Rajasthan High Court
Tuesday March 25, 2025
Standing Orders
Dated Order/ Dispatch Number Description
17.03.2025 05 Standing Order No 05.SO.2025 Dated 12.03.2025
28.02.2025 04/S.O./2025 Standing Order No. 04/S.O./2025 Dated 28.02.2025 Regarding roster for hearing bail applications arising out of the same FIR
31.07.2024 22 Standing Order No 22.SO.2024 Dated 30.07.2024
02.07.2024 19 Standing Order No 19.SO.2024 Dated 01.07.2024
02.07.2024 18 Standing Order No 18.SO.2024 Dated 01.07.2024
18.06.2024 17 Standing Order No 17.SO.2024 Dated 15.06.2024
18.06.2024 16 Standing Order No 16.SO.2024 Dated 15.06.2024
03.06.2024 15/SO/2024 Standing Order No 15.SO.2024 Dated 31.05.2024
15.05.2024 13 Order No.13/S.O./2024 Dated 14-05-2024 Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur
16.02.2024 8 Order No.08/S.O./2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the incharge of Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench. Jaipur
16.02.2024 7 Order No.07/S.O./2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the incharge of Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur
16.02.2024 6 Order No.06/S.O/2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the Honorable Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee Jaipur Bench.Jaipur
16.02.2024 5 Order No.05/S.O/2024 Dated 16-02-2024 Regarding Nomination of the Honorable Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee Jodhpur
31.01.2024 02/S.O./2024 Standing Order No. 02/S.O./2024 Dated 31.01.2024 Regarding ensuring that the caste/religion of a litigant be not mentioned in the memo of parties in any petition/ suit/ proceeding filed before High Court or Subordinate Court.
18.01.2024 Standing Order No 01.SO.2024 Dated17.01.2024
22.12.2023 40 Regarding S.O.40-2023 Date 22-12-2023
22.12.2023 39 Regarding S.O.39-2023 Date 22-12-2023
29.11.2023 38 Regarding S.O.38-2023 Date 29-11-2023
06.10.2023 35/S.O./2023 Standing Order No.35/S.O./2023 dated 06.10.2023
16.09.2023 32/SO/2023 Standing Order NO.32-S.O.-2023 DATE 15-09-2023
04.09.2023 30 STANDING ORDER NO 30/S.O./2023 DATED 02-09-2023
24.07.2023 27 Standing Order NO.27-S.O.-2023 DATE 21-07-2023
24.07.2023 26/SO/2023 Standing Order NO.26-S.O.-2023 DATE 21-07-2023
24.07.2023 25/S.O/2023 Standing Order NO.25-S.O.-2023 DATE 21-07-2023
24.07.2023 24/S.O./2023 Standing Order NO.24-S.O.-2023 DATE 20-07-2023
15.07.2023 23 Standing Order NO.23-S.O.-2023 DATE 14-07-2023
13.04.2023 19 NO. 19/S.O./2023 DATE 10.04.2023
29.03.2023 17 NO. 17/S.O./2023 DATE 28.03.2023
16.03.2023 15 No.15/S.O./2023
16.03.2023 14 No. 14/S.O./2023
02.03.2023 13 No. 13/S.O./2023
20.02.2023 12 No. 12/S.O./2023 Dated 20.02.2023
02.02.2023 11 No. 11/S.O./2023 Dated 02.02.2023
19.01.2023 Standing Order No 09/SO/2023 Dated 18-01-2023 Guidelines-Norms for Internship with Rajasthan State Judicial Academy Jodhpur
19.01.2023 Standing Order No 08/SO/2023 Dated 12-01-2023 Regarding Guideline to Provide Sticker LOGO for Identification of the Vehicles of in-service Officer/Officials
12.01.2023 7 No. 07/S.O./2023 Dated 12.01.2023
12.01.2023 6 No. 06/S.O./2023 Dated 12.01.2023 regarding LITIGANTS WELFARE FUND SCHEME
11.01.2023 04/S.O./2023 No. 04/S.O./2023 Dated 11.01.2023
09.01.2023 03/2023 No.03/S.O./2023 Dated - 09.01.2023
07.01.2023 Standing Order Regarding Nomination - Order No.02/S.O./2023 Date 07.01.2023
13.12.2022 24 No.24/S.O./2022 Dated - 13.12.2022
17.09.2022 19/S.O./2022 Order No. 19/S.O./2022 dated 16.09.2022
18.08.2022 17/S.O./2022 Guardianship Order Number 17/S.O./2022 dated 18.08.2022
20.07.2022 The Guidelines for Allotment of Auditorium at Rajasthan High Court 2022
14.03.2022 06/SO/2022 Order No. 06/S.O./2022 dated 14.03.2022
05.03.2022 05/S.O./2022 Order No. 05/S.O./2022 dated 05.03.2022
25.02.2022 04/S.O./2022 Order No. 04/S.O./2022 dated 25.02.2022 regarding re-allocation of Jhunjhunu Judgeship for inspection.
