Rajasthan High Court
Tuesday March 25, 2025
Miscellaneous Orders
Dated Order/ Dispatch Number Description
20.04.2024 Notification No.02.MISC.2024 Dated 20.04.2024 Regarding Nomination of Vacation Judges
15.09.2022 16 Order No 16-Misc-2022 Dated 24-08-2022 Regarding Summer vacation order
12.12.2020 Order related to grant of Super Time Scale to Judicial Officers.
24.03.2020 626 Directions for containment of spread of Corona virus for observance in Rajasthan High Court in supersession of all previous directions
19.03.2020 605 Notification No. PA/RG/Misc./2020/605 Date 19.03.2020 - In view of the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the working strength of non-gazetted staff in the Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/Bench at jaipur shall be reduced by 50 Percent and the staff would be utilized alternatively.
19.03.2020 604 Notification No. PA/RG/Misc./2020/604 Date 19.03.2020
17.03.2020 Misc./2020 Instructions for control and containment over spread of Novel Corona Virus COVID-19 in Rajasthan High Court
11.01.2020 03/EV/2020 Regarding Hoiday and working day in lieu of at Karauli Judgeship for year 2020
10.01.2020 02/EV/2020 Regarding Hoiday and working day in lieu of at Kota Judgeship for year 2020
03.01.2020 01/EV/2020 Regarding Local Hoidays at Rajasthan High Court Principal Seat Johdpur for year 2020
21.06.2019 05 Notification No. 05 Misc. 2019 Date 21.06.2019 regarding reconstitution of Special Division Bench for Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur for 4th week of summer vacation
21.06.2019 04 Notification No. 04 Misc. 2019 Date 21.06.2019 regarding nomination of Honble Mr. Justice Pankaj Bhandari as Vacation Judge for Rajasthan High Court Bench, Jaipur for 24.06.2019
26.11.2018 10/EV/2018 Order regarding Public Holiday on 07.12.2018 due to polling day of Assembly Election-2018, in Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/Jaipur and all Subordinate Courts
25.05.2018 Order No. 05/Misc/2018 Dated 24.05.2018 NOTIFICATION
25.05.2018 Order No. 04/Misc/2018 Dated 24.05.2018 NOTIFICATION (Regarding sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges)
22.05.2018 Order No. 03/Misc/2018 Dated 22.05.2018 NOTIFICATION
22.05.2018 Order No. 02/Misc/2018 Dated 22.05.2018 NOTIFICATION (Regarding sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges)
02.03.2017 Order No. 01/E.V./2017 Dated 02.03.2017 Regarding Local Holidays in Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur ( Year 2017 ) 
16.03.2016 Order No. 03/E.V.2016 Dated 14.03.2016 Regarding change in office time in High Court and Subordinate Courts (11 April 2016 to 03 July, 2016) 
18.02.2016 Order No. 01/E.V.2016 Dated 18.02.2016 Regarding Local Holidays in Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur ( Year 2016 ) 
25.08.2015 No.Gen/XIX/Misc/917/2009/1069 Dated 24.08.2015 Forwarding of information pertaining to disposal of cases by all the Presiding Officers of Courts below 
13.05.2015 No. 04/Misc./2015 Date: 13.05.2015 Regarding Sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges at Principal Seat, Jodhpur & Bench, Jaipur 
16.08.2014 No.Gen./RHCB/2014/380 dt.16.08.2014 Office Order
31.05.2014 No. 09/E.V./2014 Change of working time during in Subordinate Courts/Offices
17.05.2014 No. 09/Misc./2014 NOTIFICATION
08.05.2014 No. 07/Misc./2014 NOTIFICATION (Regarding sitting of Hon'ble Vacation Judges)
13.04.2014 No. 07/E.V./2014 NOTICE
12.04.2014 No. 06/E.V./2014 NOTIFICATION
12.04.2014 No. 05/E.V./2014 NOTIFICATION
01.04.2014 No. Estt.(RJS)/34/2014 NOTIFICATION
01.04.2014 No. Estt.(RJS)/33/2014 NOTIFICATION
06.02.2014 CIRCULAR No. 01/PI/2014 dt. 06.02.2014 (Regarding Transfer Policy for Intra-Judgeship and Inter-Judgeship Transfer of the Staff-members of Subordinate Courts.)
