Rajasthan High Court
Saturday December 21, 2024
Anupinder Singh Grewal
Name : Hon'ble Mr. Justice Anupinder Singh Grewal
Date Of Birth : 10.03.1964
Educational Qualification : B.A.(Hons.), M.A., LL.B.
Date of Enrolment : 19.09.1992
Date of Elevation : 25.09.2014
Judge, Rajasthan High Court : 19.12.2014
Date of Transfer : 05.10.2016 (P&H High Court)
Prof. Area of Specialization : Civil, Criminal and Constitutional matters

Started practice in 1992– at Punjab and Haryana High Court, Assistant Advocate General, Punjab from 10.03.1995 to 21.04.1997, Deputy Advocate General from 13.06.1997 till re- designation as Senior Deputy Advocate General on 16.04.2002 and worked as such till 07.09.2005, Additional Advocate General, Punjab from 07.09.2005 till elevation. Argued important cases pertaining to Civil, Constitutional, Criminal, Service, Land Acquisition and Public Interest Litigation, for over 19 years on behalf of State of Punjab. Appointed Central Government Counsel in November, 2007 for conducting cases before Punjab & Haryana High Court and appeared in important cases for Union of India including LPAs, CEA, arbitration cases, writ petitions challenging orders of CAT, matters pertaining to seniority of MES engineers and promotion of Income-tax Officers. Appointed Senior Panel Counsel for conducting Central Government cases in the High Court of Punjab & Haryana w.e.f. 30th November 2009 and continued till elevation. Conducted matters pertaining to public interest litigation, writs challenging vires of Central Acts and other important litigation for the Union of India. Appointed amicus curaie by High Court in several important cases including matter where effect of Judicial Officer pronouncing orders/ judgments without signing or detailing reasons was in question, reported as 2007 (4) RCR Civil 731. Represented several Boards and Corporations before the High Court. Conducted cases before other forums including AAIFR, CAT and Arbitration Tribunals. Also conducted matters pertaining to litigation between private parties.

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