04.01.2022 S.O./2022/02 Order No. S.O./2022/02 dated 04.01.2022 regarding tagging of lower court records.
03.01.2022 01/S.O./2022 Order No 01/S.O./2022 Date 03.01.2022 Allocation of Judgeships for Inspection by the Hon. Judges
25.11.2021 12 STANDING ORDER - No-12-SO-2021 Date 25-11-2021
23.11.2021 11 STANDING ORDER - No-11-SO-2021 Date 23-11-2021
23.11.2021 10 STANDING ORDER - No-10-SO-2021 Date 23-11-2021
22.11.2021 5098 Standing Order No 09-SO-2021 date 22-11-2021
20.11.2021 No 08 SO 2021 ORDER No 08 SO 2021 ORDER
01.11.2021 7 No. 7/S.O./2021
22.10.2021 NO 06 S O 2021 Standing Order In Suo Moto Writ Petition (C) No.4/2021
21.10.2021 3591 Nomination of Honourable Mr. Justice Sandeep Mehta as Administrative Judge
03.02.2021 Notification regarding Rajasthan High Court Service Rules, 2002
06.01.2021 01 STANDING ORDER - No. 01-SO-2021 Dated 06-01-2021.
14.10.2020 17 STANDING ORDER - No.17-SO-2020 Dated 13-10-2020.
08.07.2020 3971 Standing Order - No. 11/S.O./2020 Dated 08.07.2020
15.06.2020 10 SO 2020 Order No 10 S O-2020 Date 15-06-2020
18.05.2020 08 SO 2020 Order No 08-2020 Date 18-05-2020 Regarding Special Casual Leave
27.04.2020 7 Standing Order for not incorporating caste in judicial and administrative matters
17.04.2020 06 SO 2020 Order No 06-2020 Date 13-04-2020 Allocation of Judgeships for Inspection by the Hon. Judges
19.03.2020 05 SO 2020 Order No 05-2020 Date 18-03-2020 Re-allocation of Judgeships for Inspection by the Hon. Judges
12.02.2020 04/S.O./2020 The Guidelines For Use Of Creche Facility In The New High Court Building At Jodhpur
03.02.2020 03/S.O./2020 Ensuring no record of trial court is kept unattended in sections
28.01.2020 02/S.O./2020 Special Casual Leaves for Officers of Registry and Staff of Rajasthan High Court.
