/2022 Dated 15.03.2022. | |
15.03.2022 | Circular for functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
14.03.2022 | Order No. 06/S.O./2022 dated 14.03.2022 | |
14.03.2022 | Model Answer Key of question paper of all the series regarding Written Test for Recruitment to the post of JrJAs JAs Clerks Grade II 2020 | |
14.03.2022 | 4 Part public discourse Series on Child forensics in Child Sexual Abuse Cases organized by SAMVAD, NIMHANS, Banglore | |
13.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt.(RJS)/ 46/2022 Dated 13.03.2022. | |
12.03.2022 | Result of Interview held on 12-03-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Manindra Mohan Shrivastava | |
11.03.2022 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/44/2022 dated 11.03.2022 regarding additional appointment of Shri Sharad Tanwar as Dy. Registrar (Judicial)-cum-SPIO, RHC, Jodhpur. | |
11.03.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Ms. Manisha Sharma as Principal Magistrate, JJB, Kota. | |
10.03.2022 | Notice Regarding First National Lok Adalat 2022 | |
10.03.2022 | Relieving order No. Estt (RJS)/ 41/2022 Dated 10.03.2022 of Shri Neeraj Bhamu, Registrar (Judicial), RHC, Jodhpur. | |
09.03.2022 | Tender no HC-SK-2021-22-730 DATED 09-03-2022 Tender for Crockery Items Utensils etc | |
09.03.2022 | Bench Detail of First National Lok Adalat Date 12.03.2022 | |
08.03.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Gram Nyayalayas. | |
08.03.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Shri Mukesh Tyagi as Judge, MACT, Banswara. | |
08.03.2022 | Order regarding additional appointment of Shri Jagdish Prashad Sharma-VI as Judge, Family Court No. 3, Kota. | |
08.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 39/2022 Dated 08.03.2022. | |
07.03.2022 | Tender No HC-SK-2021-22-720 dated 07-03-2022 Tender for 2 Nos Photocopy Machines 5 Nos Almirah 1 Nos Electric Spiral Binding Machine and 150 Monoblock Chairs | |
07.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 37/2022 Dated 07.03.2022. | |
07.03.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/36/2022 dated 07.03.2022 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in vacant courts. | |
05.03.2022 | Order No. 05/S.O./2022 dated 05.03.2022 | |
05.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 35/2022 Dated 05.03.2022 | |
05.03.2022 | Corrigendum to Notice No 1278 dated 04.03.2022 Joint Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur for RHC and Driver for RSJA, RSLSA and District Courts 2020 | |
05.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 33/2022 Dated 05.03.2022. | |
04.03.2022 | Notice for declaration of Final Result of Joint Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur for RHC and Driver for RSJA, RSLSA and District Courts 2020 | |
04.03.2022 | Relieving Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 31/2022 Dated 04.03.2022 of Shri Hemant Singh Baghela, Registrar-cum-CPC, RHCB, Jaipur. | |
04.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 30/2022 Dated 04.03.2022. | |
03.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 28/2022 Dated 03.03.2022. | |
03.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 27/2022 Dated 03.03.2022. | |
02.03.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 26/2022 Dated 02.03.2022. | |
02.03.2022 | Selection for the posts of Presiding officer in central Government Industrial Tribunal- Cum-Labour court-Reg | |
02.03.2022 | Selection for the posts of Presiding Officer in National Industrial Tribunals -reg | |
02.03.2022 | Order No. 23/2022 dated 02.03.2022 regarding additional appointment of Shri Prahlad Ray Sharma as District and Sessions Judge, Karauli. | |
02.03.2022 | Order No. Estt (RJS)/22/2022 Dated 02.03.2022 of Shri Mukesh Parnami consequent upon Ad-hoc promotion. | |
01.03.2022 | NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-712 DATED 28-02-2022 for the Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System at Residence of Honorable Judges at Jodhpur | |
28.02.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Shivam Shukla as Legal Researcher | |
28.02.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms. Aparna Tiwari as Legal Researcher | |
28.02.2022 | Result of Interview held on 24-02-2022 and 25-02-2022 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Ms. Justice Rekha Borana | |
26.02.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/20/2022 Dated 26.02.2022 | |
24.02.2022 | Awaiting Posting Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 19/2022 Dated 24.02.2022 | |
24.02.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 18/2022 Dated 24.02.2022 | |
24.02.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 17/2022 Dated 24.02.2022 | |
24.02.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 16/2022 Dated 24.02.2022 | |
24.02.2022 | 03/ EV/2022 Date 22.02.2022 | |
23.02.2022 | Tender Cancellation Corrigendum No HC/SK/2021-22/705 Dated 23.02.2022 for Cancellation of NIT No HC/SK/2021-22/520 Dated 18.12.2021 (Supply,installation,commissioning and maintenance of CCTV surveillance System at Residences of Honorable Judges at Jodhpur) | |
22.02.2022 | Instructions for candidates appearing in the written test for recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2020 | |
22.02.2022 | Regarding uploading admission card for Written Test to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2020 | |
22.02.2022 | Result of Interview held on 29-01-2022 and 19-02-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Anoop Kumar Dhand | |
22.02.2022 | Administrative Instructions regarding Period for Preserving of the Record of Examination Cell, Rajasthan High Court | |
19.02.2022 | Regarding First National Lokadalat of the year 2022 | |
18.02.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Prateek Maheshwari as Legal Researcher | |
18.02.2022 | Letter of Offer Ms Jaya Mitra as Legal Researcher | |
18.02.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Ashok Choudhary as Legal Researcher | |
18.02.2022 | YouTube link of one day online orientation programme on Sensitization of Principal Magistrates and Other Stake Holders on Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2015 being organized by JTRI Lucknow on 20.02.2022 from 09.30 AM to 03.20 PM. | |
14.02.2022 | Result of Interview held on 10-01-2022 25-01-2022 and 07-02-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Farjand Ali | |
14.02.2022 | Result of Interview held on 11-02-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Sameer Jain | |
11.02.2022 | Case Clearance Rate of Rajasthan High Court and District Courts for the year2021 | |
09.02.2022 | NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-676 DATED 09-02-2022 NIT for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Systems and Peripherals, Printers, and Server installed at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur | |
05.02.2022 | Circular for functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
05.02.2022 | Notification for functioning of Rajasthan High Court. | |
05.02.2022 | Application for the position of Nyaya Mitra | |
05.02.2022 | Order No. 10 dated 04.02.2022 regarding Additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Vacant Courts. | |
03.02.2022 | You Tube Link of one day online orientation and sensitization programme of JTRI Lucknow on Sociological and Legal Aspects of PCPNDT Act 1994 and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 on 06.02.2022 from 09.30 am to 03.35 pm. | |
03.02.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Jaiveer Singh Bhati as Legal Researcher | |
03.02.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Ashish Gupta as Legal Researcher | |
01.02.2022 | Tender no. HC/SK/2021-22/651 dated 01.02.2022 Tender for tonner cartridge from OEM (Single Source Procrurement) | |
01.02.2022 | Result of Interview held on 01-02-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Narendra Singh Dhaddha | |
31.01.2022 | Letter of Offer Mr Nilimesh Sen as Legal Researcher | |
31.01.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 1046 Dated 31-01-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
29.01.2022 | Result of Interview held on 29-01-2022 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Vinit Kumar Mathur | |
29.01.2022 | Result of Interview held on 28-01-2022 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Sudesh Bansal | |
28.01.2022 | NOTIFICATION Date 28.01.2021 - Regarding Court Functioning of High Court | |
28.01.2022 | CIRCULAR - Regarding Subordinate Courts Functioning - No.05/PI/2022 Date 28.01.2022 | |
28.01.2022 | Corrigendum to the Abridged Advertisement no RHC Exam Cell 2021 1680 Dated 16-12-2021 | |
28.01.2022 | Transfer Posting Order - No Estt-RJS-7-2022 28-01-2022 | |
27.01.2022 | Determination of Vacancies in Civil Judge Cadre for 2022 | |
25.01.2022 | Tender No. HC-SK-2021-22-639 Dated 25-01-2022 (Tender for 5 HP elitebook 1030 latptops) | |
25.01.2022 | Declaration of date for holding Written Test for recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2020 | |
24.01.2022 | Order No. 05/2022 dated 24.01.2022 regarding additional appointment as Registrar (Vigilance), RHC, Jodhpur | |
24.01.2022 | Notification dated 24.01.2022 for designation of Senior Advocates | |
21.01.2022 | CIRCULAR - Regarding Subordinate Courts Functioning - No.04/PI/2022 Date 21.01.2022 | |
21.01.2022 | NOTICE - Regarding First National Lok Adalat | |
20.01.2022 | Tender no. 621 dated 20.01.2022 for supply, installation and maintenance of 06 number of High Speed Printer for Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur | |
20.01.2022 | Copy of Gazette Notification Vide No. G.S.R. 400 Date 14.01.2022 (01/SRO/2020 Date 14.01.2022) and S.O. 648 Date 14.01.2022 (Estt/HC/2022/28 Date 14.01.2022) Regarding Amendment in Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules, 2002 | |
20.01.2022 | Abridged Advertisement for engagement of Legal Researcher in Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority | |
17.01.2022 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks of Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
15.01.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 932 Dated 15-01-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
14.01.2022 | Date Corrigendum No. HC-SK-2021-22-597 dated 14-01-2022 for NIT No.HC-SK-2021-22-520 dated 18.12.2021 For the Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System at Residence of Honorable Judges at Jodhpur | |
14.01.2022 | NOTIFICATION Date 14.01.2021 - Regarding Court Functioning | |
12.01.2022 | Corrigendum No. HC-SK-2021-22-591 dated 12-01-2022 for NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-577 dated 10-01-2022 for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of 1292 number of Zoom Enterprises Licenses along with Webinar Licenses for Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court Project | |
11.01.2022 | Notice regarding declaration of result of Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
11.01.2022 | Notice regarding Final Answer Key of question paper of all the four series relating to Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, 2021 | |
11.01.2022 | Corrigendum in Circular No. 03/PI/2022 dated 11.01.2022 | |
11.01.2022 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 12.01.2022. | |
11.01.2022 | NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-577 dated 10-01-2022 for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of 1292 number of Zoom Enterprises Licenses along with Webinar Licenses at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court Project | |
10.01.2022 | NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-574 dated 10-01-2022 for the Supply of one number of 62.5 KV Silent Genset with complete installation, testing and maintenance for use High Court Guest House, Jodhpur | |
10.01.2022 | Order regarding Additional Appointment of Shri Manish Agarwal as Judge, MACT, Chittorgarh. | |
07.01.2022 | Corrigendum No. HC-SK-2021-22-572 dated 07-01-2022 for NIT For the Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System at Residence of Honorable Judges at Jodhpur - NIT No. HC/SK/2021-22/520 DATED 18.12.2021 | |
07.01.2022 | Order No 3 dated 07-01-2022 regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Vacant Courts | |
07.01.2022 | Tender no. HC/SK/2021-22/565 dated 06.01.2022 Six Month Rate Contract for N-95 Anti Pollution Mask With PM 2.5 Filter | |
06.01.2022 | NOTIFICATION No.02/E.V./2022 Dated 06-01-2022 - Regarding Partial Modification in Courts Working Day | |
06.01.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 02/2022 Dated 06.01.2022 | |
06.01.2022 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks for Joint recruitment to the post of Stenographer 2020 | |
06.01.2022 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2022 827 Dated 06-01-2022 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
05.01.2022 | Tender no. HC/SK/2021-22/559 dated 04.01.2022 Nit for Annual Rate Contract of Stitching of winter and summer uniform | |
05.01.2022 | Tender no. HC/SK/2021-22/555 dated 04.01.2022 for OCM BLAZER CLOTH for Usher, Chauffeur and 4th Class Employes | |
04.01.2022 | Order No. S.O./2022/02 dated 04.01.2022 regarding tagging of lower court records. | |
04.01.2022 | Circular Regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
04.01.2022 | Regarding Local Holiday - Order Dated 04-01-2022 | |
04.01.2022 | Notification for functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 05.01.2022 | |
04.01.2022 | Rajasthan Right to Information (High Court and Subordinate Courts) (Rules), 2021 published in Dated 03.01.2021 | |
03.01.2022 | Order No 01/S.O./2022 Date 03.01.2022 Allocation of Judgeships for Inspection by the Hon. Judges | |
03.01.2022 | Notice Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination | |
03.01.2022 | Corrigendum No. HC-SK-2021-22-548 dated 03-01-2022 for NIT No HC/SK/2021-22/476 DATED 04-12-2021 for the supply installation and maintenance of Hardware Items and services for setting up Video Conferencing System at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur | |
03.01.2022 | Additional Appointment - Dated 03.01.2022 | |
03.01.2022 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 1/2022 Dated 03.01.2022 | |
01.01.2022 | Notice Regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule for Job Test and Personal Interview for Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
29.12.2021 | Advertisement for Legal researcher - Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority | |
21.12.2021 | Guidelines For Allotment and Use of Buildings/Space in Court Premises For Public Utility Service-2021 | |
20.12.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 1812 Dated 20-12-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
20.12.2021 | Notification for mandatory efiling in Rajasthan HIgh Court from 01.01.2022 | |
20.12.2021 | Amended Guidelines for efiling in Rajasthan High Court | |
20.12.2021 | Notification No. Gen./II/09/2021/2673 Date 18-12-2021 | |
20.12.2021 | Notification No. Gen./II/09/2021/2672 Date 18-12-2021 | |
18.12.2021 | Report on NATIONAL LOK ADALAT 11.12.2021 - Efforts made and achievement ensured in. | |
18.12.2021 | NIT For the Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System at Residence of Honourable Judges at Jodhpur - NIT No. HC/SK/2021-22/520 DATED 18.12.2021 | |
17.12.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 132/2021 Dated 17.12.2021 | |
16.12.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 131/2021 Dated 16.12.2021 | |
16.12.2021 | Corrigendum No. HC-SK-2021-22-510 dated 16-12-2021 for NIT No HC/SK/2021-22/476 DATED 04-12-2021 for the supply installation and maintenance of Hardware Items and services for setting up Video Conferencing System at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur | |
15.12.2021 | Notice for declaration of Revised Final Result of Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts, DLSAs and PLAs, 2020 | |
14.12.2021 | Seeking representations of Judicial Officers regarding transfer/posting in prescribed format | |
13.12.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 130/2021 Dated 13.12.2021 | |
08.12.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 127/2021 Dated 08.12.2021 | |
07.12.2021 | Notice for interview after receiving additional requirement for Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts, DLSAs and PLAs, 2020 | |
07.12.2021 | Bench Detail of Fourth National Lok Adalat Date 11-12-2021 | |
07.12.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 126/2021 Dated 07.12.2021 | |
06.12.2021 | Regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Vacant Courts - Order Dated 06.12.21 | |
06.12.2021 | Regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Vacant Courts - Order Dated 06.12.21 | |
06.12.2021 | Regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Vacant Courts - Order Dated 06.12.21 | |
06.12.2021 | Regarding additional appointment of Judicial Officers in Vacant Courts - Order Dated 06.12.21 | |
06.12.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 1680 Dated 06-12-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
05.12.2021 | NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-476 DATED 04-12-2021 NIT for the supply installation and maintenance of Hardware Items and services for setting up Video Conferencing System at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur | |
05.12.2021 | Notice of Result for engagement of Research Scholars in Rajasthan State Judicial Academy | |
04.12.2021 | Order No 123 dt 04 12 2021 Regarding Additional Appointment Of Judicial Officers In Vacant Courts | |
02.12.2021 | Notice of National Lok Adalat dt. 11.12.2021 | |
01.12.2021 | Additional appointment in Rent Appellate Tribunals - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 122/2021 Dated 01.12.2021 | |
01.12.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt (RJS)/ 121/2021 Dated 01.12.2021 | |
30.11.2021 | Appointment of Oath Commissioners | |
30.11.2021 | Tender for the supply installation and maintenances of one number of Router for use of Rajasthan High Court | |
29.11.2021 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/CJC/2021/1663 Dated: 29.11.2021 Model Answer Key of question paper of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre, 2021 | |
29.11.2021 | Corrigendum dated 29.11.2021 of order No. 119 dt 29.11.2021 | |
29.11.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt RJS 119 2021 Dated 29 11 2021 | |
26.11.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt RJS 118 2021 Dated 26 11 2021 | |
26.11.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt RJS 117 2021 Dated 26 11 2021 | |
25.11.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt RJS 116 2021 Dated 25 11 2021 | |
25.11.2021 | Transfer Posting - Order No. Estt RJS 115 2021 Dated 25 11 2021 | |
25.11.2021 | STANDING ORDER - No-12-SO-2021 Date 25-11-2021 | |
25.11.2021 | Constitution Day Celebrations at Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench | |
24.11.2021 | Transfer Posting Order No. 113 dated 24.11.2021 | |
24.11.2021 | Tender for procurement of 6 licenses of Adobe Pro 2020 with editing life time license | |
23.11.2021 | STANDING ORDER - No-11-SO-2021 Date 23-11-2021 | |
23.11.2021 | STANDING ORDER - No-10-SO-2021 Date 23-11-2021 | |
23.11.2021 | NIT for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of 1242 number of USB Web Camera and 1242 number of Wireless Keyboard Mouse Set for Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan under E-Court Project | |
22.11.2021 | Standing Order No 09-SO-2021 date 22-11-2021 | |
22.11.2021 | Revised Standard of work No-21-Pl-2021 date 22-11-2021 | |
20.11.2021 | Tender for Printing of Calendar | |
20.11.2021 | Tender for Photocopier Machine | |
20.11.2021 | No 08 SO 2021 ORDER | |
18.11.2021 | 14 EV 2021 Notification | |
18.11.2021 | 15 EV 2021 Notification | |
18.11.2021 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/109/2021 | |
18.11.2021 | No Gen II 12 1993 2490 Notification | |
17.11.2021 | Order No. Estt. (RJS) / 108 / 2021 Dated 17-11-2021 | |
17.11.2021 | Tender Notice No. RHCB/LIBRARY/BINDING/269 DATED- 17-11-2021 | |
17.11.2021 | Notice regarding fourth (4th) National Lok Adalat Dated 11-12-2021 | |
16.11.2021 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract for the Supply of Computer Items | |
15.11.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 1489 Dated 15-11-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
12.11.2021 | No. Estt. (RJS) / 106 / 2021 | |
12.11.2021 | No. Estt. (RJS) / 103 / 2021 | |
10.11.2021 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
09.11.2021 | Transfer posting order no. 104 dated 09.11.2021 | |
09.11.2021 | Tender No HC-SK-2021-2022-430 DATED 08-11-2021 Caption NIT for supply and Installation of 27 Nos Licenses of Cisco Webex as per approved specifications by office | |
08.11.2021 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Preliminary Examination for recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
03.11.2021 | Transfer posting order no. 101 dated 03.11.2021 | |
02.11.2021 | Transfer Posting Order No. 100 dated 02.11.2021 | |
01.11.2021 | Transfer Posting Order No. 99 dated 01.11.2021 | |
01.11.2021 | Circular Regarding Filling up of 09 posts of Judicial Member and 06 post Technical Member in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal | |
01.11.2021 | Circular Regarding Selection for the posts of Judicial and Technical Member in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal | |
01.11.2021 | No. 7/S.O./2021 | |
31.10.2021 | Order of suspension of Shri Jitendra Singh an officer of District Judge Cadre | |
30.10.2021 | Transfer Posting Order No. 97 dated 30.10.2021 | |
30.10.2021 | Notice Regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule for Interview after revised result dated 28.10.2021 for Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts and DLSAs 2020. | |
29.10.2021 | Notification No. PA-RG-MISC-2021 Date 29-10-2021 | |
29.10.2021 | Circular No-20PI-2021 Date 29-10-2021 | |
29.10.2021 | Letter of Offer Mr Ajay Menon as Legal Researcher | |
28.10.2021 | Notice for declaration of revised Result of Shorthand Test and Computer Test regarding Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts, DLSAs and PLAs, 2020. | |
27.10.2021 | Result of Interview held on 27.10.2021 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Pushpendra Singh Bhati | |
27.10.2021 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract for the Supply of Misc. Items | |
27.10.2021 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract for the Supply of Stationery Items | |
27.10.2021 | Transfer Posting Order No Estt RJS -95-2021 Dated 27-10-2021 | |
26.10.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 990 Dated 26-10-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
25.10.2021 | Notice Regarding Fourth National Lok Adalat | |
23.10.2021 | Selection for appointment of Judicial Members in the National Tribunal Reg | |
22.10.2021 | CIRCULAR In Suo Moto Writ Petition (C) No.4/2021 | |
22.10.2021 | Standing Order In Suo Moto Writ Petition (C) No.4/2021 | |
21.10.2021 | Nomination of Honourable Mr. Justice Sandeep Mehta as Administrative Judge | |
21.10.2021 | Notice to the candidates provisionally qualified for Main Examination for submission of requisite documents | |
17.10.2021 | Nomination Cancellation Order Dated 16.10.2021 | |
09.10.2021 | Transfer posting order No. 93 of the officers of District Jude Cadre | |
09.10.2021 | Transfer posting order No. 92 of the officers of Sr. Civil Judge Cadre | |
09.10.2021 | Transfer posting order no. 91 of the officers of Civil Judge Cadre | |
09.10.2021 | Transfer posting order No. 90 of the officers of Sr. Civil Judge and Civil Judge Cadre | |
08.10.2021 | Tender no. HC/SK/2021-22/383 dated 08.10.2021 Tender for tonner cartridge from OEM | |
06.10.2021 | No.Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2021/3126 | |
06.10.2021 | Declaration of date for holding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
30.09.2021 | CIRCULAR NO 18-PI-2021 Dated 30-09-2021 | |
29.09.2021 | Notice regarding order of Honorable Supreme Court in the matter of extension of period of limitation | |
24.09.2021 | No.Estt.(RJS)/87/2021 | |
24.09.2021 | Notification GSR 28 Family Court rajasthan Amendment rules | |
24.09.2021 | Notification dt 23 09 2021 appointment as Counselors | |
22.09.2021 | No.Estt.(RJS)/86/2021 | |
21.09.2021 | Notice regarding Statement of Marks in Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
20.09.2021 | Letter of Offer Ms Samiksha Gupta as Legal Researcher | |
17.09.2021 | Case Clearance Rate of Rajasthan High Court and District Courts for the year 2018,2019 and 2020 | |
16.09.2021 | Notice regarding declaration of result of Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
16.09.2021 | Notice regarding Final Answer Key of question paper of all the four series relating to Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2020 | |
15.09.2021 | Order No. Estt. ( RJS) / 84 /2021 | |
14.09.2021 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract - No. RHCB/STORE/2021-22/140 Date 13.09.2021 (Bids are invited for the AMC of Photo-Stat Machines for the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur) | |
14.09.2021 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract - No. RHCB/STORE/2021-22/136 Date 13.09.2021 (Bids are invited for the supply of Split A.C. and Heavy Duty Photo Stat Machines for the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur) | |
14.09.2021 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract - No. RHCB/STORE/2021-22/132 Date 13.09.2021 (Bids are invited for the supply of Paper Reams for the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur) | |
14.09.2021 | Result of Interview held on 11.09.2019 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Dinesh Mehta | |
09.09.2021 | Bench Detail of Third National Lok Adalat Date 11.09.2021 | |
07.09.2021 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2021-22/323 dated 07-09-2021 regarding Tender Notice No HC-SK-2021-22-285 Dated 18-08-2021 FOR THE SUPPLY INSTALLATION and MAINTENANCE OF 780 NUMBER OF LAPTOPS FOR JUDICIAL OFFICERS OF RAJASTHAN UBN is RHC2122GLOB00017 | |
07.09.2021 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2021-22-324 dated 07-09-2021 regarding Tender Notice No HC-SK-2021-22-295 Dated 24-08-2021 For the supply installation and maintenance of 100 number of Desktop Computer 150 number of Laser Printer Monochrome and 200 Number of 600 VA Line Interactive UPS for Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur andJaipur Bench Jaipur UBN is RHC2122GLOB00019 | |
07.09.2021 | Notification dated 3-9-21 and 6-9-21 jurisdiction of POCSO Courts | |
02.09.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 881 Dated 02-09-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
28.08.2021 | Order Regarding Half Day Holiday at Jaipur City on Account of Lord Shri Krishan Janamastami Festival on 31.08.2021 | |
26.08.2021 | Notification regarding sanction of staff for newly created courts | |
26.08.2021 | Notification Regarding Sanction of Staff for Newly Created Courts | |
26.08.2021 | Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee Office Order 178 | |
26.08.2021 | Order Sh Dalip Singh Judge Family court Merta | |
25.08.2021 | WORK ARRANGEMENT ORDER - No Estt-b2-v-1-WA-2021-2607 Date 25-08-2021 | |
24.08.2021 | NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-295 DATED 24-08-2021 NIT for the supply installation and maintenance of 100 number of Desktop Computer 150 number of Laser Printer Monochrome and 200 Number of 600 VA Line Interactive UPS for Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench Jaipur | |
24.08.2021 | NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-292 DATED 24-08-2021 NIT for Rate Contract for the supply of 1547 Class-3 DSCs with signature and encryption and two years validity with or without USB KEY for use of Judicial Officers of Rajasthan | |
24.08.2021 | Transfer Posting order no 82 dated 24-08-2021 | |
22.08.2021 | Notice regarding next date in cases listed on 23rd August 2021 at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench | |
22.08.2021 | Notice regarding closer of Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts on Monday 23rd August 2021 on account of the sad demise of Hon. Shri Kalyan Singh Former Governor of the State of Rajasthan. | |
18.08.2021 | Ex Post Facto Permission is Granted to the Judicial Officers | |
17.08.2021 | Notification regarding declaration of holidays in Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts | |
16.08.2021 | Annual contract for house keeping and cleaning work at Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Bench, Jaipur | |
10.08.2021 | Order Regarding Half Day Holiday at Jaipur City on Account of Teej Festival on 11.08.2021. | |
08.08.2021 | Work arrangement order for the Court of Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate, Lohawat, Jodhpur District | |
06.08.2021 | No.17/PI/2021 Dated 06-08-2021 | |
05.08.2021 | HOLIDAY OF TRIBAL DAY | |
04.08.2021 | Amendment in Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules 2002 | |
04.08.2021 | Rajasthan High Court Rules for Video Conferencing for Courts 2020 | |
03.08.2021 | No. Estt. ( RIS) / 75 /2021 Transfer of Shri Sunil Kumar Meena | |
02.08.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 820 Dated 02-08-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
01.08.2021 | You Tube Link of Sensitization Programme of JTRI, Uttar Pradesh on Timely Justice and Protection of Dignity of women Appearing in Courts in Different Capacities like Victims, Witnesses, Petitioner and Accused with special reference to Aparna Bhat Vs The State of MP AIR 2021 SC 1492 | |
31.07.2021 | Notice for declaration of Final Result of Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts, DLSAs and PLAs, 2020 | |
30.07.2021 | Notification regarding vacancies in District Judge Cadre for the year 2021-22 | |
30.07.2021 | Notification regarding vacancies in Senior Civil Judge Cadre for the year 2021-22 | |
30.07.2021 | Order of confirmation of Officers of Civil Judge Cadre | |
30.07.2021 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge 2021 | |
30.07.2021 | NIT for purchase of 1800 litre sanitizer (as per approved formula by office) under rate contract (for 6 month) for use of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
29.07.2021 | Tender for Annual Rate contract for the supply of Cello Accugrip Pen and Cello Accugrip Refil at Rajasthan High court Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench | |
29.07.2021 | No Accts Build New RHC Adv Chamber Rent 319 | |
26.07.2021 | Model Answer Key of question paper of all the four series relating to Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2020 | |
26.07.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals. | |
22.07.2021 | ADVERTISEMENT No.: RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/Civil Judge Cadre/2021/780 Dated: 22.07.2021 for recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge, 2021. | |
15.07.2021 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of June,2021 at RHCB Jaipur Bench, Jaipur | |
15.07.2021 | Order No.Gen.II.09.21.1426 Date 14.07.2021 | |
15.07.2021 | Notification No.Gen.II.09.21.1423 Date 14.07.2021 | |
15.07.2021 | Notification No.Gen.II.09.21.1427 Date 14.07.2021 Regarding Power of CJM | |
15.07.2021 | Notification No.Gen.II.09.21.1425 Date 14.07.2021 Regarding Upgradation of Court | |
15.07.2021 | Tender no. 203 dated 14.07.2021 (Tender for procurement of 192 Safa Chunri and 15 Cotton Sari) | |
15.07.2021 | Tender no. 202 dated 14.07.2021 (Tender for procurement of 153 pair Bata Super Stride Shoes and Bata Smart NKylon Socks) | |
15.07.2021 | Notification No.Gen.II.09.21.1424 Date 14.07.2021 | |
13.07.2021 | Circular regarding marking of appearance by accused persons before trial courts, pursuant to condition imposed by Honble High Court. | |
09.07.2021 | Regarding Notification of G.S.R. 292 and 293 of Amendment in Rajasthan District Courts Ministerial Establishment Rules | |
09.07.2021 | Transfer Order - No Estt RJS 67 2021 Date 09-07-2021 | |
09.07.2021 | New Bench Detail of Second National Lok Adalat Date 10.07.2021 | |
08.07.2021 | No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2021/2005 | |
08.07.2021 | Letter of Offer Mr Arvind Kumar as Legal Researcher | |
08.07.2021 | Order No Estt.RJS.66.2021 Date 08.07.2021 | |
08.07.2021 | Bench Detail of Second National Lok Adalat Date 10.07.2021 | |
08.07.2021 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
08.07.2021 | Notice regarding uploading Admission Cards of Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
07.07.2021 | Transfer Posting order no 65 dated 07-07-2021 | |
07.07.2021 | WORK ARRANGEMENT ORDER - No Estt-b2-v-1-WA-2021-1979 Date 07-07-2021 | |
06.07.2021 | Regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule for Interview of Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts and DLSAs 2020. | |
06.07.2021 | Nit No HC SK 2021-22 177 DATED 05 07 2021 Annual Rate Contract of various Type of Tyre and tube tubeless and amp general for office vehicle | |
02.07.2021 | Required Post and Budget Sanction for Commercial Courts - No.G-I-A-4-i-a-57-2021-SCI-443 Dated 30-06-2021 | |
01.07.2021 | Work Arrangement - Order-No-Estt-B2-v-1-WA-2021-1911 Date 30-06-2021 | |
01.07.2021 | Circular for functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 05.07.2021 | |
01.07.2021 | Notification for functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 05.07.2021 | |
30.06.2021 | Result of Interview held on 30-06-2021 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Inderjeet Singh | |
30.06.2021 | NIT No HC SK 2021-2022 161 DATED 29-06-2021 Caption NIT for the supply of Photo Copy Machines Black and White Photo Copy Machine Colored Desktop Computers Laptops Business Series Adobe Reader with PDF Editing Feature and Locker Safe at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
30.06.2021 | NOTICE INVITING TENDER NO HC SK 2021-2022 161 | |
30.06.2021 | Notice for declaration the Result of Shorthand Test and Computer Test regarding Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts DLSAs and PLAs 2020 | |
30.06.2021 | Notice No.345 dated:30.06.2021 issued in continuation of result notice dated: 27.02.2021 and corrigendum dated: 19.05.2021 for recruitment to the Post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
29.06.2021 | No. Estt./HC/2021/ 235 | |
29.06.2021 | Letter of Offer Mr Sagar Saraogi as Legal Researcher | |
29.06.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 29.06.2021 | |
28.06.2021 | Corrigendum No.Estt-HC-2021-231 Date 19-06-2021 regarding partial modification of the scheme for engaging legal researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
28.06.2021 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher | |
28.06.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 343 Dated 28-06-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
27.06.2021 | Circular for functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 28.06.2021 to 03.07.2021 | |
27.06.2021 | Notification for functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 28.06.2021 to 02.07.2021 | |
24.06.2021 | Circular for functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 28.06.2021 | |
24.06.2021 | Notification for functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 28.06.2021 | |
23.06.2021 | Regarding resignation of Sh. Dharmraj Meena, JJA, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench, Jaipur. | |
23.06.2021 | Result of Interview held on 22-06-2021 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Honorable Mr. Justice Mahendar Kumar Goyal | |
22.06.2021 | F-5()/RSLSA/Secretary/Panel Lawyers/2021/755 Dated 21.06.2021 | |
19.06.2021 | Unique Identification Number Allocated to Judicial Officers | |
19.06.2021 | Corrigendum No.Estt-HC-2021-231 Date 19-06-2021 regarding partial modification of the scheme for engaging legal researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
16.06.2021 | Notification regarding Special Benches exclusively for bail matters at Jaipur Bench | |
11.06.2021 | Notification regarding Special Benches exclusively for bail matters at Jaipur Bench | |
11.06.2021 | Notice regarding Declaration of date for holding Preliminary Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge, 2020 | |
10.06.2021 | NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-136 DATED 09.06.2021 Regarding Annual rate contract for car accessories | |
07.06.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 09.06.2021 | |
07.06.2021 | Work Arrangement Order - No.Estt.b2.v-1-WA-2021-1694 Date 07.06.2021 | |
07.06.2021 | Order No. General-II-09-2021-1269 Date 05-06-2021 Regarding Powers of New ACJM | |
07.06.2021 | Order No. General-II-09-2021-1270 Date 05-06-2021 Regarding Powers of New ADJs | |
04.06.2021 | Notifications dated 26.05.2021 regarding creation of New Courts | |
02.06.2021 | NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-80 dated 02-06-2021 NIT for purchase of 150 number of Bombay Dyeing Tulip Towel Size 75cm x 150cm and 1100 number of Yera Brand 10 FB 290 M l Glass Tumbler | |
31.05.2021 | Notification regarding the constitution of more Benches in summer vacations at Principal Seat Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench | |
27.05.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court during summer vacation | |
26.05.2021 | Office Order no. 55 Date 25.05.2021 Regarding Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
25.05.2021 | Order No 10 E.V -2021 Date 21.05.2021 Regarding Following Panel of Advocates are hereby recommended for appointment as Guardian-ad-Litem for the year 2021 | |
25.05.2021 | Order No 09 E.V -2021 Date 21.05.2021 Regarding Following Panel of Advocates are hereby recommended for appointment as Amicus- Curiae for the year 2021 | |
24.05.2021 | Notification dated 24.05.2021 regarding Summer Vacation | |
24.05.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 25.05.2021 to 08.06.2021. | |
24.05.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 25.05.2021 to 28.05.2021. | |
21.05.2021 | Notice regarding work suspension of court and office work in Rajasthan High Court and subordinate courts on 22.05.2021 | |
20.05.2021 | Notice regarding closure of Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts on 20.5.2021 on account of sad demise of Shri Jagannath Pahadia, former Chief Minister of Rajasthan | |
19.05.2021 | Statement of Marks of the Candidates who appeared in the Screening Test for Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur / Driver-2020 | |
19.05.2021 | Corrigendum to the Result of Screening Test for Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur / Driver - 2020 | |
18.05.2021 | Category-wise monthly statement of cases for the month of April 2021 RHCB-Jaipur | |
16.05.2021 | Minutes of meeting dated 13.05.2021 of Honourable High Powered Committee | |
16.05.2021 | Circular for functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 18.05.2021 to 24.05.2021 | |
16.05.2021 | Notification for functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 18.05.2021 to 24.05.2021 | |
14.05.2021 | Notice regarding cases listed in Rajasthan High Court on 15.05.2021 | |
14.05.2021 | Notice regarding work suspension of court and office work in Rajasthan High Court and subordinate courts on 15.05.2021. | |
06.05.2021 | Inviting Suggestions - Views under Clause-9 of Rajasthan High Court Designation of Senior Advocates Guidelines 2019 | |
02.05.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 04.05.2021. | |
02.05.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 04.05.2021. | |
01.05.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 01.05.2021 | |
30.04.2021 | Notification regarding suspension of office work in Rajasthan High Court and Court-office work in Subordinate Courts on 01.05.2021 | |
29.04.2021 | Notice regarding Honourable Supreme Court order extending period of limitation. | |
29.04.2021 | No.Estt.b2-v-1-WA-2O21/1408 Dated 29.04.2021 | |
27.04.2021 | Order regarding Work arrangement of JJB Courts No.Estt.b2-v-1-WA-2O21/1395 Dated 27.04.2021 | |
27.04.2021 | Order regarding Work arrangement of Family Courts No.Estt.b2-v-1-WA-2O21/1394 Dated 27.04.2021 | |
27.04.2021 | Order regarding Work arrangement of Gram Nyayalaya Courts No.Estt.b2-v-1-WA-2O21/1393 Dated 27.04.2021 | |
27.04.2021 | Order regarding Work arrangement of MACT Courts No.Estt.b2-v-1-WA-2O21/1392 Dated 27.04.2021 | |
27.04.2021 | Order regarding Work arrangement of Designated Ccourts No.Estt.b2-v-1-WA-2O21/1391 Dated 27.04.2021 | |
27.04.2021 | Order regarding Work arrangement of Commercial Courts No.Estt.b2-v-1-WA-2O21/1390 Dated 27.04.2021 | |
25.04.2021 | Corrigendum regarding change in last date of NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-17 DATED 16.04.2021 and NIT No. HC-SK-2021-22-21 DATED 19.04.2021 | |
25.04.2021 | Notice regarding cases listed in Rajasthan High Court on 26.04.2021 | |
25.04.2021 | Notice for closure of Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts on 26.04.2021 on account of sad demise of Honourable Mr Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, Judge Supreme Court of India. | |
23.04.2021 | Notice regarding cases listed in Rajasthan High Court on 24.04.2021 | |
23.04.2021 | Suspension of Court and Office Work in Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts on 24.04.2021 | |
23.04.2021 | Order regarding Work arrangement of vacant courts No-Estt-RJS-56-2021 Dated 23.04.2021 | |
23.04.2021 | NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-30 DATED 23-04-2021 NIT for supply of 08 number of oxygen concentrator at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench Jaipur | |
21.04.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court | |
21.04.2021 | Inviting suggestions on the Draft Vision document for Phase III of eCourts Project. | |
19.04.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 20.04.2021 | |
19.04.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 20.04.2021 | |
19.04.2021 | NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-21 DATED 19-04-2021 NIT for supply of 10 number of ultraviolet sanitizer almira height-78 inches width-36 inches length -36 inches for use of Rajasthan High Court | |
19.04.2021 | Category-wise monthly statement of cases for the month of March 2021 RHCB-Jaipur | |
19.04.2021 | NIT for supply of Asbestos cement pots and plastic pots in the office premises at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur - NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-17 DATED 16-04-2021 | |
17.04.2021 | Notice regarding cases listed in Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench on 17.04.2021 | |
16.04.2021 | Tender No HC-SK-2021-22-17 Dated 16-04-2021 Bids for Supply of Asbestos cement pots and Plastic pots | |
16.04.2021 | Notice regarding suspension of work in Court and Offices of Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts on 17.04.2021 | |
15.04.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals Dated 15-04-2021 | |
15.04.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court Dated 15-04-2021 | |
10.04.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court | |
10.04.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
09.04.2021 | ORDER EV 2021 DATE 09-04-2021 | |
08.04.2021 | Transfer posting order dated - 08-04-2021 | |
06.04.2021 | Transfer posting order dated - 06-04-2021. | |
06.04.2021 | Transfer posting order dated - 06-04-2021. | |
05.04.2021 | Transfer posting order dated - 05-04-2021 | |
05.04.2021 | ORDER NO ESTT HC 2021 148 DATE 05-04-2021 | |
03.04.2021 | NIT No HC-SK-2021-22-01 DATED 03-04-2021 NIT for purchase of 25248 number of N-95 Anti Pollution Mask with PM 2.5 filter for use of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
02.04.2021 | Transfer posting order dated - 02-04-2021 | |
01.04.2021 | Order of Additional charge of Juvenile Justice Boards | |
01.04.2021 | Transfer posting order dated - 01-04-2021 | |
01.04.2021 | ORDER NO ESTT RJS 46 2021 DATE 01-04-2021 | |
31.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 31.03.2021 | |
31.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 31.03.2021 | |
31.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 31.03.2021 | |
31.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 31.03.2021 | |
30.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 30-03-2021 | |
27.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 27.03.2021 | |
25.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 25.03.2021. | |
25.03.2021 | NOTIFICATION - No Gen-II-03-2016-824 Dated 24-03-2021 | |
24.03.2021 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2020-21-777 dated 24-03-2021 regarding Tender Notice No HC-SK-2020-21-715 Dated 16-03-2021 for supply of Photo Copy Machines Black and White Photo Copy Machine Colored - Desktop Computers Business Series - Laptops Business Series - Adobe Reader with PDF Editing Feature and Locker or Safe at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur UBN is RHC2021GLOB00037 | |
23.03.2021 | Transfer Posting Order dated 23.03.2021 | |
22.03.2021 | Circular dated 22.03.2021 regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts, Special Courts and Tribunals | |
22.03.2021 | Notification dated 22.03.2021 regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court. | |
22.03.2021 | Transfer posting order no 30 dated 22.03.2021. | |
22.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 22.03.2021. | |
22.03.2021 | Order No Estt (RJS) / 28 / 2021 | |
21.03.2021 | Notice regarding sitting time of Honble Courts on 22.03.2021 at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench, Jaipur | |
20.03.2021 | ORDER ESTT RJS 27/2021 | |
18.03.2021 | Order No. Estt. (RJS) / 26 / 2021 | |
18.03.2021 | Transfer posting order no. 25 dated 18.03.2021. | |
18.03.2021 | Transfer posting order no. 24 dated 18.03.2021. | |
18.03.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 162 Dated 18-03-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
16.03.2021 | Transfer posting order no 23 dated 16.03.2021 | |
16.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 16.03.2021 | |
16.03.2021 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases in RHCB for the Month of February, 2021 | |
16.03.2021 | NIT for the supply of Photo Copy Machines Black and White Photo Copy Machine Colored - Desktop Computers Business Series - Laptops Business Series - Adobe Reader with PDF Editing Feature and Locker or Safe at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur UBN is RHC2021GLOB00037 - NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-715 Dated 16-03-2021 | |
15.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 15.03.2021. | |
15.03.2021 | General Instructions for candidates of Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2020 | |
15.03.2021 | Notice for uploading Admission Card and Final Schedule for Shorthand and Computer Test regarding Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2020 | |
11.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 11.03.2021 | |
10.03.2021 | Reactivation of the link for submission of online application form for direct recruitment to the cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
09.03.2021 | Transfer Posting Order No. 18 dated 09.03.2021 | |
09.03.2021 | Transfer Posting Order No. 19 dated 09.03.2021 | |
09.03.2021 | Order No.RJS/Estt.B2(i)/02/2018(Twice-Part.B)/812 | |
09.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 09.03.2021 | |
08.03.2021 | Notice for Holiday on 08-03-2021 | |
07.03.2021 | Transfer posting order dated 07.03.2021. | |
05.03.2021 | Transfer Posting Order dated 05.03.2021 | |
05.03.2021 | Order No Estt-RJS-14-2021 Date 05-03-2021 | |
04.03.2021 | 03-04 EV 2021 Dated 04-03-2021 Regarding Holiday on 12.03.2021 at Rajasthan High Court and all the Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan | |
04.03.2021 | Letter of Offer Mr Jay Kishan Sharma as Legal Researcher | |
03.03.2021 | Tender no GEM-2021-B-1089132 dated 03-03-2021 Procurement through GeM for Heavy Duty Shredder Machine UBN RHC2021GSSS00036 | |
02.03.2021 | S.NO. 02 EV 2021 DATE 01 03 2021 | |
27.02.2021 | Notice for declaration of Result of Screening Test for recruitment to the Post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
26.02.2021 | Result of Interview held on 26-02-2021 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Vinit Kumar Mathur. | |
26.02.2021 | Transfer Order No - Estt-RJS-13-2021 Dated - 26-02-2021 | |
25.02.2021 | Regarding up of the post of President in the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission State Commission Meghalaya | |
25.02.2021 | Regarding Filling the post of Member Legal in Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Boaard PNGRB | |
24.02.2021 | NIT for supply of 99 Nos Web Camera and 15 Nos Scanners as per approved specifications by office at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan as list enclosed in tender-NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-681 DATED 24-02-2021 | |
23.02.2021 | Notification No RJS ESTT 11-2021 Dated 22-02-2021 | |
22.02.2021 | Transfer Order - No Estt-RJS-12-2021 | |
22.02.2021 | NIT for supply of asbestos cement pots and plastic pots in the office premises at Rajasthan High court Jodhpur-NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-668 DATED 20-02-2021 | |
20.02.2021 | Transfer Order - No Estt-RJS-10-2021 | |
18.02.2021 | NOTICE - Regarding First National Lok Adalat Dated 17-02-2021 | |
16.02.2021 | Notice for Tender No.Jt.R(P)/RHCB/2021/514 | |
16.02.2021 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of January 2021 at RHCB Jaipur | |
16.02.2021 | Notice for Creche Facility in Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
16.02.2021 | Notification No.- P.1 Nyay 2020 Part-I Dated 08.02.2021 | |
10.02.2021 | Regarding declaration of Date and Place for Shorthand and Computer Test Hindi and English for Recruitment to the post of Stenographer Grade III for District Courts and Stenographer for DLSAs and PLAs 2020 | |
08.02.2021 | Appointment Order on the Post of Translator - Order No - Estt-HC-2021-62 Dated 08-02-2021 | |
06.02.2021 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of January 2020 | |
05.02.2021 | Tender No HC-SK-2020-21-629 dated 05-02-2021 Caption - NIT for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract AMC of Computer Systems and Peripherals - Printers - Cisco Switches and Kiosks and Server installed at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur UBN is - RHC2021SLRC00033 | |
03.02.2021 | Notification regarding Rajasthan High Court Service Rules, 2002 | |
03.02.2021 | Order No Estt-RJS-07-2021 DATE 03 02 2021 | |
02.02.2021 | ORDER NO ESTT B2 V 1 WA-2021-431 DT 02-02-2021 | |
30.01.2021 | Transfer Posting Order dated 30.01.2021 | |
29.01.2021 | Tender No HC-SK-2020-21-592 dated 28-01-2021 Caption NIT for the supply Installation and Maintenance of 1242 number of Cisco Webex Enterprises version or Microsoft Teams Office 365 E-1 at Subordinate Court of Rajasthan under E-Court Project UBN is RHC2021GLOB00031 | |
25.01.2021 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge Through Limited Competitive Examination 2020 | |
25.01.2021 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
24.01.2021 | Model Answer Key of question paper of all the series regarding Screening Test for recruitment to the Post of Chauffeur/Driver,2020 | |
22.01.2021 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of December 2020. | |
22.01.2021 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2021 52 Dated 22-01-2021 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
21.01.2021 | Transfer Posting Order dated 21.01.2021 | |
21.01.2021 | NIT for annual rate contract regarding auction of unusefull and wastage paper | |
19.01.2021 | List of eligible Officers of Senior Civil Judge Cadre to appear in Limited Competitive Examination 2020 | |
18.01.2021 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract - No. RHCB/STORE/2020-21/1181 Date-18.01.2021 | |
11.01.2021 | 01EV2021 NOTIFICATION | |