30.01.2014 No. Estt./(RJS/07/2014 dt. 30.01.2014 NOTIFICATION
15.01.2014 No.Estt.(RJS)/06/2014 dt, 15.01.2014 NOTIFICATION
02.12.2013 No. 15/E.V./2013 dt. 02.12.2013 Notification :Regarding holidays in Civil Courts for the year 2014
02.12.2013 No. 14/E.V./2013 dt. 02.12.2013 Notification: Regarding holidays in Raj. High Court for the year 2014
27.08.2013 No. 12/E.V./2013 dt. 27.08.2013 O R D E R
09.04.2013 NO.: 05/E.V./2013 dt. 09.04.2013 N O T I F I C A T I O N
09.04.2013 NO.: 04/E.V./2013 dt. 09.04.2013 N O T I F I C A T I O N
31.03.2013 No. Estt.(RJS)/39/2013 N O T I F I C A T I O N
31.03.2013 No. Estt.(RJS)/38/2013 N O T I F I C A T I O N
15.01.2013 No. Estt./RJS/06/2013 NOTIFICATION
11.01.2013   Notification : Regarding amendments in Rajasthan Subordinate Courts Ministerial Establishment Rules, 1986
21.11.2012 No. 10/E.V./2012 Notification : Regarding holidays in Civil Courts for the year 2013
21.11.2012 No. 09/E.V./2012 Notification : Regarding holidays in Rajasthan High Court for the year 2013
03.08.2012 No.CONF./HCJ/COMMITTEE/ 2012/26 Date : 03.08.2012 Reconstitution the Steering Committee
10.04.2012 No.: 07/E.V./2012 Notification
05.04.2012 No.: 06/E.V./2012 Notification
13.03.2012   Notification - 05.03.2012 ( Rajasthan Gazette)
25.01.2012 Estt./RJS/07/2012 Notification
04.01.2012   Regarding Confidential Report of the Judicial Officer : PERSONAL DATA  & APPENDIX - C
17.12.2011 Estt./HC/2011/346 Notification regarding vacancies for the post of Junior Judicial Assistant
19.07.2011 Estt./HC/2011/200 Order
19.07.2011 Estt./HC/2011/199 Order
14.07.2011 Estt./RJS/105/2011 Notification
14.07.2011 Estt./RJS/104/2011 Notification
03.06.2011 5/Misc./2011 Notification
02.05.2011 3/Misc./2011 Notification
19.04.2011   Notification
07.04.2011 No.R/V/JD/MISC/2011 Regarding Email ID for Registrar(Vigilance), Raj. High Court
31.03.2011   Notification
23.03.2011 No.: 05/E.V./2011 Notification
05.02.2011 No.Estt./HC/2011/14 Notification for Court Managers
03.02.2011 No.2/S.R.O./2011 Notification
22.01.2011 Gen./LP/12/01/99/326 Notification
18.12.2010 07/Misc./2010 Notification
15.12.2010 06/Misc./2010 Notification
15.11.2010   Notifications relating to Gram Nyayalayas
04.08.2010 Committee/2010/41 Order
22.05.2010 3/Misc./2010 Notification
22.05.2010 F.26(12)Judl. Raj. Judl. Officers (Medical Facilities) (Amendment) Rules, 2010
30.04.2010 No.5/S.R.O./2010 Notification
30.04.2010 No.4/S.R.O./2010 Notification
29.04.2010 2/Misc./2010 Circular
26.04.2010 06 E.V./2010 N O T I C E
15.04.2010 Estt(RJS)28/2010 Notification for Promotion in DJ Cadre by Limited Competitive Examination
15.04.2010 Estt.(RJS)26/2010 Notification for Direct Recruitment to DJ Cadre
31.03.2010   Notification of vacancies
16.03.2010 05 E.V./2010 Notification
01.12.2009 16 E.V./2009 Notice
27.10.2009 10 Circular
15.10.2009 11 Notification
14.10.2009 10 Notification
04.08.2008 859 Ammended Notification
04.08.2008 858 Notification
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