09.01.2020 01/S.O./2020 eFiling in Rajasthan High Court
19.12.2019 18/S.O./2019 Regarding listing of fresh matters
19.11.2019 17/S.O./2019 Nomination of Incharge to look after the leave matter of Judicial Officers ( excluding officers on deputation ) and the matters under RCS (Conduct) Rules 1971dated 19-11-2019
14.11.2019 16/S.O./2019 Nomination of Administrative Judge
07.11.2019 15/S.O./2019 Nomination of Incharge Mediation Centre Rajasthan High Court Bench at Jaipur
24.09.2019 14/S.O./2019 Nomination of Incharge Mediation Center Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur
11.09.2019 13/S.O./2019 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
06.09.2019 12/S.O./2019 Regarding conduct of court proceedings of Rajasthan High Court between Principal Seat at Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur through video conferencing
21.08.2019 11/S.O./2019 Proper attestation of affidavit by Oath Commissioners
05.08.2019 10/S.O./2019 Regarding prohibition of videography and photography of court proceedings
09.07.2019 09/S.O./2019 Rajasthan High Court Principal Seat Advocates Chambers (Allotment and Occupancy) Amendment Rules, 2019
02.07.2019 08/S.O./2019 Nomination of Incharge Mediation centre Rajasthan High Court Bench at Jaipur
17.06.2019 07/S.O./2019 Rajasthan High Court Principal Seat Advocates Chambers (Allotment and Occupancy) Rules, 2019
21.05.2019 06/S.O./2019 Nomination of Administrative Judge
15.05.2019 05/S.O./2019 Regarding withdrwal of SO 12/2014 order to reflect main and misc. cases on NJDG
16.03.2019 04/S.O./2019 Nomination of Chairman Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jaipur
23.01.2019 03/S.O./2019 Regarding filing of with typed copies of documents which are faint or not legible.
08.01.2019 02/S.O./2019 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
07.01.2019 01/S.O./2019 Regarding sanction of Child Care Leave to female employees of Rajasthan High Court
06.12.2018 25/S.O./2018 Nomination of Judge Incharge for quarterly returns received from the subordinate Courts
04.12.2018 No.08/S.R.O./2018 DT-03-12-2018
03.12.2018 24 Order No. 24/S.O./2018 Dated 01.12.2018
03.12.2018 23 Order No. 23/S.O./2018 Dated 01.12.2018
01.12.2018 24/S.O./2018 Nomination of Incharge of Mediation at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur
01.12.2018 23/S.O./2018 Nomination of Chairman of the Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jodhpur
05.09.2018 20/S.O./2018 Nomination of Incharge of Mediation centre at Rajasthan High Court Bench at Jaipur
05.09.2018 19/S.O./2018 Nomination of Incharge of Mediation centre at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur
05.09.2018 18/S.O./2018 Nomination of Chairman of the Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jodhpur
05.09.2018 17/S.O./2018 Nomination of Chairman of the Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jaipur
04.09.2018 16/S.O./2018 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
24.08.2018 15/S.O./2018 Regarding hearing of matters pertaining to recruitment and condition of service etc. under RJS Rules 2010, Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules 2002 etc. by Division Bench
21.08.2018 14/S.O./2018 Permission to undertake journey in Motor Car owned by the Judicial Officers on official visits
20.08.2018 13/S.O./2018 Regarding proforma A B and C to identify and classify similar type of cases to be duly filled in and signed by the concerned advocate
01.08.2018 12/S.O./2018 Regarding mentioning of mobile number and e-mail ID of parties in pleadings and enrollment number, mobile number and e-mail ID in Vakalatnama or memo of appearance.
09.07.2018 11/S.O./2018 Nomination of Judge Incharge for quarterly returns received from the subordinate Courts
09.07.2018 10/S.O./2018 Nomination of Judge Incharge to look after the leave matters and matters under RCS(Conduct) Rules 1971 regarding acquisition and disposal of properties by Judicial Officers.
27.06.2018 08/S.O./2018 Regarding direction of the Honble Court in SB Civil Writ 5796/2018 order dated 01.05.2018 to ensure proper and minute checking of judicial files.
04.05.2018 04/S.O./2018 Partial Modification in Rajasthan High Court Pool Car Instructions 2017
09.04.2018 03/S.O./2018 Regarding tagging and listing of appeal before DB where an appeal is already pending before DB and another accused is awarded lesser sentence.
20.03.2018 02/S.O./2018 Direction regarding affidavit, reply rejoinders by parties to be accepted only with continuing pagination
04.01.2018 01/S.O./2018 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
29.11.2017 21/S.O./2017 Nomination of Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jodhpur
29.11.2017 20/S.O./2017 Nomination of Judge Incharge Mediation Centre at Rajasthan High Court Jodhpur
21.11.2017 19/S.O./2017 Nomination of Judge Incharge to look after the leave matters and matters under RCS(Conduct) Rules 1971 regarding acquisition and disposal of properties by Judicial Officers.