08.01.2021 | Notification for Recruitment by promotion to the Cadre of District Judge through Limited Competitive Examination 2020 | |
08.01.2021 | Transfer Order - No Estt-RJS-03-2021 Dated 08-01-2021 | |
08.01.2021 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on December 2020 RHC Jodhpur | |
08.01.2021 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on December 2020 RHCB Jaipur. | |
08.01.2021 | Notice for uploading Admission Card cum Attendance Sheets for Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
08.01.2021 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 11.01.2021 | |
08.01.2021 | Notification regarding functioning of High Court from 11.01.2021 | |
07.01.2021 | Regarding Attestation Form for Selected Candidates of Civil Judge Examination 2018 | |
06.01.2021 | STANDING ORDER - No. 01-SO-2021 Dated 06-01-2021. | |
06.01.2021 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2020-21-507 dated 05-01-2021 regarding Tender Notice No HC-SK-2020-21-483 Dated 14-12-2020 for the supply Installation and Maintenance of 1385 number of Camera mike 1242 number of display units and 1151 number of document visulizer under E-Court Project UBN is RHC2021GLOB00028 | |
06.01.2021 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2020-21-508 dated 05-01-2021 regarding Tender Notice No HC-SK-2020-21-487 Dated 14-12-2020 for the supply Installation and Maintenance of 411 number of i3 Desktop Computers 274 number of i5 Desktop Computers and 253 number of Extra Monitors under E-Court Project UBN is RHC2021GLOB00028 | |
05.01.2021 | Notification for Direct Recruitment to the cadre of District Judge 2020 | |
22.12.2020 | Auction of unserviceable items for Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
19.12.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 02.01.2021 | |
19.12.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of High Court from 04.01.2021 | |
19.12.2020 | No14 E V 2020 dt.18-12-2020 Regarding Adopation of Model V C Rules as practice for Courts | |
18.12.2020 | Order No Estt-b2 v 1 WA 2020-4721 Date 18-12-2020 | |
17.12.2020 | NO ESTT RJS 93-2020 DT 17-12-2020 | |
16.12.2020 | Order No-Estt-B2-v-1-WA-2020-4706 Dated-16-12-2020 | |
16.12.2020 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of November 2020 | |
16.12.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam cell Driver 2020 709 Dated 16-12-2020 Declaration of date for holding Screening Test for Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
15.12.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-487 DATED 14-12-2020 NIT For the supply Installation and Maintenance of 411 number of i3 Desktop Computers 274 number of i5 Dersktop Computers and 253 number of Extra Monitors under E-Court Project UBN is RHC2021GLOB00029 | |
15.12.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-483 DATED 14-12-2020 NIT for the supply Installation and Maintenance of 1385 number of Camera mike 1242 number of display units and 1151 number of document visualizer under E-Court Project UBN is RHC2021GLOB00028 | |
14.12.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of November 2020 of RHCB Jaipur | |
12.12.2020 | Order related to grant of Super Time Scale to Judicial Officers. | |
11.12.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 14.12.2020 | |
11.12.2020 | REQUEST FOR TRANSFER POSTING UNDER THE TRANSFER POLICY - No-Estt-B2-v-TP-2014-4687 Dated 11-12-2020 | |
10.12.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-479 DATED 10-12-2020 Caption-NIT for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Garden Lawns hedges shrubs plants and potted plants etc in the Office Premises at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur UBN No is RHC2021WSRC00025 | |
10.12.2020 | Order Regarding Work Arrangement - No Estt-RJS-91-2020 Dated- 10-12-2020 | |
07.12.2020 | 12 EV NOTIFICATION/2020 FOR HIGH COURT | |
05.12.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 07.12.2020 | |
03.12.2020 | Transfer Order /Estt(RJS)/90/2020 | |
03.12.2020 | NIT No HC SK 2020-21 463 Dated 02-12-2020Caption NIT for Annual Rate Contract for purchase of Photocopier and Judgement Paper Ream Office Stationary Items Computer Consumable Items and Toner Cartridge For Photocopier Machine Fax Machine and Printers UBN No isRHC2021GLRC00024 | |
01.12.2020 | WORK ARRANGEMENT - Order No Estt-b2v1-WA-2020-4539 Dated 01-12-2020 | |
27.11.2020 | NIT for Printing of High Court and Civil Courts Calendar 2021 (Wall Calendar, Table Calendar and Pocket Calendar) (UBN No. is RHC2021GSOB00023) | |
27.11.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 01.12.2020 | |
26.11.2020 | WORK ARRANGEMENT - Order No Estt-RJS-89-2020 Dated 26-11-2020 | |
26.11.2020 | Transfer Order - No Estt-RJS-88-2020 Dated - 26-11-2020 | |
26.11.2020 | Transfer Order - No Estt-RJS-86-2020 Dated - 25-11-2020 | |
24.11.2020 | Online Course on Commercial and Business Laws conducted by National Law University, New Delhi | |
23.11.2020 | Notice regarding postponement of Screening Test scheduled on 06-12-2020 | |
22.11.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 23.11.2020 | |
20.11.2020 | WORK ARRANGEMENT - Order No Estt-b2v1-WA-2020-4458 Dated 20-11-2020 | |
20.11.2020 | Filling up of the post of President in the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Lucknow | |
20.11.2020 | Powers to New Courts - Order No Gen-II-02-2020 Dated 19-11-2020 | |
19.11.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on October 2020 RHCB Jaipur. | |
19.11.2020 | Tender/RHCB/library/Binding/665 dated 19-11-2020 | |
19.11.2020 | Appointment to the post of Translator - Notice no I-A-iii-a-1-08-2019-1929 Dated 19-11-2020 | |
19.11.2020 | WORK ARRANGEMENT - Order No Estt-RJS-84-2020 Dated 19-11-2020 | |
19.11.2020 | Notifications for creation of 52 new courts - No Gen-II-05-2017-1487 to 1496 Dated 19-11-2020 | |
19.11.2020 | Circular dated 19.11.2020 for functioning of Jaipur Metro-I, II, Jaipur District, Jodhpur Metro and Jodhpur District Courts situated at District Headquarter. | |
18.11.2020 | Sealed Bids are invited for the supply of Computer Items | |
18.11.2020 | LETTER OF OFFER - Letter no I-A-iii-a-1-22-2020-1912 Dated - 18-11-2020 | |
11.11.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on October 2020 RHC Jodhpur | |
11.11.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell Translator 2020 677 Dated 11-11-2020 Statement of Marks of Candidates for Translator 2020 | |
11.11.2020 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of October 2020 | |
11.11.2020 | NOTICE - Regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 12-12-2020 | |
06.11.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam cell Driver 2020 662 Dated 06-11-2020 Declaration of date for holding Screening Test for Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
05.11.2020 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2020-21-419 dated 05-11-2020 regarding Tender Notice No HC-SK-2020-21-399 Dated 22-10-2020 for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Garden-Lawns hedges shrubs plants and potted plants | |
03.11.2020 | CIRCULAR NO G-I-A-4-i-a-03-19-5556 Dated 02-11-2020 | |
02.11.2020 | Circular dated 01.11.2020 for functioning of Jaipur Metro-I, II and Bikaner Judgeships from 02.11.2020. | |
29.10.2020 | NOTIFICATION - No Estt-RJS-80-2020 Dated 29-10-2020 | |
29.10.2020 | NOTIFICATION - No Estt-RJS-79-2020 Dated 29-10-2020 | |
28.10.2020 | Notification regarding conversiong of Special Courts of Raj Special Courts Act 2012 into Special Courts Prevention of Corruption Act | |
28.10.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 646 Dated: 28-10-2020 Result of Interview held on 28-10-2020 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Goverdhan Bardhar | |
27.10.2020 | No Estt-b-2 v 1-wa-2020-4314 Date 27-10-2020 | |
27.10.2020 | CIRCULAR NO 31-P I 2020 Dated 27-10-2020 | |
27.10.2020 | Order regarding Public Holiday on 29.10.2020 on account of Election of Municipal Corporation (Nagar Nigam), Jaipur | |
23.10.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 02.11.2020 | |
22.10.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-405 DATED 22-10-2020 Caption-NIT for for purchase of 24 number of licenses of CISCO WEBEX as per approved specification of office UBN No is RHC2021GSOB00022 | |
22.10.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-399 DATED 22-10-2020 Caption-NIT for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Garden/Lawns hedges shrubs plants and potted plants etc in the Office Premises at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur UBN No. is RHC2021WSRC00021 | |
21.10.2020 | Letter of Offer Mr Aniruddh Pratap Singh as Legal Researcher | |
20.10.2020 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of September 2020. | |
20.10.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on September 2020 RHC Jodhpur | |
20.10.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on September 2020 RHCB Jaipur. | |
17.10.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 19.10.2020 | |
16.10.2020 | NIT No HC SK 2020-21 388 DATED 16-10-2020 Nit for number of purchasing of one number of Heavy Duty Paper Shredder Machine ten number of Paper Shredder Machine and eight Trolly with capcity for carrying 3-4 iron Boxes at one Time | |
16.10.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell Translator 2020 630 Dated 16-10-2020 Final Result for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator-2020 | |
16.10.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell Translator 2020 629 Dated 16-10-2020 Final Result for promotion from amongst eligible staff of Rajasthan High Court to the post of Translator-2020 | |
16.10.2020 | Store/RHCB/2020-21/1049 dated 15-10-2020 | |
16.10.2020 | Sealed Bids are invited for the supply of Misc. Items | |
15.10.2020 | Notice regarding postponement of Screening Test scheduled on 01-11-2020 | |
15.10.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 625 Dated: 15-10-2020 Result of Interview held on 15-10-2020 at Jaipur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Mahendar Kumar Goyal. | |
14.10.2020 | Tender No HC-SK-2020-21-381 Dated 14-10-2020 - Tender for Rate Contract for supply of Santizer UBN No RHC2021GSRC00019 | |
14.10.2020 | STANDING ORDER - No.17-SO-2020 Dated 13-10-2020. | |
09.10.2020 | Order Regarding Work Arrangement - Order No Estt-B2-V-1-WA-2020-4143 Dated - 09-10-2020 | |
09.10.2020 | Order Regarding Work Arrangement - Order No Estt-B2-V-1-WA-2020-4142 Dated - 09-10-2020 | |
09.10.2020 | Gen-II-07-07-1262 Dated 08.10.2020 | |
07.10.2020 | Order No-RJS Estt 75 2020 Dated 07-10-2020 | |
05.10.2020 | Order No RSJA-RJS-Estt-2020-136 Dated 03-10-2020 regarding Field Placement Order for Newly Appointed Civil Judges | |
05.10.2020 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract of Paper Reams vide No.RHCB/STORE/2020-21/1024 dated 05.10.2020 | |
02.10.2020 | ADVERTISEMENT for recruitment to the post of Driver on contractual basis for RSJA dated 30.09.2020 | |
02.10.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam cell Driver 2020 610 Dated 02-10-2020 Declaration of date for holding Screening Test for Recruitment to the post of Chauffeur Driver 2020 | |
01.10.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 05.10.2020 | |
01.10.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 05.10.2020 | |
01.10.2020 | Instructions regarding filling online application form to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2020 | |
29.09.2020 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract of Stationery Items vide No.RHCB/STORE/2020-21/1019 dated 29.09.2020 | |
25.09.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21/331 DATED 24-09-2020 NIT for annual rate contract for stitching of liveries for chauffeur Ushar and Class IV employee of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
24.09.2020 | No Gen II 12 2020 1209 Dated 24-09-2020 Regarding Notification | |
24.09.2020 | No Gen II 12 2020 1210 Dated 24-09-2020 Regarding Notification | |
24.09.2020 | No Gen II 12 2020 1207 Dated 24-09-2020 Regarding Notification | |
24.09.2020 | Notification of 03/SRO/2020 Dt. 02092020 regarding amendment in General Rules (Civil Criminal), 2018 published in Rajasthan Gazette Extraordinary Part 1 (Kha) on page 5745 on dated 18 September, 2020 | |
21.09.2020 | CIRCULAR Regarding lncidences of misplacement or theft of official mobile phones provided to Process servers and Bailiff for electronic service of summons through NSTEP Mobile Apps are regularly being reported | |
19.09.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 21.09.2020 | |
19.09.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 21.09.2020 | |
19.09.2020 | Filling the post of Member(Legal) in Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board(PNGRB) | |
19.09.2020 | Notice dated 19.09.2020 regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts / Special Courts / Tribunals situated at Jodhpur and Jaipur headquarters. | |
18.09.2020 | Bid Notice - No. RHCB/STORE/2020-21/1008 Date-17.09.2020 | |
18.09.2020 | Letter of Offer Mr Dhanur Dhar Singh Rana as Legal Researcher | |
18.09.2020 | Letter of Offer Mr Shubhendra Singh Deep as Legal Researcher | |
18.09.2020 | Notice regarding declaration of scheduled dates for filling in online application form for recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. J.A. and Clerk Grade II | |
17.09.2020 | Selection for the posts of vice chairmen in the authority for the advance ruling under the Income tax Act 1961 | |
16.09.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on August 2020 RHCB Jaipur. | |
16.09.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 591 Dated 16-09-2020 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
15.09.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of August 2020 at RHC Jodhpur | |
15.09.2020 | Tender for supply of Bata Super Stride Shoes Bata Smart Nylon Socks Safa and Saree | |
15.09.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court | |
14.09.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts / Special Courts / Tribunals | |
14.09.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 588 Dated: 14-09-2020 Result of Interview held on 14-09-2020 at Jodhpur for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Rameshwar Vyas. | |
14.09.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of August 2020 at RHCB Jaipur | |
14.09.2020 | Order Regarding Work Arrangement - No.P.19(2)Nyay/2014 dated 02.09.2020 | |
10.09.2020 | Corrigendum regarding Order No-RJS Estt 69 2020 Dated 10-09-2020 | |
10.09.2020 | Corrigendum regarding Order No-RJS Estt 68 2020 Dated 10-09-2020 | |
10.09.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 14.09.2020 | |
10.09.2020 | Department for promotion of industry and internal trade invites application for the post of vice-chairman intellectual property appellate board chennai | |
10.09.2020 | Department for promotion of industry and internal trade invites application for the post of chairman intellectual property appellate board chennai | |
10.09.2020 | Regarding Filling up the post of presiding officer of central Government industrial tribunal-cum-Labour court, Banglore | |
10.09.2020 | Order No-RJS Estt 69 2020 Dated 10-09-2020 | |
10.09.2020 | Order No-RJS Estt 68 2020 Dated 10-09-2020 | |
10.09.2020 | Regarding Nyaya Bandhu Panel-Pro Bono Legal Services for Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur-Bench Jaipur | |
08.09.2020 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of AUGUST 2020. | |
05.09.2020 | Additional appointment of Sh. Sanuj Kulshrestha Sr. C.J.-cum-ACJM as Principal Magistrate of Juvenile Justice Board Sawaimadhopur | |
03.09.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
02.09.2020 | Order Regarding Work Arrangement - Order No Estt-B2-V-1-WA-2020-3673 Dated - 02-09-2020 | |
02.09.2020 | Order Regarding Work Arrangement - Order No Estt-B2-V-1-WA-2020-3672 Dated - 02-09-2020 | |
01.09.2020 | Notice for closure of Rajasthan High Court and subordinate courts on 01.09.2020 on account of sad demise of Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Honourable former President of India. | |
31.08.2020 | Instructions for candidates appearing in Written Test for recruitment to the post of Translator 2020 | |
31.08.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on July 2020 RHCB Jaipur. | |
31.08.2020 | Letter of Offer Ms Niti Jain as Legal Researcher | |
31.08.2020 | Regarding order dt 10-07-2020 passed by Honourable Supreme Court of India in Suo Moto Writ Petition c No 3-2020 | |
31.08.2020 | Regarding Work Arrangement Order No-RJS Estt 66 2020 Dated 31-08-2020 | |
27.08.2020 | Notice regarding Urgent Listing Memos | |
27.08.2020 | Notice regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 31.08.2020 | |
27.08.2020 | Notice regarding closure of Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts on account of sad demise of Honourable Dr. Justice A.R. Lakshmanan, Former Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court | |
26.08.2020 | NOTICE:No. RHC/Exam Cell/Translator/2020/534 Dated:26.08.2020 for uploading Admission Card of Written Test for Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2020 | |
25.08.2020 | Regarding Transfer Posting - Order No Estt-RJS-65-2020 Dated 25-08-2020 | |
24.08.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 529 Dated: 24-08-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Sanjeev Prakash Sharma on 13-08-2020 and 14-08-2020 at Jaipur | |
24.08.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of July 2020 at RHCB Jaipur | |
19.08.2020 | Notice regarding suspension of court and office work in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals situated at Jaipur Headquarter. | |
19.08.2020 | Notice regarding suspension of court and office work at Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench on 20.08.2020 and 21.08.2020. | |
19.08.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Heli Pathak as Legal Researcher | |
19.08.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Mrinal Dave as Legal Researcher | |
17.08.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of July 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
17.08.2020 | Notice for next dates in cases of 17.08.2020 to 19.08.2020 | |
16.08.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 16.08.2020 | |
16.08.2020 | Notice regarding suspension of court and office work in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals situated at Jaipur Headquarter. | |
16.08.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 509 Dated: 16-08-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Sandeep Mehta on 16-08-2020 at Jodhpur | |
16.08.2020 | Notice regarding suspension of court and office work at Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench from 17.08.2020 to 19.08.2020. | |
14.08.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Ankita Gehlot as Legal Researcher | |
14.08.2020 | Letter Of Offer Shri Himanshu Bumb as Legal Researcher | |
14.08.2020 | Letter Of Offer Mr Rajat Beniwal as Legal Researcher | |
13.08.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 13.08.2020 | |
13.08.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 13.08.2020 | |
13.08.2020 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/Translator/2020/508 Declaration of date for holding Written Test for Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2020 | |
10.08.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-260 dated 10-08-2020 Tender for supply of 10 Ultraviolet Disinfection Machines for Disinfection of files Ultraviolet UV-C Based Disinfection System with Conveyor Mechanism | |
08.08.2020 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of July 2020. | |
07.08.2020 | Notice regarding functioning of Principal Seat of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
07.08.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 07.08.2020 | |
07.08.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 495 Dated: 07-08-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Ashok Kumar Gaur on 30-07-2020 at Jaipur | |
06.08.2020 | NIT for purchase of 2 Ton Tower Air conditioner(as per Group-I of PWD Rajasthan BSR 2013) | |
06.08.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Roshi Singh Chitara as Legal Researcher | |
06.08.2020 | Letter Of Offer Mr Virendra Kumar as Legal Researcher | |
05.08.2020 | Corrigendum in Transfer Posting Order dated 02.08.2020 | |
05.08.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 05.08.2020 | |
05.08.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
04.08.2020 | Corrigendum in Transfer Posting Order dated 04.08.2020 | |
04.08.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 04.08.2020 | |
04.08.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 484 Dated: 04-08-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Devendra Kachhawaha on 31-07-2020 at Jodhpur | |
02.08.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 02.08.2020 | |
31.07.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 31.07.2020 | |
31.07.2020 | Revised Guidelines for Online Lok Adalat scheduled for 22.08.2020 | |
31.07.2020 | Instructions regarding filling online application form to the post of Chauffeur for RHC and Driver for RSJA RSLSA and District Courts 2020 | |
30.07.2020 | Order No. Gen/XV/56/2019/4166 dated 30-07-2020 | |
30.07.2020 | Order No. RJS-Estt.A(ii)/15/93(II)3103 dated 27-07-2020 | |
30.07.2020 | Regarding Selection of Judicial Members of the Armed Forces Tribunal AFT | |
29.07.2020 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2020-21-223 Dated 28-07-2020 For Critical Dates and Specifications For Tender Notice No HC-SK-2020-21-151 Dated 07-07-2020 | |
28.07.2020 | Notice regarding hearing of cases through video conferencing at Principal Seat, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
28.07.2020 | Suspension of judicial work at Principal Seat of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur on 28.07.2020 | |
24.07.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on June 2020 RHCB Jaipur. | |
23.07.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 428 Dated: 23-07-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Chandra Kumar Songara held on 23-07-2020 at Jaipur | |
23.07.2020 | Regarding Work Arrangement - Order No-RJS Estt-B2-V-TP-24-2016-3044 Dated 23-07-2020 | |
23.07.2020 | Order Regarding Half Day Holiday on Account of TEEJ FESTIVAL on 23.07.2020 (Thursday). | |
22.07.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 405 Dated: 22-07-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Manoj Kumar Vyas held on 22-07-2020 at Jaipur | |
22.07.2020 | Regarding Work Arrangement Order No Estt RJS 54-2020 Dated 22-07-2020 | |
22.07.2020 | ADVERTISEMENT for recruitment to the post of Chauffeur for RHC and Driver for RSJA, RSLSA and District Courts 2020 | |
21.07.2020 | Recruitment of Legal Researcher for RSLSA 2020 | |
21.07.2020 | Recruitment of Legal Researcher for RSLSA 2020 | |
21.07.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on JUNE 2020 RHC Jodhpur. | |
21.07.2020 | Regarding Filling up the post of Presiding Officer of Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court National Industrial Tribunal Kolkata | |
20.07.2020 | Regarding Work Arrangement - Order No-Estt-B2-V-1-WA-2020-3009 Dated 20-07-2020 | |
20.07.2020 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2020-3004 | |
20.07.2020 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2020-3003 | |
20.07.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 20.07.2020 | |
20.07.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of June 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
18.07.2020 | Notice for next dates and extension of interim orders in Rajasthan High Court | |
18.07.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 383 Dated: 18-07-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Satish Kumar Sharma held on 18-07-2020 at Jaipur. | |
17.07.2020 | Regarding Work Arrangement - Order No Estt-B2-V-1-WA-2020-1303 Dated - 17-07-2020 | |
15.07.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court | |
14.07.2020 | Tender Corrigendum No HC-SK-2020-21-164 Dated 13-07-2020 For Critical Dates For Tender Notice No HC-SK-2020-21-135 and HC-SK-2020-21-136 Dated 03-07-2020 | |
13.07.2020 | Notice for next dates in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench | |
13.07.2020 | Extension of interim orders | |
12.07.2020 | Notification for suspension of functioning of court and office at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur and Jaipur Bench | |
11.07.2020 | Steps taken by Rajasthan High Court for functioning of Courts during and after lock-down | |
10.07.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of June 2020 at RHCB Jaipur | |
10.07.2020 | Transfer Posting Order dated 10.07.2020 | |
10.07.2020 | Category Wise Monthly and Quarterly Statistical Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of June 2020 | |
09.07.2020 | Suspension of court and office work at Principal Seat of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur on 10.07.2020 | |
09.07.2020 | Suspension of court and office work at Principal Seat of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
07.07.2020 | NIT No HC-SK-2020-21-151 DATED 07-07-2020 NIT for the supply Installation and maintenance of 257 number of Laptops for Judicial Officers of Rajasthan | |
06.07.2020 | NIT No HC SK 2020 21 135 DATED 03 07 2020 NIT for purchase of 2 Ton Inverter Technology Tower Air conditioner as per Group I of PWD Rajasthan BSR 2013 | |
06.07.2020 | NIT No HC SK 2020 21 136 DATED 03 07 2020 NIT for purchase of HP Elite Dragonfly Laptops | |
03.07.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 354 Dated 03-07-2020 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
30.06.2020 | Transfer Posting Order No. 48 | |
30.06.2020 | Transfer Posting Order No. 47 | |
28.06.2020 | Notice regarding change in Honourable Court sitting timings | |
28.06.2020 | Notification regarding use of Face Shield | |
26.06.2020 | Transfer Posting Order No. 46 | |
26.06.2020 | Order No Gen II-08-19-822 and 823 | |
26.06.2020 | Order No Gen II-08-19-821 | |
26.06.2020 | Consequent upon bifurcation of Jaipur Metropolitan Judgeship into two New Judgeship | |
23.06.2020 | Transfer Posting Order No. 45 | |
22.06.2020 | Order No RJS Estt B2 i 08-2016-1833 Dated 22-06-2020 Regarding Revised Seniority List Of Officers Of District Judge Cadre | |
19.06.2020 | NIT for purchase of Sensor Based Sanitizer Dispensers Big Size 5 liter and Small Size 450 ml Manual Sanitizer Dispensers Thermal Guns Jute Doormat Temperature based screening machine Contactless temperature machines Sanitizer | |
18.06.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month on May 2020 RHCB Jaipur. | |
18.06.2020 | NIT for Annual Rate Contract for purchase of Tyre and Tube for office vehicle | |
18.06.2020 | NIT for Annual Rate Contract for work of Laundry Ironing Dry Cleaning Services for Curtains Pillow Covers Towels Napkin Sofa Set Chair Cushion etc at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
18.06.2020 | NIT for Annual Rate Contract of Tonner refilling HP12A HP36A HP 88A Canon 308 Canon 326 Canon 328 Brother TN-2365 with replacement of necessary parts | |
17.06.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 338 Dated 17-06-2020 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
17.06.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Shubhangi Sharma as Legal Researcher | |
17.06.2020 | Order No-Estt-HC-2020-181 | |
17.06.2020 | Order No-Estt-HC-2020-180 | |
15.06.2020 | Transfer Posting Order No. 44 | |
15.06.2020 | Order No 10 S O-2020 Date 15-06-2020 | |
15.06.2020 | NIT No. HC/SK/2020-21/75 dated 12.06.2020 Tender for Annual contract for Photocopier Work at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
12.06.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of May 2020 at RHCB Jaipur | |
12.06.2020 | Circular regarding functioning of Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals from 15.06.2020 and thereafter from 29.06.2020 | |
12.06.2020 | Notification for regular functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 29.06.2020 after summer vacations | |
11.06.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of May 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
10.06.2020 | NOTIFICATION - Regarding Sitting of Hon ble Vacation Judges at Principal Seat Jodhpur and Bench Jaipur | |
10.06.2020 | Order No Gen II 08 19 756 | |
09.06.2020 | Pendency of Cases of commercial Appellate Divisions in the High Court of Rajasthan Jodhpur in the Month ending on May 2020 | |
09.06.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-43-2020 Dated 09.06.2020 | |
08.06.2020 | Order No Gen II 08 19 734 - 735 and 737 to 749 | |
08.06.2020 | Order No Gen II 08 19 732 - 733 and 736 | |
06.06.2020 | Court creation of DJ Jaipur Metro-II | |
06.06.2020 | Court creation of Senior Civil Judge and CMM Jaipur Metro-II | |
04.06.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 323 Dated 04-06-2020 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
04.06.2020 | New Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
03.06.2020 | Tender Notice No Lib-xxiv-b-2020-21-72 Dated 02-06-2020 Regarding Binding of Books And Gazettes | |
02.06.2020 | Transfer Posting Order | |
02.06.2020 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of May 2020 | |
30.05.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
30.05.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Rajasthan High Court | |
29.05.2020 | Order No Estt-B2-v-1-WA-2020-1297 Dated 29-05-2020 | |
22.05.2020 | Regarding Summer Vacation of District Court | |
21.05.2020 | Notification regarding powers of Children Court | |
21.05.2020 | Transfer Posting Order No. 41 | |
21.05.2020 | Notice for listing of DB Hearing Category Cases | |
20.05.2020 | Notification regarding vacancies in Sr. Civil Judge Cadre for the year 2020-21 | |
20.05.2020 | Notification regarding vacancies in District Judge Cadre for the year 2020-21 | |
18.05.2020 | Order No 06-EV-2020 Date 18-05-2020 Regarding Summer Vacation in Rajasthan High Court | |
18.05.2020 | Order No 08-2020 Date 18-05-2020 Regarding Special Casual Leave | |
18.05.2020 | Information regarding pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month of April, 2020 | |
17.05.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
17.05.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Rajasthan High Court | |
14.05.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of casses for the month of April 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
14.05.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of April 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
14.05.2020 | Open bid notice for rate contract No. RHCB/Store/2020-21/791 dated 14-05-2020 for supply of Coolers from the manufactures/authorized distributes/dealers for Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
13.05.2020 | Open bid notice for rate contract No. RHCB/Store/2020-21/789 dated 13-05-2020 for supply and fixing of bamboo chick for Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
13.05.2020 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of April 2020 | |
12.05.2020 | Pendency of Cases of commercial Appellate Divisions in the High Court of Rajasthan Jodhpur in the Month ending on April 2020 | |
10.05.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of April 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
08.05.2020 | Tender No HCB/SK/2020-21/784 dated 08-05-2020 for annual rate contract for printing of cause lists at Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
07.05.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell JrPA 2019 292 Dated 07-05-2020 Regarding Statement of Marks of Shorthand Speed Assessment Test for direct recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant (English) 2019 | |
02.05.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
02.05.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Rajasthan High Court | |
02.05.2020 | No. 05-EV-2020 Dated 02-05-2020 Notification regarding Court and Office Timing | |
29.04.2020 | Pendency of Cases of commercial Appellate Divisions in the High Court of Rajasthan Jodhpur in the Month ending on March 2020 | |
27.04.2020 | Standing Order for not incorporating caste in judicial and administrative matters | |
25.04.2020 | Notice regarding cancellation of sitting of Hon. Benches on 27-04-2020 | |
25.04.2020 | Notification regarding hearing of imminently emergent cases in Rajasthan High Court | |
24.04.2020 | Pending Cases Under the Commercial Apppellate Division in the Month of March 2020 RHCB Jaipur | |
20.04.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of March 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
20.04.2020 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases Before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of March 2020 | |
20.04.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
19.04.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
17.04.2020 | Transfer Posting Order No-Estt-RJS-35-2020 dated 17.04.2020 | |
17.04.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of casses for the month of March 2020 of Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur | |
17.04.2020 | Helpline Nos for Complaint regarding quality or audibility of Video Conferencing | |
17.04.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-34-2020 Dated 17-04-2020 | |
14.04.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals | |
14.04.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Rajasthan High Court | |
08.04.2020 | Regarding e-filing of urgent cases in Rajasthan High Court on e-filing portal | |
04.04.2020 | Circular No Acctts-Estt-HC-Corana-665 Dated 04-04-2020 Related to COVID-19 | |
04.04.2020 | Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
04.04.2020 | Regarding allotment of Unique Identification Numbers to Judicial Officers | |
03.04.2020 | Notice regarding cancellation of hearing by Honourable Benches at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur on 03-04-2020. | |
03.04.2020 | Notice regarding cancellation of hearing by Honourable Benches at Jaipur on 03-04-2020. | |
02.04.2020 | Notice regarding change in sitting timings of Honourable Benches - Jodhpur | |
02.04.2020 | Notice regarding change in sitting timings of Honourable Benches - Jaipur Bench | |
01.04.2020 | Notice regarding postponement of scheduled Examination date of recruitment to the post of Translator | |
31.03.2020 | No Estt B2-v- 1-2020- 1140 Dated 31-03-2020 | |
30.03.2020 | Directions for observance in Subordinate Courts/Special Courts/Tribunals to combat corona pandemic | |
30.03.2020 | Directions for observance in Rajasthan High Court to combat corona pandemic | |
27.03.2020 | Regarding Trainees Judicial Officer Order No-Estt-RJS-32-2020 Dated 27-03-2020 | |
25.03.2020 | Notice regarding postponement of scheduled dates for filling in online application form | |
24.03.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Subordinate Court / Special Courts / Tribunals in supersession of all previous directions | |
24.03.2020 | Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Rajasthan High Court in supersession of all previous directions | |
24.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-31-2020 Dated 24-03-2020 | |
24.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-30-2020 Dated 23-03-2020 | |
24.03.2020 | Order No. J-1-5-2018-CPU Dated 11-03-2020 | |
23.03.2020 | Notification regarding extension of period of limitation | |
23.03.2020 | Order No- Estt-B2-v-1-2020-1118 Dated 23-03-2020 | |
23.03.2020 | Order No- Estt-B2-v-1-2020-1117 Dated 23-03-2020 | |
23.03.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Anamika Bishnoi as Legal Researcher | |
23.03.2020 | Clarification on previously issued notification and circular dated 22.03.2020 issued regarding measures for containment over spread of Corona Virus | |
23.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-29-2020 Dated 22-03-2020 | |
22.03.2020 | Circular for further instructions for observance in Subordinate Courts-Special Courts-Tribunals to combat the spread of corona virus | |
22.03.2020 | Notification for further instructions for observance in Rajasthan High Court to combat the spread of corona virus | |
20.03.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Riya Mendiratta as Legal Researcher | |
20.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 283 Dated: 20-03-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Manoj Kumar Garg held on 19-03-2020 at Jodhpur. | |
20.03.2020 | ADVERTISEMENT for recruitment to the post of Jr.J.A. for RHC J.A. for RSLSA and DLSAs and Clerk Grade II for RSJA and District Courts 2020 | |
20.03.2020 | Circular No.10/PI/2020 dated 20.03.2020 related to preventive measures in Subordinate Courts in view of outbreak of Corona Virus | |
19.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-27-2020 Dated 18-03-2020 | |
19.03.2020 | Notification No. PA/RG/Misc./2020/605 Date 19.03.2020 - In view of the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the working strength of non-gazetted staff in the Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/Bench at jaipur shall be reduced by 50 Percent and the staff would be utilized alternatively. | |
19.03.2020 | Notification No. PA/RG/Misc./2020/604 Date 19.03.2020 | |
19.03.2020 | Circular No. PA/RG/Misc./2020 Date 19.03.2020 - In view of the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Presiding Officers of subordinate courts shall hold the court for urgent work only from 02.00 pm to 04.00 pm on each working day. For de-congestion in the court premises, the strength of non-gazetted staff in subordinate Courts shall be reduced by 50 Percent and the staff would be utilized alternatively. | |
19.03.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Shivanshi Chamoli as Legal Researcher | |
19.03.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Divisions in the month of February 2020. | |
19.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-26-2020 Dated 17-03-2020 | |
19.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 275 Dated: 19-03-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Dinesh Mehta held on 17-03-2020 and 18.03.2020 at Jodhpur. | |
19.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-28-2020 Dated 18-03-2020 | |
18.03.2020 | Category wise monthly statement of cases for the month of february 2020 of RHCB Jaipur | |
18.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 268 Dated: 18-03-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mrs. Justice Sabina held on 18-03-2020 at Jaipur. | |
18.03.2020 | Cancellation Order Of Ms Preeti Purohit As Legal Researcher With Immediate Effect | |
18.03.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Aishwarya Krishna Ranawat as Legal Researcher | |
18.03.2020 | Letter Of Offer Mr Mohammad Sohail Khan as Legal Researcher | |
18.03.2020 | Letter Of Offer Mr Hemant Soni as Legal Researcher | |
17.03.2020 | Instructions for control and containment over spread of Novel Corona Virus COVID-19 in Rajasthan High Court | |
17.03.2020 | Instructions for control and containment over spread of Novel Corona Virus COVID-19 in subordinate courts/special courts/tribunals | |
17.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 262 Dated: 17-03-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Pankaj Bhandari held on 17-03-2020 at Jaipur. | |
17.03.2020 | Notification regarding mentioning for urgent matters may be made before the Registrars. | |
16.03.2020 | Notification regarding functioning of Rajasthan High Court from 17.03.2020 only for urgent matters. | |
15.03.2020 | Instructions for control and containment over spread of Novel Corona Virus COVID-19 | |
13.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-25-2020 Dated 13-03-2020 | |
12.03.2020 | Order No-Estt-RJS-24-2020 Dated 12-03-2020 | |
08.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 258 Dated: 07-03-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Sandeep Mehta held on 05-03-2020 at Jodhpur. | |
08.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 23 2020 Dated 08-03-2020 | |
07.03.2020 | Tender No HC-SK-2019-20-912 Dated 07-03-2020 Tender for the supply of 50 Nos MONOCHROME LASER PRINTERS | |
07.03.2020 | Notification No-02-Misc/2020 Dated 07-03-2020 - Regarding Court Arrangements | |
07.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam cell Translator 2020 254 Dated 07-03-2020 Declaration of date for holding Written Test for Recruitment to the post of Translator 2020 | |
06.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 248 Dated: 06-03-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Dr. Justice Pushpendra Singh Bhati held on 06-03-2020 at Jodhpur. | |
06.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 20 2020 Dated 06-03-2020 Regarding Additional Appointment As Registrar Administration Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
06.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 19 2020 Dated 06-03-2020 Regarding Appointment Posting As Registrar General Rajasthan High Court | |
06.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 15 2020 Dated 04-03-2020 | |
06.03.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 246 Dated 06-03-2020 for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
06.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 18 2020 Dated 06-03-2020 | |
05.03.2020 | NOTICE Regarding Swearing Ceremony of Hon ble Judges of Rajasthan High Court. | |
05.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 17 2020 Dated 05-03-2020 | |
04.03.2020 | Tender No HC SK 2019 20 880 Dated 29-02-2020 Tender for the supply of Kyocera TK 1158 on Annual Rate Contract Basis at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
04.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 14 2020 Dated 04-03-2020 | |
04.03.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Mallika as Legal Researcher | |
03.03.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 11 2020 Dated 03-03-2020 Regarding Work Arrangement | |
03.03.2020 | 4 EV 2020 Regarding Holiday Date 11 03 2020 for all Subordinate Courts | |
02.03.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 224 Dated: 02-03-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Goverdhan Bardhar held on 02-03-2020 at Jaipur | |
02.03.2020 | Regarding document verification for appointment on the post of Junior Personal Assistant | |
02.03.2020 | Regarding Appointment Order Of Junior Personal Assistant | |
28.02.2020 | Notice Regarding Second National Lok Adalat Dated 09.05.2020 | |
20.02.2020 | Letter Of Offer Ms Preeti Purohit as Legal Researcher | |
20.02.2020 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship Wise | |
18.02.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 134 Dated: 17-02-2020 Result of Interview for contractual engagement as Legal Researcher for deputing with Mr. Justice Mahendar Kumar Goyal held on 17-02-2020 at Jaipur | |
17.02.2020 | Tender Corrigendum No HC/SK/2019-20/745 dated 17-02-2020 for change in specifications regarding Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2019-20/716 Dated 10-02-2020 for the supply, installation and maintenance of 232 number of Flatbad Scanner with ADF-Duplex | |
15.02.2020 | Tender No HC/SK/2019-20/734 Dated 14.02.2020 Tender for printing of Telephone Directory-2020 for use of Rajasthan High Court | |
15.02.2020 | Tender No HC/SK/2019-20/730 Dated 14.02.2020 Tender for Supply of 100 Nos. MONOCHROME LASER PRINTERS for use of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
12.02.2020 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases for the Month of January 2020 at RHCB Jaipur Bench | |
12.02.2020 | Order No Estt RJS 09 2020 Dated 12-02-2020 | |
12.02.2020 | Appointment to the Post of Junior Personal Assistant | |
12.02.2020 | The Guidelines For Use Of Creche Facility In The New High Court Building At Jodhpur | |
10.02.2020 | Instructions and User Manual for applicants applying for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator 2020 | |
07.02.2020 | Notice regarding First National Lok Adalat Dated 08-02-2020 | |
07.02.2020 | NOTIFICATION NO GENERAL-II-05-2017-318 DATED 07-02-2020 | |
07.02.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 111 Dated 07-02-2020 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
07.02.2020 | First National Lok Adalat Dt 08-02-2020 | |
06.02.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell JPA 2020 104 Dated 06-02-2020 Final Result of Recruitment to Junior Personal Assistant (English) 2019 | |
04.02.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 102 Dated 04-02-2020 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
03.02.2020 | Notice No Perm Sect Sr Adv 2020 01 Dated 03-02-2020 Extension of last date to apply for designation of Senior Advocate | |
03.02.2020 | Ensuring no record of trial court is kept unattended in sections | |
03.02.2020 | Regarding Work Arrangement During Leaves Of Judicial Officers Posted In Family Courts At Bikaner And Jodhpur | |
03.02.2020 | Regarding Work Arrangement During Leaves Of Judicial Officers Posted In Family Courts At Ajmer Alwar Bharatpur And Udaipur | |
01.02.2020 | Order Number Estt RJS 08 2020 Dated 01-02-2020 | |
31.01.2020 | ADVERTISEMENT No RHCJ EXAM CELL Translator 2020 86 Dated 31-01-2020 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator 2020 | |
31.01.2020 | NOTIFICATION NO GENERAL II 22 2019 245 DATED 30-01-2020 | |
29.01.2020 | Instructions and User Manual for Applicants Dated 29-01-2020 - Instructions and User Manual for applicants applying for Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2020 | |
29.01.2020 | Tender No HC SK 2019 20 691 Dated 29 01 2020 Tender for Supply of 16 Nos Laptops 11 number of Apple Mac Book Pro 04 number of HP Spectre x360 13 aw0188tu and 01 number of Dell XPS 13 7390 | |
29.01.2020 | Tender Cancellation Corrigendum No HC SK 2019-20/696 Dated 29 01 2020 Cancellation of NIT No HC SK 2019 20 613 Dated 04 01 2020 | |
29.01.2020 | Offer Letter for Selection as Legal Researcher under the Provision of Scheme for engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court - Letter No.I/A III A 1 01 2020-260 Dated 28-01-2020 | |
28.01.2020 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 68 Dated: 28-01-2020 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 28-01-2020 for engagement of Legal Researcher | |
28.01.2020 | Special Casual Leaves for Officers of Registry and Staff of Rajasthan High Court. | |
27.01.2020 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship Wise | |
21.01.2020 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2020 42 Dated 21-01-2020 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
18.01.2020 | Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/289 | |
18.01.2020 | ADVERTISEMENT No RHCJ EXAM CELL Subordinate Court Stenographers 2020 17 Dated 18-01-2020 for Direct recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts and DLSAs 2020 | |
15.01.2020 | Notification No RJS Estt 06 2020 Dated 15-01-2020 regarding Determination of vacancies for Civil Judge Cadre for the year 2020 | |
15.01.2020 | Pending cases under the Commercial Appellate Division in the month December 2019 | |
15.01.2020 | Regarding Character Certificate of Newly Recruited Civil Judge - 2018 | |
15.01.2020 | Notice regarding First National Lok Adalat Dated 08-02-2020 | |
10.01.2020 | Tender No HC SK 2019 20 622 dated 08 01 2020 Tender for annual rate contract for printing of Cause Lists at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
09.01.2020 | eFiling in Rajasthan High Court | |
08.01.2020 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/03/2020 Dated 08.01.2020 | |
08.01.2020 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship Wise | |
07.01.2020 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2020 83 | |
06.01.2020 | Notification No.- P.1 4 Nayay 2015 Dated 24.12.2019 | |
06.01.2020 | NOTIFICATION NO GENERAL-II-13-03-22 DATED 04-01-2020 | |
06.01.2020 | HC SK 2019 20 613 Dated 04 01 2020 Tender for Supply of 16 Nos Laptops 11 number of Apple Mac Book Pro 04 number of HP Spectre x360 13 ap0102tu and 01 number of Dell XPS 13 9370 | |
04.01.2020 | Certified list of proofs tendered to and admitted and rejected by the official liquidator in the matter of S.B. Company Petition No 20/1988 | |
04.01.2020 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases before commercial courts in Rajasthan for the month of December, 2019 | |
04.01.2020 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 6th 7th and 10th January 2020 | |
03.01.2020 | General Instructions for candidates appearing in Shorthand Speed Assessment Test for recruitment to the Post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2019 | |
03.01.2020 | Offer Letter for Selection as Legal Researcher under the Provision of Scheme for engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court - Letter No.I/A III A 1 01 2020-29 Dated 03-01-2020 | |
21.12.2019 | List of Candidates of Junior Personal Assistant English 2019 those candidature have been cancelled due to reason mentioned against his-her name | |
21.12.2019 | List of Candidates with their Last filled-in accepted Application ID Number and rejected Application ID Number who filled two or more application forms of Junior Personal Assistant English 2019 | |
21.12.2019 | Notice No RHC EXAM CELL JPA 2019 1164 DATE 21-12-2019 List of the candidates provisionally allowed to appear in the shorthand Speed Assessment Test for direct recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2019 | |
20.12.2019 | Dress allowance and medical allowance to employees of Sub Ordinate Courts | |
19.12.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 1160 Dated: 19-12-2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 19-12-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
18.12.2019 | Tender for procuring accessories items of Mahindra Bolero vehicle | |
17.12.2019 | Pendency of Cases in Respect of cases related to commercial appellate divisions in the High Court of Rajasthan, Jodhpur in the month of November, 2019 | |
17.12.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur for the month of November, 2019 | |
17.12.2019 | Order regarding allotment of Chambers in New High Court Building Jodhpur of category II to Advocates with list | |
17.12.2019 | Offer Letter for Selection as Legal Researcher under the Provision of Scheme for engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court - Letter No.I/A III A 1 05 2018-2155 Dated 17-12-2019 | |
16.12.2019 | Govt circular dated 23.11.2019 issued by ADG Crime, Jaipur | |
14.12.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 101 2019 Dated 13-12-2019 Order Regarding Selection Scale In District Judge Cadre | |
13.12.2019 | Order regarding allotment of Chambers in New High Court Building Jodhpur of category II to Advocates with lists | |
13.12.2019 | Representations Regarding Transfer / Posting | |
13.12.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 100 2019 Dated 13-12-2019 Order Regarding Selection Scale In District Judge Cadre | |
12.12.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell JPA 2019 1130 Dated: 12-12-2019 Regarding declaration of Dates and city of shorthand speed assessment test for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant English 2019 | |
11.12.2019 | Information regarding National Lok Adalat to be held on 14.12.2019 - JODHPUR | |
11.12.2019 | Information regarding National Lok Adalat to be held on 14.12.2019 | |
09.12.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 1117 Dated: 09-12-2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 05-12-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
08.12.2019 | Regarding handing over of possession of Advocate Chambers at New Building of Rajasthan High Court | |
06.12.2019 | Notice No Gen 1840 2019 Dated 06-12-2019 | |
04.12.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 5th and 12th December 2019 | |
02.12.2019 | List of eligible Advocates for allotment of Chambers of category 2 at New building of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Notice for payment of Security Deposit and other Charges | |