09.11.2017 18/S.O./2017 The Rajasthan State Judicial Academy, Allotment of Auditorium Conference Hall Guest House Class Room and Hostel Rules 2017
26.10.2017 17/S.O./2017 Procedure for obtaining information by the Sections of High Court from each other
04.09.2017 16/S.O./2017 Regarding e-published Gazette Notification on official website of Government of India.
08.08.2017 15/S.O./2017 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
15.06.2017 14/S.O./2017 Regarding compliance of rule 157(1) of RHC Rules 1952 and disclosure of filing defects to advocates
03.06.2017 13/S.O./2017 Regarding non disclosure of personal details(PAN Aadhar DL Mobile etc.) in cause title.
10.05.2017 12/S.O./2017 Order regarding maintenance and custody of Judicial Records in continuation to SO/05/2017.
18.04.2017 11/S.O./2017 Rajasthan High Court Pool Car Instructions
04.04.2017 10/S.O./2017 Standing Order regarding retiral benefits be made available to Honble Judges on the due date
04.04.2017 09/S.O./2017 Regarding direction issued by Honble Apex court in Hussain and Anr. VS UOI regarding timely disposal of criminal bails and appeals.
25.03.2017 08/S.O./2017 Regarding Compliance of Honble Courts order dated 02.03.2017 in S.B. Civil First Appeal No. 192/1995 for dealing clerks and court masters.
02.03.2017 06/S.O./2017 Regarding compliance of Honble Courts order dated 26.08.2016 in DB C.R.A. No. 223/2016 (Jaipur Bench) and order dated 05.01.2017 in DB special Appeal Writ No. 387/2015 (Jodhpur) and to keep proper track of service of processes mentioning notes regarding service and updating counsel name.
20.02.2017 05/S.O./2017 Standing Order regarding regarding movement of files between sections Inspection as per rules and maintenance of register of persons visiting Judicial sections in High Court.
15.02.2017 04/S.O./2017 Regarding compliance of four base line reports of Honble SCMS Committee dated 04.10.2016
20.01.2017 03/S.O./2017 Standing Order regarding observation about continuation and operation of interim orders made in DB Special Appeal Writ No 347/2016 State and Ors VS Razzak Mohammad and Ors
04.01.2017 02/S.O./2017 Impleading of State of Rajasthan as necessary party in all Contempt Petitions
02.01.2017 01/S.O./2017 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
03.10.2016 20/S.O./2016 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
26.09.2016 19/S.O./2016 Regarding case files to reach timely in the concerned courts in event of non sitting of Honble Judge(s)
21.09.2016 18/S.O./2016 Direction to mention details of FIR Number, Police Station and District in all Criminal Cases
20.09.2016 17/S.O./2016 Regarding reconstitution of Inspection Cell at Principal Seat Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur
16.09.2016 16/S.O./2016 Regarding permission to travel by Government Vehicle on official visit within state
28.06.2016 15/S.O./2016 Regarding False endorsement by Advocate Clerks on the documents
27.06.2016 14/S.O./2016 Regarding Nomination of Honble Judge to monitor the cases u/s 34 Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 pending in Subordinate Courts.
17.05.2016 13/S.O./2016 Regarding Filling system of Special Appeals
02.05.2016 12/S.O./2016 Nomination of Judge Incharge, Mediation Centre at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur
27.04.2016 11/S.O./2016 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
16.04.2016 10/S.O./2016 Corrigendum regarding S.O. No. 14/S.O./2014 regarding the Rajasthan High Court Guest House Amendment Rules, 2016
12.04.2016 09/S.O./2016 The Rajasthan High Court Guest House Amendment Rules, 2016
18.03.2016 05/S.O./2016 Regarding requirement of formal application under Rule 161 of the High Court Rules to prepone pending cases
18.03.2016 04/S.O./2016 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
24.02.2016 03/S.O./2016 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
02.02.2016 02/S.O./2016 Steps for Updation of Monthly Statistics on Supreme Court Server
05.11.2015 18/S.O./2015 Order regarding writ Petition or other proceedings pertaining to examination of District Judge Cadre, 2015
06.10.2015 16/S.O./2015 Order regarding Writ Petitions or other proceedings pertaining to examination of Civil Judge Cadre, 2015
26.09.2015 15/S.O./2015 Partial Modification of 05/SO/2015 regarding nomination of Inspecting Judges
31.08.2015 13/S.O./2015 Regarding uniform nomenclature/case type for the cases filed at Rajasthan High Court
20.08.2015 10/S.O./2015 Regarding uniform nomenclature/case type for the cases filed at Rajasthan High Court
12.08.2015 09/S.O./2015 Order regarding Dress code for Judicial Officer posted in Registry
11.08.2015 08/S.O./2015 Non requirement for mentioning caste in description filed by parties in appeals, applications and affidavits.
28.07.2015 07/S.O./2015 Regarding compulsory mentioning of the District name on the file by the parties.
06.07.2015 05/S.O./2015 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
04.07.2015 04/S.O./2015 Nomination of Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jaipur
10.06.2015 03/S.O./2015 Directions to be complied with by the Vigilance Cell while dealing with the complaints against the Judicial Officers
05.01.2015 01/S.O./2015 Rules for allotment of Lawyers chambers of Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur 2014
26.11.2014 15/S.O./2014 Addenda to The Rajasthan High Court Guest House Rules, 2014.
24.11.2014 14/S.O./2014 Regarding direction for protocol staff of the High Court.
31.10.2014 13/S.O./2014 The Rajasthan High Court Guest House Rules, 2014
07.10.2014 12/S.O./2014 Order to treat all Misc. Cases as Interim Applications in Main Cases and not to reflect them in pendency statistics.
22.09.2014 11/S.O./2014 Regarding inclusion of text in summons notices about availability of facility for amicable settlement by trained mediators at Mediation Centre High Court
22.09.2014 10/S.O./2014 Regarding Nomination of Honble Judge to monitor the cases u/s 34 Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 pending in Subordinate Courts.
29.07.2014 09/S.O./2014 Directions with regard to the Rajasthan High Court Retired Judges (Facilities for Medical Concession) Scheme, 2013
24.07.2014 08/S.O./2014 Nomination of Judge Incharge Mediation Center at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur
24.07.2014 07/S.O./2014 Nomination of Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jodhpur
24.07.2014 06/S.O./2014 Regarding temporary relaxation in resolved norms for the Post of Registrar (Vigilance) Principal Seat Jodhpur and Bench Jaipur.
22.07.2014 05/S.O./2014 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
07.07.2014 04/S.O./2014 Nomination of Administrative Judge.
07.07.2014 03/S.O./2014 Regarding monetary limit of Purchase reimbursement of Briefcase by DR (Non RJS) and PS
26.05.2014 01/S.O./2014 Regarding early disposal of disciplinary proceedings
28.11.2013 Format of Confidential Report of the Judicial Officers
03.10.2013 No.S.O./14/2013 Nomination of Chairman, Rajasthan High Court Legal Service Committee, Jaipur
03.10.2013 No.S.O./13/2013 Nomination of Judge Incharge, Mediation Centre at Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur
01.10.2013 O.K../12/2013 Nomination of Judge Incharge, Mediation Centre at Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur
01.10.2013 No.S.O./11/2013 Nomination of Inspecting Judge
01.10.2013 No.S.O./10/2013 Nomination of Judge Incharge for leave matters of Judicial Officers
01.10.2013 No.S.O./9/2013 Work Assignment to Administrative Judge
01.10.2013 No.S.O./8/2013 Nomination of Administrative Judge
05.08.2013 No.S.O./06/2013 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
06.02.2013 No.S.O./01/2013 Nomination of Inspecting Judges
04.12.2012 12 Standing Order
21.11.2012 11 Standing Order
21.11.2012 10 Standing Order
25.09.2012 08 Standing Order
25.09.2012 07 Standing Order
11.06.2012 03 Standing Order
31.05.2011 09 Standing Order
04.02.2011 05 Standing Order
30.07.2010 13 Standing Order
26.05.2010 12 Standing Order
27.01.2010 4 Standing Order
21.11.2009 19 Standing Order
18.11.2009 18 Standing Order
08.09.2009 14 Standing Order
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