02.12.2019 | Order regarding allotment of Chambers in New High Court Building Jodhpur of category I and II to Advocates with lists | |
02.12.2019 | GENERAL/XII/06/2018/5564 | |
02.12.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases before commercial courts in Rajasthan for the month of November 2019 | |
30.11.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 98 2019 Dated 30-11-2019 | |
28.11.2019 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship Wise | |
22.11.2019 | LETTER OF OFFER For Legal Researcher under the Provisions of Scheme for engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court - Letter No-I-A-iii-a-1-05-2018-2046 Dated 22-11-2019 | |
21.11.2019 | List of eligible Advocates for Chambers of Category-I and II at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Notice for Security Deposit. | |
21.11.2019 | Certified list of proofs tendered to and admitted and rejected by the official liquidator in the matter of S.B. Company Petition No 23/2001 | |
21.11.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 1080 Dated 21-11-2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
19.11.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell CJC 2019 1068 Dated 19-11-2019 Final Result of Recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
19.11.2019 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2019-20/42 Dated 19.11.2019 For Technical Specification For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2019-20/471 Dated 23/10/2019 | |
19.11.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 97 2019 Dated 19-11-2019 | |
18.11.2019 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2019-20/531 Dated 14.11.2019 For Critical Dates For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2019-20/471 Dated 23/10/2019 | |
17.11.2019 | Instructions regarding Procedure for filling online application form of Class-IV Employees for District Courts and DLSAs 2019 | |
16.11.2019 | Tender Notice No HC SK 2019-20 534 Dated 16-11-2019 Auction for Cubical/Cabin in New Building of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
16.11.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur for the month of October, 2019 | |
16.11.2019 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC SK 2019-20 531 Dated 14-11-2019 For Critical Dates For Tender Notice No HC SK 2019-20 471 Dated 23-10-2019 | |
15.11.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 18th 19th and 22nd November 2019 | |
14.11.2019 | Extension of last date - Removal or Clarification of Mismatch in Applications regarding Advocate Chamber Allotment | |
11.11.2019 | Tender No HC SK 2019-20 509 dated 08 11 2019 Tender for rate contract for Work of stitching Vardis Uniforms for Drivers Jamadars and Class IV employees Type Achkan Safari Suit and Pent | |
09.11.2019 | Notice for providing opportunity to edit category for recruitment to the post of Jr PA English 2019 | |
08.11.2019 | LETTER OF OFFER For Legal Researcher under the Provisions of Scheme for engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court - Letter No-I-A-iii-a-1-05-2018-1956 Dated 05-11-2019 | |
08.11.2019 | Post and Budget Sanction for Newly Created Court - Order No. G-I-A-4-i-a-113-19-50233-35 Dated 07-11-2019 | |
08.11.2019 | Post and Budget Sanction for Newly Created Courts - Order No. G-I-A-4-i-a-112-19-5029-31 Dated 07-11-2019 | |
07.11.2019 | Chamber Allotment in New High Court Building at Jodhpur - Removal or Clarification of Mismatch in Applications | |
07.11.2019 | filling up the post of Member Law in CERC - No RJS-Estt-A ii 10-2019-10489 Dated 06-11-2019 | |
06.11.2019 | ADVERTISEMENT No RHCJ EXAM CELL Subordinate Court Class IV Employee 2019 1051 Dated 06-11-2019 for Direct recruitment to the post of Class IV Employees for District Courts and DLSAs 2019 | |
05.11.2019 | Order No. General II 2019 1619 Dated 05.11.2019 | |
05.11.2019 | Order No. General II 2019 1618 Dated 05.11.2019 | |
05.11.2019 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 10439 Dated 05-11-2019 | |
05.11.2019 | Order No Estt b2 V 1 WA 2019 10405 Dated 05-11-2019 | |
05.11.2019 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship Wise | |
04.11.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 1042 Dated 04-11-2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
02.11.2019 | Order No.- P.19 1 Nayay 2014 Part Dated 01.11.2019 | |
02.11.2019 | Order No Estt b2 V 1 WA-2019-10308 Dated 02-11-2019 | |
02.11.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases before commercial courts in Rajasthan for the month of October 2019 | |
02.11.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause List Dated 4th and 5th November 2019 | |
01.11.2019 | Creation of Courts - No. G-I-A-4-i-a-110-19-1438-1464 Dated 01-11-2019 | |
01.11.2019 | Order No. General II 2019 1561 Dated 31.10.2019 | |
01.11.2019 | Order No. General II 2019 1560 Dated 31.10.2019 | |
01.11.2019 | Order No. General II 2019 1559 Dated 31.10.2019 | |
01.11.2019 | Order No. General II 2019 1558 Dated 31.10.2019 | |
01.11.2019 | Order No. General II 2019 1557 Dated 31.10.2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 94 2019 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1550 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1542 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1547 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1541 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1543 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1544 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1549 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1548 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1545 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification Regarding New Court Creation - No General-II-05-2017-S-1546 Dated 31-10-2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause List Dated 1st November 2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notification No.10/S.R.O./2019 dated 30.10.2019 - Rajasthan High Court Staff Service (Amendment) Rules, 2019 | |
31.10.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell 2019 1036 Dated: 31-10-2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 18-10-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
30.10.2019 | Notification regarding appointment of Principal Magistrate in Juvenile Justice Board Dated 24-10-2019 | |
25.10.2019 | Tender Corrigendum No HC SK 2019-20 483 dated 25-10-2019 For specifications For Tender Notice No. HC SK 2019-20 478 Dated 24-10-2019 | |
24.10.2019 | Regarding Establishment Of ADJ Court Lakshmangarh | |
24.10.2019 | Tender No HC SK 2019-20 478 dated 24-10-2019 Tender Notice For Printing of High Court and Civil Courts Calendar 2020 | |
24.10.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 93 2019 Dated 24-10-2019 | |
24.10.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 92 2019 Dated 24-10-2019 | |
24.10.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell CJC 2019 1025 Dated 24-10-2019 Regarding Venue Date and Time Schedule of Interviews for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
24.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 30th October and 2nd 4th and 5th November 2019 | |
23.10.2019 | NIT No HC SK 2019 20 466 Dated 22.10.2019 NIT for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract AMC of Computer Systems and Peripherals, Printers, Cisco Switches and Kiosks and Server installed at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur | |
23.10.2019 | NIT No HC SK 2019 20 471 Dated 23 10 2019 Tender for the supply, installation and maintenance of IT Equipments for commercial Courts of Rajasthan | |
23.10.2019 | General II 23 2012 1509 dated 23-10-2019 | |
23.10.2019 | General II 23 2017 1508 dated 23-10-2019 | |
23.10.2019 | Sealed Bids are invited for the supply of Furniture Items and Heavy Duty Photo Stat Machines | |
23.10.2019 | Notice Regarding Fourth NATIONAL LOK ADALAT dated 14-12-2019 | |
22.10.2019 | Order No Misc 14 2019 Dated 22-10-2019 | |
22.10.2019 | Order No Misc 13 2019 Dated 21-10-2019 | |
22.10.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 1020 Dated 22-10-2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
22.10.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell CJC 2019 1019 Dated 22-10-2019 Statement of Marks of Candidates for Civil Judge Cadre Main Examination 2018 | |
22.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Causelist dated 23rd and 24th October 2019 | |
21.10.2019 | Notification regarding Civil Judge Examination, 2018 | |
21.10.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell CJC 2019 1016 Dated: 21-10-2019 Regarding declaration of Date of Interviews for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
18.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 21th 22nd and 23rd October 2019 | |
17.10.2019 | Notice No RHC ExamCell CJC 2019 1012 Dated 17-10-2019 Regarding Main Examination for recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
17.10.2019 | Notification Dated 17-10-2019 - Regarding Holidays For The Year 2020 In Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan | |
17.10.2019 | Notification Dated 17-10-2019 - Regarding Holidays For The Year 2020 In Rajasthan High Court | |
17.10.2019 | Order No General II-22-2012-1448 Dated 17-10-2019 | |
16.10.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell CJC 2019 1011 Dated 16-10-2019 Result of Main Examination for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
16.10.2019 | Categoriwise Monthly Statement for The Month of September 2019 at RHCB JAIPUR | |
16.10.2019 | Estt RJS 90 2019 Dated 16-10-2019 | |
15.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Causelist dated 16th 17th and 18th October 2019 | |
15.10.2019 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract of Paper Reams | |
14.10.2019 | Notice regarding Fourth National Lok Adalat Dated 14-12-2019 | |
14.10.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur for the month of September, 2019 | |
14.10.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 88 2019 Date 14-10-2019 | |
12.10.2019 | Notice No RSJA RS 2019-1866 Dt 12-10-2019 Regarding selection for engagement as Research Scholars 2019 | |
06.10.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 86-2019 Dated 06-10-2019 | |
05.10.2019 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship Wise | |
05.10.2019 | Pendency of cases in Respect of Cases Related to Commercial Appellate Divisions in the Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of September, 2019 | |
05.10.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases before commercial courts in Rajasthan for the month of September 2019 | |
05.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 14th and 15th October 2019 | |
05.10.2019 | Categoriwise Monthly Statement for The Month of September 2019 at JODHPUR | |
05.10.2019 | order No.G I A.4 i a 94 19 4586 4588 dated 0410.2019 | |
05.10.2019 | order No.G I A.4 i a 84 12 4574 4577 dated 0410.2019 | |
05.10.2019 | order No.G I A.4 i a 96 19 4592 4594 dated 0410.2019 | |
05.10.2019 | No.G I A.4 i a 95 19 4589 4591 dated 0410.2019 | |
04.10.2019 | Pendency of cases in Respect of Cases Related to Commercial Appellate Divisions in the Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of September, 2019 | |
04.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 14th 16th and 18th October 2019 | |
04.10.2019 | Tender for Housekeeping of Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Premises | |
03.10.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. General-II-2019-1387 Dated 03-10-2019 | |
03.10.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. General-II-2019-1386 Dated 03-10-2019 | |
03.10.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO 11-EV-2019 DATED 03-10-2019 Holiday Declared on 11 October 2019 | |
03.10.2019 | Order No Estt B2 V 1 WA-2019-9282 Dated 03-10-2019 | |
03.10.2019 | Order No Estt B2 V 1 WA-2019-9281 Dated 03-10-2019 | |
01.10.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. General-II-03-90-1367 Dated 01-10-2019 | |
01.10.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. General-II-2019-1366 Dated 01-10-2019 | |
01.10.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. General-II-12-10-1362 Dated 01-10-2019 | |
01.10.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. General-II-07-07-1361 Dated 01-10-2019 | |
01.10.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 03rd and 04th October 2019 | |
01.10.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 85-2019 Date 01-10-2019 | |
01.10.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 84-2019 Date 01-10-2019 | |
30.09.2019 | Open bid notice for rate contract RHCB dated 30 Sept 2019 | |
27.09.2019 | General Instructions for Participating Judicial Officers - WEST ZONE REGIONAL CONFERENCE-2019 | |
27.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 82-2019 Dated 27-09-2019 | |
27.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 30th September and 01st October 2019 | |
27.09.2019 | Order No RJS Estt A ii 04 1996-9181 Date 27-09-2019 For Filling up the post of Presiding Officer of Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court No 2 Mumbai | |
27.09.2019 | No I A iii a 1 05 2018 1779 Dated 27-09-2019 Regarding Offer Letter Of Ms Tanvi Mathur under the provisions of scheme for engaging legal researcher in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
27.09.2019 | No I A iii a 1 05 2018 1778 Dated 27-09-2019 Regarding Offer Letter Of Ms Shristi Mathur under the provisions of scheme for engaging legal researcher in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
26.09.2019 | NOTICE FOR INTERVIEW regarding engagement of Research Scholars, Rajasthan State Judicial Academy Jodhpur | |
26.09.2019 | Notice regarding a portal started on the website of Law and Legal Affairs Department, Government of Rajasthan | |
25.09.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 957 Dated: 25-09-2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 25-09-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
25.09.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 955 Dated: 25-09-2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 25-09-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
25.09.2019 | No I A iii a 1 05 2018 1763 Dated 25-09-2019 Regarding Offer Letter Of Mr Gaurav Kumawat under the provisions of scheme for engaging legal researcher in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
25.09.2019 | Notification No RJS Estt B2 v TP 24 2016 9125 Date 25.09.2019 | |
25.09.2019 | No I A iii a 1 05 2018 1759 Dated 25-09-2019 Regarding Offer Letter Of Ms Daminee Sharma under the provisions of scheme for engaging legal researcher in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
24.09.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 952 Dated: 24-09-2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 24-09-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
24.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 25th 27th and 30th September 2019 | |
24.09.2019 | Open Bid Notice for Rate Contract No RHCB STORE 2019-20 532 DATE 24 SEPT 2019 | |
24.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 81 2019 Date 24-09-2019 | |
24.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 25th 26th and 27th September 2019 | |
23.09.2019 | Bid Notice No RHCB STORE 2019-20 527 DATE 23 SEPT 2019 - AMC OF PHOTO STAT MACHINES | |
21.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 23rd and 24th September 2019 | |
21.09.2019 | Order No B2 V 1 WA 2019-9020 Date 21-09-2019 | |
20.09.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 946 Dated: 20-09-2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 20-09-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
20.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 80-2019 Dated 20-09-2019 | |
20.09.2019 | Tender for 177 pair Bata Super Stride Shoes Black No.824-6158 and 177 pair Bata Smart Nylon Socks Quality No.931-1419 | |
20.09.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division in the month of August 2019 RHCB Jaipur | |
19.09.2019 | Order No Estt B2 V 1 2019-8964 Date 19-09-2019 | |
19.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 79 2019 Date 19-09-2019 | |
18.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 78-2019 Dated 18-09-2019 | |
18.09.2019 | Tender for supply of Pen and Refill | |
17.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 18th 19th and 20th September 2019 | |
16.09.2019 | Notification No 09 S.R.O. 2019 Date 13.09.2019 | |
16.09.2019 | Notification No Estt HC 2019-322 Date 13.09.2019 | |
16.09.2019 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship Wise | |
14.09.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Supplementary Causelist for Bench-1 to Bench-5 dated 14.09.2019- JAIPUR | |
13.09.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Sup Causelist for Bench-1 to Bench-5 and SPECIAL BENCH NO 6 Dated 14.09.2019- JODHPUR | |
13.09.2019 | NATIONAL LOK ADALAT - SPECIAL BENCH NO 6 FOR CMA 58-2019 DATED 14-09-2019- JODHPUR | |
13.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 16th and 17th September 2019 | |
13.09.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Main Causelist for Bench-1 to Bench-5 dated 14.09.2019- JODHPUR | |
12.09.2019 | Notice No RHC ExamCell DJC 2019 916 Dated 12-09-2019 The Final Result of Direct Recruitment to the District Judge Cadre 2018 | |
12.09.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases the month of August 2019 RHCB Jaipur | |
12.09.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Bench-1 to Bench-5 dated 14.09.2019- JODHPUR | |
12.09.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Main Causelist for Bench-1 to Bench-5 dated 14.09.2019- JAIPUR | |
11.09.2019 | ONLINE APPLICATIONS FOR - Filling up of 06 Posts of Judicial Member and 05 Posts of Technical Members in The National Company Law Tribunal | |
11.09.2019 | Order No RJS-Estt B2 V TP 24 2016-8652 Date 11-09-2019 | |
11.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 77-2019 Date 11-09-2019 | |
11.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 12th and 13th September 2019 | |
09.09.2019 | Pendency of cases in Respect of Cases Related to Commercial Appellate Divisions in the Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of August, 2019 | |
09.09.2019 | Category-Wise Monthly Statement For The Month Of August 2019 | |
07.09.2019 | Chamber Allotment in New High Court Building - Removal of Deficiencies in Applications | |
07.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 09th and 11th September 2019 | |
07.09.2019 | ORDER NO ESTT B2 V 1 WA 2019-8532 DATE 07-09-2019 | |
06.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 76-2019 Date 06-09-2019 | |
06.09.2019 | Order No RJS ESTT B2 V 1 2019 8490 date 06.09.2019 | |
05.09.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases before commercial courts in Rajasthan for the month of August 2019 | |
05.09.2019 | Tender of Waste Papers for Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
04.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 74-2019 Date 04-09-2019 | |
04.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 73-2019 Date 04-09-2019 | |
04.09.2019 | Tender No HC SK 2019 20 352 Dated 04 09 2019 Tender for the supply of 1134 Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate with USB Key for use of Judicial Officers of Rajasthan under e-Court Project | |
04.09.2019 | Most Urgent Regarding Tender No 30 | |
04.09.2019 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship wise | |
03.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 05th 06th and 11th September 2019 | |
03.09.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 04th, 05th and 6th September 2019 | |
03.09.2019 | No I A iii a 1 05 2018 1642 Dated 03-09-2019 Regarding Offer Letter Of Mr Raviendra Solanki under the provisions of scheme for engaging legal researcher in Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
02.09.2019 | Daily Causelist of dated 03.09.2019 Pre Counseling of Lok Adalat Jaipur | |
02.09.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 72-2019 Date 02-09-2019 | |
31.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 2nd and 3rd September 2019 | |
30.08.2019 | Notice No RHC-Exam Cell-2019-848 Dated 30-08-2019 Statement of Marks of the candidates appeared in Written Examination for Recruitment to the District Judge Cadre 2018 Direct Recruitment and Limited Competitive Examination | |
30.08.2019 | Gen XBV TRNG 40-2019-3790-380I Date29-08-2019 | |
30.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause List Dated 02nd and 03rd September 2019 | |
30.08.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 846 Dated: 30-08-2019 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 30-08-2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
30.08.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 70-2019 Date 30-08-2019 | |
27.08.2019 | Notice No-RHC-Exam Cell-DJC-2019-827 Dated 27-08-2019 Schedule for interview of the Candidates for Direct Recruitment to the District Judge Cadre 2018 | |
27.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 28th and 29th and 30th August 2019 | |
26.08.2019 | Notification No Estt HC 2019-279 Date 22.08.2019 | |
25.08.2019 | Result of the written examination for recruitment to DJ Cadre, 2018 by way of Direct Recruitment | |
25.08.2019 | Result of the written examination for recruitment to DJ Cadre 2018 by way of Limited Competitive Examination | |
25.08.2019 | Instructions and User Manual for Applicants Dated 25-08-2019 - Instructions and User Manual for applicants applying for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Junior Personal Assistant, 2019 | |
22.08.2019 | NOTICE No RHC Exam Cell CJC 2019 818 Dated 22-08-2019 Notice for uploading Admission Card of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
22.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 26th and 27th August 2019 | |
22.08.2019 | Tender for book binding work of law books | |
21.08.2019 | S O 11 2019 DATED 21 08 2019 Proper attestation of affidavit by Oath Commissioners | |
21.08.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC-ExamCell-LR 2019 815 Dated 21 Aug 2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
20.08.2019 | Pendency of cases before commercial appellate devision in the month of July RHCB Jaipur | |
20.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 21st and 22nd August 2019 | |
20.08.2019 | ADVERTISEMENT No RHC-Exam Cell-JPA-2019-813 Dated 20-08-2019 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant 2019 | |
19.08.2019 | Order No RJS Estt B2 v TP 24 2016 7691 dated 19-08-2019 | |
19.08.2019 | Notice Regarding 3rd NATIONAL LOK ADALAT dated 14-09-2019 | |
18.08.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell 2019 807 Dated 18-08-2019 Revised Statement of Marks Obtained by Candidates in Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
17.08.2019 | Tender No HC SK 2019 20 305 Dated 14.08.2019 Tender for Rate contract for the supply of Photocopier and Judgement Paper Ream Office Stationary Items Computer Stationary Items and Toner Cartridge for Photocopier Machine Fax Machine and Printer at Rajasthan high Court Jodhpur | |
17.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 19th and 20th August 2019 | |
16.08.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases the month of July 2019 RHCB Jaipur | |
14.08.2019 | Categoriwise Monthly Statement for the month of July 2019 Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
14.08.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 67-2019 Date 14-08-2019 | |
14.08.2019 | Tender No RHC Lib NL 2019.20 1 dated 13.08.19 Regarding publication of Rajasthan High Court News Letter | |
14.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 16th August 2019 | |
13.08.2019 | Notice No - RHC ExamCell CJC 2019 804 Dated 13-08-2019 Schedule of Main Examination for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
13.08.2019 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 7565 Date 13-08-2019 | |
13.08.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 66-2019 Date 13-08-2019 | |
13.08.2019 | Notice regarding prepare separate panel for Rajasthan High Court legal service Committee Jodhpur | |
13.08.2019 | Weekly Disposal of More Than 10 years old cases of Judgeship wise | |
09.08.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 65-2019 Date 09-08-2019 | |
09.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 13th and 14th August 2019 | |
08.08.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 798 Dated: 08.08.2019 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 01 08 2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
08.08.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 796 Dated: 08.08.2019 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 08 07 2019 And 01 08 2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher 2019 | |
07.08.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 64-2019 Date 07-08-2019 | |
07.08.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 63-2019 Date 07-08-2019 | |
06.08.2019 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 7349 Date 06 08 2019 | |
06.08.2019 | Tender No HC SK 2019 20 291 Date 05 08 2019 for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract AMC of 1122 Nos Laptop HP Probook 450 G2 Note Book ACER TMP257 MG AND Acer Aspire E 15 E5 575G Rate Contract for the Supply of Cello Accugrip Pen and Cello Accugrip Refill at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
06.08.2019 | Estt ii 05 2008 II 7262 dated 05 August 2019 | |
06.08.2019 | Estt ii 05 2008 II 7261 dated 05 August 2019 | |
06.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 7th 8th and 9th August 2019 | |
06.08.2019 | Pendency of cases in Respect of Cases Related to Commercial Appellate Divisions in the Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of July, 2019 | |
06.08.2019 | Notification Regarding amendment in various Rules of Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules 2002 | |
05.08.2019 | Standing Order regarding videography and photography of court proceedings held on 05-08-2019 through VC | |
04.08.2019 | Notice regarding hearing of DB CW 9893 2019 will be held on 05-08-2019 through Video Conferencing in Court No 1 from 10 am to 11 am | |
03.08.2019 | Invitation of applications for the post of member Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission OERC | |
03.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 05th and 06th August 2019 | |
03.08.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 61 2019 Dated 03.08.2019 | |
03.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated 05th 06th 07th and 09th August 2019 | |
02.08.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell 2019 782 Dated 02-08-2019 Revised Result of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
02.08.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases before commercial courts in Rajasthan for the month of July 2019 | |
01.08.2019 | Extension of last date for submission of Applications for Chambers in New High Court Building Jodhpur | |
01.08.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 02nd August 2019 | |
31.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 01st August 2019 | |
29.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 30th and 31st July 2019 | |
26.07.2019 | Tender No HC-SK-2019-20-256 Date 26-07-2019 Rate Contract for the Supply of Cello Accugrip Pen and Cello Accugrip Refill at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
26.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated 29th July 2019 | |
26.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 29th July 2019 | |
25.07.2019 | Order No Estt b2-v-1-WA-2019-7009 Date 25-07-2019 | |
23.07.2019 | Notification No Estt HC 2019 - 244 Date 18 July 2019 and Notification No 08 SRO 2019 Dated 18 July 2019 regarding amendments in the Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules, 2002 | |
23.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 24th 25th and 26th July 2019 | |
22.07.2019 | Clarification for tender no HC-SK-2019-20-233 dated 12-07-2019 Tender for Packing Loading Shifting Unloading Unpacking and settling of Office furniture Files Equipments ICT Equipments and other articles of Rajasthan High Court from present High Court Building to the newly constructed High Court Building Jhalamand Circle Jodhpur | |
22.07.2019 | Notice Regarding Third National Lok Adalat on Dated 14.09.2019 Second Saturday at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
20.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 22th and 23th July 2019 | |
20.07.2019 | Notice No RHC-Exam Cell-CJC-2019-756 Dated 20-07-2019 Notice regarding postponement of Main Examination for recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
18.07.2019 | Notice Regarding Applications for designation as Senior Advocate Notice No Perm Sec Sr Adv 2019-01 Date 18-07-2019 | |
18.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 19th and 20th July 2019 | |
18.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated 19th 20th 22nd 23rd and 25th July 2019 | |
17.07.2019 | NOTICE No RHC-Exam Cell-CJC-2019-747 Dated 17-07-2019 for Submission of proof of acquiring requisite Educational Qualification | |
17.07.2019 | Instructions for Candidates Dated 17-07-2019 Instructions for candidates appearing in Main Examination for recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
17.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 57 2019 Dated 17.07.2019 | |
16.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur Cause list dated 17th and 18th July 2019 | |
16.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 56 2019 Dated 16.07.2019 | |
16.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 55 2019 Dated 16.07.2019 | |
16.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 54 2019 Dated 16.07.2019 | |
15.07.2019 | Notice Regarding Allotment of Chambers to Senior Advocates or Advocates Dated 15-07-2019 | |
15.07.2019 | Order No 788 Dated 15.07.2019 | |
15.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 52 2019 Dated 15.07.2019 | |
15.07.2019 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 6432 | |
15.07.2019 | Notice of Resolution of Honourable Full Court | |
13.07.2019 | NOTICE No RHC Exam Cell CJC 2019 742 Dated 13-07-2019 Notice for uploading Admission Card of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
12.07.2019 | Tender for Packing Loading Shifting Unloading Unpacking and settling of Office furniture Files Equipments ICT Equipments and other articles of Rajasthan High Court from present High Court Building to the newly constructed High Court Building Jhalamand Circle Jodhpur | |
12.07.2019 | Clarification for tender no HC SK 2019-20 201 dated 03-07-2019 Cleaning work at New Building of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
12.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 51 2019 Dated 12.07.2019 | |
12.07.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases the month of June 2019 RHCB Jaipur | |
12.07.2019 | Pendency of cases before commercial appellate devision RHCB Jaipur | |
12.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 15th and 16th July 2019 | |
11.07.2019 | Order No.- P.1 13 Nayay 2009 Part Dated 08.07.2019 | |
10.07.2019 | LIST OF CASES FOR NATIONAL LOK ADALAT ON 13.07.2019 | |
10.07.2019 | National Lok Adalat Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Bench Details | |
10.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 50 2019 Dated 10.07.2019 | |
10.07.2019 | Rajasthan High Court Newsletter Volume 9 Part II | |
09.07.2019 | Notice Regarding Allotment of Chambers to Senior Advocates or Advocates | |
09.07.2019 | Order No Estt b2 v 1-WA-2019-6272 Date 09-07-2019 | |
09.07.2019 | Advocates Chambers Allotment and Occupancy RULES-2019 as amended on 09-07-2019 | |
09.07.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of June-2019 RHC Jodhpur | |
09.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 10th 11th and 12th July 2019 | |
09.07.2019 | No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 6272 dated 09.07.2019 | |
09.07.2019 | HC-SK-2019-20-215 DATE 06-07-2019 Tender for Annual Rate Contract for Supply and Installation of accessories for Government Vehicles of Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
09.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated 10th and 15th July 2019 | |
09.07.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC-Exam-Cell-LR 2019 734 Dated 09 July 2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
06.07.2019 | Notification No P 2-II-Nyay-2019 - 756 Jaipur Dated 03-06-2019 | |
06.07.2019 | Notification No P 2-II-Nyay-2019 - 755 Jaipur Dated 03-06-2019 | |
06.07.2019 | Notification No P 2-II-Nyay-2019 - 754 Jaipur Dated 03-06-2019 | |
06.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated 08th and 09th July 2019 | |
06.07.2019 | Order No Estt A ii 01 2017 6221 Dated 06.07.2019 Advertisement for the Fulltime Engagement of NYAYA MITRAS | |
06.07.2019 | Change of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts of Kota | |
06.07.2019 | Change of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts of Ajmer | |
06.07.2019 | Change of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts of Pushkar and Nasirabad | |
05.07.2019 | Order No Estt B2 V 1 WA 2019 6212 Dated 05.07.2019 | |
05.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 48 2019 Dated 05.07.2019 | |
05.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 47 2019 Dated 05.07.2019 | |
05.07.2019 | Rules for Allotment of Chambers to Senior Advocates or Advocates as per the Eligibility | |
04.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 5th July 2019 | |
04.07.2019 | NIT NO HC SK 2019 20 201 dated 03072019 Tender for Cleaning Work of New Building of Rajasthan High Court at Jhalamand, Jodhpur | |
04.07.2019 | Rajasthan High Court Annual Report 2018 | |
03.07.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 46 2019 dated 03.07.2019 | |
03.07.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO-07 S R O 2019 DATE 03-07-2019 - Rajasthan High Court -Designation of Senior Advocates- Guidelines-2019 | |
03.07.2019 | ORDER NO Estt HC 2019 218 DATED 03 07 2019 | |
02.07.2019 | Category-Wise monthly statement of cases before commercial courts in Rajasthan for the month of June 2019 | |
02.07.2019 | Pendency of cases in Respect of Cases Related to Commercial Appellate Divisions in the Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of June, 2019 | |
02.07.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 03rd and 04th July 2019 | |
01.07.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. GEN II 2 88 733 DATE 01.07.2019 | |
29.06.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th July 2019 | |
29.06.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 01st and 02nd July 2019 | |
28.06.2019 | HC-SK-2019-20-182 DATE 27.06.2019 | |
28.06.2019 | Order No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 5888 Dated 28.06.2019 | |
26.06.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 27th and 28th June 2019 | |
25.06.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated of 27th and 29th June 2019 | |
24.06.2019 | Rajasthan Subordinate Courts Driver and Class IV Employees Service Rules 2017 As Amended Upto 10.04.2019 | |
24.06.2019 | Rajasthan High Court Staff service Rules 2002 As Amended Upto 16.04.2019 | |
24.06.2019 | Rajasthan District Courts Ministerial Extablishment Rules 1986 As Amended Uptp 10.04.2019 | |
24.06.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 24 June 2019 | |
21.06.2019 | Notification No. 05 Misc. 2019 Date 21.06.2019 regarding reconstitution of Special Division Bench for Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur for 4th week of summer vacation | |
21.06.2019 | Notification No. 04 Misc. 2019 Date 21.06.2019 regarding nomination of Honble Mr. Justice Pankaj Bhandari as Vacation Judge for Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur for 24.06.2019 | |
20.06.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 21 June 2019 | |
19.06.2019 | Notice Regarding Allotment of Chambers to Senior Advocates or Advocates as per the Eligibility | |
19.06.2019 | Tender regarding Annual Rate contract for supply of 141 Nos Bombay Dyeing Tulip Towel size 75cm x 150cm and 1100 Nos Yera Brand 10 FB Tubmle | |
19.06.2019 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/CJC/2019/694 Dated: 19.06.2019 Schedule of Main Examination for Recruitment to the Civil Judge Cadre, 2018 | |
18.06.2019 | Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 19 June 2019 | |
15.06.2019 | Rajasthan State Judicial Academy Scheme for Engaging Research Scholar in RSJA | |
15.06.2019 | Rajasthan State Judicial Academy Advertisement for Research Scholars on Contractual Basis | |
15.06.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur for the month of May, 2019 | |
14.06.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases for the month of May 2019 RHCB Jaipur | |
11.06.2019 | Notice Regarding Presentation of Fresh Files of Civil and Writ Cases During Summer Vacation | |
10.06.2019 | Pendency of cases in Respect of Cases Related to Commercial Appellate Division in the Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of May, 2019 | |
10.06.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of May 2019 RHC Jodhpur | |
04.06.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell 2019 674 Dated: 04.06.2019 Statement of Marks Obtained by Candidates in Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2018 | |
01.06.2019 | Category wise monthly statement of cases before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the month of May 2019 | |
01.06.2019 | No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 5259 Dated 01 06 2019 | |
31.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 41 2019 Dated 31.05.2019 | |
30.05.2019 | No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 5162 Dated 30 05 2019 | |
30.05.2019 | No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 5161 Dated 30 05 2019 | |
30.05.2019 | No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 5160 Dated 30 05 2019 | |
30.05.2019 | No Estt b2 v 1 WA 2019 5159 Dated 30 05 2019 | |
30.05.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of April 2019 RHC Jodhpur | |
27.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 40 2019 dated 27.05.2019 | |
27.05.2019 | Order No RJS Estt B2 v TP 24 2016 4911 dated 24.05.2019 | |
24.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 39 2019 dated 24.05.2019 | |
24.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 27th and 28th May 2019 | |
24.05.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 653 Dated 24May2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
24.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated of 27th 28th 29th 30th and 31st May 2019 | |
24.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 38 2019 dated 24.05.2019 | |
23.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 37 2019 dated 23.05.2019 | |
23.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 36 2019 dated 23.05.2019 | |
23.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 35 2019 dated 22.05.2019 | |
22.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 34 2019 dated 22.05.2019 | |
22.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 22nd 23rd and 24th May 2019 | |
21.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 33 2019 dated 21.05.2019 | |
21.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated of 22nd ,23rd and 24th May 2019 | |
21.05.2019 | No Estt HC 2019 184 Dated 21 05 2019 Regarding Cancelled offer letter of Mr Navneet Bohra Legal Researcher Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur | |
21.05.2019 | No 1 A iii a 1 05 2018 1048 dated 21 05 2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Ms Dimple Jodha Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court jodhpur | |
20.05.2019 | Notice No RHC Exam Cell 2019 649 Dated 20 05 2019 Result of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
20.05.2019 | NOTICE No RHC Exam Cell 2019 648 Dated 20 05 2019 Final Answer Key of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
19.05.2019 | Notice No. RHC Exam Cell Translator 2019 646 Dated 19.05.2019 Result of Written Test held on 03.03.2019 for the Direct Recruitment and for the Promotion to the post of Translator | |
18.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 32 2019 dated 18.05.2019 | |
18.05.2019 | Notification No 02 Misc 2019 Dated 18052019 Regarding Vacation Judges For Summer Vacation | |
18.05.2019 | Notification No 03 Misc 2019 Dated 18 05 2019 Regarding constitution of Special Benches at High Court of Judicature for Rajasthan at Principle seat, Jodhpur and Bench, Jaipur during the first week and fourth week of the Summer | |
18.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 20th and 21st May 2019 | |
17.05.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of April, 2019 RHCB, Jaipur | |
15.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated of 16th 17th 18th 20th and 21st May 2019 | |
14.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 31 2019 dated 14.05.2019 | |
14.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 30 2019 dated 14.05.2019 | |
14.05.2019 | Order No RJS Estt B2 V TP 24 2016 4541 Date 14 05 2019 | |
14.05.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur for the month of April, 2019 | |
14.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Cause list dated of 15th, 16th and 17th May 2019 | |
13.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 29 2019 dated 13.05.2019 | |
09.05.2019 | Order No Estt RJS 28 2019 dated 09.05.2019 | |
08.05.2019 | No General II 03 2019 550 Dated 08 05 2019 Regarding Notification | |
08.05.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated of 8th,9th,10th,13th and 15th May 2019 | |
03.05.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of April, 2019 | |
03.05.2019 | Revised Category wise monthly statement of cases before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the month of April 2019 | |
03.05.2019 | No I a iii a 1 05 2018 912 Dated 03 05 2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Mr Navneet Bohra as Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
03.05.2019 | No I a iii a 1 05 2018 911 Dated 03 05 2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Mr Anubhav as Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
02.05.2019 | Advertisement for filling up the one post of vice chairman in Additional Bench of the Authority for Advance Rullings at the National Capital Region NCR | |
01.05.2019 | Category wise monthly statement of cases before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the month of April 2019 | |
30.04.2019 | NOTIFICATION Regarding Holiday Declared on 7th May 2019 in High Court and Subordinate Courts. | |
30.04.2019 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/626 Dated: 30.04.2019 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 30.04.2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2019. | |
30.04.2019 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/625 Dated: 30.04.2019 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 30.04.2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2019. | |
30.04.2019 | Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur Cause list dated of 1st and 6th May 2019 | |
26.04.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No RHC Exam Cell LR 2019 622 Dated 26Apr2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
26.04.2019 | Order no Estt RJS 27 2019 DATED April 26, 2019 | |
24.04.2019 | NOTIFICATION NO. 06.SRO.2019 Dated 16.04.2019 | |
20.04.2019 | No I a iii a 1 05 2018 823 Dated 20 4 2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Mr Dipankan Gupta as Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
20.04.2019 | No I a iii a 1 05 2018 822 Dated 20 4 2019 Regarding Candidature of Ms Jyoti Sharma For Engagement as Legal Researcher is hereby cancelled with immediate effect | |
12.04.2019 | Order no Estt RJS 26 2019 DATED April 12,2019 | |
12.04.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Cause list dated of 15th , 16th and 22th April 2019 | |
11.04.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of March, 2019 RHCB, Jaipur | |
11.04.2019 | Order No RJS 25 2019 Date 10.04.2019 | |
10.04.2019 | Notification No. 07-E.V.-2019 Dated 10.04.2019 | |
10.04.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of March , 2019 RHC, Jodhpur | |
09.04.2019 | Notification No General-II-Misc-2018-423 | |
09.04.2019 | Notification No General-II-Misc-2018-422 | |
07.04.2019 | Regarding half holiday on Gangaur Festival | |
05.04.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Cause list dated of 9th , 10th,11th and 12th April 2019 | |
04.04.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division, Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur, for the month of March, 2019 | |
03.04.2019 | Notice Regarding Second National Lok Adalat Dated 13.07.2019 | |
02.04.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur for the month of March, 2019 | |
02.04.2019 | Category-wise monthly statement of cases before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the month of March, 2019 | |
01.04.2019 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/2019/569 Dated: 01.04.2019 Model Answer Key of question paper of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2018 | |
30.03.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Cause list dated of 1st , 3rd and 5th April 2019 | |
29.03.2019 | Notification No Estt RJS 23 | |
27.03.2019 | Notification regarding vacancies in the District Judge Cadre for the year 2019-20 | |
18.03.2019 | Tender for Digital EPBAX System and Wi-Fi Authentication System for High Speed wi-fi service | |
18.03.2019 | Tender for Officer Stationary Items on annual rate contract | |
18.03.2019 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam. Cell/CJC/2018/454 Dated : 18.03.2019 Notice for uploading Admission Card of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre 2018 | |
18.03.2019 | Instructions for Candidates Dated 18.03.2019 Instructions for candidates appearing in Preliminary Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2018 | |
16.03.2019 | Partial amendment in office time of Subordinate Courts | |
16.03.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Cause list dated of 25th , 26th and 28th March 2019 | |
15.03.2019 | Final seniority list of the officers of District Judge Cadre | |
13.03.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of February, 2019 RHCB, Jaipur | |
13.03.2019 | No.I/A/(III)(a)(1)05/2018/568 Date 13-03-2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Ms. Avantika Thakur | |
12.03.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Cause list dated of 13th and 14th March 2019 | |
12.03.2019 | No.I/A/(III)(a)(1)05/2018/544 Date 12-03-2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Mr. Sandeep Bishnoi | |
11.03.2019 | Notification No. Estt./HC/2019/81 Date 07.03.2019 | |
09.03.2019 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/344 Dated: 09.03.2019 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 09.03.2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2019." | |
08.03.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Supplementary Causelist for Bench-1 to Bench- 5 Date 09.03.2019 - JODHPUR | |
08.03.2019 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/342 Dated: 08.03.2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 08.03.2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2019." | |
08.03.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of February, 2019 | |
08.03.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division (Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur) for the month of February, 2019 | |
08.03.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Supplementary Causelist for Bench-1, Bench-2, Bench-3 dated 09.03.2019 - Jaipur | |
07.03.2019 | NATIONAL LOK ADALAT 09-03-2019 bench creation information Date 07-03-2019 | |
07.03.2019 | Regarding Allotment of Unique identification numbers to Judicial Officers | |
07.03.2019 | Regarding Amendment in Rule 9 of Rajasthan District Courts Ministerial Establishment Rules 1986 | |
07.03.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Main Causelist for Bench-1 to Bench- 5 dated 09.03.2019- JODHPUR | |
07.03.2019 | Order No. Estt/HC/2019/83 Date 07/03/2019 | |
07.03.2019 | No.I/A/(III)(a)(1)05/2018/325 Date 07-03-2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Ms. Mili Jain | |
07.03.2019 | No.I/A/(III)(a)(1)05/2018/325 Date 07-03-2019 Regarding Offer Letter of Ms. Jyoti Sharma | |
06.03.2019 | National Lok Adalat - Main Causelist for Bench-1, Bench-2, Bench-3 dated 09.03.2019 | |
06.03.2019 | Pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Division (Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur) for the month of February, 2019 | |
06.03.2019 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/17/2019 Date 06.03.2019 | |
05.03.2019 | Order No. General/II/18/2007/308 Dated 05-03-2019 | |
02.03.2019 | Notification No. 05/E.V./2019 dated 01.03.2019 | |
01.03.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of cases before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the month of February, 2019 | |
01.03.2019 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/751 Dated:28.02.2019 "Tender for Copier with Finisher, Electronic Items and Furniture Items for the use of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur" | |
01.03.2019 | Notification regarding Change of Office Timing in Summer of Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Court | |
28.02.2019 | Office Order No. 28 Date 28-02-2019 Constitutes of the Monitoring and Mentoring Committee from Rajasthan High Court Legal Services Committee, Jodhpur | |
28.02.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Cause list dated of 1st ,5th, 6th, and 8th March 2019 | |
27.02.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/16/2019 Date 27th February, 2019 (Following Officers are hereby nominated as Guest Faculty to impact Training to the newly appointed Civil Judges) | |
26.02.2019 | Minutes of the meeting of the Library Committee held on 20.02.2019 in the chamber of Hon'ble Chairman, Library Committee | |
26.02.2019 | Order No.Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2019/2044 Date 26.02.2019 | |
26.02.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/13/2019 Date 26.02.2019 Joinig Instructions For Newly Appointed Judicial Officiers In The Civil Judge Cadre-2019 | |
22.02.2019 | Notice No. : RHC/EXAM CELL/Subordinate Court/Class IV Employees/2019/254 Dated: 22.02.2019 - "Notice Regarding Recruitment of Class IV Employees for District Courts-2017" | |
21.02.2019 | "Instructions for candidates appearing in Written Examination for Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2018" | |
21.02.2019 | No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)05/2018/391 Date 21-02-2019 Regarding Letter of Offer of Mr.Keshav Mishra | |
20.02.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 21st ,25th,26th, and 27th February 2019 | |
16.02.2019 | Constitution of Rajasthan High Court Legal Services Committee, Jaipur-Jodhpur. | |
15.02.2019 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/238 Dated: 15.02.2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 15.02.2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2019." | |
15.02.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/237 Dated 15.02.2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
12.02.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of January, 2019 | |
12.02.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 13th ,15th,16th,18th and 20th February 2019 | |
12.02.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/217 Dated 12.02.2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
11.02.2019 | Notification No. General/11/05/2016/209 Date 08.02.2019 | |
11.02.2019 | Notification No. 02/S.R.O/2019 Date-11.02.2019 | |
08.02.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of January-2019 - Jodhpur | |
08.02.2019 | No.I/A/(III)(a)(1)05/2018/324 Date 08-02-2019 Regarding Letter of Offer of Ms. Ayushi Sarin | |
07.02.2019 | Order No. P.19(2)Nyay/2014 Jaipur, Dated 07.07.2019 | |
07.02.2019 | Chamber Group List containing chamber numbers as per draw of lots - Date 06.02.2019 | |
06.02.2019 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/198 Dated: 06.02.2019 Result of Interview held at Jaipur on 06.02.2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2019." | |
06.02.2019 | Filling up the post of Presiding Officer of Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, New Delh-I and Chandigarh-I | |
05.02.2019 | Minutes dated 04.02.2019 of the Hon'ble Chamber Allotment Committee, RHCB, Jaipur | |
05.02.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 6th ,7th,8th,11th and 12th February 2019 | |
05.02.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of cases before Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the month of January, 2019 | |
05.02.2019 | Statement of pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Divisions in the month of January, 2019 in the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
05.02.2019 | Statement of pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Divisions in the month of January, 2019 in the Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
05.02.2019 | No.I/A/(III)(a)(1)05/2018/279 Date 05-02-2019 Regarding Letter of Offer of Ms. Ravisha Sodha | |
05.02.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/11/2019 Date 05-02-2019 | |
01.02.2019 | Notice No.- RHC/ExamCell/DJC/2018/146 Date: 01.02.2019 "(Time schedule for holding Written Examination and Uploading of Admission Card of the candidates appearing in the District Judge Cadre, 2018)" | |
01.02.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/148 Dated 01.02.2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
01.02.2019 | e-Tender Notice No. HCB/SK/2018-19/636 Dated 01.02.2019 | |
31.01.2019 | Notification No.P.1(1)/Nyay/2016 Dated 24.01.2019 | |
31.01.2019 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/137 Dated: 31.01.2019 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 31.01.2019 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2019." | |
31.01.2019 | Notice regarding National Lok Adalat dated 09.03.2019 | |
29.01.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 30th, January, 02nd, 4th and 5th February 2019 | |
29.01.2019 | Order No. Estt/HC/2019/27 Date 29.01.2019 | |
29.01.2019 | NIT No. HC/SK/2018-19/682 dated 25.01.2019 Annual rate contract for Photocopier Work at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
29.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2019/975 Date 29.01.2019 | |
28.01.2019 | NOTICE Regarding Reference on 29th January 2019. | |
28.01.2019 | Holiday declared Dated 28-01-2019(Order No. E.V./03/2019 Dated 28/01/2019) | |
25.01.2019 | "Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2018/114 Dated:25.01.2019 (Declaration of date for holding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2018)" | |
25.01.2019 | Notice regarding Chamber Allotment Committee | |
25.01.2019 | NOTICE REGARDING 1st NATIONAL LOK ADALAT DATE 25.01.2019 | |
24.01.2019 | for the purchasing of office table, revolving chair, almirah and stool | |
24.01.2019 | Chamber Group list for II Phase allotment of Chambers in 'E' Block | |
22.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/9/2019 Date 22-01-2019 | |
22.01.2019 | Sealed open bids are invited for the supply of Photo Stat Machines | |
22.01.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 23rd , 25th and 28th January 2019 | |
21.01.2019 | "Notice No. RHC/EXAM CELL/Translator/2019/93 dated 21.01.2019 declaration of Date for Written Test to the post of Translator" | |
21.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/8/2019 Date 21-01-2019 | |
20.01.2019 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/DJC/2018/89 Dated:20.01.2019 "List of Eligible Officers, Provisionally Allowed For Limited Competitive Examination in District Judge Cadre, 2018" | |
20.01.2019 | Consolidated List of Eligible Applicants (Provisionally Allowed For Written Examination) Who Applied For Direct Recruitment in District Judge Cadre, 2017 and/or District Judge Cadre, 2018 | |
19.01.2019 | Regarding Publication of General Rules ( Civil & Criminal ), 2018 | |
19.01.2019 | Information Regarding SLP (Criminal) No. 6740/2018. | |
19.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/6/2019 Date 19-01-2019 | |
19.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/5/2019 Date 19-01-2019 | |
17.01.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 18th and 21st January 2019 | |
17.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/4/2019 Date 17-01-2019 | |
16.01.2019 | Corrigendum regarding amendment in Rule 14 of Rajasthan HIgh Court Staff Service Rules, 2002 | |
16.01.2019 | NIT No. Record/RHC/2018/02 dated 15.01.2019 Auction sale of waste scrape paper on Annual rate contract at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
16.01.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 17 January 2019 | |
11.01.2019 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/Translator/2019/72 Dated:11.01.2019 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2017 have been rejected.) | |
11.01.2019 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/Translator/2019/71 Dated:11.01.2019 (List of Eligible Candidates for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2017.) | |
11.01.2019 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist (Bench 1 to 5) dated 12-01-2019, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
11.01.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of December, 2018 - JAIPUR | |
10.01.2019 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist (Bench 1 to 5) dated 12-01-2019, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench | |
10.01.2019 | National Lok Adalat Main Causelist- (Bench 1 to 5) dated 12-01-2019, , Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
09.01.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 10, 11 and 14 January 2019 | |
08.01.2019 | National Lok Adalat Main Causelist- (Bench 1 to 5) dated 12-01-2019, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench | |
08.01.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of December 2018-JODHPUR | |
08.01.2019 | National Lok Adalat Bench Detail on dated 12.01.2019 | |
08.01.2019 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2019/40 Dated 08.01.2019 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
07.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.B2(v)/TP/2014/207 Date 07-01-2019 (Representations Regarding Transfer/Posting) | |
07.01.2019 | No.G/I/A-4(i)(a)03/19/144-145 dated 07-01-2019 (CIRCULAR Regarding Child Care Leave to Female employees of Subordinate Courts) | |
07.01.2019 | No.Estt.B2(iv)/01/225 dated 07-01-2019 Regarding Child Care Leave to Female Judicial Officer | |
07.01.2019 | General/VIII/06/70/24 dated 07-01-2019 Regarding Notification | |
07.01.2019 | Two local Holidays are declared in RHCB, Jaipur for the year 2019 | |
07.01.2019 | Work of stitching Vardis/uniforms for drivers, Jamadars and Class IV employees | |
05.01.2019 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of December, 2018 | |
05.01.2019 | Statement of pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Divisions | |
05.01.2019 | Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010 as amended up to 27-12-2018 | |
03.01.2019 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 05, 07 and 08 January 2019 | |
03.01.2019 | Order.No.Gen./XV/44/2016/27 Date-03-01-2019 (U.O.NOTE Regarding Gazette Notification of G.S.R. 93 Date-27.12.2018) | |
03.01.2019 | Estt.A(ii)/01/2019/67 Date-03.01.2019 (Regarding Nomination for the Post of Chairperson and /or Members in the Lokayukta, Odisha.) | |
03.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/3/2019 Date 03-01-2019 | |
03.01.2019 | No. Estt.B1(i)/03/2006/22 date 02.01.2019 Regarding Filling up the post of Judicial Member, Appellate Tribunal For Electricity (APTEL) | |
02.01.2019 | "Corrigendum (Amended Advertisement) No. RHC/Exam.Cell/RJS/CJC/2019/04 Date 02-01-2019 in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2018" | |
02.01.2019 | REVISED NOTIFICATION No.Estt.(RJS)/02/2019 Date 02.01.2019 | |
02.01.2019 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/1/2019 Date 02-01-2019 | |
21.12.2018 | Minutes of the meeting dated 19-12-2018 of the chamber allotment committee | |
21.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/126/2018 Date 21-12-2018 | |
21.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/125/2018 Date 21-12-2018 | |
20.12.2018 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench Cause list dated of 20 and 21 December 2018 | |
20.12.2018 | Tender no. HC/SK/2018-19/ 633 Dated 19.12.2018 (Tender for AMC of Digital Display System installed in Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur) | |
20.12.2018 | e-Directory of Judicial Officers | |
19.12.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/DJC/2018/911 Dated:19.12.2018 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2018 have been rejected to failure of submitting duly signed printout of online application along with required documents and requisite fee) | |
19.12.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/DJC/2018/910 Dated:19.12.2018 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2018 have been rejected for the reasons given against their names) | |
19.12.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/DJC/2018/909 Dated:19.12.2018 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the district judge cadre, 2018 are in defect(s) mentioned against their name) | |
18.12.2018 | Order No./RSJ/Estt.A(ii)/04/1996/12927 Date- 15.12.2018 (Filling up the post of Presiding Officer of Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court, Kanpur and Asansol) | |
18.12.2018 | Resolution dated 14-12-2018 of the Hon'ble Grievance Committee, RHCB, Jaipur | |
18.12.2018 | No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)05/2018/2660 dt-18-12-2018 (OFFER LETTER OF Mr. AJAY KUMAR AUGUSTINE) | |
15.12.2018 | Notice regarding meeting of Hon'ble Committee rescheduling of hearing on 6th January, 2019 | |
15.12.2018 | Notice regarding reconstitution of Hon'ble Committee constituited for finalization of seniority list of District Judge Cadre. | |
15.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/123/2018 Date 15-12-2018 | |
15.12.2018 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court,Jodhpur Cause list dated of 17, 18 and 20 December 2018 | |
14.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/122/2018 Date 14-12-2018 | |
14.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/121/2018 Date 14-12-2018 | |
13.12.2018 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/891 Dated: 13.12.2018 Result of Interview held at Jodhpur on 13.12.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018." | |
12.12.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of November-2018 - JAIPUR | |
12.12.2018 | No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)05/2018/2606 dt-12-12-2018 (OFFER LETTER OF Mr. AMIT SHARMA) | |
12.12.2018 | Order No. Estt/HC/2018/482 Date 12/12/2018 | |
11.12.2018 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench Cause list dated of 12, 13 and 14 December 2018 | |
11.12.2018 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/604 dated 10.12.2018 For Critical Dates For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2018-19/503 Dated 19.11.2018 | |
06.12.2018 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/603 dated 06.12.2018 For technical specifications For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2018-19/503 Dated 19.11.2018 | |
06.12.2018 | Order No.RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/12672 Date 06-12-2018 Appointment As J J B | |
06.12.2018 | Order No. F.2(1)Nyay/10 Dated- 06.12.2018 | |
06.12.2018 | Order No. F.19(1)Nyay/14 Dated- 06.12.2018 | |
06.12.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of November-2018 JODHPUR | |
05.12.2018 | Notice No. RHC/EXAM.CELL/SR/2017/880 dated 05-12-2018 (Result of the Qualifying Test for the recruitment by promotion to the post of Stamp Reporter and Court fee examiner, 2017) | |
05.12.2018 | Notice regarding rescheduling of National Lok Adalat to 12-01-2019 | |
05.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/120/2018 Date 05-12-2018 | |
04.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/119/2018 Date 04-12-2018 | |
04.12.2018 | No.08/S.R.O./2018 DT-03-12-2018 | |
04.12.2018 | No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)05/2018/2492 dt-04-12-2018 (OFFER LETTER OF Mr. MAHESH KALIYA) | |
04.12.2018 | Regarding inviting application for Panel Lawyers - RSLSA, Jaipur dated 03.12.2018 | |
03.12.2018 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Cause list dated of 05th, 10th, 12th and 14th December 2018 | |
03.12.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/118/2018 Date 03-12-2018 | |
03.12.2018 | Statement of pendency of cases before Commercial Appellate Divisions | |
03.12.2018 | Order No. RJS/Estt.B2(i)/09/20111/12349 dt. 01-12-2018 | |
03.12.2018 | Order No. 24/S.O./2018 Dated 01.12.2018 | |
03.12.2018 | Order No. 23/S.O./2018 Dated 01.12.2018 | |
03.12.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Commercial Courts in Rajasthan for the Month of November, 2018 | |
01.12.2018 | National Lok Adalat Dt. 08.12.2018 (S.No. F-4(158)/RSLSA/SS/NLA-V/2018/658 Dated 30.11.2018 | |
30.11.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/117/2018 Date 30.11.2018 | |
30.11.2018 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/871 Dated:30.11.2018 Result of interview held at Jodhpur on 30.11.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018." | |
27.11.2018 | Notice to Candidate who intends to join the proceedings in CW-15311/2018 | |
27.11.2018 | Notice No. RJS/Estt.B2(i)/08/2016/12016 Date 27.11.2018 | |
26.11.2018 | Order regarding Public Holiday on 07.12.2018 due to polling day of Assembly Election-2018, in Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/Jaipur and all Subordinate Courts | |
26.11.2018 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2018 | |
19.11.2018 | Tender no. HC/SK/2018-19/503 Dated 19.11.2018 (Tender for the Supply, Testing, Installation and Maintenance of LAN at 447 District and Subordinate Courts, under signed e-Courts Project) | |
18.11.2018 | Tender Notice For Printing of High Court & Civil Courts Calendar 2019 | |
15.11.2018 | Pendency of Cases Before Commercial Courts | |
15.11.2018 | SCHEME of Examination and Syllabus for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2018 | |
15.11.2018 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2018/11691 date 14.11.2018 | |
15.11.2018 | ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/Civil Judge Cadre/2018/789 Dated : 15.11.2018 in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2018. | |
15.11.2018 | No.Gen/XV39/2018/6695 Date 14.11.2018 | |
15.11.2018 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Causelist dated 16th and 19th November, 2018 | |
14.11.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of October-2018 Jaipur | |
14.11.2018 | Pendency of Cases Before Commercial Appellate Divisions | |
14.11.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of October-2018 JODHPUR | |
13.11.2018 | Tender no. HC/SK/2018-19/480 Dated 12.11.2018 NIT For the supply of 4000 Nos. Photo State White Paper Ream, FS Size 215mm x 345mm (75 GSM Mill Pack, 500 Paper Each Ream) for use of Rajasthan HIgh Court, Jodhpur through Rate Contract | |
04.11.2018 | Notice : No. RHCB/Exam.Cell/2018/773 Dated: 04.11.2018 "(Final Result of Recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre, 2017)" | |
03.11.2018 | NOTIFICATION NO.09/EV/2018 | |
03.11.2018 | NOTIFICATION NO. 08/EV/2018 | |
03.11.2018 | NOTIFICATION NO. Estt./RJS/114/2018 | |
03.11.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/113/2018 dated 03.11.2018 | |
03.11.2018 | Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Causelist dated 12th and 14th November, 2018 | |
01.11.2018 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/458 DATED 01-11-2018 (Tender for annual rate contract for refilling of Laser Printer Toner Cartridge) | |
30.10.2018 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/756 Dated 30.10.2018 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
26.10.2018 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2018/11285 dated 26.10.2018 | |
26.10.2018 | Resolution dated 24.10.2018 of the Hon'ble Grievance Committee | |
25.10.2018 | RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/11200 Dated 25.10.2018 | |
23.10.2018 | Tender for Bata Super Stride Shoes Black No.824-6458 and Bata Smart Nylon Socks Quality No.931-1419, RHCB, Jaipur | |
22.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/105/2018 dated 12.10.2018 | |
16.10.2018 | Sealed Bids are invited for AMC of Photo-stat Machines | |
16.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/110/2018 Dated 16.10.2018 | |
16.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/103/2018 Dated 12.10.2018 | |
16.10.2018 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/433 dated 16.10.2018 Tender for rate contract for stitching of uniform (Achkan, Safari Suit and pent) | |
15.10.2018 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/430 Dated 15.10.2018 Tender for Supply of Safa and Saree | |
15.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/109/2018 Dated 15.10.2018 | |
15.10.2018 | Notice No.:RHC/ExamCell/2018/744 Dated: 15.10.2018 "(Regarding Number of vacancies for post of translator amongst eligible employees of Rajasthan High Court)" | |
15.10.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam. Cell/RJS/DJC/2018/743 Date: 15.10.2018 "(Regarding the Link for taking print-out of already filled-in online application for recruitment to District Judge Cadre, 2018) | |
12.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/108/2018 Dated 12.10.2018 | |
12.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/107/2018 Dated 12.10.2018 | |
12.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/106/2018 Dated 12.10.2018 | |
12.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/104/2018 Dated 12.10.2018 | |
11.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/102/2018 Dated 11.10.2018 | |
11.10.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of September, 2018 - Jaipur | |
11.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/101/2018 Dated 11.10.2018 | |
09.10.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/CJC/2018/631 Dated: 09.10.2018 (Regarding Venue, Date & Time Schedule of Interview for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2017) | |
09.10.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of September, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
09.10.2018 | Notification No. General/II/26/2018/1235 Dated 09.10.2018 | |
08.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/100/2018 Dated 08.10.2018 | |
08.10.2018 | Notification No. RHC/Exam Cell/2018/629 Date 08.10.2018 ("Notification for Departmental Recruitment to the post of Translator") | |
08.10.2018 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/402 dated 08.10.2018 Tender for annual rate contract for printing of Cause Lists at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
06.10.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/97/2018 dated 06.10.2018 | |
06.10.2018 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/625 Dated 06.10.2018 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
05.10.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/CJC/2018/624 Dated: 05.10.2018 ("Statement of Marks Obtained by Candidates in Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017") | |
03.10.2018 | Order No Estt(RJS)96/2018 Date 03-10-2018 | |
02.10.2018 | Notice No. RHC/ExamCell/CJC/2018/619 Dated : 02.10.2018 (Result of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017) | |
01.10.2018 | Order No Estt(RJS)95/2018 Date 01-10-2018 | |
01.10.2018 | Order No Estt(RJS)94/2018 Date 01-10-2018 | |
01.10.2018 | General/II/09/2015/1191 Dated 29/09/2018 | |
01.10.2018 | Order No. Gen/XV (TRNG.)/49/2018/6007-6088 Dated: 29.09.2018 | |
29.09.2018 | List of 42 (12+30) eligible officers of Senior Civil Judge Cadre to appear in Limited Competitive Examination-2018 | |
29.09.2018 | No.Estt.(RJS)/92/2018 Dated 28.09.2018 | |
29.09.2018 | No.Estt.(RJS)/91/2018 Dated 28.09.2018 | |
29.09.2018 | No.Estt.(RJS)/90/2018 Dated 28.09.2018 | |
27.06.2016 | Regarding Nomination of Honble Judge to monitor the cases u/s 34 Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 pending in Subordinate Courts. | |
06.07.2015 | Nomination of Inspecting Judges | |
04.07.2015 | Nomination of Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jaipur | |
05.01.2015 | Rules for allotment of Lawyers chambers of Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur 2014 | |
25.09.2018 |
INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form with format of Application form for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2018 |
25.09.2018 |
INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form with format for online application for RECRUITMENT IN THE DISTRICT JUDGE CADRE THROUGH LIMITED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 2018 |
23.09.2018 |
Notification No. : RHC/Exam Cell/RJS/DJC/2018/570 Dated : 22.09.2018 Notification for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2018 |
23.09.2018 |
Notification No. : RHC/Exam Cell/RJS/DJC/2018/571 Dated : 22.09.2018 Notification for Recruitment in the District Judge through Limited Competitive Examination, 2018 |
23.09.2018 |
Annexures (I to V) to be sent alongwith print out of Online application form for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2018 |
23.09.2018 |
(List of Candidates, who were provisionally allowed by order of Hon'ble Supreme Court and Rajasthan High Court, and also found otherwise eligible to participate in the written examination of District Judge Cadre, 2017) |
20.09.2018 |
No.Estt.(RJS)/81/2018 Dated 18.09.2018 |
18.09.2018 |
No.Estt.(RJS)/88/2018 Dated 18.09.2018 |
18.09.2018 |
No.Estt.(RJS)/87/2018 Dated 18.09.2018 |
18.09.2018 |
No.Estt.(RJS)/86/2018 Dated 18.09.2018 |
18.09.2018 |
No.Estt.(RJS)/85/2018 Dated 18.09.2018 |
18.09.2018 |
No.Estt.(RJS)/80/2018 Dated 18.09.2018 |
18.09.2018 |
No.Estt.(RJS)/79/2018 Dated 18.09.2018 |
18.09.2018 | Notice regarding National Lok Adalat dated 08.12.2018, Jaipur | |
12.09.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of August, 2018 - Jaipur | |
10.09.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of August, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
07.09.2018 |
Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/328 dated 07.09.2018 For critical dates and technical specifications For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2018-19/278 Dated: 14.08.2018 |
07.09.2018 | Order No. -Estt.(RJS)/76/2018 dated 07.09.2018 | |
07.09.2018 | National Lok Adalat causelist dated 08.09.2018 (Bench 1 to 5 ), Jaipur | |
06.09.2018 | National Lok Adalat causelist dated 08.09.2018 (Bench 1 to 5 ), Jodhpur | |
05.09.2018 |
Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2018/9705 |
05.09.2018 |
Standing Order No. 20/S.O./2018 Standing Order No.:Gen/XV/31/2008/5716 dated 05-09-2018 |
05.09.2018 |
Standing Order No. 19/S.O./2018 Standing Order No.:Gen/XV/31/2008/5718 dated 05-09-2018 |
05.09.2018 |
Standing Order No. 18/S.O./2018 Standing Order No.:Gen/XV/06/94/5714 dated 05-09-2018 |
05.09.2018 |
Standing Order No. 17/S.O./2018 Standing Order No.:Gen/XV/06/94/5712 dated 05-09-2018 |
05.09.2018 | LETTER OF OFFER Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05/2018/1892 dated 05.09.2018 | |
05.09.2018 | Order No. -RJS.(Estt.)/75/2018 dated 05.09.2018 | |
04.09.2018 |
Standing Order No. 16/S.O./2018 Regarding Judgeships for inspection are re-allocated to the Hon'ble Judges |
04.09.2018 | List of Benches for National Lok Adalat, Jodhpur | |
04.09.2018 | Order No. - I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/1884 Dated:04.09.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
01.09.2018 |
Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/550 Dated:01.09.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 01.09.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. |
01.09.2018 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam. Cell/CJC/2017/549 Dated : 01.09.2018 Notice to all candidates appearing in Main Examination to the Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017 |
31.08.2018 |
Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/457 Dated:31.08.2018 Result of interview held at Jodhpur on 31.08.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. |
31.08.2018 |
Tender No. RHCB/Library/Binding/152 Dated 31.08.2018 "Tender Notice regarding Book Binding Work" |
29.08.2018 |
NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam. Cell/CJC/2017/534 Dated : 29.08.2018 Notice for uploading Admission Card and Instructions for candidates appearing in Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017 |
28.08.2018 |
Tender No: RHCB/STORE/2018-19/305 Dated 28.08.2018 "Sealed bids are invited for Rate Contract are invited for the supply of Stationary Items" |
28.08.2018 |
Notice No.Gen/II/13/2003/1042 Dated 28.08.2018 |
28.08.2018 |
Order No.Estt.B2(v)1/2018/9317 Dated 28.08.2018 |
28.08.2018 |
No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/1828 Dated 28.08.2018 |
24.08.2018 |
Holiday NOTICE for 25-08-2018 Order No.07/E.V/2018 Dated 24.08.2018 |
21.08.2018 |
Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/514 Dated:21.08.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 21.08.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. |
21.08.2018 |
Tender No: RHCB/STORE/2018-19/267 Dated 20.08.2018 Sealed Bids are invited for the supply of Computer Items. |
21.08.2018 |
Tender No: RHCB/STORE/2018-19/266 Dated 20.08.2018 Sealed Bids are invited for the supply of Misc. Items. |
21.08.2018 |
Standing Order No.S.O./13/2018 Dated 20.08.2018 "Proforma to identify and classify similar type of cases of certain categories" |
21.08.2018 |
No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)05/2018/1810 Dated 21.08.2018 |
20.08.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/73/2018 Dated:20.08.2018 | |
18.08.2018 |
Notice regarding fourth National Lok Adalat Mediation Centre, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur |
18.08.2018 |
Order No. 07/Misc/2018 Dated 18.08.2018 |
17.08.2018 |
Holiday NOTICE for 17-08-2018 Order No.E.V./06/18 Dated 17.08.2018 |
16.08.2018 |
Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/497 Dated:16.08.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 16.08.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. |
14.08.2018 |
Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/278 Dated 14.08.2018 "The supply, installation, maintenance of 431 NOs. 1.5 Ton Split Air Conditioner with Stablizers for Subordinate court of Rajasthan" |
14.08.2018 | Notification No. G/I/A-4(i)(a)104/18/5420-22 Dated 14.08.2018 | |
14.08.2018 | Notification No. Gen./II/08/2018(S)/997 Dated 14.08.2018 | |
14.08.2018 | Regarding various posts and budget for establishment of 55 Special Courts under Protection of Children from Secual Offences Act (POCSO) 2012, dated 06.08.2018 | |
14.08.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of July, 2018 - Jaipur | |
13.08.2018 |
Order No.Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2018/8869 Dated 13.08.2018 |
10.08.2018 |
Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/272 Dated: 10.08.2018 for Tender Conditions and Critical Dates (NIT NO. HC/SK/2018-19/183 dated 09.07.2018) |
10.08.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(V)1/WA/2018/8844 Dated: 10.08.2018 | |
10.08.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(IV)12/198/8775 Dated: 09.08.2018 | |
10.08.2018 |
Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2018/8840 Dated 10.08.2018 |
10.08.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement For The Month of July, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
09.08.2018 |
Tender No: HC/SK/2018-19/269 Dated 09.08.2018 Purchasing Information for Uniform of Drivers & Other Supporting Staff dated 09.08.2018 |
09.08.2018 |
Notification No.Gen./II/01/2015/988 Dated 09.08.2018 |
07.08.2018 |
POCSO COURTS ORDER NO.Gen./II/33/2012/977 Dated 07.08.2018 |
07.08.2018 |
POCSO COURTS NOTIFICATION NO.Gen./II/33/2012/976 Dated 07.08.2018 |
07.08.2018 |
Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/264 Dated: 06.08.2018 for tender condition (NIT NO. HC/SK/2018-19/248 dated 01.08.2018) |
07.08.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/71/2018 Dated:07.08.2018 | |
06.08.2018 |
Resolutions dated 24.07.2018 and 02.08.2018 of the Hon'ble Chamber Allotment Committee, RHCB JAIPUR |
03.08.2018 |
02.08.2018 |
Notification Dated 02.08.2018 |
02.08.2018 |
Tender No: HC/SK/2018-19/21 Dated 02.08.2018 Technical Bid Evaluation for NIT No. RHC/SK/2018-19/182 dated 09.07.2018 |
01.08.2018 |
Standing Order No. S.O./12/2018 Dated: 01.08.2018 "Regarding any petition / appeal is filed by petitioner / appellant in person or a defendant / respondent appears in person, his mobile number as well as e-mail ID shall be taken on record and invormaion thereof be provided to the counsel appearing for other side for sending copies of pleadings / applications / documents to him by e-mail" |
01.08.2018 |
Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/DJC/2017/474 Dated: 01.08.2018 "Notice regarding examination process for Direct recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017" |
01.08.2018 |
Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/8368 Dated 01.08.2018 |
01.08.2018 |
Tender No: HC/SK/2018-19/248 Dated 01.08.2018 "Tender for the supply of Furniture Items, Electronics Items, Computer Items & Other Items for the use of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur" |
01.08.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/70/2018 Dated 01-08-2018 | |
26.07.2018 |
Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/CJC/2017/454 Dated: 26.07.2018 Schedule of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017 |
26.07.2018 |
Notice No.F(78)RSLSA/DS AP&ADR/NALSA-MCPC/2018/18963 Date:- 24.07.2018 Information Regarding Mediators |
24.07.2018 |
Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/226 Dated : 23.07.2018 for tender condition (NIT No. HC/SK/2018-19/205 dated:13.07.2018) |
23.07.2018 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/451 Dated 23.07.2018 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
13.07.2018 | National Lok Adalat - Supplementary Causelist dated 14.07.2018 (Bench 1 to 6), Jodhpur | |
13.07.2018 | Tender No: HC/SK/2018-19/205 Dated : 13.07.2018 "Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Systems and Peripherals, Printers, Cisco Switches and Kiosks and Server installed at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur" | |
13.07.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/69/2018 Dated 13-07-2018 | |
12.07.2018 | National Lok Adalat - Supplementary Causelist dated 14.07.2018 (Bench 1 to 5), Jaipur | |
12.07.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of June, 2018 - Jaipur | |
12.07.2018 | National Lok Adalat causelist dated 14.07.2018 (Bench 1 to 6 and One Special Bench ), Jodhpur | |
11.07.2018 | National Lok Adalat causelist dated 14.07.2018 (Bench 1 to 5), Jaipur | |
10.07.2018 | List of Benches for National Lok Adalat, Jodhpur | |
10.07.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/1493 Dated: 10.07.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
10.07.2018 | Order No. Estt/HC/2018/286 Dated: 10.07.2018 | |
10.07.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - June, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
09.07.2018 |
09.07.2018 | Tender No: HC/SK/2018-19/182 Dated 09.07.2018 Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for approximate 873 Nos. Laptops (HP Probook 450 G2 Note Book) |
09.07.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/05/2016/849 Dated 06-07-2018 | |
09.07.2018 | Tender Notice No. RHC/Lib./NL/2018-19/1 Dated: 07.07.2018 | |
06.07.2018 | Notice No.: RHC/ExamCell/DJC/2017/423 Dated 06/07/2018 "Notice regarding deferral of written examination for recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 scheduled from 07/07/2018" |
04.07.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/66/2018 Dated 04-07-2018 | |
04.07.2018 | National Loka Adalat, Causelist dated 05.07.2018 | |
04.07.2018 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/173 Dated: 04.07.2018 for tender condition (NIT NO. HC/SK/2018-19/106 dated 22.05.2018) | |
04.07.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/7202 Dated 04-07-2018 | |
02.07.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/65/2018 Dated 02-07-2018 | |
30.06.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/9/2018/816 Dated 29-06-2018 | |
30.06.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/9/2018/815 Dated 29-06-2018 | |
30.06.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/9/2018/814 Dated 29-06-2018 | |
30.06.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/9/2018/813 Dated 29-06-2018 | |
30.06.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/9/2018/812 Dated 29-06-2018 | |
30.06.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/9/2018/811 Dated 29-06-2018 | |
30.06.2018 | Notification No. Gen/II/9/2018/810 Dated 29-06-2018 | |
29.06.2018 | "Instructions for editing in online applications for recruitment of Class-IV employees for District Courts, 2017" | |
26.06.2018 | Notice No.- RHC/ExamCell/DJC/2017/381 Date: 26.06.2018 "(Uploading of Admission Card of candidates appearing in the Written Examination for Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017)" |
26.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2018/6711 Dated:25.06.2018 | |
21.06.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/DJC/2017/369 Dated: 21.06.2018 (Time schedule for holding Written Examination for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre,2017) |
20.06.2018 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2018-19/155 dated 20.06.2018 For critical dates (For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2018-19/106 Dated: 22.05.2018) |
18.06.2018 | Notice No. P.I./05/2018 Dated 05-06-2018 | |
15.06.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement For The Month of May, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
15.06.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - May, 2018 - Jaipur | |
13.06.2018 | NOTICE dated: 06.06.2018 regarding fresh files of Civil and Writ cases are permitted to be presented during Summer Vacation which may be listed after reopening of the Hon'ble Court & will not Prejudice the Right of Limitation under the Limitation Act. | |
12.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/6386 Date 12.06.2018 | |
12.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/6385 Date 12.06.2018 | |
11.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/62/2018 Date 11.06.2018 | |
08.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/6266 Date 08.06.2018 | |
08.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/6265 Date 08.06.2018 | |
08.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/61/2018 Date 08.06.2018 | |
05.06.2018 | Notice No. Gen./ll/21/2001/681 Date: 05.06.2018 | |
04.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/60/2018 Date 04.06.2018 | |
02.06.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2.(v)1/WA/2018/6068 Date 02.06.2018 | |
02.06.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2018/337 Dated: 02.06.2018 (List of Candidates provisionally allowed to appear in the Written Examination for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017) |
31.05.2018 | Statistical Data of Commercial Court | |
31.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2.(v)1/2018/5926 Date 31.05.2018 | |
30.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/56/2018 Date 30.05.2018 | |
29.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/55/2018 Date 29.05.2018 | |
29.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/54/2018 Date 29.05.2018 | |
29.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/53/2018 Date 29.05.2018 | |
29.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/52/2018 Date 29.05.2018 | |
25.05.2018 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/121 dated 25.05.2018 "Tender for Cleaning Work of premises of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur for 06 month" |
25.05.2018 | Notice No. 05/Misc/2018 Date: 24.05.2018 | |
25.05.2018 | Notice No. 04/Misc/2018 Date: 24.05.2018 ("Regarding sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges") | |
24.05.2018 | List of panel advocates for service of process, RHCB Jaipur | |
24.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/51/2018 Date 24.05.2018 | |
24.05.2018 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/50/2018 Date 24.05.2018 | |
24.05.2018 | Order No./RJS/Acct/IInd-NJPC/2018/5711 DATE:24.05.2018 | |
23.05.2018 | Notice No. RHCB/Exam.Cell/2018/402 Dated: 23.05.2018 ("Statement of Marks Obtained by Candidates in Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017") |
23.05.2018 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/49/2018 Date 23.05.2018 | |
23.05.2018 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/112 Dated 23.05.2018 "Tender for Annual Rate Contract for Supply and Installation of accessories for Government Vehicles of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur" |
23.05.2018 | Tender No. HC/SK/2018-19/106 Dated 22-05-2018 "Tender for the supply & Installation,maintenance of 182 NOs. Information Kiosk, 238 Nos. Projector with Screen, 238 Nos.USB Hard Disc 2TB (with external Power Adapter) and 238 Nos. UPS (2KV Online) for 56 District Court Complex & 182 Taluka Court Complexes and for the supply of 665 Nos. of i5 Desktop Computers for District & Subordinate Courts under Phase-II of E-Courts Projects and for the supply & Installation, maintenance of 1 USB Hard Disc 2TB (without external Power Adapter), 1 Flatbed Scanner with ADF, 1 UPS 10 KVA & 1 Nos. Studio Based VC for Rajasthan State Judicial Academy, Jodhpur" |
22.05.2018 | Notification No. 03/Misc/2018 Dated: 22.05.2018 | |
22.05.2018 | Notification No. 02/Misc/2018 Dated: 22.05.2018 ("Regarding sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges") | |
22.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/47/2018 Dated: 22.05.2018 | |
19.05.2018 | NOTICE NO.RHCLSC/JODHPUR/34 DATE:19.05.2018 | |
19.05.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam. Cell/DJC/2017/323 Date: 19.05.2018 "(Declaration of date for holding Written Examination for Direct Recruitment in District Judge Cadre, 2017)" |
18.05.2018 | CIRCULAR NO.3/P.I./2018 DATE:18.05.2018 | |
17.05.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam. Cell/2018/314 Dated: 17.05.2018 (Result of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017) | |
17.05.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam. Cell/2018/313 Dated: 17.05.2018 (Final Answer Key of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2017)" | |
16.05.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
15.05.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2018 - Jaipur | |
11.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/964 Dated: 11.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
11.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/963 Dated: 11.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
11.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/962 Dated: 11.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
10.05.2018 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/310 Dated:10.05.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 10.05.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. | |
10.05.2018 | Notice Regarding 3rd National Lok Adalat | |
09.05.2018 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/308 Dated:09.05.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 09.05.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. | |
09.05.2018 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/306 Dated:09.05.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 09.05.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/926 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/925 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/924 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/923 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/922 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/921 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/920 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
09.05.2018 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)05./2018/919 Dated: 08.05.2018 Letter of offer for Legal Researcher | |
08.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/46/2018 Dated: 08.05.2018 | |
07.05.2018 | Order No. G/I/A-4(i)72/18/3179-81 Dated: 03.05.2018 | |
07.05.2018 | Order No. G/I/A-4(i)74/18/3174-76 Dated: 03.05.2018 | |
07.05.2018 | Order No. G/I/A-4(i)75/18/3170-72 Dated: 03.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Partial modification in "Rajasthan High Court 'Pool Car' instructions 2017 Dated: 04.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/564 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/563 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/562 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/561 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/560 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/559 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/558 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/08/2018/557 Dated: 05.05.2018 | |
05.05.2018 | Report of Sub-Committee on the grievanecs submitted by the Advocates for allotment of chambers in 'E' Block, RHCB, Jaipur | |
04.05.2018 | Order No. G/I/A-4(i)76/18/3122-24 Dated: 01.05.2018 | |
03.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/45/2018 Dated: 03.05.2018 | |
02.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/44/2018 Dated: 02.05.2018 | |
02.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/43/2018 Dated: 02.05.2018 | |
02.05.2018 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/294 Dated:02.05.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 02.05.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. | |
02.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/5/2016/536 Dated: 02.05.2018 | |
02.05.2018 | Order No. Gen./II/5/2016/535 Dated: 02.05.2018 | |
01.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/4665 Dated: 01.05.2018 | |
01.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/42/2018 Dated: 01.05.2018 | |
01.05.2018 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/290 Dated:01.05.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 01.05.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. | |
01.05.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/41/2018 Dated: 01.05.2018 | |
30.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/40/2018 Dated: 30.04.2018 | |
30.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/39/2018 Dated: 30.04.2018 | |
30.04.2018 | Order No. G/I/A-4/(i)(a)73/18/3103-05 Dated: 30.04.2018 | |
30.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/37/2018 Dated: 30.04.2018 | |
30.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/36/2018 Dated: 30.04.2018 | |
30.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/4571 Dated: 30.04.2018 | |
27.04.2018 | Notice regarding III National Lok Adalat | |
26.04.2018 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/LR/2018/282 Dated:26.04.2018 Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 26.04.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018. | |
26.04.2018 | Registration Form for advocates for WI-FI Services | |
25.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/4441 Dated: 25.04.2018 | |
25.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/4406 Dated: 25.04.2018 | |
25.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/4405 Dated: 25.04.2018 | |
25.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/35/2018 Dated: 25.04.2018 | |
25.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/34/2018 Dated: 25.04.2018 | |
25.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/33/2018 Dated: 25.04.2018 | |
25.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/32/2018 Dated: 25.04.2018 | |
24.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/30/2018 Dated: 24.04.2018 | |
23.04.2018 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/278 Dated: 23.04.2018 “(Result of interview held at Jaipur Bench, Jaipur on 23.04.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018)” |
23.04.2018 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/276 Dated: 23.04.2018 “(Result of interview held at Jodhpur on 23.04.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018)” |
21.04.2018 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/272 Dated: 21.04.2018 “(Result of interview held at Jodhpur on 21.04.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018 )” |
20.04.2018 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/270 Dated: 20.04.2018 “(Result of interview held at Jodhpur on 20.04.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018 )” |
20.04.2018 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/LR/2018/268 Dated: 20.04.2018 “(Result of interview held at Jodhpur on 19.04.2018 for engagement of Legal Researcher, 2018 )” |
20.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2018/4236 Dated: 20.04.2018 | |
20.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/29/2018 Dated: 20.04.2018 | |
19.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.B2(V)/1/2018/4207 Dated 19.04.2018 | |
19.04.2018 | Lokadalat Bench Jodhpur For 22.04.2018 Dated 19.04.2018 | |
13.04.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2018 - Jaipur | |
13.04.2018 | Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(V)/TP/24/2016/3956 Dated 13.04.2018 | |
13.04.2018 | Notification No.: 04/E.V/2018 Dated 12.04.2018 | |
10.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/26/2018 Dated: 10.04.2018 | |
10.04.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
07.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/23/2018 Dated: 07.04.2018 | |
07.04.2018 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/22/2018 Dated: 07.04.2018 | |
07.04.2018 | Govt. Order No. P.2(1)Nyay/2010 Dated: 07.04.2018 | |
07.04.2018 | Govt. Order No. P.8(1)vidhi-2/viras-2/2011 Dated: 07.04.2018 | |
07.04.2018 | Notification No.: Gen/XV/48/2014/2724-2743 Dated 06.04.2018 | |
06.04.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/21/2018, Dated: 06.04.2018 | |
06.04.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/20/2018, Dated: 06.04.2018 | |
03.04.2018 | Notice No. General/II/40/2001/432 Dated 03.04.2018 | |
31.03.2018 | Order No. Estt./RJS/19/2018 Dated 31.03.2018 | |
31.03.2018 | Order No. Estt./RJS/18/2018 Dated 31.03.2018 | |
28.03.2018 | NOTICE:- Date Change of National Lok Adalat Dated: 28.03.2018 |
27.03.2018 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/2018/210 Dated: 27.03.2018 “(Notice for Correction in Model Answer Keys of question paper of B series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2017)” |
26.03.2018 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/2018/209 Dated: 26.03.2018 “(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2017)” |
23.03.2018 | Tender Notice No. Lib/xxiv/i(b)/2017-18/1 Dated : 22.03.2018 |
21.03.2018 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam. Cell/2018/206 Dated : 21.03.2018 (Notice for another method to Downloading Admission Card of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017) |
17.03.2018 | Estt/HC/2018/104 Dated: 16.03.2018 |
16.03.2018 | Resolution dated 15.03.2018 of the Hon'ble Grievance Committee | |
15.03.2018 | Order No. Estt./RJS/13/2018 Dated 15.03.2018 | |
15.03.2018 | Order No. Estt./RJS/12/2018 Dated 15.03.2018 | |
14.03.2018 | Instructions for Candidates Dated 14.03.2018 ("Instructions for candidates” appearing in Preliminary Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017) |
14.03.2018 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam. Cell/2018/ 149 Dated : 14.03.2018 (Notice for uploading Admission Card of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017) |
13.03.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2018 - Jaipur | |
12.03.2018 | "Notice No. : RHC/EXAM CELL/Subordinate Court/Class IV Employee/2018/140 Dated: 12.03.2018 for extension of last date for filling Online Application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Class IV Employee (Office Peon/Equivalent Post) for District Courts, 2017" | |
12.03.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
05.03.2018 | Notification No. Estt./RJS/11/2018 Dated 05.03.2018 | |
27.02.2018 | Order No. CONF/HCJ/COMMITTEES/2018/02 Dated 27.02.2018 | |
27.02.2018 | Notification Regarding declaring festival holiday dated 03.03.2018 for all the Subordinate Courts. | |
26.02.2018 | Notification: Regarding Change of Timing in Summer of Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Court dated 23.02.2018 | |
23.02.2018 | Notice: Regarding National Lok Adalat dated 22.02.2018 | |
22.02.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/10/2018 Dated:22.02.2018 | |
21.02.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2018/95 Dated:21.02.2018 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 have been rejected to failure of submitting duly signed printout of online application along with required documents and requisite fee) |
21.02.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2018/94 Dated:21.02.2018 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 have been rejected for the reasons given against their names) |
21.02.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2018/93 Dated:21.02.2018 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the district judge cadre, 2017 are in objection due to reason(s) mentioned against their name) |
21.02.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/9/2018 Dated:21.02.2018 | |
21.02.2018 | Order No. Gen/RHCB/2018/265 Dated 20.02.2018 - Regarding Grievance Committee constituted under Rule 6 of the Rules for Allotment of Lawyer's Chambers of Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur, 2014 | |
19.02.2018 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2018/85 Dated 19.02.2018 and Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court. | |
17.02.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2018/82 Dated:17.02.2018 (Corrigendum to Advertisement and Scheme of Examination and Syllabus for Civil Judge Cadre Examination, 2017) |
17.02.2018 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2018/80 Dated:17.02.2018 (Declaration of date for holding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2017) |
15.02.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2018 - Jodhpur | |
15.02.2018 | Notice inviting objections regarding the list of 202 eligible Advocates for Allotment of Chambers in the 'E' Block | |
14.02.2018 | List of 202 eligible Advocates submitted by the office-bearers of the RHC Bar Association, Jaipur for allotment of chambers in the 'E' Block Dated:14.02.2018 | |
14.02.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2018 - Jaipur | |
09.02.2018 | The Resolution dated 06.02.2018 of the Hon'ble Chamber Allotment Committee Dated:09.02.2018 | |
09.02.2018 | Notification: The Rajasthan High Court staff Service (first amendment) Rules. 2018 Date: 05.02.2018 | |
08.02.2018 | "ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/EXAM CELL/Subordinate Court/Class IV Employee/2018/64 Dated: 08.02.2018 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Class IV Employee (Office Peon/Equivalent Post) for District Courts, 2017" | |
06.02.2018 | List of Benches for National Lok Adalat, Jodhpur | |
02.02.2018 | RHCLSC/Jodhpur/2018/12 Dated:02.02.2018 | |
01.02.2018 | Bid Notice No. RHCB/STORE/2017-18/542 Dated: 01.02.2018 (for furniture items) |
01.02.2018 | Govt Notice No.F.1(12)FD/Rules/2005 Dated:02.01.2018 | |
29.01.2018 | Govt Notice No.Gen/XV//f(02)/2017/791 Dated:25.01.2018 | |
24.01.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/06/2018 Dated:24.01.2018 | |
20.01.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/05/2018 Dated:20.01.2018 | |
20.01.2018 | Order No.RJS(Estt.)/04/2018 Dated:19.01.2018 | |
20.01.2018 | Order No.RJS(Estt.)/03/2018 Dated:19.01.2018 | |
19.01.2018 | Scheme for Engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Court | |
19.01.2018 | Notice No.P.1(7)Nyay/2017 Dated:15.01.2018 | |
19.01.2018 | Notice No.P.1(6)Nyay/2017 Dated:15.01.2018 | |
16.01.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - DECEMBER, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
16.01.2018 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/1/2018 Dated:16.01.2018 | |
12.01.2018 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2017 - Jaipur | |
12.01.2018 | Notice: Regarding National Lok Adalat dated 10.02.2018 | |
11.01.2018 |
Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/713 Dated: 11.01.2018 (Tender for Furniture for secretariat at residential bungalow c-2, UBN : RHC1718GSOB00019) |
09.01.2018 | Notice No. Gen./II/2/80/66 Dated: 09.01.2018 | |
09.01.2018 | NOTICE Dated: 09.01.2018 | |
08.01.2018 |
Gen./RHCB/2018/41 Dated: 08.01.2018 "Resolution dated 03.01.2018 of the Chamber Allotment Committee" |
08.01.2018 | Estt/HC/2018/21 Dated: 08.01.2018 | |
08.01.2018 | Estt/HC/2018/20 Dated: 08.01.2018 | |
05.01.2018 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/699 Dated: 05.01.2018 | |
04.01.2018 |
Standing Order No. 01/S.O./2018 Dated: 04.01.2018 "Regarding Judgeships for inspection are re-allocated to the Hon'ble Judges" |
04.01.2018 |
Notice No. Estt.B2(v)/TP/2014/12841 Dated: 21.12.2017 "Performa of Transfer/Posting Representation" |
03.01.2018 |
Notice No. RHCLSC/Jodhpur/02 Dated: 02.01.2018 "Performa Application for Panel Lawyer" |
02.01.2018 | Order No. Estt(RJS)/147/2017 Dated: 21.12.2017 | |
21.12.2017 | Order No. Estt(RJS)/148/2017 Dated: 21.12.2017 |
21.12.2017 | Order No.-Estt/HC/2017/628 Date: 21.12.2017 | |
20.12.2017 | Order No. RJS(Estt.)/146/2017 Dated: 20.12.2017 |
19.12.2017 | Notification : No. Gen./II/13/2003/1662 Dated: 19.12.2017 |
19.12.2017 | Notification : No. Gen./II/13/2003/1661 Dated: 19.12.2017 |
19.12.2017 | Order No.Gen./II/13/2003/1662 Dated 19.12.2017 | |
19.12.2017 | Order No.Gen./II/13/2003/1661 Dated 19.12.2017 | |
18.12.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/676 Dated: 18.12.2017 for tender condition (For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/553 Dated: 20.11.2017) | |
18.12.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/675 Dated: 18.12.2017 for tender condition (For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/499 Dated: 09.11.2017) | |
16.12.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2017 - Jaipur | |
16.12.2017 | Order No.-Estt/HC/2017/611 Date: 16.12.2017 | |
15.12.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/674 Dated: 15.12.2017 for critical dates and tender condition (For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/533 Dated: 15.11.2017) | |
15.12.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/673 Dated: 15.12.2017 for critical dates and tender condition (For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/507 Dated: 13.11.2017) | |
15.12.2017 | Notification regarding Fourth Saturday of every month will be observed as holiday for Rajasthan High Court. | |
15.12.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
14.12.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam Cell/2017/1130 Date: 14.12.2017 "Statement of Marks of candidates qualified for Computer Test for Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017" |
08.12.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam Cell/2017/1126 Date: 08.12.2017 "Additional Residuary List for PH Candidates for Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, 2017" |
07.12.2017 | Information regarding National Lok Adalat Dated 09.12.2017, Jodhpur | |
07.12.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/143/2017 Date: 07.12.2017 | |
05.12.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/641 Dated: 05.12.2017 for critical dates (For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/499 Dated: 09.11.2017) | |
04.12.2017 | Order No.Gen./II/27/2017/1574, Dated 04.12.2017 | |
04.12.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/142/2017 Date: 04.12.2017 | |
30.11.2017 | Nomination of Chairman of the Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jodhpur Date: 29.11.2017 | |
30.11.2017 | Nomination of Judge Incharge of Mediation Centre at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Date: 29.11.2017 | |
30.11.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/599 Dated: 30.11.2017 (For Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/494 Dated: 08.11.2017) | |
29.11.2017 | Order No.-Estt/HC/2017/591 Date: 29.11.2017 | |
28.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/141/2017 Date: 28.11.2017 | |
27.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/140/2017 Date: 27.11.2017 | |
27.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/139/2017 Date: 27.11.2017 | |
24.11.2017 | Order No.Gen./II/01/2015/1542, Dated 24.11.2017 | |
24.11.2017 | Order No.-Estt/HC/2017/586 Date: 24.11.2017 | |
24.11.2017 | Order No.-Estt/HC/2017/585 Date: 24.11.2017 | |
24.11.2017 | Order No.-Estt/HC/2017/584 Date: 24.11.2017 | |
23.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/138/2017 Date: 23.11.2017 | |
22.11.2017 | Intimation about submitting application for regularization of chambers in the A, B, C, D Block and North Wing at RHCB, Jaipur Dated: 18.11.2017 | |
22.11.2017 | Notice No.I/A(iii)(a)(6)/2006(part)/2017/2534 Dated: 22.11.2017 (AMENDMENT SCHEME FOR ENGAGING LAW CLERKS CUM LEGAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT) |
22.11.2017 | Tender Cancellation Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/558 Dated: 22.11.2017 (Cancellation of NIT No. HC/Sk/2016-17/725 Dated: 28.03.2017) |
22.11.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/553 Dated: 20.11.2017 (Tender for THE SUPPLY, TESTING, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LAN AT 35 DLSAs AND 181 TLSCs OF RAJASTHAN UNDER e-Courts PROJECT) |
22.11.2017 | Order No.-Estt/HC/2017/579 Date: 21.11.2017 | |
21.11.2017 | Order No.-19/SO/2017 Date: 21.11.2017 | |
21.11.2017 | Order No.RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/11654, Dated 21.11.2017 | |
20.11.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam Cell/2017/1109 Date: 20.11.2017 "Final Result of Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, 2017" |
20.11.2017 | Order regarding Link Officers of the Special Court Dated: 18.11.2017 | |
20.11.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
20.11.2017 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017 | |
20.11.2017 | ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/Civil Judge Cadre/2017/1104 Dated : 18.11.2017 in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017 | |
20.11.2017 | SCHEME of Examination and Syllabus for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2017 | |
18.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/11552 Dated 17.11.2017 | |
17.11.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/533 Dated: 15.11.2017 (Tender for 4676 Nos of 600VA UPS for Subordinate Courts, 216 Nos. of 1KVA UPS for DLSAs and TLSCs and Video Conferencing Facility for 203 District and Subordiante Courts and 62 Jails of Rajasthan) |
17.11.2017 | Order No.Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/11552 Dated 17.11.2017 | |
17.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/136/2017 Date: 17.11.2017 | |
16.11.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2017 - Jaipur | |
15.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/135/2017 Date: 15.11.2017 | |
15.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/134/2017 Date: 15.11.2017 | |
15.11.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/565 Dated: 15.11.2017 | |
14.11.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/ 507 Dated: 13.11.2017 (Tender for SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF 665 NOS OF i5 DESKTOP COMPUTERS AND 1995 NOS OF i3 DESKTOP COMPUTERS) |
14.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/B2(i)7/2017/11308 Date: 14.11.2017 | |
14.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/B2(i)6/2017/11308 Date: 14.11.2017 | |
14.11.2017 | Regarding Fifth Natioanl Lok Adalat 09.12.2017 | |
13.11.2017 | Order No.RJS-Estt.b2(v)/TP/24/2016/11297, Dated 13.11.2017 | |
10.11.2017 | The Rajasthan State Judicial Academy, Allotment of Auditorium, Conference Hall, Guest House, Class Room and Hostel Rules, 2017 Date: 09.11.2017 | |
09.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/132/2017 Date: 09.11.2017 | |
09.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/131/2017 Date: 09.11.2017 | |
09.11.2017 | Order No. P. 19(1)Nyay/2010 Date: 09.11.2017 | |
09.11.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/499 Dated:09.11.2017 (Tender for Scanning/Digitization and Document Management system for judicial records) |
09.11.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/494 Dated: 08.11.2017 (Tender for supply and installation of furniture items at New Building of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur) |
09.11.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/490 Dated: 08.11.2017 (Tender for Supply, Installation and Supply Computer hardware items for Rajasthan State Judicial Academy) |
07.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/130/2017 Date: 06.11.2017 | |
06.11.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/552 Dated: 06.11.2017 | |
06.11.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/551 Dated: 06.11.2017 | |
03.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/129/2017 Date: 03.11.2017 | |
02.11.2017 | Order No. 08/E.V./2017 Date: 02.11.2017 | |
02.11.2017 | Order No. 07/E.V./2017 Date: 02.11.2017 | |
02.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/128/2017 Date: 02.11.2017 | |
02.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/127/2017 Date: 02.11.2017 | |
02.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/126/2017 Date: 02.11.2017 | |
02.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/125/2017 Date: 02.11.2017 | |
02.11.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/116/2017 Date: 31.10.2017 | |
01.11.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/544 Dated: 31.10.2017 | |
27.10.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/182/451 Dated: 26.10.2017 (For NIT No. HC/Sk/2017-18/367 Dated: 16.09.2017) | |
27.10.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/178/450 Dated: 26.10.2017 (For NIT No. HC/Sk/2017-18/347 Dated: 14.09.2017) | |
26.10.2017 | Advertisement for translation of the documents of Hindi/ local language into English | |
26.10.2017 | Instructions & Procedure for Speed & Efficiency Test Dated: 26.10.2017 ("Instructions & Procedure for Speed & Efficiency Test (Computer Test) for Direct Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk for District Courts, 2017") | |
25.10.2017 | Order No.Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/10654, Dated 25.10.2017 | |
25.10.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
23.10.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/533 Dated 14.10.2017 | |
14.10.2017 | Notification No. F.1(2) Nyay/2016 Jaipur, Dated 13.10.2017 | |
14.10.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/178/447 Dated: 13.10.2017 (For NIT No. HC/Sk/2017-18/347 Dated: 14.09.2017) | |
14.10.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2017-18/182/446 Dated: 13.10.2017 (For NIT No. HC/Sk/2017-18/367 Dated: 16.09.2017) | |
13.10.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2017 - Jaipur | |
13.10.2017 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)/WA/2017/10763 Date: 13.10.2017 | |
12.10.2017 | Regarding Rules to amend the Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules, 2002 |
11.10.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/529 Dated: 11.10.2017 | |
10.10.2017 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2017/1061 Dated: 10.10.2017 (Admission card of candidates provisionally qualified to appear in Computer test for Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017) |
07.10.2017 | Order No. Estt./HC/2017/498 Date: 07.10.2017 | |
06.10.2017 | Regarding amendment in Schedule-I of Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules, 2002 |
03.10.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/111/2017 Date: 03.10.2017 | |
03.10.2017 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/1043 Dated: 03.10.2017 "(Modalities for Speed and Efficiency Test for Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, 2017)" |
03.10.2017 | Notice no: - RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/1042 Dated: 03.10.2017 "(Regarding declaration of Date & Place of Speed and Efficiency Test for Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, 2017)" |
03.10.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam Cell/2017/1041 Date: 03.10.2017 "Corrigendum to Result of Written test for Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, 2017" |
27.09.2017 | Order No. Estt./HC/2017/480 Date: 27.09.2017 | |
27.09.2017 | Notice No.: RHC/Exam Cell/2017/1036 Date: 27.09.2017 ("Statement of Speed and Marks obtained by Candidates in Stenography test for Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017") | |
25.09.2017 | Notification No. Gen./II/27/2017/1255 Date: 25.09.2017 | |
25.09.2017 | Corrigendum No. 13/Misc/2017 Date: 23.09.2017 | |
22.09.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/110/2017 Date: 22.09.2017 | |
22.09.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/374 Date:20.09.2017 | |
20.09.2017 | Order No. Gen/XIX/Mise./610/2017/1230 Date: 20.09.2017 | |
20.09.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/367 Date:16.09.2017 | |
19.09.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/109/2017 Date: 19.09.2017 | |
19.09.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/371 Date:18.09.2017 | |
18.09.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
17.09.2017 | Notice No.: RHC/Exam Cell/2017/1018 Date: 17.09.2017 (Final Result of Recruitment to the post of Stenographer and Stenographer Grade-II (English & Hindi) for District Court, 2017) | |
15.09.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2017 - Jaipur | |
15.09.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/Sk/2017-18/347 Date: 14.09.2017 | |
13.09.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/Sk/2017-18/341 Date: 13.09.2017 | |
13.09.2017 | Order No. Estt./HC/2017/465 Date: 13.09.2017 | |
13.09.2017 | Order No. Estt./HC/2017/464 Date: 13.09.2017 | |
12.09.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/108/2017 Date: 12.09.2017 | |
11.09.2017 | Bid Notice No. RHCB/Store/2017-18/298 Date: 11.09.2017 | |
11.09.2017 | Notice No.:- RHC/ExamCell/2017/1007 Dated: 11.09.2017 (Statement of Marks obtained by candidates in Written Test for Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017) | |
11.09.2017 | Notice no.:- RHCB/Exam.Cell/2017/187 Dated: 11.09.2017 (Regarding Venue, Date & Time Schedule for Interview of Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017) | |
08.09.2017 | Application for Appointment of Counselor - Notification Dated 08.09.2017 | |
07.09.2017 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/9268 Dated: 07.09.2017 | |
07.09.2017 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/9267 Dated: 07.09.2017 | |
05.09.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/107/2017 Dated: 05.09.2017 | |
04.09.2017 | Govt. Notice No. P.2(1)Nyay/2017 Date:30.08.2017 | |
01.09.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam Cell/2017/751 Date: 01.09.2017 (Final Answer Key of written test for Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, 2017) | |
01.09.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam Cell/2017/750 Date: 01.09.2017 (Result of Written test for Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk, 2017) | |
01.09.2017 | Order No. Gen./II/5/2016/1156 Dated 01.09.2017 | |
01.09.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/106/2017 Dated: 01.09.2017 | |
01.09.2017 | Order No. 11/Misc/2017 Date:01.09.2017 | |
29.08.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2017-18/303 Date:26.08.2017 | |
29.08.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/105/2017 Date:28.08.2017 | |
28.08.2017 | "NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/742 Dated: 28.08.2017 (Result of Competitive Examination for the Post of Stenographer (Hindi & English) for District Courts, 2017)" |
24.08.2017 | Tender Notice - No. HC/SK/2017-18/292 Dated: 24.08.2017 | |
22.08.2017 | Bid Notice - No. RHCB/STORE/2017-18/271 Dated: 22.08.2017 | |
22.08.2017 | Bid Notice - No. RHCB/STORE/2017-18/270 Dated: 22.08.2017 | |
22.08.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/417 Dated 22.08.2017 | |
19.08.2017 | Bid Notice - No. RHCB/STORE/2017-18/263 Dated: 19.08.2017 | |
19.08.2017 | Bid Notice - No. RHCB/STORE/2017-18/262 Dated: 19.08.2017 | |
18.08.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - July, 2017 - Jaipur | |
17.08.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/395 Dated 17.08.2017 | |
16.08.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of July, 2017 - Jodhpur |
16.08.2017 | Notice No. RJS/Estt./B2(i)/08/2016/8507 Date:16.08.2017 "Tentative Determination of Seniority of the Officers of District Judge Cadre" |
11.08.2017 | Regarding regularization of chamber of A, B, C, D Blocks and North Wing, RHCB, Jaipur. | |
11.08.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/104/2017 Dated 11.08.2017 | |
10.08.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/378 Dated 10.08.2017 | |
09.08.2017 | Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/8327 Dated 09.08.2017 | |
09.08.2017 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2017/8321 Dated 09.08.2017 | |
09.08.2017 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2017/8320 Dated 09.08.2017 | |
09.08.2017 | Standing Order No. 15/S.O./2017 Date: 08.08.2017 (Regarding Judgeships for inspection are re-allocated to the Hon'ble Judges) |
08.08.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/103/2017 Dated 08.08.2017 | |
03.08.2017 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2017/8111 Dated 02.08.2017 | |
03.08.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/371 Dated 03.08.2017 | |
03.08.2017 | Notice No. F.3(33)DOP/A-II/85 Date: 19.07.2017 | |
02.08.2017 | Order No.- P.2(1)Nayay/2010 Dated 02.08.2017 | |
02.08.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/102/2017 Date: 02.08.2017 | |
02.08.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/101/2017 Date: 02.08.2017 | |
02.08.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/100/2017 Date: 02.08.2017 | |
01.08.2017 | Notice No. 05/E.V./2017 Date: 01.08.2017 | |
01.08.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/99/2017 Date: 01.08.2017 | |
29.07.2017 | Order No.- Estt.B2(IV)/12/1998/8009 Dated 27.07.2017 | |
28.07.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/98/2017 Date: 28.07.2017 | |
28.07.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/97/2017 Date: 28.07.2017 | |
28.07.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/96/2017 Date: 28.07.2017 | |
28.07.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/95/2017 Date: 28.07.2017 | |
28.07.2017 | Notice No. Gen./II/5/2016/1020 Date: 28.07.2017 | |
27.07.2017 | The Rajasthan Vexatious Litigation(Prevention) Rules,2017 | |
24.07.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/653 Date: 24.07.2017 (Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Written Examination for Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017)(In English) |
24.07.2017 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/653 Date: 24.07.2017 (Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Written Examination for Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017)(In Hindi) |
24.07.2017 | Limited Tender Notice No.- Store/RHCB/2017-18/194 Dated: 22.07.2017 | |
21.07.2017 | Notification No.- Gen./II/17/2016/979 Dated 21.07.2017 | |
21.07.2017 | Notification No.- G/I/A-4(i)(a)87/17/5733 Dated 20.07.2017 | |
19.07.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of June, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
19.07.2017 | Tender Notice No.- HC/SK/2017-18/171 Dated 18-07-2017 | |
17.07.2017 | Notification No.- Gen/II/33/2012/946 Dated 15-07-2017 | |
15.07.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - June, 2017 - Jaipur | |
14.07.2017 | Notification No. - Gen./II/12/2017/942, Dated 14.07.2017 |
14.07.2017 | Notification No. - Gen./II/12/2017/941, Dated 14.07.2017 |
13.07.2017 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/93/2017 Dated: 13.07.2017 | |
12.07.2017 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2017/562 Dated: 12.07.2017 (Admission card-cum-Attendance Sheet and Eligibility list of candidates provisionally qualified to appear for written examination to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017) |
12.07.2017 | Notice No. : RHC /Exam.Cell/2017/561 Dated: 12.07.2017 (List of Candidates whose offline application form for Direct Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017 have been rejected) |
12.07.2017 | Order No. Gen./ii/33/2012/916 Dated 12.07.2017 | |
10.07.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/331 Dated 10.07.2017 | |
07.07.2017 | Notice no.- HC/SK/2017-18/149 Dated: 07.07.2017 | |
07.07.2017 | Order No. Estt.(HC)/2017/330 Dated 07.07.2017 | |
07.07.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/90/2017 Dated 07.07.2017 | |
07.07.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/88/2017 Dated 07.07.2017 | |
07.07.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/87/2017 Dated 07.07.2017 | |
06.07.2017 | List of Benches for National Lok Adalat, Jodhpur | |
05.07.2017 | Best Practices adopted in Subordinate Courts for Expeditious and Time Bound Disposal of 5 Years’ & 10 Years’ Old Cases | |
05.07.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/324 Dated 05.07.2017 | |
04.07.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/86/2017 Dated 04.07.2017 | |
04.07.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/322 Dated 04.07.2017 | |
03.07.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/318 Dated 03.07.2017 | |
01.07.2017 | Notice No. Gen./II/5/2016/857 Dated 30.06.2017 | |
28.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/291 Dated 27.06.2017 | |
28.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/290 Dated 27.06.2017 | |
27.06.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/83/2017 Dated 27.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/289 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/288 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/287 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/286 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/285 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/284 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/283 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/282 Dated 24.06.2017 | |
24.06.2017 | Notice No. : RHC /Exam.Cell/2017/306 Dated:24.06.2017 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017 has been rejected) |
23.06.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/82/2017 Dated 23.06.2017 | |
19.06.2017 | "Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/297 Dated: 19.06.2017 ((Declaration of date for holding written test for Recruitment to the post of LDC for District Courts, 2017)" |
17.06.2017 | Tender Notice no.- RHC/Lib./NL/2017-18/1 Dated: 17.06.2017 | |
17.06.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/80/2017 Dated 17.06.2017 | |
16.06.2017 | Notice no.- HC/SK/2017-18/116 Dated: 16.06.2017 | |
16.06.2017 | Notice no.- Store/RHCB/2017-18/125 Dated 14.06.2017 | |
15.06.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - May, 2017 - Jaipur | |
15.06.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the month of May, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
12.06.2017 | Order No.Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/6511 Dated 12.06.2017 | |
12.06.2017 | Order No.Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/6510 Dated 12.06.2017 | |
12.06.2017 | Order No.Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/6509 Dated 12.06.2017 | |
07.06.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/79/2017 Dated 07.06.2017 | |
07.06.2017 | Order No.- Estt/HC/2017/263 Dated 07-06-2017 | |
07.06.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/78/2017 Dated 07.06.2017 | |
07.06.2017 | Tender Corrigendum No.- HC/SK/2017-18/103 Dated 07-06-2017 | |
06.06.2017 | Notification No.- P.1(1)Nyay/2016 Dated 04-05-2017 | |
06.06.2017 | Notification No.- P.1(4)Nyay/2016 Dated 04-05-2017 | |
06.06.2017 | Notification No.- P.1(7)Nyay/2014 Dated 04-05-2017 | |
06.06.2017 | Notification No.- P.1(3)Nyay/2016 Dated 04-05-2017 | |
06.06.2017 | Notification No.- P.2(4)Nyay/2015 Dated 02-06-2017 | |
05.06.2017 | Notification No.- 09/Misc/2017 Dated 05-06-2017 | |
03.06.2017 | Order No.- Estt.(RJS)/70/2017 Dated 03-06-2017 | |
02.06.2017 | Order No.- Estt.(RJS)/69/2017 Dated 02-06-2017 | |
01.06.2017 | NOTICE:-'Pro Bono Legal Services'Initiative Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice 8 May 2017 |
30.05.2017 | Order No.- Estt/HC/2017/253 Dated 30-05-2017 | |
30.05.2017 | Order No.- Estt/HC/2017/252 Dated 30-05-2017 | |
29.05.2017 | "Application Form for the Position of Nyaya Mitra" | |
25.05.2017 | Notice no.:- RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/269 Dated: 25.05.2017 (Regarding Venue, Date, Time Schedule & Instructions for Examination of Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017)" |
25.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/57/2017 Dated 25.05.2017 | |
24.05.2017 | Notification No. 08/Misc./2017 Dated 23.05.2017 | |
24.05.2017 | Notification No. 07/Misc./2017 Dated 23.05.2017 | |
23.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/56/2017 Dated 23.05.2017 | |
20.05.2017 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2017/259 Dated: 20.05.2017 (Admission card-cum-Attendance Sheet of candidates provisionally qualified to appear for Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for district courts, 2017) |
19.05.2017 | Govt. Notice No. P.1(7)Nyay/2014 Dated 10.05.2017 | |
18.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/54/2017 Dated 18.05.2017 | |
18.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/53/2017 Dated 18.05.2017 | |
18.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/52/2017 Dated 18.05.2017 | |
16.05.2017 | Notification No. Gen/XV/(d)10/2017/4435-4448 Dated 08.05.2017 | |
16.05.2017 | Notification No. Gen/XV/(d)10/2017/4421-4434 Dated 08.05.2017 | |
16.05.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2017 Jodhpur | |
12.05.2017 | Notice No. : RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/252 Dated:12.05.2017 (List of Candidates provisionally permitted to appear in the Examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017) |
12.05.2017 | Notice No. : RHC/Exam Cell/2017/251 Dated : 12.05.2017 (List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017 has been rejected) |
11.05.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2017 - Jaipur | |
11.05.2017 | Notification No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/5107, Dated 11.05.2017 |
11.05.2017 | Notice No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/2017/246 Dated : 11.05.2017 (Corrigendum regarding Vacancies and Reservation for Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017) |
10.05.2017 | Request for cases to be listed before Special Benches during Summer Vacation |
10.05.2017 | Tender Notice no.- HC/SK/2017-18/63 Dated: 10.05.2017 |
08.05.2017 | Notice No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/DJC/2017/226 Dated : 08.05.2017 Corrigendum regarding Vacancies and Reservation for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 | |
08.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/49/2017 Dated 08.05.2017 | |
06.05.2017 | Copy of SB Civil Writ Petition 259/2016 uploaded in compliance of order dated 04.05.2017 |
05.05.2017 | Tender Notice no.- HC/SK/2017-18/51 Dated: 05.05.2017 |
05.05.2017 | Order No. Gen/xv/(f)01/98/4361 Dated 05.05.2017 | |
05.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2017/4897 Dated 03.05.2017 | |
04.05.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/48/2017 Dated 04.05.2017 | |
02.05.2017 | Tender Notice no.- HC/SK/2017-18/44 Dated: 02.05.2017 |
01.05.2017 | Tender Notice no.- HC/SK/2017-18/41 Dated: 01.05.2017 |
01.05.2017 | Order No. G/I/A-4(i)(a)45/17/4265 Dated 01.05.2017 | |
29.04.2017 | Order No. Gen./RHCB/2017/614 Dated 28.04.2017 | |
28.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/46/2017 Dated 28.04.2017 | |
28.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/45/2017 Dated 28.04.2017 | |
28.04.2017 | Tender Corrigendum no.- HC/SK/2017-18/40 Dated: 27.04.2017 |
28.04.2017 | Tender Corrigendum no.- HC/SK/2017-18/39 Dated: 27.04.2017 |
27.04.2017 | Notice no.- RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/198 Dated: 27.04.2017 (Regarding declaration of Date & Place of shorthand and speed test, for Recruitment to the post of Stenographers for District Courts, 2017) |
27.04.2017 | NOTICE:- (Appointment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant) | |
27.04.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/204 Dated 27.04.2017 | |
27.04.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/203 Dated 27.04.2017 | |
25.04.2017 | Govt Notice No. P.1(3)Nyay/2016 Date:24.04.2017 | |
25.04.2017 | Gazette Notification of 2/SRO/2016 dt. 16.08.2016 regarding "Rajasthan Right to Information (High Court and Subordinate courts)(amendments) Rules, 2016 Dated 18.08.2016 | |
24.04.2017 | Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2017-18/32 Dated 22.04.2017 | |
22.04.2017 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2017/193 dated 22.04.2017 (Notice for Recruitment to the post of Stenographer & LDC for District Courts, 2017 giving last opportunity to candidates whose online application is not successfully submitted due to non payment of Examination Fee along with list of such candidates) |
21.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/44/2017 Dated 21.04.2017 | |
21.04.2017 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(6)/2006(Part)2015/985 Dated 20.04.2017 | |
18.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/43/2017 Dated 18.04.2017 | |
18.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/42/2017 Dated 18.04.2017 | |
18.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/41/2017 Dated 18.04.2017 | |
17.04.2017 | Unique Identification Number Alloted to Judicial Officers Dated 17.04.2017 | |
15.04.2017 | Order No. P.2(1)NYAY/2010 Dated 13.04.2017 | |
13.04.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2017 - Jaipur | |
13.04.2017 | Order No. RJS/Estt.B2(i)/01/2015/Part-B/4124 Dated 12.04.2017 | |
13.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/40/2017 Dated 13.04.2017 | |
12.04.2017 | Tender Notice No. Store/RHCB/16 Dated 11.04.2017 | |
11.04.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
07.04.2017 | Notice-Regarding National Lok Adalat (Bench No. VI) | |
07.04.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/180 Dated 07.04.2017 | |
07.04.2017 | List of Benches for National Lok Adalat, Jodhpur | |
07.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/39/2017 Dated 06.04.2017 | |
06.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/37/2017 Dated 06.04.2017 | |
04.04.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/36/2017 Dated 04.04.2017 | |
01.04.2017 | Notice No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)03/2014 819 Dated 01.04.2017 | |
01.04.2017 | Notice Appointment to the post of junior judicial Assistant Dated 01.04.2017 | |
01.04.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/35/2017 Dated 01.04.2017 | |
01.04.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/34/2017 Dated 01.04.2017 | |
31.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/33/2017 Dated 31.03.2017 | |
31.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/32/2017 Dated 30.03.2017 | |
30.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/31/2017 Dated 30.03.2017 | |
30.03.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/166 Dated 30.03.2017 | |
30.03.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/729 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
30.03.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/725 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
28.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/30/2017 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
28.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/29/2017 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
28.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/28/2017 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
28.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/27/2017 Date: 28.03.2017 | |
28.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2017/3475 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
28.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/26/2017 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
28.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/25/2017 Dated 28.03.2017 | |
25.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/24/2017 Dated 25.03.2017 | |
25.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/23/2017 Dated 25.03.2017 | |
25.03.2017 | Notification No. Estt.(RJS)/22/2017 Dated 25.03.2017 | |
25.03.2017 | Notification No. 01/S.R.O./2017 Dated 23.03.2017 | |
24.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/21/2017 Dated 24.03.2017 | |
24.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/19/2017 Dated 24.03.2017 | |
23.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/18/2017 Dated 23.03.2017 | |
23.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/17/2017 Dated 23.03.2017 | |
21.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/16/2017 Dated 21.03.2017 | |
21.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/15/2017 Dated 21.03.2017 | |
20.03.2017 | Order No. RJS(Estt.)/14/2017 Dated 20.03.2017 | |
20.03.2017 | Circular No. 05/P.I/2017 Dated 18.03.2017 | |
18.03.2017 | Transfer/Order S.No. P.19(1)Nyay/2010 Jaipur, Dated: 08.03.2017 | |
16.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/13/2017 Dated 16.03.2017 | |
16.03.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/11/2017 Dated 16.03.2017 | |
14.03.2017 | Tender - Accessories for 14 Innova Crysta Car - Jaipur | |
10.03.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2017 - Jaipur | |
10.03.2017 | Notice No. ESTT/HC/2017/129 Dated 10.03.2017 | |
10.03.2017 | Notice No. ESTT/HC/2017/128 Dated 10.03.2017 | |
10.03.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
09.03.2017 | Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2016-17/688 Date: 09.03.2017 | |
09.03.2017 | Notice No. Estt.(RJS)12/2017 Dated 08.03.2017 | |
09.03.2017 | Notice No. 02/E.V./2017 Dated 09.03.2017 | |
08.03.2017 | Notice No. Estt.(RJS)10/2017 Dated 06.03.2017 | |
06.03.2017 | Notice No. -Store\rhcb\494 Dated 06-03-2017 | |
04.03.2017 | Notice regarding National Lok Adalat dated 08.04.2017 (Second Saturday) | |
04.03.2017 | Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2017 | |
04.03.2017 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Application form for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2017
04.03.2017 | ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/EXAM CELL/Translator/2017/101 Dated: 04.03.2017 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Translator, 2017
04.03.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/681 Dated 03.03.2017 |
03.03.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/09/2017 Dated 02.03.2017 |
02.03.2017 | Order No. 01/E.V./2017 Dated 02.03.2017 "Regarding Local Holidays in Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur ( Year 2017 )" |
01.03.2017 | Order No - I/A(iii)(a)(6)/2006(Part)2015/595 Date:01.03.2017 | |
01.03.2017 | Order No - Estt.(RJS)/08/2017 Date:28.02.2017 | |
01.03.2017 | Order No. RJS/Estt.B2(i)/01/2017/2484 Dated: 27.02.2017 | |
28.02.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/664 Dated: 28.02.2017 | |
25.02.2017 | Clarification regarding Computer Application Qualification for Specially Abled person for recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerks, 2017 | |
23.02.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/636 Dated: 23.02.2017 | |
23.02.2017 | Order No - Estt.(RJS)/07/2017 Date:22.02.2017 | |
22.02.2017 | Notice Regarding Rajasthan Service Rule 164-A Date:22.02.2017 | |
21.02.2017 | Order No - Estt.(RJS)/06/2017 Date:21.02.2017 | |
21.02.2017 | Order No - Estt.(RJS)/05/2017 Date:21.02.2017 | |
19.02.2017 | Pictorial Presentation of Process for filling Online Application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk/Stenographer for District Courts, 2017 | |
19.02.2017 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk/Stenographer for District Courts, 2017 | |
19.02.2017 | Format of Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk for District Courts, 2017 | |
19.02.2017 | ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/EXAM CELL/S.C./LDC/2017/83 Dated: 18.02.2017 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerk for District Courts, 2017 | |
19.02.2017 | Format of Application Form for Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017 | |
19.02.2017 | ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/EXAM CELL/S.C./STENO/2017/84 Dated: 18.02.2017 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Stenographer for District Courts, 2017 | |
15.02.2017 | Order No - 4/S.O./2017 Date:15.02.2017 | |
15.02.2017 | Order No - Estt/HC/2017/79 Date:15.02.2017 | |
15.02.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2017 - Jaipur | |
15.02.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/04/2017 Date: 15.02.2017 | |
14.02.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2017 - Jodhpur | |
13.02.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/76 Dated : 13.02.2017 | |
12.02.2017 | Notification for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/DJC/2017/67 Dated : 10.02.2017 | |
12.02.2017 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application with format of Application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 | |
12.02.2017 | Annexures (I to V) to be attached with print out of Online application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 | |
12.02.2017 | SCHEME of Examination and Syllabus for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2017 | |
10.02.2017 | Order No. Gen./II/05/2016/182 Date: 10.02.2017 | |
09.02.2017 | List of Benches for National Lok Adalat,Jodhpur | |
09.02.2017 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/03/2017 Date: 09.02.2017 | |
06.02.2017 | No.03/P.I/2017 Date:06.02.2017 | |
03.02.2017 | Notice No - I/A(iii)(a)(1)/03/2014/346 Date:03.02.2017 | |
03.02.2017 | Order No - Estt/HC/2017/60 Date:03.02.2017 | |
03.02.2017 | Order No - Estt/HC/2017/59 Date:03.02.2017 | |
31.01.2017 | Notice - Department-Wise pendency detail of S.B. Contempt Petition (Civil) 2014-15 | |
30.01.2017 | Notice - Department-Wise pendency detail of S.B. Contempt Petition (Civil) 2011-13 | |
28.01.2017 | Order No. F.19(6)Nyay/14 Date: 04.01.2017 | |
27.01.2017 | Notice - Department-Wise (State / Central) pendency detail of S.B. Contempt Petition (Civil) upto 2010 | |
24.01.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/40 Date: 24.01.2017 | |
21.01.2017 | Notice No. 03/S.O./2017 Date: 21.01.2017 | |
21.01.2017 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(6)/2006(part)2015/235 Date: 21.01.2017 | |
20.01.2017 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)03/2014/207 Date: 20.01.2017 | |
20.01.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/31 Date: 20.01.2017 | |
20.01.2017 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)/03/2014/211 Date: 20.01.2017 | |
20.01.2017 | Order No. Estt/HC/2017/30 Date: 20.01.2017 | |
20.01.2017 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)03/2014/207 Date: 20.01.2017 | |
20.01.2017 | Corrigendum No. HC/SK/2016-17/551 Date: 20.01.2017 | |
12.01.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/532 Date: 11.01.2017 | |
11.01.2017 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/02/2017 Date: 11.01.2017 | |
11.01.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2016 - Jaipur | |
11.01.2017 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
11.01.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/529 Dated: 11.01.2017 | |
11.01.2017 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/525 Dated: 11.01.2017 | |
09.01.2017 | Notice No. - No.Estt.(R.J.S)/01/2017 Dated 09.01.2017 |
06.01.2017 | Tender Notice No. - HC/SK/2016-17-517 Dated 06.01.2017 |
05.01.2017 | Notice No. - Estt.B2(v)/TP/2014/259 Dated 05.01.2017 Representation regarding tranfer/posting |
05.01.2017 | Order No. - Estt/HC/2017/11 Dated 05.01.2017 |
05.01.2017 | Order No. - Gen./XV/42/2016/7885-7901 Dated 22.12.2016 |
04.01.2017 | Order No. - 02/S.O./2017 Dated 04.01.2017 |
04.01.2017 | Circular No. - 01/P.I/2017 Dated 04.01.2017 |
02.01.2017 | Notification No. - P2(2)Nyay/2016 Jaipur, Dated 08.12.2016 |
24.12.2016 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam Cell/2016/1896 Dated : 24.12.2016
(List of successful candidates for engagement of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant, 2016) |
21.12.2016 | Notice No. P.1(2)Nyay/2016 Date:21.12.2016
20.12.2016 | Notice No. Estt/HC/2016/579 Date:20.12.2016
19.12.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
19.12.2016 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)03/2014 pt.I/2656,2657,2658 Date:19.12.2016
Appointment to the post of Jr. J.A. |
16.12.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/203/2016 Date:16.12.2016 | |
15.12.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/202/2016 Date:15.12.2016 | |
14.12.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2016 - Jaipur | |
14.12.2016 | Notice No. 10/E.V./2016 Date:14.12.2016
List of Holidays for the year 2017 Subordinate Court |
14.12.2016 | Notice No. 09/E.V./2016 Date:14.12.2016
List of Holidays for the year 2017 Rajasthan High Court |
13.12.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/569 Date:13.12.2016
13.12.2016 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)04/2013/2563 Date:13.12.2016
Regarding verification of documents for appointment to the post of JJA |
13.12.2016 | Notice No. Gen./II/17/2016/1506 Date:13.12.2016
13.12.2016 | Notice No. Gen./II/33/2012/1505 Date:13.12.2016
08.12.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/563 Date:08.12.2016
08.12.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/562 Date:08.12.2016
08.12.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/561 Date:08.12.2016
07.12.2016 | Order No. 08/E.V./2016 Date:07.12.2016
06.12.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/201/2016 Date:06.12.2016
05.12.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/550 Date:05.12.2016
02.12.2016 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/468 Date:02.12.2016
02.12.2016 | ACR Proforma 2016 for Judicial Officers
01.12.2016 | Govt Order No. P.2(6)Nyay/87 Date: 23.11.2016
26.11.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/199/2016 Date: 26.11.2016
25.11.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1843 Dated:25.11.2016
(Call Letter for Law Clerk cum Legal Research Assistants, 2016) |
24.11.2016 | Notice regarding details of Advocates for service of Advance Copy
24.11.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1840 Dated:24.11.2016
(Revised Schedule for interview of the Candidates for Law Clerks-cum-Legal Research Assistant, 2016) |
23.11.2016 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)/03/2014/2441 Date:23.11.2016
23.11.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/534 Date:23.11.2016
23.11.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/533 Date:23.11.2016
23.11.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/532 Date:23.11.2016
23.11.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/531 Date:23.11.2016
23.11.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/530 Date:23.11.2016
18.11.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
18.11.2016 |
Notice No.: - RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1823 Dated:18.11.2016
(Postponement of interview for Law Clerks-cum-Legal Research Assistant, 2016) |
17.11.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/198/2016 Date:17.11.2016
17.11.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/197/2016 Date:17.11.2016
17.11.2016 | Notice No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)/03/2014/2364 Date:17.11.2016
"Appointment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant" |
17.11.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/520 Date:17.11.2016
15.11.2016 | Notice for Swearing-in-Ceremony on the appointment of Additional Judges of the Rajasthan High Court Date:15.11.2016
15.11.2016 | Notice : No. RHCB/Exam.Cell/2016/156 Dated: 15.11.2016
(Final Result of Recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre, 2016)" |
11.11.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2016 - Jaipur | |
10.11.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC//2016/508 Date:10.11.2016
08.11.2016 | Corrigendum No. - 06/Misc/2016 Dated: 07.11.2016
07.11.2016 | Notice No. - Gen./II/2016/1374 Dated:04.11.2016
07.11.2016 | Tender Notice No. - HC/SK/2016-17/445 Dated:05.11.2016
07.11.2016 | Tender Notice No. - Library/11/XX/B/2016/1 Dated:05.11.2016
04.11.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1484 Dated:04.11.2016
(Schedule for interview of the Candidates for Law Clerks-cum-Legal Research Assistant, 2016) |
04.11.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1483 Dated:04.11.2016
(List of Candidates provisionally permitted to appear in the Interview for Law Clerks-cum-Legal Research Assistant, 2016) |
04.11.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1482 Dated:04.11.2016
(List of Candidates whose application for Law Clerks-cum-Legal Research Assistant, 2016 has been rejected) |
03.11.2016 | Govt. Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2016/11685 Date:03.11.2016
03.11.2016 | Govt. Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2016/11684 Date:03.11.2016
03.11.2016 | Govt. Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2016/11683 Date:03.11.2016
27.10.2016 | Tender Notice No. store/RHCB/2015-16/746 Date:27.10.2016
27.10.2016 | Order No.Estt(RJS)194/2016 Date:27.10.2016
27.10.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC/464/2016 Date:27.10.2016
27.10.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC/463/2016 Date:27.10.2016
26.10.2016 | Order No.Estt(RJS)193/2016 Date:26.10.2016
26.10.2016 | Order No.Estt(RJS)192/2016 Date:25.10.2016
24.10.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)191/2016 Date: 24.10.2016
22.10.2016 | Notice No. Gen/XV/)2)2/2016/5826 Date:20.10.2016
20.10.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2016 - Jaipur | |
20.10.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC/2016/427 Date:18.10.2016
20.10.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC/2016/426 Date:18.10.2016
19.10.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2016/1282 Dated: 19.10.2016
(Regarding Venue, Date & Time Schedule of Interview for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre,2016) |
19.10.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
17.10.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)190/2016 Date: 17.10.2016
15.10.2016 | Government Notification - Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/10910 Date: 15.10.2016
14.10.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC/2016/424 Date:14-10-2016
14.10.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC/2016/423 Date:14-10-2016
13.10.2016 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1268 Dated : 13.10.2016
(Statement of Marks obtained by candidates in Main Examination for recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2016) |
09.10.2016 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1267 Dated : 09.10.2016
(Result of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016) |
07.10.2016 | Order No. PI/23/2016 Date:07-10-2016
07.10.2016 | Order No.Estt/HC/2016/418 Date:07-10-2016
06.10.2016 | Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2016-17/415 Date:06.10.2016
03.10.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/188/2016 Date:03.10.2016
03.10.2016 | Standing Order No. 20/S.O./2016 Date: 03.10.2016
(Regarding Judgeships for inspection are re-allocated to the Hon'ble Judges) |
30.09.2016 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/185/2016 Date: 30.09.2016 | |
28.09.2016 | Notice No.I/A(iii)(a)(1)03/2014/1936 Date: 28.09.2016 | |
27.09.2016 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/184/2016 Date: 27.09.2016 | |
24.09.2016 | Order No. Gen/04/2016 Date: 24.09.2016 | |
24.09.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/403 Date: 24.09.2016 | |
23.09.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/183/2016 Date: 23.09.2016 | |
23.09.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/181/2016 Date: 23.09.2016 | |
21.09.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/180/2016 Date: 21.09.2016 | |
21.09.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2016 - Jaipur
20.09.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/179/2016 Date: 20.09.2016 | |
19.09.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
12.09.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/177/2016 Date: 09.09.2016 | |
12.09.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/176/2016 Date: 09.09.2016 | |
09.09.2016 | Notification No. P.2(4)Nyay/2015 Dated: 15.06.2016
(Regarding Sanction of Budget for Newly Created Family Courts No.2, Bikaner, No.3, Jaipur & Nos.2 & 3, Kota) |
09.09.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2016/1202 Dated: 09.09.2016
(Admission Card of candidates appearing in Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2016) |
09.09.2016 | Order No.- Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2016/9425 Dated: 09.09.2016
08.09.2016 | Govt. Notice No.- F.13(2)/Nyay/2016 Dated: 29.08.2016
08.09.2016 | Order No.- Estt/HC/2016/388 Dated: 07.09.2016
07.09.2016 | National Lok Adalat Causelist, Jaipur Dated 10.09.2016 | |
07.09.2016 | Notice No.- I/A(iii)(a)(1)03/2014/1858 Dated: 07.09.2016
Appointment to the post of junior Judicial Assistant |
07.09.2016 | Order No.- Estt.(RJS)/174/2016 Dated: 07.09.2016
06.09.2016 | Order No.- Estt./HC/2016/387 Dated: 05.09.2016
03.09.2016 | P.I No.- 22/2016 Dated: 02.09.2016
"Rules for allotment of Lawyers Chambers in Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan,2016" |
02.09.2016 | Notice No.- Gen/RHCB/2016 Regarding Local Holidays in Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur Dated: 02.09.2016
02.09.2016 | Notice No. - 05/Misc./2016 Dated: 31.08.2016
31.08.2016 | Order No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2016/8885 Dated: 31.08.2016
30.08.2016 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/172/2016 Dated: 30.08.2016
30.08.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2016/1163 Dated: 30.08.2016
Schedule of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016 |
28.08.2016 | NOTICE - No. Gen./RHCB/2016 dated 28.08.2016 (Condolence Reference on Monday, i.e. on 29th August, 2016 at 3:45 pm in Court Room No. 1 in the memory of Late Hon'ble Mr. Justice O.P. Bishnoi, Former Judge, Rajasthan High Court.
24.08.2016 | Govt. Order No. P.2(1)Nyay/2010 Dated 24.08.2016
24.08.2016 | Govt. Order No. P.9(1)Nyay/89 Dated 24.08.2016
24.08.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - July, 2016 - Jodhpur
23.08.2016 | Govt Order No. A-11016/3/2016-CLS-II Dated:27.07.2016
23.08.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - July, 2016 - Jaipur
23.08.2016 | Tender Corrigendum Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/332 Dated: 23.08.2016 | |
19.08.2016 | Abridged Advertisement No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1098 Dated 17.08.2016 and Scheme for Engaging law Clerk cum Legal Research Assistant in Rajasthan High Court | |
19.08.2016 | Notice No.:- RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1102 Dated: 19.08.2016
(Statement of Marks obtained by candidates in Written Test and Typewriting Test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
17.08.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/171/2016 Date:16.08.2016 | |
16.08.2016 | Notice No.:- RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/1095 Dated: 16.08.2016
(Final Result of Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade-II, 2015) |
16.08.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/170/2016 Date:16.08.2016 | |
12.08.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2016/1093 Dated: 12.08.2016
(Marks Obtained by Candidates in Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016) |
11.08.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/169/2016 Date:11.08.2016 | |
11.08.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/168/2016 Date:11.08.2016 | |
10.08.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2016/1085 Dated: 10.08.2016
(Result of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2016) |
10.08.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2016/1084 Dated: 10.08.2016
(Final Answer Key of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2016)) |
10.08.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/167/2016 Date:09.08.2016 | |
08.08.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/166/2016 Date:08.08.2016 | |
08.08.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/165/2016 Date:08.08.2016 | |
08.08.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/164/2016 Date:08.08.2016 | |
04.08.2016 | Notice - Sub-Committee constituted for the Process Re-Engineering Exercise of Rajasthan High Court Rules, 1952 | |
04.08.2016 | Order No.Gen./II/2016/1030 Dated: 03.08.2016
04.08.2016 | Order No.Gen./II/2016/1029 Dated: 03.08.2016
04.08.2016 | Order No.Gen./II/2016/1028 Dated: 03.08.2016
03.08.2016 | GENERAL/II/01/85/2013 Jaipur, Dated:01.08.2016
03.08.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/161/2016 Dated: 03.08.2016
02.08.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/160/2016 Dated: 01.08.2016
02.08.2016 | Order No.Gen./XV/77/2015/4276 Dated: 23.07.2016
Revised Standard of Work |
02.08.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/355 Dated: 02.08.2016
02.08.2016 | Govt Order No. P.2(4)Nyay/2015 Dated: 13.06.2016
01.08.2016 | Order No. RJS/Estt.B2(xi)e/RG/Compliance/01/2015/7861 Dated: 01.08.2016
30.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/159/2016 Dated: 30.07.2016
29.07.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/351 Dated: 29.07.2016
28.07.2016 | Notice regarding Intimation about electricity connection in the chambers of 'E' Block at RHCB, Jaipur Dated: 28.07.2016 | |
28.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/158/2016 Dated: 28.07.2016
28.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/157/2016 Dated: 28.07.2016
28.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/156/2016 Dated: 28.07.2016
27.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/154/2016 Dated: 27.07.2016
27.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/153/2016 Dated: 27.07.2016
25.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/152/2016 Dated: 25.07.2016
25.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/151/2016 Dated: 25.07.2016
25.07.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of - June, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
22.07.2016 | Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/7489 Dated: 22.07.2016
22.07.2016 | Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/7488 Dated: 22.07.2016
22.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/149/2016 Dated: 22.07.2016
22.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/146/2016 Dated: 22.07.2016
20.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/145/2016 Dated: 20.07.2016
19.07.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - June, 2016 - Jaipur
19.07.2016 | Order No. NGT/PB/Pr/CB/05/2016/639 Dated: 18.07.2016
Sitting of Circuit Bench of the National Green Tribunal at Jodhpur on 22nd July,2016. |
18.07.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/328 Dated: 18.07.2016
18.07.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/327 Dated: 18.07.2016
18.07.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/326 Dated: 18.07.2016
18.07.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/325 Dated: 18.07.2016
18.07.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/324 Dated: 18.07.2016
18.07.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/323 Dated: 18.07.2016
18.07.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/143/2016 Dated: 18.07.2016
17.07.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/142/2016 Dated: 17.07.2016
17.07.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/141/2016 Dated: 17.07.2016
15.07.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2016/1024 Dated : 15.07.2016
(Admission card of candidates provisionally qualified to appear in Typewriting test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
15.07.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/140/2016 Dated: 15.07.2016
14.07.2016 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2016-17/264 Dated: 13.07.2016
12.07.2016 | Tender Notice No. ESTT/RHCB/2016/248 Dated: 12.07.2016
11.07.2016 | Notice No. RHC/ExamCell/2016/1017Dated: 11.07.2016
(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre,2016(In Hindi))" |
11.07.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2016/1016 Dated: 11.07.2016
(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre,2016(In English))" |
06.07.2016 | Notice - Committee constituted for the Process Re-Engineering Exercise of Rajasthan High Court Rules, 1952 | |
05.07.2016 | Govt Order No. P.2(8)nyay/87 Dated:27.06.2016 | |
02.07.2016 | Notice no.- RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/955 Dated: 02.07.2016
(Regarding declaration of Date & Place of Typewriting Test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
01.07.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/939 Dated: 01.07.2016
(Modalities for Typewriting Test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
30.06.2016 | Order No. Gen/XV/59/2016/3864 Dated: 28.06.2016
"Judgement dt. 30.03.2016 passed by Hon'ble Apex Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No.235/2012 Save Life Foundation & Anr. Vs. Union of India & Anr.(Guideline regarding examination of the good samaritans) |
27.06.2016 | Intimation about electricity connection in the chambers of 'E' Block at RHCB, Jaipur Dated: 27.06.2016 | |
24.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/127/2016 Dated:24.06.2016
24.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/126/2016 Dated:24.06.2016
22.06.2016 | Tender Notice No. SK-HC-2016-17/129 Dated:22.06.2016
22.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/125/2016 Dated:22.06.2016
20.06.2016 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam. Cell/2016/910 Dated : 20.06.2016
(Admission Card of candidates appearing in the Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016) |
18.06.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/261 Dated:18.06.2016
18.06.2016 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)04/2013/1201-1202 Dated:18.06.2016
18.06.2016 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)(1)04/2013/1212-1213 Dated:18.06.2016
18.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/124/2016 Dated:18.06.2016
18.06.2016 | Govt. Order No. P.1(7)NYAY/2014 Jaipur, Dated:06.06.2016
17.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/123/2016 Dated:17.06.2016
16.06.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2016/902 Dated: 16.06.2016
(Statement of Marks obtained by candidates in Written Test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
16.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/122/2016 Dated:16.06.2016
16.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/121/2016 Dated:16.06.2016
16.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/120/2016 Dated:16.06.2016
16.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/119/2016 Dated:16.06.2016
16.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/118/2016 Dated:16.06.2016
15.06.2016 | Govt. Order No. P.1(7)NYAY/2014 Dated:08.06.2016
15.06.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2016/900 Dated: 15.06.2016
(Result of Written test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
15.06.2016 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2016/899 Dated: 15.06.2016
(Final Answer Key of Written test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
14.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/117/2016 Dated:14.06.2016
14.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/116/2016 Dated:14.06.2016
14.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/115/2016 Dated:14.06.2016
14.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/114-A/2016 Dated:14.06.2016
13.06.2016 | Govt. letter no. L-19016/01/2015-Jus. Dated:29.04.2016
10.06.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - May, 2016 - Jaipur
09.06.2016 | Tender Notice No. RHC/HC/SK/2016-17/112 Dated : 08.06.2016 | |
08.06.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement for the Month of - May, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
08.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/114/2016 Dated : 08.06.2016
07.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/113/2016 Dated : 07.06.2016
02.06.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/110/2016 Dated : 02.06.2016
01.06.2016 | Notice No. 04/Misc./2016 Dated: 31.05.2016 | |
31.05.2016 | Order No. 03/Misc./2016 Regarding summer vacation Dated: 31.05.2016 | |
25.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.A(ii)/04/1996(iii)/5079 Dated: 18.05.2016 | |
21.05.2016 | Circular No.10/PI/2016 Dated: 17.05.2016 | |
21.05.2016 | Circular No.09/PI/2016 Dated: 17.05.2016 | |
21.05.2016 | Circular No.15/PI/2016 Dated : 20.05.2016 For Revised Standard of Work | |
20.05.2016 | Tender Notice No. RHC/Lib/NL/2016-17/1 Dated : 16.05.2016 | |
19.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/109/2016 Dated : 19.05.2016
19.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/108/2016 Dated : 19.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2016 - Jaipur
16.05.2016 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/828 Date: 16.05.2016
(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Written Examination for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015)(In English) |
16.05.2016 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/827 Date: 16.05.2016
(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Written Examination for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015)(In Hindi) |
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/215 Dated : 16.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/214 Dated : 16.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/213 Dated : 16.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/212 Dated : 16.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/211 Dated : 16.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/210 Dated : 16.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/209 Dated : 16.05.2016
16.05.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/208 Dated : 16.05.2016
14.05.2016 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/826 Date: 14.05.2016
(Instruction for Candidates appearing in Written test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015) |
13.05.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2016 - Jodhpur
11.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/105/2016 Dated : 11.05.2016
11.05.2016 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/819 Date: 11.05.2016
(Declaration of date for holding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2016) |
10.05.2016 | Notice No. 1/SRO/2016 Dated : 10.05.2016 of "Manual of Procedure for Alternative Dispute Resolution (Amendment), 2016"
10.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/101/2016 Dated : 10.05.2016
10.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/100/2016 Dated : 10.05.2016
10.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/99/2016 Dated : 10.05.2016
10.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/98/2016 Dated : 10.05.2016
10.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/97/2016 Dated : 09.05.2016
10.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/96/2016 Dated : 09.05.2016
06.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/94/2016 Dated : 06.05.2016
06.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/93/2016 Dated : 06.05.2016
05.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/91/2016 Dated : 05.05.2016 | |
05.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/90/2016 Dated : 04.05.2016
04.05.2016 | Notice regarding to mourn sad demise of Sh. Rameshwar Singh and Sh. Vimal Mathur Dated:04.05.2016 | |
04.05.2016 | Tender Notice No. STORE/2016-17/481 Dated:04.05.2016 | |
03.05.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/89/2016 Dated : 03.05.2016
03.05.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2016/772 Dated:03.05.2016
(Regarding rejection of candidature of candidates for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2016) |
30.04.2016 | Order No.Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2016/3912 Dated : 30.04.2016
29.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.A(ii)/04/1996(iii)/3874 Dated : 28.04.2016
29.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.A(ii)/01/09/3873 Dated : 28.04.2016
28.04.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2016 - Jodhpur
28.04.2016 | Order No. RJS.Estt.B2(v)/TP/24/2016/3880 Dated : 28.04.2016
28.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/86/2016 Dated : 28.04.2016
27.04.2016 | Regarding Judgeships for inspection are re-allocated to the Hon'ble Judges
27.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/85/2016 Dated : 27.04.2016
26.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/84/2016 Dated : 26.04.2016
22.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/83/2016 Dated : 22.04.2016
22.04.2016 | "Notice NO. RHC/Exam.cell/2016/690 Dated : 22.04.2016
(Admission card of candidates appearing in Written test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade II,2015)" |
20.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/80/2016 Dated:18.04.2016
20.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/79/2016 Dated:18.04.2016
19.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/82/2016 Dated:19.04.2016
19.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/81/2016 Dated:19.04.2016
18.04.2016 | Notice No. 01/Misc./2016 Dated: 18.04.2016
18.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2016/3433 Dated:18.04.2016
18.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/78/2016 Dated:18.04.2016
16.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/77/2016 Dated:16.04.2016
16.04.2016 | Appointment of Shri Justice Ajay Rastogi to the office of the Chief Justice of Rajsthan High Court.
13.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/76/2016 Dated:13.04.2016
11.04.2016 | Notice for the superannuation of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Satish Kumar Mittal at 12.15 PM Dated: 13.04.2016
11.04.2016 | Notice for the reference ceremony of Hon'ble Dr. Justice Vineet Kothari at 12.15 PM Dated: 12.04.2016
11.04.2016 | Order No. Estt./HC/2016/131 Dated 05.04.2016
11.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/75/2016 Dated:11.04.2016
11.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/74/2016 Dated:11.04.2016
09.04.2016 | Notice for the swearing ceremony Dated: 09.04.2016
07.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/73/2016 Dated:07.04.2016
07.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/72/2016 Dated:07.04.2016
07.04.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/71/2016 Dated:07.04.2016
07.04.2016 | Order No. RJS-Estt.B2(V)/TP/24/2016/3245 Dated:07.04.2016
05.04.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/130 Dated:05.04.2016
04.04.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/66/2016 Dated:04.04.2016
04.04.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/65/2016 Dated:04.04.2016
04.04.2016 | Order No. Estt/RHC/2016/28 Dated:04.04.2016
04.04.2016 | Order No. Estt/RHC/2016/27 Dated:04.04.2016
02.04.2016 | Notice for the reference in the memory of Late Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajesh Balia, Former Judge, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur
31.03.2016 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2015-16/502 Dated:31.03.2016
31.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/64/2016 Date: 31.03.2016
30.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/63/2016 Date: 30.03.2016
30.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/62/2016 Date: 30.03.2016
30.03.2016 | Order No. Gen./II/03/2016/476 Date: 26.03.2016
26.03.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2016 - Jaipur | |
25.03.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
21.03.2016 | Notice No.:-RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/211 Date: 21.03.2016
(Corrigendum to Advertisement and Scheme of Examination and Syllabus for Civil Judge Cadre Examination, 2016) |
19.03.2016 | Order No. Gen./XV(TRNG.)41/2015/2225 Date: 19.03.2016
19.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/59/2016 Date: 19.03.2016
18.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/58/2016 Date: 18.03.2016
18.03.2016 | Order No. Gen./XII/06/2015/2067 Date: 14.03.2016
16.03.2016 | Notice No.-RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/203 Date: 16.03.2016
(Declaration of date for holding written test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade-II,2015) |
16.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/57/2016 Date: 16.03.2016
16.03.2016 | Notification No. 03/E.V./2016 Date: 14.03.2016
15.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/56/2016 Date: 15.03.2016
15.03.2016 | Order No. Estt/HC/2016/104 Dated:15.03.2016 | |
15.03.2016 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2015-16/454 Dated:14.03.2016 | |
14.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/55/2016 Date: 14.03.2016
12.03.2016 | Advertisement for Civil Judge Cadre, 2016
ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/Civil Judge Cadre/2016/192 Dated : 12.03.2016 |
12.03.2016 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application Form with format of Application form for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016
12.03.2016 | Guidelines for depositing fee at e-Mitra Kiosk/CSC for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016
12.03.2016 | Guidelines for online depositing fee for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016
12.03.2016 | SCHEME of Examination and Syllabus for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2016
11.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/53/2016 Date: 11.03.2016
10.03.2016 | Tender Notice No. STORE/RHCB/2015-16/386 Dated:09.03.2016 | |
10.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/51/2016 Date: 10.03.2016
10.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/50/2016 Date: 09.03.2016
08.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/49/2016 Date: 08.03.2016
05.03.2016 | Notice No. Estt.RJS(Misc.)/2016/2097 Dated:05.03.2016 | |
04.03.2016 | Notice No.-RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/177 Date: 04.03.2016
("Marks & Speed obtained by Candidates in Stenography test for Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant & Stenographer Grade-II,2015") |
04.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/48/2016 Date: 04.03.2016
02.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/46/2016 Date: 02.03.2016
02.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/45/2016 Date: 02.03.2016
02.03.2016 | Tender Notice No. HC/SK/2015-16/388 Dated:24.02.2016 | |
01.03.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/44/2016 Dated:01.03.2016 | |
01.03.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/43/2016 Date: 01.03.2016
29.02.2016 | Order No. Estt. B2(v)1/2016/1866 Date: 29.02.2016
29.02.2016 | "Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/166 Dated : 29.02.2016
(Regarding lists of online applications of candidates whose applications have been rejected and deleted for Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant & Clerk Grade-II)" |
29.02.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2016 - Jodhpur | |
27.02.2016 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/42/2016 Dated:27.02.2016 | |
26.02.2016 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/41/2016 Dated:26.02.2016 | |
26.02.2016 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/40/2016 Dated:26.02.2016 | |
25.02.2016 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/39/2016 Dated:25.02.2016 | |
25.02.2016 | "Notice No.:- RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/154 Dated: 25.02.2016
(Result of Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant and Stenographer Grade-II, 2015)" |
24.02.2016 | Order No. Estt.b2(V)1/WA/2016/1763 Dated: 24.02.2016
24.02.2016 | Standing Order No. 03/S.O./2016 Date: 24.02.2016 (Regarding Judgeships for inspection are re-allocated to the Hon'ble Judges) | |
23.02.2016 | Tender Notice - No. Record/RHC/2016/29 Dated: 23.02.2016 | |
23.02.2016 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/38/2016 Dated:23.02.2016 | |
22.02.2016 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/37/2016 Dated:22.02.2016 | |
22.02.2016 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/36/2016 Dated:22.02.2016 | |
20.02.2016 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/34/2016 Dated:20.02.2016 | |
19.02.2016 | Corrigendum Notice No. HC/SK/2015-16/338 & 339 Date: 19.02.2016 (Tender Notice No. -HC/SK/2015-16/298 Dated: 04.02.2016 (For Hardware)) | |
19.02.2016 | Corrigendum Notice No. HC/SK/2015-16/337 & 340 Date: 19.02.2016 (Tender Notice No. -HC/SK/2015-16/298 Dated: 04.02.2016 (For LAN Work)) | |
18.02.2016 | Order No. 01/E.V.2016 Dated 18.02.2016 [ Regarding Local Holidays in Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur ( Year 2016 ) ]
17.02.2016 | Appeal Dated : 17.02.2016 with respect to the unauthorized absence from duty of subordinate courts staff
17.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/32/2016 Dated : 16.02.2016 | |
16.02.2016 | Tender Notice - No. Sr.Dy.Reg.(Pro.)/RHCB/2016/Jaipur/858 Dated: 16.02.2016 | |
16.02.2016 | Order No. - f.19(3)Nyay/2015 Dated : 05.02.2016 | |
16.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/31/2016 Dated : 16.02.2016 | |
16.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/30/2016 Dated : 16.02.2016 | |
15.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/29/2016 Dated : 15.02.2016 | |
15.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/28/2016 Dated : 15.02.2016 | |
15.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/27/2016 Dated : 15.02.2016 | |
15.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/26/2016 Dated : 15.02.2016 | |
15.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/25/2016 Dated : 15.02.2016 | |
15.02.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/24/2016 Dated : 15.02.2016 | |
15.02.2016 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/23/2016 Dated : 15.02.2016 | |
12.02.2016 | Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2015-16/326 Dated : 12.02.2016
| |
11.02.2016 | Circular No. 03/P.I./2016 Dated : 10.02.2016
10.02.2016 | Order No.F.1(3)FD(Rules)1997/Pt Dated : 21.01.2016
"Regarding to Printer Retention." |
08.02.2016 | Order No.Gen./L.P./12/01/99/1094 Dated : 08.02.2016
"To Designate as a "Senior Advocate"." |
06.02.2016 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/22/2016 Dated : 06.02.2016 | |
06.02.2016 | Tender Notice - No. Store/RHCB/2015-16/337 Date: 06.02.2016
[ USB PS2 KVM Switch 8 Port Rack Mountable (with Installation)-1, 32 U RACK for mountable Servers (with Installation)-1, 3 IN 1 TFT Console (with Installation)-1 ] |
05.02.2016 | Notice No. - Estt./RJS/20/2016 Dated : 04.02.2016
04.02.2016 | Tender Notice No. -HC/SK/2015-16/298 Dated: 04.02.2016 (For Hardware)
04.02.2016 | Tender Notice No. -HC/SK/2015-16/298 Dated: 04.02.2016 (For LAN Work)
04.02.2016 | Order No. - Estt(RJS)/19/2016 Dated : 04.02.2016 | |
04.02.2016 | Order No. - Estt(RJS)/18/2016 Dated : 04.02.2016 | |
02.02.2016 | Tender Notice -Record/RHC/2016/08 Dated: 01.02.2016
01.02.2016 | Tender Notice - Estt./RHCB/2016/35 Dated: 01.02.2016
30.01.2016 | Order No. - F/ 11(3)Nyay/2000 Dated : 17.12.2015
"Rs. 1 lakh sanctioned for furnishing etc." |
28.01.2016 | Order No. - Estt(RJS)/09/2016 Dated : 28.01.2016 | |
27.01.2016 | Order No. - Estt(RJS)/08/2016 Dated : 27.01.2016 | |
27.01.2016 | Order No. - Estt(RJS)/07/2016 Dated : 27.01.2016 | |
27.01.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2015 - Jaipur | |
25.01.2016 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
25.01.2016 | List of DB Income Tax Appeals and SB Income Tax Appeals,Jodhpur Date:- 25.01.2016 | |
22.01.2016 | List of DB Income Tax Appeals and SB Income Tax Appeals,Jaipur Date:- 22.01.2016 | |
18.01.2016 | Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2015-16/274 Date: 18.01.2016 | |
16.01.2016 | "Notice no.:- RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/58 Dated: 16.01.2016
(Regarding Venue, Date, Time Schedule & Instructions for Examination of Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant and Stenographer Grade-II, 2015)" |
14.01.2016 | Corrigendum Notice No. HC/SK/2015-16/271 Date: 14.01.2016 | |
13.01.2016 | Order No.F-26(34)Jud/2006 Regarding Revised Domestic Servent Allowance
08.01.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/03/2016 Dated : 08.01.2016
08.01.2016 | Office Order No. Gen./RHCB/2016/9 dated 08.01.2016
(Regarding two Local Holidays are declared in the Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur for the Year 2016) |
08.01.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/02/2016 Dated : 08.01.2016
07.01.2016 | Tender Notice - HC/SK/2015-16/260 Dated: 04.01.2016
06.01.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/36 Dated: 06.01.2016
(List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Jr.P.A. & Stenographer Grade-II,2015 has been rejected) |
06.01.2016 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2016/35 Dated: 06.01.2016
(Roll Number wise list and Admission Card of candidates for shorthand speed assessment test for recruitment to the post of Jr.P.A. & Stenographer Grade-II,2015) |
04.01.2016 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/01/2016 Dated : 04.01.2016
21.12.2015 | Circular No.13/PI/2015 Dated 19.12.2015
21.12.2015 | Tender Notice - HC/SK/2015-16/253 Dated: 21.12.2015
21.12.2015 | Notice : List of Old Hearing Matters Year 2001-2005 at Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur | |
21.12.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2015 - Jaipur | |
19.12.2015 | Notice : List of Old Hearing Matters Upto Year 2000 and 2005 at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur | |
19.12.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
18.12.2015 | Notice : List of Old Hearing Matters Upto Year 2000 at Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur | |
18.12.2015 | Notice : No. RHCB/Exam.Cell/2015/375 dated 18.12.2015 (Corrigendum in the Final Result of Recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre, 2015) | |
18.12.2015 | Notice No.: Estt.(RJS)/118/2015 Dated 18.12.2015 Second Phase Field Training | |
17.12.2015 | Notice : No. RHCB/Exam.Cell/2015/373 dated 17.12.2015 (Final Result of Recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre, 2015) | |
16.12.2015 | Corrigendum Notice No. Estt/HC/2015/494 Date: 16.12.2015 | |
15.12.2015 | Order No. Estt./HC/2015/481 Date: 10.12.2015 | |
15.12.2015 | Notification No.: 07/S.R.O./2015 Date: 10.12.2015 | |
14.12.2015 | Notice no.- RHCB/Exam.Cell/2015/365 Dated: 14.12.2015 - (Regarding declaration of Date & Place of test of shorthand dictation and transcription thereof, for Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant & Stenographer Grade-II) | |
14.12.2015 | Notice no.- RHC/2015-485 Dated : 11.12.2015 | |
11.12.2015 | Tender Notice - HC/SK/2015-2016/240 Dated : 10.12.2015 | |
10.12.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/116/2015 Dated : 10.12.2015 | |
10.12.2015 | Order No.:- Estt.(RJS)/115/2015 Dated: 10.12.2015 | |
10.12.2015 | UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE Date : 10.12.2015 | |
08.12.2015 | Notice No. RHCJB/Exam Cell/2015/359 Dated : 08.12.2015
"(Marks obtained by candidates in Driving, Road Side Repair Test and Interview for the recruitment to the post of Driver, 2014)" |
05.12.2015 | Notification - No.: Gen./XV(F)1/2013/6947 Date: 03.12.2015
Regarding Amendment in Rajasthan Subordinate Court Ministerial Establishment Rules, 1986 |
05.12.2015 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/1639 Dated: 05.12.2015
(Result of Examination for Recruitment to the Post of Driver,2014) |
02.12.2015 | Order No.:- RJS/Estt.B2(V)/01/WA/2015/19190 Dated: 02.12.2015
02.12.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2015 - Jaipur | |
01.12.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/113/2015 Dated : 01.12.2015 | |
01.12.2015 | Circular No.12/PI/2015 Dated 28.11.2015
01.12.2015 | Supreme Court of India
Public Notice - F.No. 1/RR(Scanning)/2014/SCI Dated: 24.11.2015 |
27.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/112/2015 Dated : 27.11.2015 | |
27.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/111/2015 Dated : 27.11.2015 | |
26.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/110/2015 Dated : 26.11.2015 | |
26.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/109/2015 Dated : 26.11.2015 | |
26.11.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
26.11.2015 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/1618 Dated: 24.11.2015
(Regarding Venue, Date & Time Schedule of Interview for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre,2015) |
24.11.2015 | Order No.:- RJS/Estt.B2(V)/01/WA/2015/18885 Dated: 24.11.2015
23.11.2015 | Corrigendum Notice:- HC/SK/2015-2016/221 (Supply of 145 Laptops) Date: 23.11.2015
21.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/108/2015 Dated : 21.11.2015 | |
21.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/107/2015 Dated : 21.11.2015 | |
20.11.2015 | Notification - No.: P2(3)/Nyay/2012 Date: 17.11.2015
20.11.2015 | Notification - No.: 06/S.R.O./2015 Date: 17.11.2015
Amend the Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rulrs, 2002 |
20.11.2015 | Order No:- Estt./HC/2015/455 Date: 17.11.2015
Amendment in Office order No. Estt./HC/2001/378 Date: 05.12.02 |
19.11.2015 | Order No:- 08/EV/2015 Dated: 18.11.2015
List of Holidays for the year 2016 Subordinate Court |
19.11.2015 | Order No:- 07/EV/2015 Dated: 18.11.2015
List of Holidays for the year 2016 Rajasthan High Court |
18.11.2015 | Tender Notice - HC/SK/2015-2016/217 Date: 18.11.2015
07.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/106/2015 Dated : 07.11.2015 | |
06.11.2015 | Notice No. S.O./18/2015 Dated: 05.11.2015
05.11.2015 | Notice No. Gen/XII/07/2014/6472 Dated: 05.11.2015
05.11.2015 | Order No. RJS/Estt.B2(i)/01/2012/Part-B/18369 Dated: 03.11.2015
05.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/B2(i)4/2012/18331 Dated: 03.11.2015
05.11.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/B2(i)6/2012/18330 Dated: 03.11.2015
05.11.2015 | Tender Notice - HC/SK/2015-16/206 Dated: 03.11.2015
04.11.2015 | NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/1269 Dated : 04.11.2015
(Regarding declaration of Date & Place of Interview for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre,2015) |
03.11.2015 | NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/1260 Dated : 03.11.2015
(Regarding Venue, Date & Time Schedule for Driving Test, Road Side Repair Test and Interview for Recruitment to the post of Drivers,2014) |
31.10.2015 | NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/1241 Dated : 31.10.2015
(Answer Keys pertaining to Law Paper-I & II to the extent of Part-A of the Question Papers regarding Recruitment in District Judge Cadre,2015) |
30.10.2015 | NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/1240 Dated : 30.10.2015
(Statement of Marks obtained by candidates in Main Examination for recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2015) |
29.10.2015 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/912 Dated : 29.10.2015
(Result of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2015) |
29.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/18150 Date : 29.10.2015 | |
29.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/18149 Date : 29.10.2015 | |
29.10.2015 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/910 Date : 29.10.2015
(Regarding declaration of Date and Place of Driving Test, Road Side Repair Test and Interview for Recruitment to the post of Driver,2014) |
29.10.2015 | Notice No. Gen/XII/05/2015/6296-6304 Date : 29.10.2015 | |
28.10.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2015 - Jaipur | |
28.10.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
27.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/105/2015 Dated : 27.10.2015 | |
26.10.2015 | Notice. Regarding for inviting applications for appointment to the post of Presiding Officer of the Food Safety Appellate Tribunal Rajasthan at Jaipur Dated : 26.10.2015 | |
16.10.2015 | Tender Notice No. Estt./RHCb/2015/203 Date: 15.10.2015 | |
16.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/104/2015 Dated : 16.10.2015 | |
16.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/103/2015 Dated : 16.10.2015 | |
09.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2015/17281 Dated : 09.10.2015 | |
09.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2015/17280 Dated : 09.10.2015 | |
09.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2015/17279 Dated : 09.10.2015 | |
07.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/100/2015 Dated : 07.10.2015 | |
07.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2015/16937 Dated : 07.10.2015 | |
05.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/16828 Dated : 05.10.2015 | |
01.10.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/99/2015 Dated : 01.10.2015 | |
30.09.2015 | "Notice No. Gen/XII/05/2015/5708 Dated : 30.09.2015 | |
30.09.2015 | "Notice No. RHC/ExamCell/2015/837 Dated : 30.09.2015
(Admission Card of candidates appearing in Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2015)" |
30.09.2015 | "Notice No. RHC/ExamCell/2015/836 Dated : 30.09.2015
(Regarding relaxation in upper age limit to persons with disabilities in Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant & Clerk Grade-II and Junior Personal Assistant & Stenographer Grade-II)" |
30.09.2015 | Notice No. Gen./II/11/2014/289 Dated : 30.09.2015 | |
30.09.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/98/2015 Dated : 30.09.2015 | |
29.09.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
28.09.2015 | Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2015/16212 Dated : 28.09.2015 | |
28.09.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2015 - Jaipur | |
26.09.2015 | Notice No. GEN/XV/34/2015/5638 Dated : 26.09.2015
(Rules for Allotment of Lawyers' Chambers in Subordinate Courts of Rajasthan) |
26.09.2015 | Partial Modification of the Standing Order No. 05/S.O./2015 dated 06.07.2015 | |
24.09.2015 | Notice : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/819 Dated : 24.09.2015
(Result of the Examination for recruitment to District Judge Cadre, 2015 by way of Direct Recruitment Examination) |
24.09.2015 | Notice : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/818 Dated : 24.09.2015
(Result of the Examination for recruitment to District Judge Cadre, 2015 by way of Limited Competitive Examination) |
24.09.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/97/2015 Dated: 24.09.2015 | |
21.09.2015 | Notice : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/817 Dated : 21.09.2015
(Roll Number wise list of candidates of Main Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2015) |
21.09.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/96/2015 Dated: 21.09.2015 | |
19.09.2015 | Ubuntu Training Schedule
Regarding Training of Ubuntu Linux Operating System |
11.09.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2015/802 Dated: 11.09.2015
(Regarding Objections received after issuing Final Answer Key for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2015) |
11.09.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/95/2015 Dated: 11.09.2015 | |
11.09.2015 | Guidelines for online depositing fee for various Recruitments | |
10.09.2015 | Guidelines for depositing fee at e-Mitra Kiosk/CSC for recruitment in Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade - II, 2015 | |
10.09.2015 | Guidelines for depositing fee at e-Mitra Kiosk/CSC for recruitment in Junior Personal Assistant and Stenographer Grade - II, 2015 | |
08.09.2015 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application with format of Application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade - II, 2015 | |
08.09.2015 | ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/JJA/2015/796 Dated : 08.09.2015 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant and Clerk Grade - II, 2015 | |
08.09.2015 | INSTRUCTIONS for filling Online Application with format of Application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant and Stenographer Grade - II, 2015 | |
08.09.2015 | ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/JPA/2015/798 Dated : 08.09.2015 for Direct Recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant and Stenographer Grade - II, 2015 | |
08.09.2015 | "Reference Ceremony" Superannuation of Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Nisha Gupta | |
04.09.2015 | Govt Order No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/14908 Dated:04.09.2015 | |
04.09.2015 | Govt Order No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/14907 Dated:04.09.2015 | |
03.09.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/91/2015 Date:03.09.2015 | |
03.09.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/90/2015 Date:03.09.2015 | |
02.09.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/89/2015 Date:02.09.2015 | |
02.09.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2015/752 Dated:02.09.2015
Schedule of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2015 |
02.09.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/ExamCell/2015/751 Dated:02.09.2015
Schedule for interview of the Candidates for Direct Recruitment and Limited Competitive Examination to District Judge Cadre,2015 |
02.09.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - July, 2015 - Jaipur | |
01.09.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/88/2015 Date:01.09.2015 | |
31.08.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - July, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
28.08.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/87/2015 Date:28.08.2015 | |
27.08.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/86/2015 Date:26.08.2015 | |
27.08.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/85/2015 Date:26.08.2015 | |
25.08.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/673 Dated:25.08.2015
Marks Obtained by Candidates in Written Examination for Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre,2015(Direct Recruitment and Limited Competitive Examination) |
25.08.2015 | "Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/672 Dated:25.08.2015
("Marks Obtained by Candidates in Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2015)" |
25.08.2015 | No. Gen/XIX/Misc/917/2009/1069 Dated 24.08.2015
(Sub: Forwarding of information pertaining to disposal of cases by all the Presiding Officers of Courts below.) |
24.08.2015 | CIRCULAR : No. 9/PI/2015 Date: 22.08.2015 | |
22.08.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/84/2015 Date:22.08.2015 | |
21.08.2015 | Rajasthan High Court Handbook | |
20.08.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/657 Dated:20.08.2015
Result of the written examination for recruitment to DJ Cadre,2015 by way of Limited Competitive Examination |
20.08.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/656 Dated:20.08.2015
Result of the written examination for recruitment to DJ Cadre,2015 by way of Direct Recruitment |
20.08.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/654 Dated:20.08.2015
Result of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2015 |
20.08.2015 | Notice No. - RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/655 Dated:20.08.2015
Final Answer Key of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2015 |
20.08.2015 | Public Notice - Supreme Court of India - F.No. 1/RR(Scanning)/2014/SCI Dated: 18.08.2015 | |
19.08.2015 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/78/2015 Date: 17.08.2015 | |
18.08.2015 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/77/2015 Date: 17.08.2015 | |
18.08.2015 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/76/2015 Date: 17.08.2015 | |
18.08.2015 | Notice No. - General/12/05/2015/4421 Date: 17.08.2015 | |
17.08.2015 | Tender Notice No. Estt./RHC/2015/2563 Date: 14.08.2015 | |
14.08.2015 | "Launching of Video Conferencing Facility with all districts of Rajasthan"
"New Home Page of official website of Rajasthan High Court,hosted by Hon'ble the Chief Justice " |
14.08.2015 | Notice No. III/(1)(B)/Budget/2015-16/40/862 Date: 14.08.2015 | |
13.08.2015 | Notice No. Gen./XII/08/90/4391 Date: 13.08.2015 | |
12.08.2015 | Bid Notice - RHCB/STORE/2015/144 Date: 12.08.2015 | |
11.08.2015 | Notification of "Court Sitting Hours" | |
07.08.2015 | Govt Order No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/13352 Dated:06.08.2015 | |
05.08.2015 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 08.08.2015 (Jaipur) | |
04.08.2015 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 08.08.2015 (Jaipur) | |
29.07.2015 | Order No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/12762 | |
28.07.2015 | ategory Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - June, 2015 - Jaipur | |
28.07.2015 | ategory Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - June, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
17.07.2015 | Order No.- Estt.(RJS)/72/2015 Date: 17.07.2015 | |
13.07.2015 | Notice No.- RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/583 Date: 13.07.2015
(Uploading of Admission Card of candidates appearing in the Written Examination for Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre,2015) |
13.07.2015 | Notice No.- RHC/Exam Cell/2015/581 Date: 13.07.2015
(Time schedule for holding Written Examination for Direct Recruitment & Limited Competitive Examination in District Judge Cadre,2015) |
13.07.2015 | Notice No.- Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/11538 Dated:13.07.2015 | |
13.07.2015 | Order No.- Estt.(RJS)/71/2015 Dated: 10.07.2015 | |
13.07.2015 | Tender Notice - S.No./Dy.Reg.(Pro.)/RHCB/2015/Jaipur/21 Dated: 13.07.2015 | |
09.07.2015 | Order No.- F.19(1)Nyay/2014 Dated:09.07.2015 | |
08.07.2015 | Order No.- Estt.(RJS)/70/2015 Dated:08.07.2015 | |
08.07.2015 | Order No.- Estt.(RJS)/69/2015 Dated:08.07.2015 | |
08.07.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/556 Dated:08.07.2015
(List of Candidates whose application for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2015 has been rejected) |
08.07.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2015/555 Dated:08.07.2015
(List of Candidates provisionally permitted to appear in the Written Examination for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2015) |
08.07.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order no.- Estt.(RJS)/68/2015 Dated: 08.07.2015 | |
06.07.2015 | Standing Order No.05/S.O./2015 - Nomination of Inspecting Judges | |
06.07.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/548 Dated: 06.07.2015
(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre,2015(In Hindi)) |
06.07.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/547 Dated: 06.07.2015
(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre,2015(In English)) |
06.07.2015 | Ubuntu Training Schedule & Syllabus | |
06.07.2015 | Ubuntu Training of Judicial Officers | |
06.07.2015 | Bid Notice - RHCB/STORE/2015/114 Date-06.07.2015 | |
06.07.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/63/2015 Dated: 02.07.2015 | |
06.07.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/67/2015 Dated: 04.07.2015/b> | |
04.07.2015 | Order No. - 04/S.O./2015 Dated: 04.07.2015 | |
04.07.2015 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/66/2015 Dated: 04.07.2015 | |
04.07.2015 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/65/2015 Dated: 04.07.2015 | 02.07.2015 | Order No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/10832 Dated: 01.07.2015 |
01.07.2015 | Govt Order No. P. 2(4)Nyay/2014 Jaipur Dated: 29.06.2015 | |
01.07.2015 | Govt Order No. P. 1(1)Nyay/2013 Jaipur Dated: 29.06.2015 | |
01.07.2015 | Order No. - Estt.b2(v)1/WA/2015/10831 Dated: 01.07.2015 | |
01.07.2015 | Tender Notice - S.No. Estt./RHCB/2015/244 Dated: 01.07.2015 | |
29.06.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - May, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
27.06.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - May, 2015 - Jaipur | |
26.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/61/2015 Dated : 26.06.2015 | |
20.06.2015 | Notice No. Gen./XV/13/2014/3225 Dated : 20.06.2015 | |
20.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/60/2015 Dated : 20.06.2015 | |
19.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/59/2015 Dated : 19.06.2015 | |
19.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/58/2015 Dated : 19.06.2015 | |
18.06.2015 |
"NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam. Cell/2015/494 Dated : 18.06.2015
(Admission Card of candidates appearing in the Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2015)" |
15.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/57/2015 Dated : 15.06.2015 | |
11.06.2015 |
NOTICE : No.RHC/Exam. Cell/2015/462 Dated : 11.06.2015
(Roll Number wise list of candidates of Preliminary Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2015) |
06.06.2015 | Budget allocation of Newly created Court Order No. Estt.G/I/A-4(i)(a)37/15/3349-55 Dated: 06.06.2015 | |
05.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2015/9373 Dated: 05.06.2015 | |
05.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/WA/2015/9372 Dated: 05.06.2015 | |
03.06.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/407 Date: 03.06.2015
"(Declaration of date for holding Written Examination for Direct Recruitment & Limited Competitive Examination in District Judge Cadre, 2015)" |
02.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.B2(v)1/2015/8954 Dated: 02.06.2015 | |
02.06.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/56/2015 Dated : 02.06.2015 | |
01.06.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/404 Dated: 01.06.2015
"(Centres for holding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2015)" |
30.05.2015 | Tender Notice - S.No./Dy.Reg.(Pro.)/RHCB/2015/Jaipur/12 Dated: 30.05.2015 | |
28.05.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2015 - Jaipur | |
27.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.B2(V)1/WA/2015/8799 Dated : 27.05.2015 | |
27.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/55/2015 Dated : 26.05.2015 | |
26.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/54/2015 Dated : 26.05.2015 | |
25.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.B2(V)1/2015/8502 Dated : 25.05.2015 | |
25.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/53/2015 Dated : 25.05.2015 | |
25.05.2015 | CORRIGENDUM Dated: 25.05.2015 | |
23.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/52/2015 Dated : 23.05.2015 | |
23.05.2015 | Post and Budget Sanction for the newly created Special Court (NI Act) | |
23.05.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
22.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/51/2015 Dated : 22.05.2015 | |
22.05.2015 |
Notice - Rajasthan High Court Legal Services Committee, Jaipur
(Calendar for coming month Lok Adalat) |
22.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/50/2015 Dated : 22.05.2015 | |
22.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/49/2015 Dated : 22.05.2015 | |
22.05.2015 |
Order NoEstt./HC/2015/207. Dated : 21.05.2015
(Regarding method of recruitment and qualification for appointment to the various posts) |
21.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/48/2015 Dated : 21.05.2015 | |
21.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/47/2015 Dated : 21.05.2015 | |
21.05.2015 | Transfer/Posting Order No. Estt.(RJS)/46/2015 Dated : 21.05.2015 | |
21.05.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam.cell/2015/365 Dated : 21.05.2015
"(Declaration of date for holding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre,2015)" |
21.05.2015 | Notice No. RJS/Estt./B2/(i)06/2014/7744 Dated : 13.05.2015 | |
21.05.2015 |
Notice No. RJS/Estt.B2(xi)e/RG/Compliance/01/2015/7753 Dated : 13.05.2015
(Unique Identification Number Allocated to Judicial Officers) |
19.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen./II/59/2013(s)/660 Dated : 19.05.2015 | |
19.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen/II/9/92(s)/623 Dated : 16.05.2015 | |
19.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen/II/7/2013(s)/597 Dated : 15.05.2015 | |
16.05.2015 | Transfer Posting Order - No. Estt.B2(v)1/2015/7958 Date: 16.05.2015 | |
16.05.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/45/2015 Dated : 16.05.2015 | |
14.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen./11/13/2003(s)/577 Dated : 13.05.2015 | |
14.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen./11/13/2003(s)/576 Dated : 13.05.2015 | |
13.05.2015 |
NOTIFICATION:- No. 04/Misc./2015 Date: 13.05.2015
(Regarding Sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges at Principal Seat, Jodhpur & Bench, Jaipur) |
13.05.2015 |
Notice No. - RHC/Exam cell/2015/313 Dated: 13.05.2015
"(Clarification Regarding issuance of Character,Experience and Fitness Certificate to Assistant Public Prosecutors for Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre,2015)" |
12.05.2015 |
Notice No. - RHC/Exam cell/2015/308 Dated: 12.05.2015
"(Modification in Annexure-II and Annexure-III regarding Character/Experience/Fitness Certificate to be issued to the prospective candidates for Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre,2015)" |
12.05.2015 | Order No. - Estt.(RJS)/44/2015 Dated: 12.05.2015 | |
12.05.2015 | Tender Notice - S.No./Dy.Reg.(Pro.)/RHCB/2015/Jaipur/10 Dated: 12.05.2015 | 12.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen./XV/43/2014/2721 Dated : 11.05.2015 |
11.05.2015 | Order No. P.19(2)Nyay/2014 Dated : 09.05.2015 | |
11.05.2015 | Order No. P.19(1)Nyay/2014 Dated : 09.05.2015 | |
11.05.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/43/2015 Dated : 11.05.2015 | 07.05.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/34/2015 Dated : 07.05.2015 |
07.05.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/33/2015 Dated : 07.05.2015 | |
06.05.2015 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/32/2015 Dated : 06.05.2015 | |
04.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen./9/92(s)/538 Dated : 02.05.2015 | |
04.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen./11/14/2008(s)/528 Dated : 30.04.2015 | |
04.05.2015 | Notice No. Gen./11/14/2008(s)/527 Dated : 30.04.2015 | |
01.05.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/31/2015 Dated: 01.05.2015 | |
01.05.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/30/2015 Dated: 01.05.2015 | |
01.05.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/29/2015 Dated: 01.05.2015 | |
01.05.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/28/2015 Dated: 01.05.2015 | |
30.04.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/27/2015 Dated: 30.04.2015 | |
30.04.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/26/2015 Dated : 30.04.2015 | |
27.04.2015 |
Advertisement for Civil Judge Cadre, 2015
ADVERTISEMENT No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/Civil Judge Cadre/2015/254 Dated : 26.04.2015 |
27.04.2015 | Notification for Direct Recruitment in the District Judge Cadre, 2015 No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/District Judge Cadre/2015/251 Dated : 26.04.2015 | |
27.04.2015 | Notification for RECRUITMENT IN THE DISTRICT JUDGE CADRE THROUGH LIMITED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 2015 No. : RHC/Exam Cell/2015/253 Dated : 26.04.2015 | |
24.04.2015 | Tender Notice - S.No./Dy.Reg.(Pro.)/RHCB/2015/Jaipur/08 Dated: 24.04.2015 | |
23.04.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
21.04.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2015 - Jaipur | |
10.04.2015 | Circular No. P.I./02/2015 Dated: 08.04.2015 | |
09.04.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/25/2015 Dated : 09.04.2015 | |
09.04.2015 | Order No.: Estt.B2(V)1/WA/2015/6205 Dated : 09.04.2015 | |
09.04.2015 | Order No.: Estt.B2(V)1/WA/2015/6192 Dated : 09.04.2015 | |
07.04.2015 | Notification (G.S.R. No.69 published on 30.03.2015 in Rajasthan Gazette regarding amendment in Rule 53 of Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010) | |
04.04.2015 | Order No. Gen/II/14/2008/414 & 415 Dated : 31.03.2015 | |
03.04.2015 | Notice No. PA./RA/2015/14 Dated 03.04.2015 | |
03.04.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/226 Dated : 03.04.2015
"(Marks obtained by candidates in Objective Type Written Examination for the recruitment to the post of Driver, 2014)" |
31.03.2015 | Order No. Gen/XV/(TRNG)/07/2015/ dated 30.03.2015 | |
31.03.2015 | Notice No. RJS(Estt.)24/2015 Dated: 31.03.2015 | |
31.03.2015 | Notice No. RJS(Estt.)23/2015 Dated: 31.03.2015 | |
30.03.2015 | Order No. I/A(iii)(a)02-2011-715 Dated : 30.03.2015 | |
30.03.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2015 - Jaipur | |
30.03.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/216 Dated : 30.03.2015
"(Result of objective type test for short-listing of candidates for the Recruitment to the post of Drivers,2014)" |
30.03.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/214 Dated : 30.03.2015
"(Final Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Recruitment to the post of Drivers,2014)" |
26.03.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - Febuary, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
24.03.2015 | The Swearing-in-Ceremony of Hon'ble The Chief Justice Shri Sunil Ambwani | |
18.03.2015 | Order : NGT/PB/266/2015/225 Dated : 16.03.2015 (National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi) | |
17.03.2015 |
Notice No. Estt.A(i)/------/2015/4539 dated: 16.03.2015
(The Swearing-in-Ceremony on transfer of Hon'ble Shri Justice Ajit Singh, Judge of The Madhya Pradesh High Court, as a Judge of the Rajasthan High Court, will be held on Thursday, the 19th March, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Court of Hon'ble the Chief Justice at Jodhpur) |
16.03.2015 |
Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/203 Dated : 16.03.2015
"(Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Recruitment to the post of Drivers,2014)" |
12.03.2015 | Order No. Estt./HC/2015/84 & 85 Dated : 12.03.2015 | |
12.03.2015 | Order No. Estt./HC/2015/82 Dated : 12.03.2015 | |
12.03.2015 | Order No. Estt./HC/2015/81 Dated : 12.03.2015 | |
03.03.2015 | Order No. 03/E.V./2015 Dated : 03.03.2015 | |
28.02.2015 |
Notice No. RHCJ/Exam Cell/2015/148 Dated : 28.02.2015
"(Uploading of Admit Card for Recruitment to the post of Driver, 2014)" |
28.02.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2015 - Jaipur | |
24.02.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/17/2015 Dated : 24.02.2015 | |
24.02.2015 | Order No.: Estt.B2(V)1/WA/2015/3743 Dated : 24.02.2015 | |
24.02.2015 |
Notice No. RHCJ/Exam Cell/2015/116 Dated : 24.02.2015
"(List of Rejected Candidates for recruitment to the Post of Driver, 2014)" |
24.02.2015 |
Notice No. RHCJ/Exam Cell/2015/115 Dated : 24.02.2015
"(List of Provisionally Eligible Candidates for recruitment to the Post of Driver, 2014)" |
24.02.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2015 - Jodhpur | |
23.02.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/16/2015 Dated : 23.02.2015 | |
23.02.2015 | Order No. Estt. B2(V)1/WA/2015/3703 Dated : 23.02.2015 | |
21.02.2015 | No. Gen./XV/53/2013/951 Dated : 21.02.2015 | |
19.02.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/15/2015 Dated : 19.02.2015 | |
16.02.2015 | Order No. 02/E.V./2015 Dated : 16.02.2015 | |
16.02.2015 | Order No. Estt. B2(V)1/WA/2015/3218 Dated : 16.02.2015 | |
16.02.2015 | Order No. Estt. B2(V)1/WA/2015/3217 Dated : 16.02.2015 | |
13.02.2015 | Order No. Estt. B2(V)1/2015/3134 Dated : 13.02.2015 | |
13.02.2015 |
Notice No. RHCJ/Exam Cell/2015/103 Dated : 13.02.2015
"(Date of Examination for short listing of candidates for recruitment to the post of Driver, 2014)" |
11.02.2015 | Bid Notice No.Estt/RHCB/2015/58 Dated 09.02.2015 | |
10.02.2015 | Order No.: RJS(Estt.)13/2015 Dated: 10.02.2015 | |
07.02.2015 | Notice No. 2(4)Nyay/2014 Dated : 05.02.2015 | |
06.02.2015 |
Notice No. RHCJ/Exam Cell/2015/59 Dated : 06.02.2015
"(List of applicants whose forms not considered for recruitment to the post of Driver, 2014 due to receipt after last date i.e. 15.11.2014)" |
05.02.2015 | Order No. Estt. B2(iii)/213/2014/2263 Dated : 04.02.2015 | 04.02.2015 | New Laptop Distribution Ceremony, 2015 |
03.02.2015 | Order No.: Estt.B2(v)/1/WA/2015/2218 Dated : 03.02.2015 | |
02.02.2015 | Bid Notice - RHCB/STORE/2014-2015/452 Date: 31.01.2015 | |
27.01.2015 | CIRCULAR No. 01/P.I./2015 Dated : 16.01.2015 | |
20.01.2015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2014 - Jaipur | |
19.01.2015 | Notice No. RJS(Estt.)10/2014 Dated: 19.01.2015 | |
19.012015 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
19.01.2015 | Order : NGT/PB/266/2014/39 Dated : 14.01.2015 (National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi) | |
17.01.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/9/2015 Dated : 16.01.2015 | |
17.01.2015 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/8/2015 Dated : 15.01.2015 | |
06.01.2015 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2015/8 Date: 06.01.2015 (Merit wise consolidated statement of Marks of 554 candidates qualified to appear in interview for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
20.12.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/142/2014 Dated : 20.12.2014 | |
20.12.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2014 - Jaipur | |
19.12.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/141/2014 Dated : 19.12.2014 | 18.12.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases -November, 2014 - Jodhpur |
17.12.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/137/2014 Dated : 17.12.2014 | |
16.12.2014 | Tender Notice - HC/SK/2014-15/389 Dated: 16.12.2014 | |
15.12.2014 |
Order No.: RJS/Estt.B2(xi)d/Writs/11/2012/20268 Dated : 15.12.2014
(Final Seniority List of RHJS Officers) |
10.12.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/135/2014 Dated : 10.12.2014 | |
09.12.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam Cell/2014/988 Dated : 09.12.2014 ( Regarding list of successful candidates for engagement of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant, 2014) | |
08.12.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/134/2014 Dated : 08.12.2014 | |
06.12.2014 | Corrigendum - S.No.: SK/HC/2014-2015/377 Date: 06.12.2014 | |
06.12.2014 | Govt. Order No. : P.19(1)/Nyay/2014 Part-II Dated : 05.12.2014 | |
05.12.2014 | Govt. Order No. : P.19(1)/Nyay/2014 Dated : 05.12.2014 | |
05.12.2014 | Second National Lok Adalat Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 06.12.2014 (Jaipur) | |
04.12.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2014 - Jaipur | |
02.12.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/133/2014 Dated : 02.12.2014 | |
02.12.2014 | Tender Notice:- SK/HC/2014-15/359 Dated : 02.12.2014 | |
02.12.2014 | Second National Lok Adalat Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 05.12.2014 (Jaipur) | |
02.12.2014 | Second National Lok Adalat Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 04.12.2014 (Jaipur) | |
30.11.2014 | National Lok Adalat Causelist Dated 06.12.2014 (Jodhpur) | |
29.11.2014 | Second National Lok Adalat Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 03.12.2014 (Jaipur) | |
29.11.2014 | Second National Lok Adalat Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 02.12.2014 (Jaipur) | |
28.11.2014 | Govt. Order No. : P.13(2)/Pari/03 Dated : 28.11.2014 | |
28.11.2014 | CORRIGENDUM - Date: 28.11.2014 | |
27.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/132/2014 Dated : 27.11.2014 | |
27.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.B2(v)/1/WA/2014/19418 Dated : 27.11.2014 | |
27.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.B2(v)/1/WA/2014/19417 Dated : 27.11.2014 | |
27.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.B2(v)/1/WA/2014/19352 Dated : 27.11.2014 | |
27.11.2014 | Second National Lok Adalat Causelist (Bench No. 1 & 2) Dated 01.12.2014 (Jaipur) | |
26.11.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
25.11.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2014/953 Date: 25.11.2014 (Statement of Marks in the Final Result of Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
24.11.2014 | Order : NGT/PB/266/2014/1124 Dated : 18.11.2014 (National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi) | |
24.11.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam Cell/2014/948 Date: 24.11.2014 (Regarding Interview of the eligible candidates for Law Clerk cum Legal Research Assistants) | |
24.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/131/2014 Dated : 20.11.2014 | |
23.11.2014 | Notice No. RHCB/Exam Cell/ 2014/183 Date: 23.11.2014 (Final Result of Recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
18.11.2014 | Order No:- 16/PI/2014 Dated: 18.11.2014 | |
18.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/130/2014 Dated : 18.11.2014 | |
17.11.2014 | Order No:- 16/EV/2014 Dated: 17.11.2014 List of Holidays for the year 2015 Subordinate Court | |
17.11.2014 | Order No:- 15/EV/2014 Dated: 17.11.2014 List of Holidays for the year 2015 Rajasthan High Court | |
15.11.2014 | Tender Notice:- SK/HC/2014-2015/340 Dated : 15.11.2014 | |
14.11.2014 | Notice: No. RHC/Exam Cell/2014/128 Date: 1411.2014 (regarding interview for contractual engagement of Law Clerk cum Legal Research Assistants) | |
13.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/129/2014 Dated : 13.11.2014 | |
11.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/125/2014 Dated : 10.11.2014 | |
11.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/124/2014 Dated : 10.11.2014 | |
11.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/123/2014 Dated : 10.11.2014 | |
05.11.2014 | Order No.: Estt.(RJS)/122/2014 Dated : 05.11.2014 | |
31.10.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
31.10.2014 | Order No. :Estt.(RJS)/120/2014 Dated : 31.10.214 | |
28.10.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - September, 2014 - Jaipur | |
22.10.2014 | Govt. Order No. : P.19(14)Nyay/98 Jaipur Dated : 22.10.2014 | |
22.10.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.1(47)Labour/79/Part Dated : 22.10.2014 | |
22.10.2014 | ORDER : No.Estt.(RJS)/119/2014 Dated 22.10.2014 | |
22.10.2014 | ORDER : No.Estt.(RJS)/118/2014 Dated 22.10.2014 | |
18.10.2014 | Corrigendum - S.No.: SK/HC/2014-2015/301 Date: 18.10.2014 | |
18.10.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/117/2014 Dated : 18.10.2014 | |
17.10.2014 | TENDER : No. RHCB/STORE/2014-2015/299 Dated : 16.10.2014 | |
16.10.2014 | TENDER : No. SK/HC/2014-15/293 Dated : 15.10.2014 | |
15.10.2014 | DETAILED ADVERTISEMENT (FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF DRIVER) No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/2014/687 Dated : 10.10.2014 | |
15.10.2014 | ABRIDGED ADVERTISEMENT (FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF DRIVER) No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/2014/689 Dated : 10.10.2014 | |
13.10.2014 | ORDER : No.Estt.(RJS)/115/2014 Dated 13.10.2014 | |
13.10.2014 | Govt. Order No.:P.19(1)Nyay/2014 Dated 13.10.2014 | |
13.10.2014 |
NOTICE:RHC/EXAM.CELL/2014/703 Dated: 13.10.2014
(Regarding Venue, Date & Time Schedule of Interview for Civil Judge Cadre Examination 2013) |
13.10.2014 | Mega Lok Adalat : Rajasthan High Court Legal Services Committee Jodhpur : Causelist Dated : 18.10.2014 | |
13.10.2014 | ORDER : RHC/EXAM.CELL/MM&D/2014/691 Dated: 13.10.2014 | |
10.10.2014 | ORDER : D.B. Civil Writ Petition (PIL) No. 18688/2013 Dated: 09.10.2014 | |
07.10.2014 | ORDER : NO. ESTT(RJS)/114/2014 Dated 07.10.2014 | |
01.10.2014 | Notification No. 11/E.V./2014 Dated 01.10.2014 | |
01.10.2014 | Provisional Seniority List of RHJS Officers : No. RJS/Estt.B2(xi)d/Writs/11/2012/16541 Dated : 01.10.2014 | |
01.10.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/113/2014 Dated : 01.10.2014 | |
30.09.2014 | TENDER : No. SK/HC/2014-15/269 Dated : 30.09.2014 | |
29.09.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/662 Dated : 29.09.2014 (Regarding Dates and Centre-wise Roll No. List of Candidates for Interview of Law Clerks-cum-Legal Research Assistant) | |
24.09.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/652 Dated : 24.09.2014 (Regarding declaration of Date for Interview for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
24.09.2014 | Govt. Order No. : P.8(7)Vidhi-2/2012/147 Dated : 03.09.2014 | |
23.09.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2014 - Jaipur | |
20.09.2014 | Office Order No. SK/HC/2014-2015/257 Dated : 20.09.2014 | |
Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - August, 2014 - Jodhpur | ||
Corrigendum to the Advertisement of Tender Call Notice for purchasing of Laptops (Ref. NIT: No. HC/SK/2014-15/190 Dated : 11.08.2014) |
05.09.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/107/2014 Dated : 05.09.2014 | |
03.09.2014 | ORDER 2 : SUO MOTO CONTEMPT | |
03.09.2014 | ORDER 1 : SUO MOTO CONTEMPT | |
01.09.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/105/2014 Dated : 29.08.2014 | |
01.09.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/103A/2014 Dated : 25.08.2014 | |
30.08.2014 | Standing Order No. 09/S.O./2014 | |
30.08.2014 | CIRCULAR No. 19/P.I./2014 Dated : 29.08.2014 | |
30.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/104/2014 Dated : 29.08.2014 | |
30.08.2014 | Gazette Notification : No. F.2(30)Vidhi/2/2014 Dated : 11.08.2014 (Regarding : The Rajasthan Civil Courts (Amendment) Act, 2014) | |
26.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/103/2014 Dated : 25.08.2014 | |
23.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/102/2014 Dated : 23.08.2014 | |
23.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/101/2014 Dated : 23.08.2014 | |
23.08.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - July, 2014 - Jaipur Bench | |
21.08.2014 | ORDER : NGT/PB/266/2014/855 Dated : 08.08.2014 (Regarding sitting of the Circuit Bench of the National Green Tribunal) | |
21.08.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - July, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
16.08.2014 | CIRCULAR : No. 12/P.I./2014 Dated : 16.08.2014 | |
16.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/100/2014 Dated : 16.08.2014 | |
16.08.2014 | ORDER : No. CONF./HCJ/COMMITTEE/2014/12 Dated : 16.08.2014 | |
16.08.2014 | General Appeal to Advocates | |
16.08.2014 | SHORT TERM TENDER : No. SK/HC/2014-15/198 Dated : 16.08.2014 (Regarding : Annual rate contract for refilling & refurbishing of toner cartridges) | |
16.08.2014 | Officer Order : No. Gen./RHCB/2014/380 dt. 16.08.2014 (Regarding half holiday on 19.08.2014 i.e. after 1:30 PM) | |
13.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/99/2014 Dated : 13.08.2014 | |
13.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/98/2014 Dated : 13.08.2014 | |
12.08.2014 | NOTICE INVITING TENDER : No. HC/SK/2014-15/190 Dated : 11.08.2014 (Regarding for Supply of Laptops) | |
04.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/97/2014 Dated : 04.08.2014 | |
04.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/96/2014 Dated : 04.08.2014 | |
02.08.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/95/2014 Dated : 02.08.2014 | |
01.08.2014 | No. P19(14)Nyay/90 Part Dated : 01.08.2014 | |
01.08.2014 | No. F2(1)Nyay/2010 Dated : 01.08.2014 | |
31.07.2014 | General Notice to Advocates and Litigants | |
26.07.2014 | ABRIDGED ADVERTISEMENT : No. Estt/HC/2014/320 Dated : 26.07.2014 (Regarding Scheme for Engaging Law Clerks Cum Legal Research Assistant in Rajasthan High Court) | |
25.07.2014 | ORDER No. Estt.(RJS)/93/2014 Dated : 25.07.2014 | |
24.07.2014 | Standing Order : No. 08/S.O./2014 Dated : 24.07.2014 | |
24.07.2014 | Order : No. 07/S.O./2014 Dated : 24.07.2014 | |
23.07.2014 | ORDER No. Estt.(RJS)/92/2014 Dated : 23.07.2014 | |
23.07.2014 | ORDER No. Estt.(RJS)/91/2014 Dated : 23.07.2014 | |
23.07.2014 | Mega Lok Adalat : Rajasthan High Court Legal Services Committee Jodhpur : Causelist Dated : 26.07.2014 | |
22.07.2014 | ORDER No. Estt.(RJS)/90/2014 Dated : 22.07.2014 | |
22.07.2014 | The Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules, 2002 (As amended from time to time) | |
22.07.2014 | STANDING ORDER- No. 05/S.O./2014 Dated : 22.07.2014 | |
21.07.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - June, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
19.07.2014 | STANDING ORDER: No. 04/S.O./2014 Dated : 19.07.2014 | |
16.07.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - June, 2014 - Jaipur Bench | |
14.07.2014 | NOTICE: No.RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/480 Dated : 14.07.2014 (Statement of Marks obtained by candidates in Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
10.07.2014 | NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/473 Dated : 10.07.2014 (Result of Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
10.07.2014 | Tender Notice - SK/HC/2014-2015/146, 147 & 148 Dated: 09.07.2014 | |
09.07.2014 | Order: No. 8(7)Vidhi-2/90/Part-I/119 Dated : 08.07.2014 | |
09.07.2014 | Order: No. F.27(17)Nyay/2006 Part Dated : 08.07.2014 | |
01.07.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/79/2014 Dated: 01.07.2014 | |
25.06.2014 | Notification : No. F.2(1)Nyay/2010 Dated : 23.06.2014 | |
24.06.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - May, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
20.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/78/2014 Dated: 20.06.2014 | |
20.06.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - May, 2014 - Jaipur Bench | |
18.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/77/2014 Dated: 18.06.2014 | |
15.06.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/417 Dated : 15.06.2014 (Notice inviting objections regarding questions of questions papers of Main Examination for Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
13.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/75/2014 Dated: 13.06.2014 | |
13.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/73/2014 Dated: 13.06.2014 | |
12.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/72/2014 Dated: 12.06.2014 | |
12.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/71/2014 Dated: 11.06.2014 | |
11.06.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.1(47)Labour/79/Part Dated : 09.06.2014 | |
11.06.2014 | Tender Notice - RHCB/STORE/2014-15/80 Date: 03.06.2014 | |
09.06.2014 | Order No. Estt/HC/2014/229 Date: 02.06.2014 | |
06.06.2014 | Order : NGT/PB/266/2014/704 Dated : 30.05.2014 (National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi) | |
06.06.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.19(5)Nyay/2011 Dated : 21.05.2014 | |
04.06.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.19(1)Nyay/2014 Dated : 03.06.2014 | |
04.06.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.10(1)Nyay/2014 Dated : 03.06.2014 | |
04.06.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.8(7)Vidhi-2/2012/92 Dated : 03.06.2014 | |
03.06.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.27(17)Nyay/06 Dated : 03.06.2014 | |
03.06.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.2(1)Nyay/2010 Dated : 03.06.2014 | |
03.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/67/2014 Dated : 03.06.2014 | |
02.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/66/2014 Dated: 02.06.2014 | |
02.06.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/65/2014 Dated: 02.06.2014 | |
31.05.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/383 Dated : 31.05.2014 (Admission Card of candidates appearing in Main Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
31.05.2014 | NOTIFICATION : No. 09/E.V./2014 Dated : 31.05.2014 | |
27.05.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/376 Dated : 27.05.2014 (Roll Number wise list of candidates of Main Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
23.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/61/2014 Dated: 23.05.2014 | |
23.05.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
20.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/60/2014 | |
20.05.2014 | Notification : No. 09/Misc.2014 Dated : 17.05.2014 | |
19.05.2014 | N O T I C E : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/338 Dated : 19.05.2014 (Regarding Examination Centre for the Main Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
19.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/59/2014 | |
17.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/58/2014 | |
17.05.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - April, 2014 - Jaipur Bench | |
16.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/57/2014 | |
16.05.2014 | TENDER NOTICE : S.No. SK/HC/2014-2015/59 Dated: 15.05.2014 | |
13.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/56/2014 | |
08.05.2014 | NOTIFICATION : No. 07/Misc./2014 Dated : 08.05.2014 (Regarding Sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges) | |
08.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/55/2014 | |
05.05.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/52/2014 Dated : 05.05.2014 | |
05.05.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.1(47)LE/79/Part Dated : 02.05.2014 | |
05.05.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.19(20)Nyay/98 Dated : 02.05.2014 | |
05.05.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.9(1)Nyay/89 Dated : 02.05.2014 | |
05.05.2014 | Govt. Order No. P.19(3)Nyay/2001 Dated : 30.04.2014 | |
01.05.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/306 Dated : 01.05.2014 (Regarding Time-Table of Main Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
30.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/50/2014 Dated : 30.04.2014 | |
29.04.2014 | National Green Tribunal, Central Zone Bench Cause List - Special Circuit Bench at Jodhpur Date: 01st & 02nd May, 2014 | |
29.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/49/2014 Dated : 29.04.2014 | |
28.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/47/2014 Dated : 28.04.2014 | |
25.04.2014 | ORDER : (Regarding West Zone Regional Judicial Conference) | |
25.04.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
24.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/45/2014 Dated : 24.04.2014 | |
24.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/44/2014 Dated : 24.04.2014 | |
24.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/43/2014 Dated : 24.04.2014 | |
24.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/42/2014 Dated : 24.04.2014 | |
23.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/41/2014 Dated : 23.04.2014 | |
21.04.2014 | ORDER : F.19(1) Nyay/2010 Dated : 21.04.2014 | |
21.04.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - March, 2014 - Jaipur Bench | |
21.04.2014 | ORDER : National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi (File No.: NGT/PB/266/2013/537 Dated : 12th March, 2014) | |
21.04.2014 | TENDER NOTICE : Estt./RHCB/2014/172 Dated: 19.04.2014 | |
18.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/40/2014 Dated : 18.04.2014 | |
16.04.2014 | Tender Notice : No. RHC/Lib.//Newsletter/2014-15/1 Dated : 15.04.2014 | |
13.04.2014 | N O T I C E : No. 07/E.V./2014 Dated : 13.04.2014 | |
12.04.2014 | NOTIFICATION: No. 06/E.V./2014 Dated : 12.04.2014 | |
12.04.2014 | NOTIFICATION: No. 05/E.V./2014 Dated : 12.04.2014 | |
11.04.2014 | ORDER : No. Estt.(RJS)/36/2014 Dated : 11.04.2014 | |
11.04.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/284 Dated : 11.04.2014 - Regarding declaration of Date for Main Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2013 | |
11.04.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/282 Dated : 11.04.2014 - Marks obtained by Candidates in Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013 | |
10.04.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/275 Dated : 10.04.2014 - Result of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013 | |
08.04.2014 | Notice No.RHC/Exam. Cell/2014/265 Dated: 08.04.2014 - Result of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013 | |
08.04.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/264 Dated: 08.04.2014 - Final Answer Keys of Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013 | |
01.04.2014 | NOTIFICATION : No. Estt.(RJS)/34/2014 Dated : 01.04.2014 | |
01.04.2014 | NOTIFICATION : No. Estt.(RJS)/33/2014 Dated : 01.04.2014 | |
31.03.2014 | Office Order : No. Gen./RHCB/2014/140 Dated : 31.03.2014 | |
24.03.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/252 Dated 24.03.2014 - Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2013 (In Hindi) | |
24.03.2014 | Notice No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/252 Dated 24.03.2014 - Model Answer Keys of question papers of all the series regarding Preliminary Examination for Recruitment in Civil Judge Cadre, 2013 (In English) | |
22.03.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
22.03.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - February, 2014 - Jaipur Bench | |
21.03.2014 | No. NGT/PB/266/2013/563(i) Dated 13.03.2014 | |
21.03.2014 | Order NGT/PB/266/2013 Dated 12.03.2014 | |
20.03.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam Cell/2014/236 Dated : 20.03.2014 (Help Line Number) | |
14.03.2014 | NOTIFICATION - NO. 04/E.V./2014 Dated 14.03.2014 | |
14.03.2014 | NOTIFICATION - NO. 03/E.V./2014 Dated 14.03.2014 | |
13.03.2014 | CORRIGENDUM No. Estt./(RJS)/32/2014 Date: 13.03.2014 | |
12.03.2014 | No. R.CLASS/RHC/LMS/2014/22 Dated 11.03.2014 | |
11.03.2014 | ORDER No. Estt,/HC/2014/94 Dated: 10.03.2014 | |
11.03.2014 | NOTIFICATION - No. 3/S.R.O./2014 Dated: 10.03.2014 | |
11.03.2014 | NOTIFICATION - No. 2/S.R.O./2014 Dated: 10.03.2014 | |
11.03.2014 | NOTIFICATION - No. 1/S.R.O./2014 Dated: 10.03.2014 | |
11.03.2014 | Order No.Estt.(RJS)/27/2014 - Training from 18th March, 2014 to 19th April, 2014 | |
11.03.2014 | No. 2(4)Nyay/96 Dated 06.03.2014 | |
10.03.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/211 Dated : 10.03.2014 (Admission Card of candidates appearing in Civil Judge Cadre Examination, 2013) | |
07.03.2014 | Amendment in Rajasthan Subordinate Court Ministerial Establishment Rules 1986 | |
05.03.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/25/2014 | |
03.03.2014 | National Green Tribunal, Central Zone Bench - Cause List Special Circuit Bench at Jodhpur Date: 05, 06 & 07 March, 2014 | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2014 - Jodhpur | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2013 - Jodhpur | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2013 - Jodhpur | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2013 - Jodhpur | |
28.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/21/2014 | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - January, 2014 - Jaipur Bench | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - December, 2013 - Jaipur Bench | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - November, 2013 - Jaipur Bench | |
28.02.2014 | Category Wise Monthly Statement of Cases - October, 2013 - Jaipur Bench | |
28.02.2014 | Yearly Disposal of Cases for the Year 2013 - Jodhpur / Jaipur | |
28.02.2014 | ORDER - P(2) Nyay/2010 Date: 28.02.2014 | |
28.02.2014 | ORDER - File No. NGT/PB/266/2013/509 Dated: 22.02.2014 (National Green Tribunal, New Delhi) | |
28.02.2014 | No. HC/SK/2013-14/298 Dated: 25.02.2014 (Short Term Tender Notice) | |
26.02.2014 | ORDER - No.CONF./HCJ/COMMITTEE/2014/3 Date: 22.02.2014 | |
26.02.2014 | ORDER - No.CONF./HCJ/COMMITTEE/2014/2 Date: 22.02.2014 | |
26.02.2014 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/142 Dated : 26.02.2014 (Roll Number wise list of candidates of Preliminary Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
22.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/20/2014 | |
22.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/19/2014 | |
22.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/18/2014 | |
22.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/17/2014 | |
20.02.2014 | ORDER No.RJS-Estt./Misc/TP/WA/2014/2972 Date:20.02.2014 | |
20.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/16/2014 | |
20.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/15/2014 | |
20.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/14/2014 | |
14.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/13/2014 | |
10.02.2014 | Tender Notice - Estt./RHCB/2014/76 Date: 10.02.2014 | |
06.02.2014 | C I R C U L A R : No. 01/PI/2014 Dated : 06.02.2014 (Regarding Transfer Policy for Intra-Judgeship and Inter-Judgeship Transfer of the Staff-members of Subordinate Courts.) | |
06.02.2014 | ORDER No RJS-Estt./Misc/TP/WA/2014/2138 Date: 06.02.2014 | |
04.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/11/2014 | |
03.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/10/2014 | |
01.02.2014 | Letter No. Estt.B2(v)/TP/2014/1750 Dated : 01.02.2014 (Representations regarding Transfer/Posting) | |
01.02.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/09/2014 | |
31.01.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/08/2014 | |
30.01.2014 | NOTIFICATION: No. Estt./RJS/07/2014 Dated : 30.01.2014 | |
27.01.2014 | Tender Notice - S.No. 22 Dated: 24.01.2014 (District & Sessions Judge, Bikaner) | |
22.01.2014 | N O T I C E : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2014/77 Dated : 22.01.2014 (Regarding Preliminary Examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
18.01.2014 | Tender Notice - SK/HC/2013-14/224 Dated : 18.01.2014 (For printing Telephone Directory Year-2014) | |
16.01.2014 | Tender Notice - RHCB/STORE/2013-2014/14 Dated : 10.01.2014 (For Computers/Printers/Visitor Chairs) | |
15.01.2014 | NOTIFICATION : No. Estt.(RJS)/06/2014 Dated : 15.01.2014 | |
10.01.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/05/2014 | |
10.01.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/04/2014 | |
09.01.2014 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/03/2014 | |
09.01.2014 | Govt. Order No. F.9(1)Nyay/89 Dated : 09.01.2014 | |
09.01.2014 | Govt. Order No. F.27(17)Nyay/2006 Dated : 09.01.2014 | |
04.01.2014 | Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2013-14/214 Dated : 04.01.2014 | |
23.12.2013 | Govt. Order No. P9(1)Nyay/89 Dated : 23.12.2013 | |
23.12.2013 | ORDER NO. Estt. (RJS)/170/2013 | |
21.12.2013 | RJS Rules, 2010 (as amended from time to time) | |
21.12.2013 | ORDER NO. Estt. (RJS)/168/2013 | |
20.12.2013 | ORDER NO. Estt. (RJS)/167/2013 | |
19.12.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/166/2013 | |
13.12.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/165/2013 | |
12.12.2013 | ORDER : National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi (File No.: NGT/PB/266/2013/302 Dated : 11.12.2013) | |
10.12.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/163/2013 | |
10.12.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/162/2013 | |
10.12.2013 | Mega Lok Adalat Causelist (Jodhpur) Dated : 13.12.2013 | |
10.12.2013 | ORDER : National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi (File No.: NGT/PB/266/2013 Dated : 02.12.2013) | |
10.12.2013 | ORDER : National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi (File No.: NGT/PB/266/2013 Dated : 27.11.2013) | |
04.12.2013 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/160/2013 Dated: 04.12.2013 (Regarding Induction Training of Newly Appointed Civil Judges (Junior Division)) | |
02.12.2013 | Notification No. 15/E.V./2013 Dated : 02.12.2013 (Regarding holidays in Civil Courts for the year 2014) | |
02.12.2013 | Notification No. 14/E.V./2013 Dated : 02.12.2013 (Regarding holidays in Rajasthan High Court for the year 2014) | |
29.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/159/2013 Dated : 29.11.2013 | |
28.11.2013 | Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2013-14/174 Dated : 28.11.2013 Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2013-14/175 Dated : 28.11.2013 [Regarding Tablets (Wi-Fi & 3G), Iron Racks, Purchase & Binding of Books, Work of Photocopies] | |
28.11.2013 | ORDER No. 08/MISC./2013 Dated : 22.11.2013 | |
27.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/158/2013 | |
25.11.2013 | S C H E M E of Examination and Syllabus for Recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre - 2013 | |
25.11.2013 | I N S T R U C T I O N S with format for filling Online Application Form (Competitive examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
25.11.2013 | A D V E R T I S E M E N T No. : RHCJ/Exam Cell/RJS/Civil Judge Cadre/2013/510 Dated : 25.11.2013 (Competitive examination for recruitment in the Civil Judge Cadre, 2013) | |
23.11.2013 | Tender Notice No. SK/HC/2013-14/165 Dated : 23.11.2013 (Regarding wooden table,rack,chair etc.) | |
22.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist Dated 23.11.2013 (Jodhpur) | |
22.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist Dated 23.11.2013 (Jaipur) | |
21.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Causelist Dated 23.11.2013 (Jodhpur) | |
21.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Causelist Dated 23.11.2013 (Jaipur) | |
20.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist Dated 21.11.2013 Bench No. 2 | |
20.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Causelist Dated 22.11.2013 Bench No. 1, 2, 3, 4 | |
19.11.2013 | Notice and Amended Notice : Regarding National Lok Adalat Cases | |
19.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Causelist Dated 21.11.2013 Bench No. 1, 2, 3, 4 | |
18.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/156/2013 | |
18.11.2013 | N O T I C E : Regarding National Lok Adalat Cases | |
18.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist Dated 20.11.2013 Bench No. 1 & 2 | |
18.11.2013 | National Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist Dated 19.11.2013 Bench No. 1 & 2 | |
18.11.2013 | NATIONAL LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - DATED 20.11.2013 | |
18.11.2013 | NATIONAL LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - DATED 19.11.2013 | |
17.11.2013 | Proposals of Public Sector Insurance Companies for settlement in National Lok Adalat | |
16.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/153/2013 | |
16.11.2013 | NATIONAL LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST (BENCH NO. 1,2,3) Dated 18.11.2013 - Rajasthan High Court Old Building Campus, Jaipur | |
14.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/152/2013 | |
11.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/150/2013 | |
11.11.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.19(20)Judl./98 | |
08.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/149/2013 | |
06.11.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/148/2013 | |
31.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/147/2013 | |
25.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/144/2013 | |
25.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/143/2013 | |
21.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/142/2013 | |
19.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/141/2013 | |
19.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/140/2013 | |
11.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/139/2013 | |
09.10.2013 | Tender Notice No. : RHCB/STORE/2013-2014/231 Dated : 04.10.2013 (Regarding Printing of Cause List) | |
08.10.2013 | NOTICE : NO. RHC/Exam Cell/2013/459 Dated : 08.10.2013 ( Answer Keys regarding Direct Recruitment to District Judge Cadre-2011 exam held on 5th and 6th May, 2012 ) | |
04.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/133/2013 | |
03.10.2013 | ORDER - No.CONF./HCJ/COMMITTEE/2013/XVIII Date: 01.10.2013 | |
03.10.2013 | ORDER : NO.14/S.O./2013 Dated : 03.10.2013 | |
03.10.2013 | STANDING ORDER : NO.13/S.O./2013 Dated : 03.10.2013 | |
01.10.2013 | STANDING ORDER : NO.12/S.O./2013 Dated : 01.10.2013 | |
01.10.2013 | STANDING ORDER : NO.11/S.O./2013 Dated : 01.10.2013 | |
01.10.2013 | STANDING ORDER : NO.10/S.O./2013 Dated : 01.10.2013 | |
01.10.2013 | STANDING ORDER : NO.09/S.O./2013 Dated : 01.10.2013 | |
01.10.2013 | STANDING ORDER : NO.08/S.O./2013 Dated : 01.10.2013 | |
01.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/131/2013 | |
01.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/130/2013 | |
01.10.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/129/2013 | |
24.09.2013 | ORDER NO. Estt. (RJS)/128/2013 | |
21.09.2013 | LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - DATED 28.09.2013 - JODHPUR | |
20.09.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt. (RJS)/127/2013 Dated: 20.09.2013 | |
20.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.19(20)Nyay/98 Dated : 19.09.2013 | |
20.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.9(1)Nyay/89 Dated : 19.09.2013 | |
17.09.2013 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST (BENCH NO. 1,2,3) - Date: 20.09.2013 | |
17.09.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt. (RJS)/126/2013 Dated: 16.09.2013 | |
12.09.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt. (RJS)/125/2013 | |
12.09.2013 | C I R C U L A R : No. 14/P.I./2013 Dated : 12.09.2013 | |
12.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.9(1)Nyay/89 Dated : 10.09.2013 | |
10.09.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/124/2013 | |
10.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.8(7)Vidhi-2/90 Dated : 10.09.2013 | |
10.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.19(14)Nyay/98 Dated : 10.09.2013 | |
10.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.2(1)Nyay/2010 Dated : 10.09.2013 | |
10.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.4(1)udh/II/2010 Dated : 06.09.2013 | |
10.09.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/97/2013 | |
10.09.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/96/2013 | |
10.09.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/95/2013 | |
08.09.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/123/2013 | |
06.09.2013 | ORDER No. Estt. (RJS)/122/2013 Dated : 06.09.2013 | |
06.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.19(20)Nyay Dated : 05.09.2013 | |
06.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.27(17)Nyay Dated : 05.09.2013 | |
06.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.19(2)Nyay Dated : 05.09.2013 | |
06.09.2013 | Tender Notice - S.No. SK/HC/2013-14/100 Dated: 05.09.2013 | |
05.09.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/121/2013 Dated : 05.09.2013 | |
05.09.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/120/2013 Dated : 05.09.2013 | |
05.09.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.1(47)LE/79 Dated : 05.09.2013 | |
03.09.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/118/2013 Dated : 03.09.2013 | |
31.08.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/117/2013 Dated : 31.08.2013 | |
30.08.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/116/2013 Dated : 30.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/115/2013 Dated : 27.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/114/2013 Dated : 27.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | O R D E R No. Estt.(RJS)/113/2013 Dated : 27.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | O R D E R No. 12/E.V./2013 Dated : 27.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.19(20)Nyay/98 Dated : 27.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.8(7)vidhi-2/90 Dated : 27.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.9(1)Nyay/89 Dated : 26.08.2013 | |
27.08.2013 | Govt. Order No. F.2(4)Nyay/09 | |
26.08.2013 | ORDER No. Estt.(RJS)/112/2013 Dated : 26.08.2013 | |
24.08.2013 | NOTICE No. RHC/Exam Cell/2013/319 Dated : 24.08.2013 (Interview of the candidates regarding recruitment to the post of Proof Reader) | |
23.08.2013 | ORDER No. Estt./HC/2013/313 Dated : 23.08.2013 (Regarding Junior Personal Assistant appointment) | |
23.08.2013 | ORDER No. Estt.(RJS)/110/2013 Dated : 23.08.2013 | |
21.08.2013 | Tender Notice ( Regarding Govt. vehicle accessories, tyres, paper shredder machines, folding chairs and AMC of photostat machines ) | |
19.08.2013 | CIRCULAR No. 12/P.I./2013 Date: 08.08.2013 | |
18.08.2013 | General Notice to public litigants regarding appearance in Rajasthan High Court and Subordinate Courts | |
17.08.2013 | ORDER No. Estt/HC/2013/301 Dated : 17.08.2013 | |
17.08.2013 | NOTIFICATION No. Estt/HC/2013/300 Dated : 17.08.2013 | |
16.08.2013 | NOTICE: No./RHC/Exam Cell/2013/370 Dated: 16.08.2013 - Result of the Competitive Examination, 2013 for the recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant | |
13.08.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/109/2013 Dated: 12.08.2013 | |
12.08.2013 | Statement of marks obtained by 389 candidates of DJ Cadre Examination, 2011 (written exam held on 05 & 06 May, 2012) | |
07.08.2013 | Govt. order no. F.1(2)Nyay/2013 Dated 30.07.2013 | |
06.08.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/99/2013 Dated: 05.08.2013 | |
06.08.2013 | Standing Order - 06/2013 Dated 05.08.2013 | |
03.08.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/98/2013 Dated: 02.08.2013 | |
02.08.2013 | TENDER NOTICE - SK/HC/2013-14/80 Dated: 02.08.2013 | |
29.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/93/2013 | |
27.07.2013 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam Cell/2013/278 Dated : 27.07.2013 ( Regarding Final result of the examination held for the posts of Junior Judicial Assistant ) | |
26.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/94/2013 Dated: 26.07.2013 | |
26.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/92/2013 Dated: 24.07.2013 | |
25.07.2013 | Scheme For Engaging Law Clerks Cum Legal Research Assistant in Rajasthan High Court | |
19.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/91/2013 Dated: 19.07.2013 | |
17.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/89/2013 Dated: 17.07.2013 | |
16.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/88/2013 Dated: 16.07.2013 | |
16.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/87/2013 Dated: 16.07.2013 | |
16.07.2013 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST (BENCH NO. 1,2,3) Dated 19.07.2013 - JAIPUR | |
15.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/86/2013 Dated: 14.07.2013 | |
09.07.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/84/2013 Dated: 08.07.2013 | |
01.07.2013 | General Instructions for the candidates : Regarding typewriting test for the recruitment to the post of Jr. J.A. scheduled to be held on 7th July, 2013 | |
27.06.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt (RJS)/81/2013 Dated: 24.06.2013 | |
25.06.2013 | Download Admission Card (JJA Typewriting Exam) | |
21.06.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/81/2013 Dated: 21.06.2013 | |
17.06.2013 | Publication of roll number wise list for recruitment to the post of Jr. J.A. Regarding Typewriting Test (No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2013/304 Dated : 17.06.2013) | |
12.06.2013 | NOTICE : No. RHCB/Exam.Cell/2013/234 Dated : 12.06.2013 (Regarding Typewriting Test) | |
07.06.2013 | Govt. Order No. 2(4)Nyay/96 Dated 16.05.2013 | |
05.06.2013 | NOTICE - No. RHCB/Exam Cell/2013/228 Date: 05.06.2013 | |
05.06.2013 | Tender Notice : No. RHCB/STORE/2013-2014/82 Dated : 03.06.2013 (Regarding Electronic/Furniture/Vehicle items) | |
03.06.2013 | Download Admission Card (Regarding competitive examination, 2013 for recruitment to the post of Jr. P.A.) | |
03.06.2013 | NOTIFICATION : No. Estt/HC/2013/183 Dated : 03.06.2013 ( Regarding list of successful candidates for engagement of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant) | |
03.06.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/75/2013 Dated: 01.06.2013 | |
29.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/74/2013 Dated: 29.05.2013 | |
27.05.2013 | General Instructions of Competitive Examination, 2013 for Recruitment to the post of Jr. P.A. | |
27.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/73/2013 Dated: 27.05.2013 | |
27.05.2013 | NOTIFICATION - No. 05/Misc./2013 Date: 25.05.2013 | |
25.05.2013 | NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2013/290 Dated 25.05.2013 ( Regarding result of the examination for recruitment to District Judge Cadre, 2011 by way of Limited Competitive Examination | |
25.05.2013 | NOTICE: No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2013/289 Dated 25.05.2013 ( Regarding result of the examination for recruitment to District Judge Cadre, 2011 by way of Direct Recruitment Examination | |
23.05.2013 | NOTIFICATION No. 04/Misc./2013 Date: 23.05.2013 | |
22.05.2013 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2013/273 Dated : 22.05.2013 (Regarding rejected application forms for the competitive examinations, 2013 for the post of Junior Personal Assistant) | |
22.05.2013 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2013/272 Dated : 22.05.2013 (Roll Number wise list of candidates who have been provisionally allowed to appear in the competitive examination, 2013 for recruitment to the post of Junior Personal Assistant) | |
21.05.2013 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Exam.Cell/2013/270 Dated : 21.05.2013 ( Regarding schedule of competitive examination, 2013 for recruitment to the post of "Junior Personal Assistant") | |
21.05.2013 | LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST-DATED 25.05.2013-JODHPUR | |
20.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/71/2013 Dated: 20.05.2013 | |
16.05.2013 | N O T I C E : ( Regarding in continuation of abridged advertisement dated 05.03.2013 ) | |
16.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/70/2013 Dated: 16.05.2013 | |
15.05.2013 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST (BENCH NO. 1, 2 ) Dated 17.05.2013 - JAIPUR | |
14.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/69/2013 Dated: 14.05.2013 | |
13.05.2013 | TENDER NOTICE ( Regarding Vardi Stitching ) | |
10.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/66/2013 Dated: 10.05.2013 | |
10.05.2013 | NOTICE : (Information regarding application forms of candidates who have applied for Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant) | |
09.05.2013 | NOTICE - ( Personal Interview Schedule List of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant ) | |
08.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/65/2013 Dated: 08.05.2013 | |
07.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/64/2013 Dated: 07.05.2013 | |
07.05.2013 | TENDER NOTICE NO.: RHCB/STORE/2013-14/62 (regarding miscellaneous items) | |
07.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/62/2013 Dated: 06.05.2013 | |
06.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/63/2013 Dated: 06.05.2013 | |
06.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt.B2(v)1/2013/6264 Dated : 06.05.2013 | |
06.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt.B2(v)1/2013/6263 Dated : 06.05.2013 | |
04.05.2013 | No.Estt.B2(v)/TP/2013/6257 Dated : 04.05.2013 (Regarding work-arrangement of Judicial Officers. | |
04.05.2013 | No.Estt.B2(v)/TP/2013/6256 Dated : 04.05.2013 (Regarding work-arrangement of Judicial Officers. | |
04.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/60/2013 Date: 04.05.2013 | |
01.05.2013 | ORDER - No. Estt. (RJS)/53/2013 Date: 01.05.2013 | |
01.05.2013 | NOTICE : No./RHCB/Exam Cell/2013/204 Dated: 01.05.2013 | |
30.04.2013 | NOTICE : No. RHCB/Exam.Cell/203 Dated : 30.04.2013 ( Regarding interview of DJ Cadre examination, 2011 ) | |
30.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/52/2013 | |
27.04.2013 | TENDER NOTICE NO.: RHCB/STORE/2013-2014/45 Dated : 17.04.2013 (regarding stationary, printing work, computer items) | |
26.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/51/2013 | |
26.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/50/2013 | |
26.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/49/2013 | |
26.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/48/2013 | |
26.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/47/2013 | |
26.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/45/2013 | |
26.04.2013 | CIRCULAR No. P.I./6/2013 Dated : 22.04.2013 | |
26.04.2013 | TENDER NOTICE : No. SK/HC/2013-2014/9 Dated : 22.04.2013 | |
24.04.2013 | NOTICE - NO.RHCB/GEN./2013/150 DATED 24.04.2013 | |
24.04.2013 | NOTICE - NO.E.V./07/2013 DATED 24.04.2013 | |
23.04.2013 | NOTICE - No. E.V./06/2013 Dated: 23.04.2013 | |
17.04.2013 | CIRCULAR - No. P.I./05/2013 Date: 10.04.2013 | |
15.04.2013 | TENDER NOTICE : No. RHCB/2013/133 Dated : 05.04.2013 | |
15.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/43/2013 | |
15.04.2013 | No. Estt. B2(v)/TP/13/2013/5232 Date: 13.04.2013 | |
09.04.2013 | N O T I F I C A T I O N : No. 05/E.V./2013 Dated : 09.04.2013 (Regarding Holidays for the Civil Courts) | |
09.04.2013 | N O T I F I C A T I O N : No. 04/E.V./2013 Dated : 09.04.2013 (Regarding Holidays for the Rajasthan High Court) | |
09.04.2013 | O R D E R : No. Estt. (RJS)/42/2013 | |
08.04.2013 | No. Estt. B2(v)1/2013/5053 Dated: 08.04.2013 | |
04.04.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/41/2013 | |
04.04.2013 | NOTICE : No./Exam Cell/RHCB/JPR/2013/167 Dated : 04.04.2013 | |
03.04.2013 | NOTICE : No.RHCB/Exam Cell/2013/164 Dated : 03.04.2013 ( Information regarding recruitment to District Judge Cadre, 2011) | |
01.04.2013 | MODIFIED NOTICE : No.: RHC/ Exam Cell/162 Dated : 01.04.2013 | |
01.04.2013 | NOTICE : No./Exam Cell/RHCB/JPR./161 Dated : 01.04.2013 | |
31.03.2013 | NOTIFICATION - No. Estt.(RJS)/39/2013 Dated: 31.03.2013 | |
31.03.2013 | NOTIFICATION - No. Estt.(RJS)/38/2013 Dated: 31.03.2013 | |
29.03.2013 | Notification: No. RHC/Exam Cell/157 Dated 29.03.2013 (regarding Roll No. of the Candidates for the Main Exam of Junior Judicial Assistant Recruitment) | |
25.03.2013 | ORDER : No. Estt. (RJS)/37/2013 | |
23.03.2013 | LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - JAIPUR Dated: 30.03.2013 | |
21.03.2013 | O R D E R - No. Estt./HC/2013/94 Date : 21.03.2013 ( Regarding appointment of Library Restorer ) | |
21.03.2013 | N O T I F I C A T I O N - No. Estt./HC/2013/92 Date: 21.03.2013 | |
21.03.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/36/2013 | |
19.03.2013 | Information regarding newly created Special Courts (Women Atrocities Cases) (No. 2(4)Nyay/12 Dated : 07.03.2013) | |
15.03.2013 | Tender Notice : No.-Store/RHCB/13/450 Dated : 15.03.2013 | |
11.03.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/32/2013 | |
08.03.2013 | No. CONF/HCJ/Committee/2013/X Dated: 08.03.2013 | |
07.03.2013 | Store Section - Tender Notice | |
05.03.2013 | ABRIDGED ADVERTISEMENT - No. Estt/HC/2013/69 Dated : 05.03.2013 ( regarding applications for contractual engagement of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant) | |
05.03.2013 | S.No. P1(47) Labour /79/Part | |
05.03.2013 | NOTICE - No.:RHCB/Exam. Cell/2013/129 Dated 05.03.2013 ( regarding time table of Jr. Judicial Assistant recruitment main exam ) | |
02.03.2013 | CORRIGENDUM (regarding order no. Estt. (RJS)/31/2013 dt. 01.03.2013) | |
01.03.2013 | Order : No. CONF/HCJ/COMMITTEE/2013/IX Date: 01.03.2013 | |
01.03.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/31/2013 | |
25.02.2013 | No. CONF/HCJ/Committee/2013/VIII Date: 25.02.2013 | |
25.02.2013 | Tender Notice - RHCB/STORE/2012-2013/372 Dated 06.02.2013 | |
21.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/28/2013 | |
21.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/27/2013 | |
21.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/25/2013 | |
18.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/24/2013 | |
14.02.2013 | Notification No. RHCB/Examcell/2013/54 Dated : 14.02.2013 ( Regarding result of Preliminary Examination held on 27.01.2013 for recruitment to the post of Junior Judicial Assistant ) | |
08.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/23/2013 | |
07.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/22/2013 | |
07.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/21/2013 | |
06.02.2013 | STANDING ORDER : No. S.O./01/2013 Dated : 06.02.2013 | |
06.02.2013 | LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - JAIPUR Dated: 11.02.2013 | |
05.02.2013 | CORRIGENDUM : No.Estt/HC/2013/40 dated 05.02.2013 ( regarding Personal Interviews of the candidates for the post of Library Restorer ) | |
04.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/13/2013 | |
04.02.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/12/2013 | |
29.01.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/10/2013 | |
29.01.2013 | Code of conduct for Subordinate Judicial Officers (No. 06/P.I./2008 dt. 29.07.2008, No. P.I./1/2013/177 dt. 24.01.2013) | |
28.01.2013 | List of candidates with roll numbers, date and time for Personal Interview for the post of Library Restorer | |
28.01.2013 | NOTICE : RHCB/Exam Cell/2013/45 Dated : 28.01.2013 ( regarding answer keys of Jr. Judicial Assistant recruitment preliminary examination held on27.01.2013) | |
24.01.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/08/2013 | |
24.01.2013 | LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - JODHPUR Dated : 02.02.2013 | |
23.01.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/07/2013 | |
23.01.2013 | Jr.J.A. Exam - Instructions for Candidates (Amended) | |
23.01.2013 | LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - JAIPUR Dated: 29.01.2013 | |
18.01.2013 | Tender for Dell Laptop | |
17.01.2013 | Jr.J.A. Exam - Instructions for Candidates | |
15.01.2013 | NOTICE : No. RHC/Examination Cell/27 Dated 15.01.2013 | |
15.01.2013 | NOTIFICATION: No.Estt./RJS/06/2013 | |
11.01.2013 | Apply online for Jr. P.A./Proof Reader | |
11.01.2013 | Notification: Regarding amendments in Raj. Subordinate Courts Ministerial Establishment Rules, 1986 | |
09.01.2013 | NOTIFICATION : NO. ESTT/HC/2013/20 ( regarding on-line applications for the post of Junior Personal Assistant (English) | |
09.01.2013 | NOTIFICATION : NO. ESTT/HC/2013/19 ( regarding on-line applications for the post of Proof Reader) | |
08.01.2013 | Jr. J.A. recruitment exam : Download Admission Card | |
08.01.2013 | Notice: RHC/Examination Cell/Jpr/2 Dated 07.01.2013 | |
07.01.2013 | Jr. J.A. recruitment exam : Roll number wise and centre wise list of candidates | |
07.01.2013 | Notice: RHC/Examination Cell/3 Dated 07.01.2013 | |
05.01.2013 | Notice: RHC/Examination Cell/500 Dated 05.01.2013 | |
03.01.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/02/2013 | |
02.01.2013 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/01/2013 | |
24.12.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/114/2012 | |
20.12.2012 | Notice RHC/Exam. Cell/2012/227 Dated: 20.12.2012 | |
20.12.2012 | Govt. Order DLB/06/15602 Dated 02.11.2012 | |
15.12.2012 | Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules 2002 ( Amended upto November 2012 ) | |
15.12.2012 | CORRIGENDUM :: No. Estt.(RJS)/113/2012 Date : 15.12.2012 | |
14.12.2012 | No. RHC/Exam Cell/2012/215 Dated: 14.12.2012 | |
06.12.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/111/2012 | |
05.12.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/110/2012 | |
04.12.2012 | STANDING ORDER : No. 12/S.O./2012 Dated : 04.12.2012 | |
29.11.2012 | TENDER NOTICE : No. S.K./H.C./2012-13/152 Dated : 27.11.2012 | |
27.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/108/2012 | |
23.11.2012 | Govt. order no. P.9(1)Nyay/89 Dated 21.11.2012 | |
23.11.2012 | Govt. order no. P.19(20)Nyay/98-Part Dated 21.11.2012 | |
23.11.2012 | Govt. order no. P.19(20)Nyay/98 Dated 21.11.2012 | |
23.11.2012 | Govt. order no. P.27(17)Nyay/06 Dated 21.11.2012 | |
23.11.2012 | Govt. order no. P.27(17)Nyay/06-Part Dated 21.11.2012 | |
22.11.2012 | Govt. order no. 2(4)Nyay/96 Dated 21.11.2012 | |
22.11.2012 | Standing Order 11/S.O./2012 Dated : 21.11.2012 | |
22.11.2012 | Standing Order 10/S.O./2012 Dated : 21.11.2012 | |
21.11.2012 | Notification No. 10/E.V./2012 regarding holidays in Civil Courts for the year 2013 | |
21.11.2012 | Notification No. 09/E.V./2012 regarding holidays in Rajasthan High Court for the year 2013 | |
20.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/107/2012 | |
19.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/105/2012 | |
17.11.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST ( BENCH NO. 1, 2, 3 ) - 23.11.2012 - JAIPUR | |
17.11.2012 | Govt. order no. 1(1)Nyay/2012 Dated 31.10.2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/104/2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Govt. order no. F.1(1)Nyay 2012 Dated 2.11.2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Govt. order no. F.10(4)Nyay Dated 18.10.2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Govt. order no. F.10(4)Nyay Dated 18.10.2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Govt. order no. 2(4)Nyay/98 Dated 7.11.2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Govt. order no. 2(4)Nyay/98 Dated 26.10.2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Govt. order no. F.10(4)Nyay/98 Dated 18.10.2012 | |
16.11.2012 | Govt. order no. F.10(4)Nyay/98 Dated 18.10.2012 | |
11.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/103/2012 | |
11.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/102/2012 | |
07.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/97/2012 | |
05.11.2012 | Regarding declaring successor court of the abolished ADJ Fast Track Courts. | |
05.11.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.10(4)Nyay/98 | |
05.11.2012 | Order No. General/II/03/2012 | |
05.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/95/2012 | |
01.11.2012 | Corrigendum (No. Estt. (RJS)/93/2012) | |
01.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/92/2012 | |
01.11.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/91/2012 | |
30.10.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/90/2012 | |
25.10.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/89/2012 | |
19.10.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/88/2012 | |
19.10.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/87/2012 | |
10.10.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/86/2012 | |
09.10.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/85/2012 | |
03.10.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/84/2012 | |
25.09.2012 | Rules of the High Court of Judicature for Rajasthan,1952 | |
25.09.2012 | Standing Order 08/S.O./2012 Dated : 25.09.2012 | |
25.09.2012 | Standing Order 07/S.O./2012 Dated : 25.09.2012 | |
17.09.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST ( BENCH NO. 1, 2, 3 ) - 21.09.2012 - JAIPUR | |
11.09.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/82/2012 | |
11.09.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/81/2012 | |
10.09.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/80/2012 | |
06.09.2012 | Order No. Gen/XV(TRNG.)/33/2012/3467-3477 | |
05.09.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/79/2012 | |
05.09.2012 | List of cases which are likely to be listed in next Mega Lok Adalat dated 21.09.2012 | |
04.09.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/78/2012 | |
30.08.2012 | Appointment of Court Manager (High Court) Court Manager (District Court) under 13th Finance Commission Grant. | |
27.08.2012 | Lok Adalat Supplementary Causelist Dated : 29.08.2012 | |
22.08.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/77/2012 | |
18.08.2012 | Lok Adalat Causelist Dated : 29.08.2012 | |
17.08.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/76/2012 | |
16.08.2012 | Tender Notice : Regarding for annual maintenance of Photostat machines. | |
09.08.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/74/2012 | |
07.08.2012 | Marksheet of the Examination for recruitment to DJ Cadre, 2011 by way of Direct Recruitment / Limited Competitive Examination Examination | |
07.08.2012 | CIRCULAR : Regarding applications for grant of Leave to the Officers of Subordinate Judiciary | |
07.08.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/73/2012 | |
07.08.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.9(1)Nyay | |
07.08.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.19(20)Nyay/98 | |
07.08.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.27(17)Nyay/06 | |
07.08.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.27(17)Nyay/06 | |
07.08.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.9(1)Nyay/89 | |
07.08.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.9(1)Nyay/89 | |
06.08.2012 | NOTICE : Result of the examination for recruitment to DJ Cadre, 2011 by way of Limited Competitive Examination | |
06.08.2012 | NOTICE : Result of the examination for recruitment to DJ Cadre, 2011 by way of Direct Recruitment | |
03.08.2012 | ORDER : No. CONF./HCJ/COMMITTEE/2012/26 : Date 03.08.2012 | |
03.08.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/72/2012 | |
31.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/71/2012 | |
24.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/70/2012 | |
24.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/69/2012 | |
20.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/68/2012 | |
18.07.2012 | TENDER NOTICE : No. RHCB/S.K./2012-2013/109 Dated : 12.07.2012 | |
18.07.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT SUPPLEMANTRY CAUSELIST (BENCH NO. 1, 3) - 20.07.2012 - JAIPUR | |
18.07.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST ( BENCH NO. 4 ) - 20.07.2012 - JAIPUR | |
17.07.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST ( BENCH NO. 1, 2, 3 ) - 20.07.2012 - JAIPUR | |
12.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/67/2012 | |
12.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/66/2012 | |
10.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/65/2012 | |
09.07.2012 | TENDER NOTICE : No. S.K./HC/2012-13/70 Dated : 09.07.2012 | |
05.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/63/2012 | |
05.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/62/2012 | |
01.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/58/2012 | |
01.07.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/57/2012 | |
19.06.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/56/2012 | |
11.06.2012 | Standing Order 03/2012 Dated : 11.06.2012 | |
10.06.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/55/2012 | |
08.06.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/54/2012 | |
05.06.2012 | NOTIFICATION No. 05/Misc./2012 Dated: 05/06/2012 | |
04.06.2012 | TENDER NOTICE : No. RHCB/S.K./2012-13/73 Dated : 01.06.2012 | |
04.06.2012 | TENDER NOTICE : No. RHCB/S.K./2012-13/71 Dated : 31.05.2012 | |
02.06.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/53/2012 | |
30.05.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/52/2012 | |
30.05.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/51/2012 | |
30.05.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/50/2012 | |
30.05.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/49/2012 | |
30.05.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/48/2012 | |
26.05.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/33/2012 | |
23.05.2012 | NOTIFICATION (No. 04/Misc./2012 | |
21.05.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 25.05.2012 - JAIPUR | |
17.05.2012 | LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 19.05.2012 - JODHPUR | |
07.05.2012 | TENDER NOTICE : No. SK/HC/2012-13/15 Dated : 05.05.2012 | |
03.05.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order - No. Estt.(RJS/32/2012 | |
03.05.2012 | Govt. Order No.F.2(1)Nyay/2010 - Dated 03.05.2012 | |
03.05.2012 | N O T I C E : No. RHC/Exam cell/2012/ 302 : Dated - 03.05.2012 | |
03.05.2012 | N O T I C E : No. RHC/Exam cell/2012/ 301 : Dated - 03.05.2012 | |
02.05.2012 | Corrigendum-No. Estt.(RJS)/31/2012 | |
01.05.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order - No. Estt.(RJS/30/2012 | |
23.04.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order - No. Estt.(RJS/29/2012 | |
21.04.2012 | Order No Estt.(RJS)/28/2012 | |
16.04.2012 | Notification (Government of Rajasthan) Dated : 13.04.2012 | |
10.04.2012 | NOTIFICATION No. 07/E.V./2012 - 10.04.2012 | |
10.04.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order - No. Estt.(RJS/27/2012 | |
05.04.2012 | NOTIFICATION No. 06/E.V./2012 - 05.04.2012 | |
02.04.2012 | NOTIFICATION No. 5/E.V./2012 - 02.04.2012 | |
30.03.2012 | NOTICE : Regarding to Download Admission Card ( DJ Cadre Examination, 2011 ) | |
30.03.2012 | Download Admission Card ( DJ Cadre Examination, 2011) | |
28.03.2012 | Seating Plan for Candidates of Limited Competitive Examination ( DJ Cadre Examination, 2011) | |
28.03.2012 | Seating Plan for Candidates of Direct Recruitment ( DJ Cadre Examination, 2011) | |
19.03.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/24/2012 | |
19.03.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/23/2012 | |
16.03.2012 | No. RHC/Exam cell/ 2012/49 - Corrigendum | |
13.03.2012 | Appointment of Court Manager (High Court) Court Manager (District) under 13th Finance Commission Grant. | |
13.03.2012 | N O T I F I C A T I O N - 05.03.2012 ( Rajasthan Gazette) | |
12.03.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/21/2012 | |
12.03.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/20/2012 | |
12.03.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 17.03.2012 - JODHPUR | |
12.03.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 16.03.2012 - JAIPUR | |
05.03.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/19/2012 - Transfer-Posting-Order | |
02.03.2012 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/18/2012 - Transfer-Posting-Order | |
29.02.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/15/2012-Transfer-Posting-Order | |
28.02.2012 | Order No. Estt. (RJS)/14/2012 | |
24.02.2012 | Notice No.Gen/03/2012 | |
24.02.2012 | Order No.Conf./HCJ/Committee/2012/06 | |
24.02.2012 | Pecuniary jurisdiction of different courts | |
24.02.2012 | Order : No. Estt. (RJS)/13/2012 | |
23.02.2012 | N O T I F I C A T I O N (Relating to Exam) | |
17.02.2012 | Resolution regarding ratio of Objective type question to given in law paper I and law paper II of District Judge Cadre Examination, 2011 | |
17.02.2012 | Appointment of Court Manager (High Court) Court Manager (District) under 13th Finance Commission Grant. | |
15.02.2012 | O R D E R | |
10.02.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
10.02.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order : No. Estt. (RJS)/09/2012 | |
02.02.2012 | Order No.F19(5)Nyay/2011 Dt. 21.07.2011 has been modified vide Order Dt. 02.01.2012 & 27.01.2012 | |
25.01.2012 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
23.01.2012 | O R D E R | |
18.01.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 21.01.2012 - JODHPUR | |
18.01.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
16.01.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
09.01.2012 | TENDER NOTICE | |
07.01.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
06.01.2012 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 12.01.2012 - JAIPUR | |
04.01.2012 | Regarding Confidential Report of the Judicial Officer : PERSONAL DATA & APPENDIX - C | |
03.01.2012 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
20.12.2011 | Information regarding Appointment of Law Clerk-Cum-Legal Research Assistant | |
20.12.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
17.12.2011 | Notification regarding vacancies for the post of Junior Judicial Assistant | |
13.12.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
12.12.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
29.11.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
28.11.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
24.11.2011 | Appointment of Law Clerk-Cum-Legal Research Assistant | |
22.11.2011 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST : DATE 26.11.2011 : J O D H P U R | |
21.11.2011 | Appointment of Court Manager (High Court) Court Manager (District) under 13th Finance Commission Grant. | |
21.11.2011 | Appointment of Law Clerk-Cum-Legal Research Assistant | |
15.11.2011 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST : DATE 19.11.2011 | |
14.11.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
03.11.2011 | Call Letter for Personal Interview for contractual engagement of Law Clerk-Cum-Legal Research Assistant-2011 | |
28.10.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
28.10.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
22.10.2011 | Call Letter for Personal Interview for contractual engagement of Law Clerk-Cum-Legal Research Assistant-2011 | |
18.10.2011 | Tender : Regarding printing of Causelist | |
12.10.2011 | Order | |
29.09.2011 | Engagement of Law Clerk-cum-Legal Research Assistant | |
15.09.2011 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 17.09.2011 - JODHPUR | |
13.09.2011 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST - 16.09.2011 - JAIPUR | |
11.08.2011 | Tender form for causelist printing | |
Instructions for Civil Judges (Jr.Div.) who shall be joining Second Phase Reflective Institutional Induction Training | ||
10.08.2011 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/127/2011 | |
10.08.2011 | Order No. Estt.(RJS)/126/2011 | |
28.07.2011 | ORDER-No. Estt.(RJS)/120/2011 | |
19.07.2011 | ORDER-No.Estt./HC/2011/200 | |
19.07.2011 | ORDER-No.Estt./HC/2011/199 | |
19.07.2011 | NOTIFICATION: NO. Estt.(RJS)112/2011 | |
19.07.2011 | NOTIFICATION: NO. Estt.(RJS)111/2011 | |
14.07.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
14.07.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
13.07.2011 | Appointment of Court Manager (High Court) Court Manager (District) under 13th Finance Commission Grant. | |
12.07.2011 | Order | |
06.07.2011 | Tender notice regarding Causelist | |
28.06.2011 | Tender for AMC of Machines | |
27.06.2011 | Appointment of Court Manager (High Court) Court Manager (District) under 13th Finance Commission Grant. | |
27.06.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
23.06.2011 | Notice - Swearing-In-Ceremony of Hon'ble Miss Justice Bela Madhurya Trivedi | |
21.06.2011 | TENDER - For Laptop | |
08.06.2011 | Order | |
07.06.2011 | Order | |
07.06.2011 | Appointment of Court Manager (High Court) Court Manager (District Court) Under 13th Finance Commission Grant. | |
07.06.2011 | Order | |
06.06.2011 | Gen/XV/31/2011/2117 | |
03.06.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
03.06.2011 | Notification | |
02.06.2011 | Order | |
01.06.2011 | Order | |
01.06.2011 | Order | |
31.05.2011 | Standing Order-S.O.09/2011 | |
31.05.2011 | Order | |
30.05.2011 | Notification-Sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges | |
28.05.2011 | Order | |
26.05.2011 | Order | |
25.05.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
23.05.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
23.05.2011 | Notification of the Court Managers Joining | |
23.05.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
22.05.2011 | Order | |
19.05.2011 | Order | |
18.05.2011 | Order | |
06.05.2011 | MEGA LOK ADALAT CAUSELIST JAIPUR - 10.05.2011 | |
05.05.2011 | Order | |
02.05.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
29.04.2011 | List of the successful candidates in the Interview of Court Managers | |
25.04.2011 | Order | |
25.04.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
19.04.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
18.04.2011 | Transfer-Posting-Order | |
07.04.2011 | Regarding Email ID for Registrar (Vigilance), Rajasthan High Court. | |
04.04.2011 | Order | |
31.03.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
31.03.2011 | Transfer of cases pending in abolished Fast Track Courts | |
23.03.2011 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
17.03.2011 | Order | |
17.03.2011 | Notification | |
14.03.2011 | Interview of Court Managers: Notice for the change of date & timings | |
05.03.2011 | List of Eligible candidates for the Interview of Court Managers | |
25.02.2011 | Notification for holiday of Mahashivratri | |
23.02.2011 | Order | |
07.02.2011 | Tender Notice - Laptop | |
05.02.2011 | Notification for Court Managers | |
Instructions for Newly Appointed Civil Judges ( Jr. Div. ) | ||
04.02.2011 | Standing Order-S.O.05/2011 | |
03.02.2011 | Government Order - 03.02.2011-Transfer-Posting-Order | |
03.02.2011 | Notification-No.2/S.R.O./2011 | |
22.01.2011 | Notification | |
21.01.2011 | Order | |
21.01.2011 | Order | |
21.01.2011 | Order | |
21.01.2011 | Order | |
20.01.2011 | CIRCULAR | |
18.12.2010 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
16.12.2010 | O R D E R | |
15.12.2010 | N O T I F I C A T I O N | |
15.12.2010 | O R D E R | |
15.11.2010 | Notifications relating to Gram Nyayalayas | |
10.11.2010 | List of Notified Hospitals | |
09.11.2010 | TENDER NOTICE | |
03.11.2010 | N O T I C E | |
22.09.2010 | O R D E R | |
18.09.2010 | Judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court dt.03.05.2010 relating to Negotiable Instrument Act-1881 | |
16.09.2010 | NOTIFICATION | |
04.09.2010 | ORDER | |
01.09.2010 | State Wise List Of Candidates Declared Eligible For Interview | |
30.08.2010 | N O T I C E | |
26.08.2010 | Tender Notice | |
04.08.2010 | ORDER | |
30.07.2010 | Standing Order | |
19.07.2010 | Order of Confirmation : No. Estt. (RJS)/64/2010 | |
19.07.2010 | Order of Confirmation : No. Estt. (RJS)/63/2010 | |
26.05.2010 | Order Estt.(RJS)/51/2010 | |
14.06.2010 | List of candidates permitted provisionally as per Hon'ble High Court's order | |
09.06.2010 | NOTICE | |
09.06.2010 | Roll Numberwise List Of Eligible Candidates For Direct Recruitment Exam 2010 | |
09.06.2010 | Roll Numberwise List Of Eligible Candidates For Limited Competitive Exam 2010 | |
31.05.2010 | Supplementary List Of Eligible Candidates For Direct Recruitment Examination 2010 | |
31.05.2010 | Supplementary List Of Rejected Candidates For Direct Recruitment Examination 2010 | |
25.05.2010 | Notification for Kiosk Inauguration Program at Jodhpur | |
25.05.2010 | Order | |
22.05.2010 | Notification | |
19.05.2010 | List of Candidates Whose Application has been rejected for Direct Recruitment Examination 2010 | |
19.05.2010 | List of Officers Whose Application has been rejected for Limited Competitive Examination 2010 | |
17.05.2010 | List of Eligible Candidates for Direct Recruitment Examination 2010 | |
17.05.2010 | List of Eligible Officers for Limited Competitive Examination 2010 | |
15.04.2010 | Notification for Promotion in DJ Cadre by Limited Competitive Examination | |
15.04.2010 | Notification for Direct Recruitment to DJ Cadre | |
31.03.2010 | Notification of vacancies | |
16.03.2010 | Notification - 16.03.2010 | |
01.12.2009 | Engagement of Law Clerk | |
03.09.2009 | Site Completion Report - IMPORTANT | |
17.08.2009 | Laptop Grievances Escalation Matrix | |
13.08.2009 | Site Readiness Verification Proforma | |
21.07.2009 | Result of Junior Judicial Assistant Examination-2009 | |
15.01.2009 | Notice for Entrance Permission Card in Courts for Litigants | |
25.11.2008 | Instruction Regarding Quarterly Return No-5 Part1 through Internet | |
23.11.2008 | Medical (Law & Legal Affairs Department Notification) |